Variety (March 1961)

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Wednesday, “March 8. 1961 Cuffo Talent at Disk Jockey Hops 2 F aces AGVA Crackdown on Coast Judy’s Concert Swing Judy Garland is being booked on 1a eoncert tour which will ked on | 'a Carnegie-Hall, N. Y., appearance April .23. Her manager, Freddie. Fields, and David Negelman will}. sponsor this event. VAUDEVILLE 63 |GAC to Be Part of Baldwin-Montrose Chemical Co. Under Proposed Merger; * San Francisco, March 7. + . .. at te Miss. Garland's tour will include A ‘crackdown on the practice. of | De R { A U f ¢ | using free talent at so-called. “rec-i Bill Would F orbid Bias. Rochester, ate Gacemboro, hy | e if S Chc g OY a ée ord hops”. in the Bay Area has|.. At New Hampshire Spots | charlotte. Philadelphia, Chicago been. ‘kicked. off by Phit Downing, |. branch manager here for AGVA. “I have served notice. that: these |. people must ‘be paid our mini-: (ther public place of aecommoda Concord, N.H.,March 7. No one’. would ' be" barred. ‘from an :amusement establishment. or ‘filming “Judgment .at Nuremberg” and Cleveland. She's currently for Stanley Kramer. Book Mahalia Jackson For. European, Israel Tour . + General Artists Corp. is slated ‘to become part of a large mans‘trial complex. The board of di:cetors of the Montrose Chemical Ca, : one ‘and the Baldwin Rubber Co., tomn Do and must’ sign COntion in New Hampshire under a ‘Gospel Singer Mahalia Jackson gether with Centlivre Brewing tracts, owning says. bill. filed in the Legislature. here thas been lined up for a tour of Corp. of Fort Wayne. Ind.. hue “J ran into one: case. last week. A young kid. came up from L:A., paid his own way and: .was sup posed to. appear at a record hop “and he .wasn't going to. get. -paid -one cent, I was able to stop that.” ‘Record ‘hops in the-.Bay Aiea. ‘Bob. care currently being run by Mitchell. and Jim Stakg, -both of “KYA, “I've told Mitchell ‘closer. surveillance at these hops,” Downing said. “We feel if: someone -is good: enough to make an appearance, he's good enough to get paid. If the disk-jockey is going, 1o make-a_ buck, everybody con: cerned: has to, too.” Record hops, under criticism in the record, business since the FCC -payola probe lastyear all but disappeared locally until Mitchell and ¢ and: these people that.I1 am going: to. start by. Rep.. William. A. Craig. Jr, of ’ Mane hester.. ‘The: measure states briefly, “No “person shall directly or ‘indirectly. against any inember. such, in the matter of. board.. Todging or accommodations, privileges. ‘or conveniences offered to the gen-| Greater Allantic City Chamber of | discriminate against any’ réligious | Sect, class: or _ nationality, or. “‘thereot; as eral public at: ‘Places of Public ace coin modations.” P. R. Union Wants To Accent Natives AC's Big Splurge On Tourist Lures _Atlantie City, March 7. The boardwalk division. of the: 4:Commer ce will ask the HotelMotel | Assn., Chamber ‘of Commeyre di‘Yectors and other local business groups to get behind a subscription ; : plan which would raise $46.000. to.! “tage events to bring more. visitors | here through. 14 off-season weekends:: Part of this fund would go to. pay a salary for an entertainment Europe and Israel. She starts her: junket April 7 at Albert Hall, Lon: {don and. continues in major cities ° only a forniality, during that month and thence for: a trip to Israel, plus appearances for U..S. Armed: Forces units. Mildred Falls, Miss Jackson‘s accompanist, will make the trip with j ‘her. Offbeat Concepts Put Mere Artists In Concert Field ‘approved plans for a merger j} Stockholder approval. felt te be remains hefoe the consolidation becomes .¢ flee;jtive. GAC is part of Centlose. ‘Meeting of the Centlivre bead jas held Thursday 2: inv New i York. | At the same time. rumors that ,GAC was about to be spun cf by jits parent, were hotly demed. Re| portedly, several groups were atjtempting to raise about $2 COC.C00 for the purchase of GAC. However, ‘a company spokesman in Poilade Iphia explained that concreliing interest in GAC'’s parent. Centlivee, is not available to the public s1ce more than 51° of the stock is dominated by Herbert Siegel. the new GAC boss, and the Reuss Funily of Fort. Wayne. from whom Siegel obtained the brewery. Stagg started operations _ this = director whose responsibility