Variety (April 1964)

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Wednesday, April 1; 1964 OutNext t Week, c April 8) aL ‘Variety i is 5 the first weekly to: “reach your key Prospects at com panies and. agencies ies with: news and\ views of Convention conclusions. is. . (ays a ahead of the other weeldies) : | 2. Variety i is. the » only weekly to be printed. and. distributed j just hours. following the Convention’ 's “most important developments “(through Tueedey night). ile the Convention ts il sein, 3 Washington and the Convention itself are on the alert, eager for this first Soriprehensive coverage and interpretation of vente, moe 4. Variety’ S$ New. York and | Chicago Radio-TV staffs j fein forces for full, in-person’ Convention coverage. Regular rates sand normal closing apply— _ 7 Just wire or call collect for your space reservation NEW ‘YORK 10036. CHICAGO 60613" HOLLYWooD 90028 154 -W. -46th St. 400 Ne ‘Michigan Ave. 6404 Sunset Blvd. ° ~.JUdson 22700 », DElaware 7-984. _HOllywood s 91141