U. S. Radio (Oct 1957-Dec 1958)

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"h is lull iKognitiou. indeed, of network radio's toniebaik during tlie past year that a new publitalion, devoted exilusively to the pioneering broadcasting niediuni, will soon be with us. We at NBC look expectantly to the first issue of V. s. RADIO and wish you many successful anniversaries to come in your new venture." Robert W. Sarnoff President National Broadcasting Company "I he launching of v. s. radio is a most significant event. It comes at a time when die prospect for the future of the industry was never brighter. ABN, which is also launching a project — many new 'live' musical programs — extends to u. s. radio its best wishes for a successful future in its exclusive coverage of the radio medium." Robert E. Eastman President American Broadcasting Network "I am happy to join in welcoming a new publication dedicated solely to the field of radio broadcasting. Radio has proved it occupies a real niche in the -American way of life. f. s. radio we know will provide what we in radio are always needing — a publication devoted to reporting, in full detail, the impact of radio on .Xmcritan life." Paul Roberts President Mutual Broadcasting System ".•\s you proi)ably know, the activities of John Blair &: Company are devoted exclusively to Spot Radio. So naturally we approve the announced objective of devoting your new magazine exclusively to the radio field. To f. s. radio, our sincere wisiies for a full measure of sue cess." John Blair President John Blair & Co. "I he launching of i. s. radio should l)e welcomed as a solid tribute to our ama/ing radio broadcast industry. May you realize fully the tremendous opportunity that is yours to chronicle the relentless advancement of our dvnamic medium." John F. Meagher Vice President For Radio National Association of Radio and Television Broadcasters " 1 Ik (our.ige shown by you in publishing a magazine devoted exclusively lo Radio, one of the greatest mediums of communications we have ever known. is highly commendable. "Please accept on behalf of myself and every member firm of SR.\ sincere best wishes for outstanding success." Larry Webb Managing Director Station Representatives Association, Inc. "R.ulio IS a incdiuin wall main \alues which (an be employed lo .idvaiilage in .id\eriising siraicgics. However, the opp')rtuiiiiics aviiilable can be missed unless radio is used with great care, be cause it is different from the structure in the pretelevision era." Arthur S. Pordoll Modin Group Dircclir Foote, Cone & Belding "It is a pleasure to add our sincere wishes for success to you in your newventure. If the statc-d purpose and scope of V. s. radio are realized, we are confident a real service to the radio in dustry will have been rendered. Please accept our heartiest encouragement." "Radio or 'Wireless' is a fascinating business — John J. Tormey Director of Radio Sales Avery-Knodel, Inc. "Publishing a m.ig.izine de\(ited exclusively to radio cannot fail lo bc' fascinating. "It is high time someone saw tlie light and is doing something for this industry. "Congratulations and lo.ids of luck Willi f. s. radio" Robert H. Boiling The Bvi.linq Company. Inc. "It gives me great pleasure to congratulate you on the birth of U.S. RADIO. The radio induslnt has long lucdccl .1 public ilion devoted to its inuicsis and championing its causes. .\ncl vour timing could not be more auspicious, coinciding as it does with r.idios great resurgence. I predict a great future for both!" Frank M. Headley Preside" H-R RepresenTafives. inc. "Rcg.irding f.s. radio. I know that it will be a great success and I wish for vou all of tile best. Let mc congratulate Mill on a fine new ide,i." R. W. Rounsavilie Rounsaville Radio Stations