would Mercury Artists is moving into | Had $70,524 Loss winter. ; ie” save ! Ry” vee ibe to. plan and stage the affairs.) new areas. According to Arthur] Geidivre incidentally, reported waar toe ained bitterly.” says j y AL DINHOFER which, would range .from theatre’! Treffeisen, percentery’s exec veea $70,524 loss in 1959. helore at ‘a plugger tor a major label. “We | \ . . + }~ bring up one of our artists and! San Juan. P.R., March 7. + and: cultural attractions to sports pee, an agency must present the obtained control of GAC. No new drag him around to iio and some-.: times as many as four hops on one weekend. ‘Fhe artist -daesn‘t get: paid at all and in addition we're: ‘asked to turnish 25,50 or 100 free records -to be given away: free at the hop. If we: didn’t the jockeys give us static about: ‘not playing the records: on the air. “I view this as’ an imposition on. The Puerto. Rieo Assn, -of AT~ eve ‘tists & Technicians *PRAAT) has! q rei cailed for legislative action quiring employment. of at least *; rts, For any part of the $46.000 taken, ‘the subscriber would be given an 50% Puerto Riean talent as‘a con-! t allotment: of coupons to be .used: dition of ‘any Commonwealth BOv-; ernment loan to showmen. PRAAT ! also. asked for’ amendments to ‘the . to purchase tickets to any or aij ‘events at discounts: with the tickets 1 ' offbat and the unique in order to exist toda. Following this line. Trieffeisen took off for Europe Monday +7) to ‘iron out the wrinkles for the upcoming tour of the Katanga Danc ers and Singers in the U.S. and‘ tax ‘exemption law to require at, to be disposed. of any way. the sub-| Canada. The trupe. which is due least 50%. local talent be used in »seriber, desires. The ‘project would | for a Toronto breakin about Aug. 15 ‘an originally planned March figures are vet available. At that time, 656.544 shares were outstanding. Centlivre stock sold for around $7 when it started ta take over GAC, but is new around 15° 4. Its traded on the Midwest Steck Exchange. The Internal Revenue Service fmust also render a favorable rufing before consolidation :can become final. kid performers who don't -even radio. sh paws ment. club acts. and ibe handled by the. Off-Season AtCart had been postponed’, will be. under rerns of me anialeaina know theyre supposed’ to be union Panis anguage mms produced ' tractions committee which for sev: d by -M P A fon, . aldwin stockholders si _members or. get. paid.” Downing. PLR. * presente y Mercury Artists. It receive one share of a new comer ‘$ays, “Ithas to stop. From now on they've got to check these things with us, just like they have. to. hir e. a union band.” Hops: are frequently held ‘in San -Leandoro, Redwood City. San Jose and other suburban Frisco. cities. On occasion they have drawn as “many as 4,000 kids at $2 a head. “All the jeckevs do is rent the In a new and accelerated effort’ eral Years was.responsible for legit-' will be the agency's first attempt to encourage the hiring of more islandtalent, the localartists’ un. ion also proposes the. extension. of j tax exemption to film houses and |. legit. theatres that. employ at least : ‘75° Joval talent.” . PRAAT's proposals were made ° in a nine-page., memorandum to the, head ‘of. the. House of. ‘Representa imate shows at the now demolished .W arren Theatre. “The group would stage weekend ; events on--such periods as. ‘Hale! :Joween,. Thanksgiving, Palm Sun day: and Mothers Day. bringing in! an attraction which would be Strong j enough to draw tourists for:a two. in this concerf presentation area. ‘ The°50 members of the Katanga ° company are now touring Europe. During his: overseas stay, Tref. feisen will also go to South’ Africa ito Jook over the JohannesburgDurban axis for which Mercury : | recently. obtained exclusive hook| ing privileges in a deal with Klis-~ tible preferred for cach share of common held. Montrese stockhoalders will get seven shares of a hew convertible preterred for each 16 shares of common held. Centhvre -Snareholdeis will get one share of mew common for each commen -Share held. Fiscal Details The surviving company. to ke " tives Labor Committee. :or three. day stay: It would seek to ‘known as the Baldwin-Montiose i sen Promotions the N a vee hall and Pe the ‘band, the F plugThe goal of wider autonomy ‘for ‘work out a “package