Variety (Jan 1906)

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M VARIETY. <>{ vamlevlUe, Mrs. Rlrharda wearing an exceed- ingly linndRome Kown n» nattonbt.'Dj lace, which wnn the main attraction of the act. Tfluda, the Jap cqulllbriHt. was well received, his act being nivel In the extreme. Ttineau Felix and ("lax- tun tried t(i please their audience and partly suc- ••••eded. "Mr. Talkative and the Wise J»'W," « therwlae Clifford and Orth. were good comedians. F*ranclH Gllmore and Olive F. Le Moyne gave a sketch entitled "Taming a Husband." The klnet- ngraph told the story of "The Arabian Nights" ail a fitting close. NBNO. especially the two women, who have finely trained VdiKs. Harper, iiesmond and liolles, an old act here, were applauded. The Hacker Lester Trio, in tiick bicycle riding, and the Klectrograuh rounded cut a plea.sing entertainment. AHTHUU H. M KfeX^TINlK. IMPERIAIy SQUIBS. Business with this company In Detroit was • xceptlonally good. The S. R. O. sign wan in evidence for seven consecutive perftHnumces. There were Christmas presents galore and every I tody was happy. Huny Jackson, of the Clipper Comedy Four, Is Just reco\ertng from a severe accident which happened while stopping at the Kmprfss Hotel. Toronto, Can. He attempted t-i close the tran- som In his room, standing on the footl)oard of the bed. when his foot slipped and he fell. In- juring the vocal cords In his throat. Valeska Golden spent a very enjoyable Christ- mas week touring Detroit In a four cylinder auto with a wealthy 8h(»e manufacturer of the same city. Valeska terminated her season very abruptly Dec. 30. I wonder why. Pauline Moran had quite n number of lunches at 4 A. M. while In Detroit. Early breakfast.** are not very good for the voice. .Tess Rums, mar.; Sam Cooley, musical direc- tor, and Lew Palmer, bandmaster, each pur- ■^hased a mlnk-llned, sable-collared coat while In Canada. AVe have had no cold weather since. WILLIAM J. EV^ANS. Grand Rapids, Mich. GRAND OPERA HOL'SE (E. C. Burroughs, res. mgr.).—Week starting Dec. 31: Beatrice Mc- Kcnzle & Co. head the hill at this house, with a musical comedy act. (See New Acts.) Mitchell and Love in comedy and songs do fairly well. Ver Valon, ventriloquist; Master Slater, mono- logues ani Impersonations: J. C. Fox. equlliiiri.><t: Harry Haley In Illustrated songs, and the Klno- .Irome furnish one of the best bills seen at this house this season, with capacity business all week and breaking all records on New Year's day. SMITH'S OPERA HOUSE (Mrs. W. B. Smith, prop, and mgr.).—Week Dec. 24: High School Girls, to Kood business. Week starting Dec. 31: Imperial Burlesquers opened to crowd- ed houses In "An Eye Opener." a musical com- edy In three acts, with good olio. Including Lew Palmer, Pauline Moran, Wm. J. Evans: also Clipper Comedy Four and Manning and Craw- ford, who carry off the honors. Next week "The Avenue Girls." C. H. HOLLMAN. Lanslnv, Mich. BIJOU (D. J. Robson. m»r.).—Foremost among :he funmakers on this week's bill Is Ben Turpln as Happy Hooligan. i>leaslng the audiences with his antics and funny make-up. Dunbar's "Ca- prine Paradox," otherwise htis performing goats, are certainly the best on the road and amuse the audiences. Al Chrlstal In his paper tearing Is very clever, but has a bad voice for singing. Cook and Oats are singing and dancing come- .!!an8. S. S. Humphrey sings Illustrated songs, and the pictures always please. S. R. O. FORD A. CARY. London, Ont. BENNETT'S (J. H. Alo«. mgr.).—Week 1 opened to crowded houses with splendid bill. Mr. and Mrs. Perkins Fisher In "The Half Way House" are making a distinct hit. Albert E. Reed and Co. give capital entertainment with their sketch. "Making a Man." Burton and Burton scored with a musical act that Included real music. Garner and Miller In songs and Im- pfrsonatlons went strong, as did Harrison Bros. In a "rube" sketch Downey and WlUard pre- sent nn amusing German skit and llustrated songs by Will Dyer complete the bill. Oh, yes! Moving pictures also, of course. FRITZ HOUSTON. Fort 'Worth. Tex. MAJESTIC (Chas. R. Fischer, res. mgr.).