U. S. Radio (Oct 1957-Dec 1958)

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soundings Network Upswing Credited To New Sales and Programming Methods General upswing in network radio is due to new sales methods and new programming methods. Few hall-hours or hours are being bought in toto by one advertiser. Exceptions: Home Life Insurance buy of Jack Benny and Phillip Morris' expansion of regional country-style show on CBS: Dow Chemical sponsors countn' style show on NBC Daytime Saturdays and renewal of Telephone Hour. Rest of netAvork picture consists of segments (See Report from Networks, p. 54.) MBS' new management is publicizing fact that in less than two months the tide has been turned putting the network on a profitable — "small but significant" — basis. Male Buying Patterns Influence Nighttime Trend More leisure listening during evening hours by the man of the house is attracting certain sponsors to nighttime radio. Products concerned are those which male customers actually go out and buy themselves or those which they specify by brand when the wife does the weekly shopping. Among these are gas and oil, tires, batteries, insurance. Cigarettes and beer, moreover, are finding it hard to get good time that competition doesn't have, so they're helping to spark nighttime trend. Magazine Concepts Joe Culligan's "Imagery Transfer" at NBC is attracting magazinebound advertisers stich as American Institute of Men's and Boy's Wear, Waverly Fabrics, Ruberoid Company, Equitable Life. Magazine concept is factor in that buys are flexible and can be made on such short term bases as three weeks, four weeks, or every other week. Wooing Teen-Agers? CBS is re-working its block programming idea for nighttime which will concentrate on the teen-age audience. Plan is to try to sell it to two or three major advertisers in a combination that might shape up into a soft drink, cosmetic and cigarette. Saturation Spots Spilling Over More saturation is being bought, such as Pepsodent's more than 300 per in some markets. Spots are spilling over to other than prime traffic times such as between 9 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. to accommodate the heavy satination campaigns. This hits housewife audience of steady, faithful adidt listeners. (See Report from Representatives, p. 52.) Department Stores Eye Hard-Hitting Sell Copy On Air Department stores are watching competitors' use of radio closely to see if new trend to hard-hitting, merchandise-selling copy will warrant re-evaluation of their media budgets. Stores using institutional sell have not been fully convinced of value of radio. In Binningham, Pizitz, Alabama's largest store is sponsoring newscasts practically around the clock on Bartell Group station WYDE. Saturation calls for newscast practically every half hour with commercials doing hard-sell job for store. Extensive merchandising promotion also being carried on. Keystone's 1,000 Strong factor, according to Keystone Broadcasting System, on its much publicized success in rounding out affiliate ntnuber to even 1,000, is its accent on flexibility to give advertisers wide coverage selection. U.S. RADIO • October 1957