plan” which: d tons ve. Mercury alChemical Co.. will invite tenders ger says. “The rest isgravy.” Puerto Ri th lof PRAAT, ; Would include, for one price. ‘the ready plans to book a new attrac¢ rtibl ferred Denies Problem co-is the goal o tion ‘into-this «revit every month, 9 new convertible’ preterre Mitchell denies any AGVA prob the memo said.. But: such a move | planned: attraction plus hotel or motel accommodations; meals at Also on Treffeisen's agenda are ifrom other sharcholders at $21 50 Yom Nl. “lL talk ‘Phi would not necessarily include any .per share. It will buv up to 50.400 : ieee he save “how Wo adore tell “radical divorce”. from mainland | “two or three top restaurants, roll-{ | talks with the D'Oyly Carte Co. | of these shares. There will be ‘je. of any AGVA ruling on this entertainment: unions. ing chair rides, horse back rides. a; “hich he represents, for a US. tabout 740.000 shares of convertible matter, Everybody. who makes one _,4?tonio Torres Martino. head of “motion picture. visit, plus a night ; tour in the fall or early next-year. . preferred in the new company and of these: hops gets paid. The. band PRAAT, said: this week: “Our goal | at ‘the. 500 Club or any Smuiar of autonomy Without a rupture ;; nitery, ‘about 760.600 shares of ‘stoek. Conversion privilege of the common gets paid) and so do the others. vith the various. mainland enter-{ A. “L. Roth, division chairman, INK TENNESSEE ERNIE = ‘new ‘preferred will run for 10 How. much? Well, it'd. be a per. ea sy: sonal-matter. But ‘they ‘get’ more ‘tainment unions ‘is ‘the essence’ of ° said the major purpose of the fund years: There .is the possibility ‘Continued | on. page 64) the recent. conflict “with the: San ;is to enable the director to. plan. AS (NE HEADLINER *' that the surviving firm’s Jabe! will _Juan Drama Festival ‘chich ‘coni cluded Mareh °5) and the current: ‘dispute with San Juan resort. ho,tels and AGVA. rand arrange compr ehensive pro-. ‘grams five te six months. ahead of i eventually he changed to Centlivre Ottawa, March 7. ‘Inc. Tennessee Ernie Ford will head The approximate combined 1960 the. grandstand show at the 1961 . sales for all three companies .sas time sa that hotels. motels and the city can promote the event in their Phony Stock Sales Get The strike by PRAAT: ivembers advertising, scege a m6 (about $30.000.000. The nev com‘last January in front of the Tapia | : . ,Central Canada Exhibition in Ot|° i “page 66) Ex Singer Al Shayne Yr. Theatre, where the Drama Feati. [ More Promotion Itawa. CCE has announced no other (Continued on pare 66; In Jail on Tax Evasion ‘21. 2s holding forth. ended in a Al Shay ne. a former radio singer. who was billed as America’s “Ambassador of Song” in the 1920s and. "30s, last week was sentenced to a year in prison on charges of in eome tax evasion: He pleaded guilne ty. -in. N.Y.. Federal Court Dec. to understating: his 1954 “and 1955: temporary agreement on dues and: Jurisdictional. matters. with Equity: 8 PHILLY NITESPOTS income. by: $74.583 and failing to” pay taxes of $10,500. ' ‘In imposing. the cenitence Federal Judge Alexander ‘Bicks -puint° ed out that Shayne had run up his | bundle by selling phony .stock: as a salesman for-two Canadian overthe-counter. Securities . “Everybody who ever had any business with -him was trimmed, m, ‘the court said: Shayne was given the jail term despite pleas of lenience. on his. behalf by.a-9 number. of persons prominent. ‘a the theatriéal profession. Among them was raconteur Marry Hershfield who was in the; courtroom at the time of. sentenc-.. ing. The "judge rejected_a defense Jequest that Hershfield be -permit: fed to intercede court for Shayne... Judge Bicks, that Shaine’s business was selling a “sucker list.” added that he took into consideration the pleas of Hershfield and other theatre peo- ple. in. miaking the sentence one year. Shayne could have received. a maximum of 10 years. in’ prison and a $20,000 fine. The defendant, who-js 60, will start’ his: term April .1. who emphasized ° houses. . Tr ! the tour. IN CITY TAX SQUEEZE Philadelphia, March 7 Eight midcity night. clubs: were: facedwith closing when Revenue | Commissioner “Mortin E* Rotman: :asked the” Department ‘of Licenses} -& Inspections to revoke the amuse| \ ment licenses of the spots tur ‘fail-: ure: to make tax returns