3434 U.S. Government films (1954)

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24 U. S. GOVERNMENT FILMS Cancer: The Problem of Early Diag- nosis U.S. Public Health Service in coopera- tion with American Cancer Society, 1949. How early suspicion, accurate diagnosis, and effective treatment by family doctor can reduce cancer deaths. For medical and nursing personnel. (30 minutes, color) 26 Cane Sugar U.S. Department of Agriculture in co- operation with American Film Center, 1939. How sugarcane is grown and har- vested and sugar manufactured. Prepared for school use. Long version "Sugarcane" also available. (5 minutes) 32, 41 Canning Beef U.S. Office of Education, 1945. (Farm Work Series. Food Preservation No. 2) How to prepare soup stock; preheat beef; pack hot beef in cans; seal the cans; and cool and dry the cans before pack- ing. Supplementary filmstrip, same title, also available. (OE 455; 17 minutes) 32, 41 Capacitance: Parts 1 and 2 U.S. Department of the Navy, 1943. (Radio Technician Training Series) How electrons flow thru a circuit; how con- densers charge and discharge; variations of a charge on a condenser in relation to time; behavior of capacitance with alternating current. Supplementary film- strip, same title, also available. (MN 1540-a; 30 minutes) 7, 41 Capital Story U.S. Office of War Information, Overseas Branch, 1945. How U.S. Public Health Service scientists in the industrial field work for betterment of working condi- tions in factories. (20 minutes) 32,41 Carburetion U.S. Department of the Air Force, 1941. (Aircraft Engines Series) Functions, parts, and variations of carburetors; air and gas mixtures used; variations in ratio desirable for idling, acceleration, and maximum power; special problems created by dives and operation at high altitudes; devices to control mixture under varying conditions. Animated dia- grams. (TF 1-137; 37 minutes) 7, 32, 41 Care and Maintenance of Tapered Roller Bearings U.S. Department of the Army, 1941. Care, maintenance, and adjustment; how units are disassembled, cleaned, inspected, lubricated, and reassembled. (TF 11-257; 31 minutes) 41 Care and Operation of Gun Cameras U.S. Department of the Navy, 1945. Various types of gun cameras; how to set speed-change dial, speed index ring, and lens diaphragm ring; maintenance, lubrication, installation, and purpose of AN gun camera. (MN 4376; 22 minutes) 41 Care of a Tractor U.S. Office of Education, 1944. (Farm Work Series. Equipment Maintenance No. 6) Day-by-day operating care of a tractor; importance of periodic inspec- tions; parts of the tractor, including cooling system, fuel system, and ignition system. Supplementary filmstrip, same title, also available. (OE 454; 22 min- utes) 32, 41 Care of the Cardiac Patient U.S. Office of Education, 1945. (Nursing Series) Nursing care given a cardiac patient, including comfort, rest, sleep, diet, feeding, elimination, cleanliness, and diversional and occupational therapy. Supplementary filmstrip, same title, also available. (OE 419; 33 minutes) 32, 41 Care of the Feet U.S. Department of the Navy, 1946. How to select properly fitting shoes: use of measuring machine by storekeeper; how ill fitting shoes cause corns and cal-