— Christmas week and fair weather gave large audiences to a fine show. Jimmy Wall, min- strel and ninnnluKur-. was easily the favorite. The Three Troubadours; Mack Wheeler, bicyclist; Four Jug>;llng Mort.)n.s: Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kelly and Company. In the "Thoroughbred," all pleased The Toys, musical act. was fair as long as they kept quiet. Illustrated smg.s and the Klnetograph. "TARRANT." Jersey City, N. J. BON TON (T. W. Dinklns. mgr.).-I>arge audi- ences have greeted the "Colonial Belles" here this week. The show Is greatly str»n>rthrned by the addition of moving pictures, which w r<' pronounced thf best ev<r seen In this city. Th*- olio and two buriesnu*'>» are almve the or.linary; In the formfT. CharUs Falk. illustrated songx; Nelson and Mllledge. In a good travesty act. and R'lse Carter, cnmedienn''. si'<med to p1f>as'- Takf^n as a whole the jiorformance was one uf the nicely balanced kln.l. MONTMORENCY. Yonkern, X. Y. DORIC (Henry Myers, mgr.).—Playing to a big house with a very good bill. Eddie Hayes and Mona Wynne open the show and ar»» very good Thflr dancing is exrellont. Ball<y and Fl"tch»r are very clev«'r colored com"dians. Dorothy Jor don sang several songs, the only trouble with Miss Jordon she don't give us enough. Orei'ne and Werner. In "Babes of the Jungle," are vf-ry pleasing. Rice and Walters. In "A Day on the Farm," a fair act: their omedy is a little over- done. Harry IV Lester Is very clever, his Im- personation of George M. d'han Is sjilendid. hut this Is being worked to death. The Dlxl ■ Sere- naders clo.oed the show with a very strong good a<'t. The Dorlscope showed good pictures. ELZIE Wiilerlinry, Conn. JACQUES' «J. W. Fitzpatrl k. mgr )—Tack Ma- ton's SocUty Belles headed the bill at this house and made good with a neat singing and dancing turn. Miss William Doherty. who heads the HK'.fregatlnn. does an imitation of Ethel Levy, slns'ing "Good Bye. Lou." She evidently an- nounces It as an Imitation to get around the copyright laws, but It's better than the original of George Cohan's wife. J. C. Nugent (sec new acts) had a new sketch. Bell Hathaway and her trained monkeys went well, as did Major James D. Dilye; the latter would have scored heavier If he had been farther down on the bill. The MIgarl troupe. In operatic music, also scored. Denver, Col. UKPHKLM (Martin Beck, gen. mgr).—A brll- luiit week Htarted with an extra matinee Christ- niab Day. Twice daily capacity houses have been the rule. The headline act tliat has become im- nuiiseiy popular is the Fadette Woman's Or- chestra, of Boitton. playing a most happily se- lected program. The town has fairly gone wild »iver them and will undoubtedly give them. If possible, oven greater support during the next and last week of their engagement. The other two acts on the bill that aru e8|)eclally good are: Fred l/cnnox and Company in George Ade's sketch. "On His Uppers," and Mareena, Nevaro and Mareena in a wonderful equilibrlstlc act. The former i^ full of the genuine George Ade lines, and the two songs by Fred Lennox adds to Its attractiveness. The other performers are: Kemp t«nd Pearl. Zlmmer, Georgia C. I>'wi« and Tom Ripley. A new bill Will give Its first performance at u special matinee New Year's Day, with the Fadettes as the headllncr Frankfort, Ind. CRYSTAL (Chas. Welsh, mgr).—Week of Dec. 25 was the record breaker of the Crystal. Pete and Allle Elmo are clever crayon artists. Keeley Sisters made g'X)d with the crowd 411 week. Wells and Sells made a big hit In their pleasing act. Olive Freyer continues to please. Chas. and Jennie Welsh In "A Man with a Tin Horn" kept the house filled all week. Coming week Jan. 8, the Great Zenoz, the Orvllls, the Ham- llns, Chas. and Jennie Welsh. NOTE—Mr Ammon, whose list of variety houses are Marlon, Anderson, Kokomo, Logansport and Frankfort, has added to the list Elkhart. Toledo and Goshen. MARTIN W. FOX. Atlanta, Ga. ■ STAR (J. B. Thompson, mgr).