in the last: year. The city. levies a 5c amusement: tax on gross receipts and the mid-toWn spots were among a total: of | 21-in Philadelphia, which had neg| ‘Jected to make returns. ‘The. cafes i are Gay’ Nineties. Chassey's.. Tahiti. MoravianBar, OrchidLounge, the. ‘Bar: X. Tally's Paradise. Cafe and} Bar Cel Inc. Sammy Davis Set For 2-Weeker. In London’ Sammy Davis -Jr.. has been booked for: a_ two-weeker: ‘stand, Davis and the. troupe will da two weeks of one-. nighters in the provinces. William. Morris Agency’ _ British agent, Harry Foster,. is “routing: at the|' Royal: Theatre, London, ‘Aug. 21.1. ‘Bob Melvin is: among ‘those :on the |bill with him. Following the. Royal |: ‘Theatre. © it will: cost more than $12.000.| : 000 to operate this resort city this . : year. Real estate taxes will contrib-. , ule alound $6.500.000. the remaind° ‘er coming from dozens of sources. For instanée holders of licenses to. sell. zlcoholic .beverages will: pay ‘$136, (100 and visitors will drop $1.: GOO. 000 ‘into the City’s coffers in ‘the form:of Juxury taxes. The resort will spend more than $402.640through: its. press bureau to stage promotion events. buy advertising space-and pay the salar+ ies of its staff. Flie bureau lists 20 items | to “cost $315.600 in this year’s budget. largest of which is newspaper and magazine space and promotional advertising. which will cost $190.000. Special features and: promotional events will cost $40,: 000 more. ' Radio and television shows. whith include programming, pro| | duction and ‘line charges will cost | $25.000.. An ‘additional $13.500 . earmarked for conc erts on the Gar. den Pier. ‘Such events as pageant | ‘promotion, hidrangea week, honeymoon week. headJiner award weekend, ete., are also. listed. Webster Exits GAC ‘Dick Webster. of the Cuast office of General Artists Corp., resigned last week. -Plans were not announced. W ebster had been. serving at the Bevhills office as liaison with: other offices ‘in GAC, names for the revue. which will operate nightly Aug. 21 to 26 alj ‘though the fair is set for Aug. 18 .to (26..It has been customary to book separate items for the Friday ‘and Saturday openers. Last year a rock ‘n’ roll revue ‘filled the first two slots. followed ‘by a Hamid-produced revue topped . bY, Dorothy Lamour. Power Blackout Lights Staging Idea for Eddy .; Cleveland, March 7. Nelson -Eddy and Gale Sherwood ; Will always remember Cleveland as | ‘the big: blackout burg that nearly : ‘sabotaged their act. On their last: " jnight at the Alpine Village an icy {ing illuminating the 11 viclinicts ' snowstorm-knocked down the powerlines. and extinguished all the, nitery's lights, a few minutes before their performances. ‘Herman Pirchner, manager of club, quickly orderea festival , Waiters to fire up .all the table jthe restaurant would ingenious hiring of the Mexicans. AFM Withdraws Ban On Mex Tooters, Permits Dunes’ Restaurant Bow Las Vegas, March 7. The Dunes opened :ts ziitra‘plush new restaurant, The Sultin’‘s Table, Friday '3) but a hassle «ith {the musicians union almost preivented it. Major Riddle. hotel preaxy. msisted that a group from Mex: co ‘City, Arturo “Romero and “Ihe ‘Strings of Villa Fontana, he in‘Stalled as permanent entertainers —in fact the room was designed iwith Romero & Co. «13 in mid. :Two pianos are in the eatery” q (ene ‘ter with 11 pin spots from the ceil tcircling the &8ers. | Up until two days before the 'skedded opening, the American ‘Federation of Musicians nixed the nolding out for U. S. musicians. Riddle said not open candle-light stands and placed a} I without Romero & Co, and thieat ‘score of them around stage. Nelson and his partner put on two shows by candlelight, drawing terrific ova tions from sellout crowd. “Unique candlelight effect was so stunningly dramatic in showmanship,” Eddy said afterwards, “that I may work it into my act as a novelty stunt. If might also relieye business recession problems by putting more candle-makers back to wor ened a $500,000 suit against the unjon. Hours before the opening, Jim { Murray of the local MCA cffice, repping the Mexican group, announced that the union has given in, and would permit the Mexicans to work here. Murray said permission was given because “it was pointed out that this was a uniqué group which could not, be duplieated in the U. 8."