U. S. Radio (Jan-Dec 1959)

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THE NB RADIO NETWORI this month launched ima( RUSSIA. For four consecutiweeks, four nights a week, i hour-and-a-half each nigh IMAGE RUSSIA Is exploring eve aspect of Soviet life. Listene hear the actual voices of Russij leaders, of people who ha traveled in the USSR. They vi> the theatres, laboratories, lab camps. They hear from Airif ican Communists and fro former Communists who fli Russia for the West. After complete, objective, factual an; ysis, they will be able to draw i formed conclusions of their ow Through special broadcasts li IMAGE RUSSIA, and regular] scheduled programs like nigi LINE, monitor, meet THE PRE: and the national farm a home hour, NBC Radio kee America informed. In 19 alone, NBC audiences heard Secretary of Agriculture Bens on farm problems. Nehru on t 8th anniversary of the Indi Republic. Senator John Kt nedy on education. Vice Pre dent Nixon on his South Ame can trip. Ghana's Prime Min ter Nkrumah on the future Africa's newest countfy. Only a radio network could of public affairs coverage of si immediacy and magnitude. For complete on-the-spot cov age, all year long, around i world, America turns to the s tions of the NBC Radio Netwo