U. S. Radio (Jan-Dec 1960)

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-nus Is N^ n»«" • »« Corp* VloV^a^i^ D Street 1 come aci ^ advei val>i«' *" ,ontam tny ^°^taT. service ^, .^„ 3ust tV^e .a..avs-f;au!uVr-rr--^ 1 suVl do-, -^n.'p.oless.onal ^,,^0. areateet Bupet^^^^ ding eq^^^P ^^ to ■a!5^;;=."-;:;:;::. .„.»,- ..on-tV^e-spot >^ ,.proie8Biona^ CorPI tX y-^fV » r 0 LN ^^■Hfl ^Jl FEATU RES Exclusive VU METER for distortion control TAPE SPEED: 3V4" per second WOW & FLUTTER: 0.3% FREQUENCY RESPONSE: 50-10,000: + 3 db range 100-8000 OUTPUTS: 2-One lOmw at 2,000 ohms: Two Zero VU at 600 ohms Requires NO ELECTRICITY Operates on a SINGLE battery Completely TRANSISTORIZED Weighs ONLY 3 lbs. All recordings can be MONITORED Optional accessories for every conceivable use MOHAWK midgetape PROFESSIONAL 500 World's First Broadcast Quality Pocket Tape Recorder A Palm-size Engineering Masterpiece that instantly captures and records any conversation, music or other sound and plays it right back in rich, professional Hi-Fidelity quality for radio broadcasting — TV — and many other business and personal uses. HEARING IS BELIEVING For literature and a Free Demonstration In your office, write or phone ,if/. S. RADIO • August 1960 71