—Opened week of Jan. 1 with New Year matinee to good house. This week's bill Includes George W. Milton's burlesque, "In Cuba;" Thelma Madden In songs and dances, George W. Kline's Mule and Pony Show, £>alsy Lowman with illustrated songs and others, concluding with new motion pictures, rounds up a very entertaining performance. NOTES.—Manager Thompson expects to build a nv^w popular price theatre on Marietta street In the near future, same to be ready for next season. This, with the new vaudeville house being built for Jake Wells' circuit, will give Atlanta theatregoers two new places of amusement. BRIX. Troy, N. Y. PROCTOR'S (W. H. Graham.'* res. mgr.)— There Is another excellent bill this week. Wat- son, Hi'tchings and Edwards appear in a sketch that Is highly entertaining and amusing. Mys- terious De Blere adds his attractive act to the program: the great Onlaw trio of wire per- formers show some difficult feats. The remain- ing features of the program are excellent. Includ- ing the motion pictures, which are those of the local flre and pollcp departments on parade and 'n action. ROYAL (W. H. Buck, mgr.).— Rentz-Santley company opened for a week 1. and was greeted by two packed houses. "Lady Teaser" Is the title of the opening burlesque, and the closing extravaganza. "A Night's Frolic," nn episode of the Russian-Japanese war. A number of the prevailing musical hits are rendered In a charming manner. The costumes are elaborate creations. Among the vaudeville well known artists are Mills and Beschern, Vina Bertotlne. Fantelle and Radcllffe. Georgle Put- nam, Fred Barth. Ethel Claus. Myrtle Montez. Lew Walsh and the European Importation. Cor- iialla and Eddy, comedy juggling acrobatic act. J. J. MALLEN. Syracuse, N. Y. GRAND OPERA HOl^SE (C. H. Plummer, mgr.),—The headllner, Patrice, In a sketch, "A New Year's Dream," was not very well re- lelved. as there Is very little comedy to It or .Tnything else. Belle Stone locks herself In a steel ball, rolls up and down a spiral staircase; was well received. Solomon IT., a lightning calculator, did some very fast fltrurlng. Six Perl Sisters were all to the bad and were colily re- (clved. John Gelger gave some very good Im- itations on tho violin. Murphv and Francis (nnlored). their act woiild t>e much better If Francis didn't holler quite so bmd as their danc- ing is very clever. James J. Morton gave a bun 'h of talk whif'h the audlenep thought very r,ii.nv. The Four Flying Dunbars did some vrry d'ffI'Milt acts on the horizontal birs an! recelvel f-r.>t applause. The attendance at the New's matinee and cvnlng per'orrpanj-t.s was I he largest this season. S.\M FKKICMAN. Rvannvllle, Ind. IMJor (Geo E. SellinKer. mgr.).—The bill for til" w "k of the :Mst is very g >oil. .Vrnistrcnsr i)"d Holly pot op a c. niedv sketch entitled "Thf T''5(Mve"sninn." which was well received. Welsh and Maitland are the funniest pair <ff acrobats ^•e"n In this city for some time, and Alice T^ewls I'lcused every one with her songs and Imper- "■•onations: T^on and Mae Gordon, trick bicyclists: Carve-- and Pollard. N,«ln«ers and dancers and (ion. Kline. T)iitch comedian all have good acts that took well. KVANS HALL (Harry Wright mi.'r.>—Continue to plav to good bnsl Tuss. Mill fairly good. ROBERT L. ODELL. liOs AnKelen, Cat. ORPHEUM (Martin Berk, gen mgr.).-The bill which opened here on Christmas Day Is one of the best laughmakers that has <ome down the line since Noah opened his famous hippodrome, '^barley Case Is an odds on favorite, even Ihouk'h It is his second week, for he has dup %\j> a n'W mrtnologue for a Christmas present. John T. Thome and Grace Carleton act as though a snnwless winter agreed with them, for they de- liver p fine lot of funny dlalogiie. Clayton Ken- ledv and Mnttle Rooney are on hand with their "HaT>T>y Medium." and Kennedy's loose and woV^bly dnnrlng Is al' to the merry. Salerno Is In his second week and doing very nicely, thanks, with his Inimitable jiipirllng. Ravmnnd FInlav and Tjr.ttle Burke In "Stapeland Satire." Paulo and Marlow with "A French Frappe." the Bell- clalre Brothers In strong arm work, the Seven- teen Pekln Zoinves and motion pl-^tnre.s make up the bill which Is drawing hie holiday crowds. The daily matinees are beginning to cnt'^h the town whore It lives v^^ ttjnn, Masa. AUDITORIUM (Harry Katies, mgr.).