3434 U.S. Government films (1954)

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MOTION PICTURES 41 Cylinder Head Removal U.S. Department of the Navy, 1945. (Progressive Maintenance on the Gen- eral Motors 12-567A Diesel Engines Series. Disassembly) How to remove pis- ton oil cooling tubes, cylinder head covers, test valve, rocker arm assemblies, fuel lines, injector linkage, injectors, and cylinder head. (MN 3708-a; 6 minutes) 41 The Day Is New U.S. Coordinator of Inter-American Af- fairs, 1942. A day in Mexico City from dawn to dark; daily pursuits similar to those found in middle-class American city life. (10 minutes) 32, 41 Day of Battle UJ5. Office of War Information, Domestic Branch, 1944. How an aircraft carrier was built and destroyed in battle against the Japanese in the South Pacific. Cam- era record of American iron ore, steel, tungsten, manganese, and courage, brought together to make an important day in American history. (10 minutes) 32, 41 Day's Work of a Navigator: At Sea U.S. Department of the Navy, 1950. General duties of navigator on a de- stroyer. Continued in "Day's Work of a Navigator: In Pilot Waters." (MN 6742- b; 15 minutes) 41 Day's Work of a Navigator: In Pilot Waters U.S. Department of the Navy, 1950. Continues material in "Day's Work of a Navigator: At Sea." Additional duties. (MN 6742-c; 13 minutes) 41 D-Day Convoy U.S. Department of the Army, 1948. (Historical Reports Series) Postwar re- capitulation of activities prior to and including D-day; how American troops were moved from all parts of England to embarkation ports for Normandy in- vasion. (HR-B-15; 19 minutes) 12, 32, 41 D-Day Minus One U.S. Department of the Air Force, 1945. Operations of the 82nd and 101st Air- borne Divisions; how paratroops, glider and troop carrier crews went into France to spearhead the attack before the main invasion. (SFP 158; 20 minutes) 11, 32, 41 DDT U.S. Department of the Navy, 1944. (Medicine in Action Series, No. 5) Use of DDT as insecticide and larvicide; how mixed effects are obtained; precautions to be observed; dispersal methods, in emulsion, oil, or dust solutions, and areas. (MN 3726-e; 16 minutes, color) 41 DDT as a Mosquito Larvicide U.S. Public Health Service, 1947. (Mal- aria Control Series) Hand spraying DDT in mosquito larviciding; mixture of solu- tion; equipment, its functions, care, and precautions in use; approved application practices; and advantages of DDT. (CDC 4-035.2; 17 minutes) 27, 41 DDT as a Mosquito Larvicide U.S. Public Health Service, 1947. (Mal- aria Control Series) Hand spraying DDT in mosquito larviciding: mixture of solu- tion; equipment, its functions, care, and precautions in use; approved application practices and advantages of DDT. De- tailed version for spray crews. (CDC 4-035; 25 minutes) 27 DDT in the Control of Household Insects U.S. Department of the Army, 1948. Responsibilities of Corps of Engineers and Medical Department; how to use three forms of DDT and equipment to kill houseflies, cockroaches, and bedbugs; habits of these insects. (TF 8-1468; 17 minutes) 32, 41 Dead Out U.S. Department of Agriculture, 1948. Dramatization of dangers of brush burn- ing without proper safety precautions;