U. S. Radio (Jan-Dec 1960)

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^^HF' M Ml '^ !■ ^ ^^fc *>. ■f A SILVER SPOON IS NOT ENOUGH She may be born with "advantascs" and raised with love— but there still can be plenty lacking. That is. if the school she goes to isn't good enough. Crowded classrooms, unciualified teachers, outdated equipment, inadequate curriculum — any one of these can shortchange your child's education and her future. Look into the quality of the schools she'll attend -work through your local committees or your School Board for their improvement. Doesn't she deserve the best? FREE BOOKLET! Measure the quality of I'duralion offered in your child's school. Find out how it compares with the best in the < Glint ry. ..how you <an make it better. For your < opy— and free guidance on many s( hool prol)lems — write: Belter Schools, 9 Eos* 40fh Street, New York 16, New York. Yardsticks for Public Schools HOMETOWN U-S A station log 1^ ^H* ► News: E\iciciue oi activity by stations to stiimilatc industrial growth, and encourage students to enter broadcast jomnalism coincided recently with cfiorts of a national advertiser to highlight radio's contril)iitions to ]jh\sical edutalion. Ill .Sacramento. KRAK. and ilic SacraiiKiito C^haiiiijer ol CoiiuiKicc have worked out a cooperative project to attract iiidusli\ to the coiununiity. KR.VK stall iiiciiiljers wrote and produced a I2-iiiinutc dramatization of the city as seen through the eyes of a typical resident family. The recording covers the social life, school ' system, recreational facilities, housing, business and iiidusiii il a>pects of Sacramento. The Chamber of Connnerce is mailing the record to key figures in industrial development circles in all parts of the counti v. A corjjorate effort to pioiiioie com TIME CAPSULE marking 25+h anniversary o'f WLEU Erie, Pa., gets copy of U. S. RADIO held by model Joan Prybor. Capsule's home for 25 years will be Erie's new shopping mall. It will be opened on station's 50th anniversary. iiiiiiiiiy interest otters writers and IJioducers of radio broadcasts in the field of physical education a $1, ()()() award irom .\merican Machine & Fouiuliy (io. The award will i)e made to the best broadcast during !!)()() as part of National Recreation Month observance. |iine H)()l. The judges will focus on l)roadcasls calling aiiemion to needs lor improved physical recreation services, individuals and groups working in this area jiicl the overall physical recreation situation. .Seeking guidance Irom i)i()adcaslers, high school editors and ilieii faculty advisers converged on the studios ol WSB .\tlanta last week lor the second annual \\\SB News liroadcasting (^onicicnc e. News Iiroadcasting dcnionsiraiions were given by the stations news team, with faculty members of the Ihiiversitv of Cieorgia's Henry \V. Grady School of |ouriialisiii participating. Seeking to luiiher education in the communications field, the conlereiue is followed l)y a contest open to students who attended. Students sui)mitting their various interpretations of conference functions are eligible lor a first place prize of a year's college tuition. ► Programming The trend toward greater variety in local program content received a boost lorward recently when VVTM | .Milwaukee re])orted it had broadcast scjme 4,900 "Vignette" features since January. The 60-second "Vignettes" range from household tips and cooking hints to handyman ideas, curient events and sports features. VVTMJ's 18 announcers and personalities ta]je from 10 to 12 features, with three or fcjur recordings each w^eek. About 1,000 of the "Vignettes" broadcast so far were live news features. The station reports increased enthusiasm for the "Vi (Cont'd on p. 55) 54 V. 5. RADIO Xo\ ember 1960