—Week 1 William Macart and company offered a sketch entitled, "The Village Ice Man," but It vva.s very pour and sadly In need of rehearsing. The act that made the hit was Oracle Emmet and company In "Mrs. Murphy's Second Hus- band" The movement is rapid and the act full of laughter. Dixon, Bowers and Dixon made a hit only with their acrobatic work. The Italian Trio of operatic vocalists were good and took well. Carter and Blueford, in a singing and dancing novelty, were well liked. Ferraroa, one- man orchestra. Introduced a clever musical dog that made a hit. McGloln and Smith showed !ifTlcult steps with the wooden shoes. ' ' Lai%'rence, M«a«. '" COLONIAL (Fred. Lees, mgr.).—Last week was a banner week at this house. This week promises to be another. The Kltabanzla Japa- nese Troupe, acrobats, equilibrists and jugglers leads the bill. Other ginxi acts are the Cham- eroys In feats of muscular dexterity: Minnie Harrison, clever serio-comic; Allen and Daiton, comedy musical act: Murray and Alden. vocal- ists; Gertrude Mansfield and Caryl Wilbur, in the comedy, "61 Prospect Street," and Cooper and Robinson, colored entertainers. Manager Lees has booked for next week Zazelle and Ver- non company In a pantomimic comedy act; Colby and May, In the act entitled, "The Ven- triloquist and the I>anclng Doll," and Saona. Impersonator of noted men. past and present. Many patrons of the house will be pleased to hear of the return engagement of Miss Charlotte George, contralto vocalist, who will at>P«ar on the bill the coming week. WllmlnvtoB, D«l. OARRICK (W. L. Dockstader. mgr).—Mr. and Mrh. Sidney Drew In "The Yellow Dragon" is the headliner and is finely given, both from a scenic and artistic point. Mr. Drew adopts the quiet method of his brother John Drew. Louise Montrose and four auto girls, Gallagher and Barrttt, Eckhart and Berg, <i:unnlngham and Smith, Williams and Dermody, Volpo's bears, dogs and monkeys, and the klnetograph (Concludes th« bill. Comedy predominates the bill. 6POT> Toronto, Canada. "The ten thousand dollar beauty show," "Miss New York, Jr.," Is packing them in this week at Manager F. W. Stair's theatre, the Star. The company Is a good and well balanced one. The principals are clever and the chorus above the average in voices and looks. "King of Ko- komo" Ml two acts is well put on, and the cos- tumes are varied and pretty. Billy Allen is real funny as the king. The olio is entertaining, with such people as Wloro Trio. Bostoti City Quartette, the Gagmouxs, Allen and Bright, Bandy and Wilson, Hayward Conroy and Hay- v.'ard. Current Empire Burlesquers. The man- agement hopes to open Shea's on the 18th Inst. Yorke and Adams, two former vaudeville favorites, are appearing to large audiences at the Grand in "Bankers and Brokers." HARTLEY. YOU MU»5T DB.E.SS RIGHT IT CARRIES WCIGHT AM I A TAILOR Among my customers arc George M. Cohan, Harry Von Tilzer, ^e Welch, Sam H. Harris, Stuart Barnes, Gus Edwards, That's the answer, I am just as reasonable in price as a bad one. Better drop in ^ JOHN E. GIGLER 6 West 2m Street . ^ ^^^ ^^^ Have yoar Printing attended to Neatly and Correctly. "We are the moat reasonable In the city. Orders by mall recelTe careful attention. Bncloae copy and Instrnctlona If inconvenient to call. f^»^ UNION LABEL USED. TELEPHONE. 2 225 JOHN Commercial Printing Co. Printers and Stationers V 27 Beekman Street New York * It- AN ALL STAR CAST Is the Editorial Staff of the NEW YORK J IT INCLUDES JohtJ V. Keller Wmiam G. Nicholas Helen Ten Broeck Cfiarles Alfred Byrne ••Cfioliy Knickerbocker** R. E. Raymond Charles E. Trevathan Leander Richardson ^ -■ - ■ ■: and others . 7 ■, ■ '■ " The Publicaiion, issued Fridays, treats of Society, Wall Street, Politics. Racing, Autom -^biling. Theatres and miscellaneous matters and it is essentially ''' ■■• • -■,--■ ,■ . . 4'-'.. ■:'•■ •:■. .;•■ •/:' '■ . • .■■■■■■■: ■ '."' **A Smart Paper for Smart Persons** ' -^- 320=322 FIFTH AVENUE ''-':'.'.^ ■^^'-■■■■•■■"■:■■■:■: ■^■' NEW YORK'" t '■■ -^ ' *