Variety (Jan 1906)

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/» fit i.i' VAMHTY. Hens the ability but not ttM vehicle. Clifford and Burke made a very strong Impression; in fact, the audience spoiled their act with too much applause. Business continues to be very good. BUI for week of 16 Includes Valerie Bergere and company, Frank D. Bryan and his American Girls, Les Auberts. Leroy and Woodford. Qulnlan and Mack, Seymour and Hill. Howard's Ponies and the Klnetograph. LAFAYETTE (Chas. M. Bacg. mgr.).—"Miss New York, Jr.." played to good business the past week. Billy Allen is everything that is worth the while in the musi- cal comedy "The King of Kokomo." The spe- cialties throughout the two acts are very good. The Boston City Quartet have good clear voices. The Oagnouxs have a novel act and that is all. Hayward, Conroy and Hayward, in "Marriage Is Sublime." caught the fancy of the patrons and were eaiilly the hit of the show, week of 15 Empire Burlesquers. GARDEN (Chas. W. McMahon. mgr.).—"The Golden Crook" played to excellent business i^^eek of 8. Attraction very pleasing to the eye but a disappointment to the oar, the comedy being scarce and singing only fair. Ed Muilun wus easily Ihe hit uf the pci- formance, with a well selected list of songs. Inman, Wakefield and company were also well received. Chorus very large for burlesque at- traction. Week of IB The Dainty Duchess Com- pany. LINNS MUSEUM (Dr. H. H. Linn. mgr.).—Crowds enjoyed a most entertaining bill the past week. CHAS. W. GOETZ. 'Waahinstoa, D. C. CHASE'S. (H. W. De Witt, mgr.)—Valerie Ber- Ijere and company, presenting a one-act version of "Carmen," is the headllner this week. The act is very clever and was well received. Willy Zimmerman gave imitations of famous composers und cunducturs. T. W. Eckert and Emma Berg in a musical comedy called "The Land of Two Moons." a pleasing little act which gave Mr. Eckert an opportunity to do some clever per- formance on a many-toned piano. Emma Fran- cis, assisted by two whirlwind Arabian dancers, gave an exhibition of sensational acrobatic dancing and tumbling. Chas. H. Burke, Graca La Hue and company in "The Silver Moon." »A. o. Duncan In a ventriloquial specialty. Toto. a mysical mystery and the motion pictures close a very strong bill. Business very good. "THE MAN IN BLACK." JfB-w Orleans, La. ORPHEUM (Martin Beck. gen. mgr.).—Eva Westcott has the big type for week 8. She is really clever, but needs a new playlet. Kherns iind Cole must have gum-shoed their way Into vaudeville. Tom Brown's whistling was greet- «-d with much applause. The Vernon troupe are Xylophonists. They dress nicely at any rate, ('has. Leonard Fletcher, a favorite in this town, made the hit of the evening. Freydo Bros., a duo of European gymnasts, do some hand-bal- ancing that is worthy of special mention. Busi- ness is big. Bill for 15 includes Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Kelcy, Chas. Baron's Menagerie, Charlie i'ase, Dixon and Auger, T. Nelson Downs, Mills und Morris and Welsh and Maltland.—— O. M. SAMUEL. NtfiPT Bedford, Mass. HATH.'^.WAY'S (T. B. Baylies, mgr.).—Busi- ness big. William H. Macart, in new sketch, "The Village Iceman." the feature, well re- ceived. (Reviewed elsewhere.) Fannie Rice's electrical novelty. "The Singing and Dancing Dolls," unique and agreeable. Howard and Bland making a hit In comedy sketch, particu- larly Mr. Howard's piano playing. Acrobatic Jig dancing by Dixon, Bowers and Dixon Is the best part of their act, and is well liked. Fer- reros, "the human orchestra," and Zay Holland, singing violinist, fair. Hacker-Lester Trio, good trick cycling act. New Vltagraph pictures. KNOT. Lynn, Maaa* AUDITORIUM (Harry Katzes, mgr.).—Bill week of 8 not as strong a one as usual. Ed F. Keynard. ventriloquist, at the head, big hit. The Italian trio of vocalists, second week of suc- cess. Others on the bill: Tom OlUen. good; Smirl and Kessmer. acrobatic work good, comedy poor; Mr. and Mrs. Dan Hlatt, fair; Charlotte jnd Little Sunflower pleased, although poor; the Trlllers put no Interest in their work, (lood houses prevail. GIrard and Gardner, Harry I>a Rose and Company and Blanche Sloan are among those on next week's bill. GEM (C W. Sheafe, mgr.).-Amateur night continues to be a big drawing card here, and the "hook" Is in great demand. P. DAVID CHASfB IVllminvton, Del. OARRICK (W. L. Dockstader, mgr.).—Attend- ance good. "The Girl In the Clouds," headllner, was satisfactory. McWaters. Tyson and Com- pany very good, especially Imitations by Miss Tyson. Al Treloar. assisted by Edna Tempest, hit of bill and deserved better place on bill. Four Emperors of Music, comedy work good, but neeri new stuff. Gus Williams, monologue, fair. Francis Trumball and Gertrude Barnes, billed as mo4]em dancing girls; would not like to have ncen the antique. KInetograph. Coming week of ir»lh. "Red Raven Cadets " SPOT. Pouffhkeepaie, N. Y. FAMILY (Fred DeBondy, res. mgr.).—The Three Hesses, European novelty acrobats, head the bin this week. They are all that the title indicates. As acrobats they rank high, and the novel manner in which they perform their work, coupled with the new feats they Introduce, war- rants the vociferous applause with which they are rewarded at each performance. There is another "talented baby" act on the bill, this time colored. Baby Charlotte spoils an other- wise pretty good act. She appears with her parents, who sing. talk, do some dancing and conclude with a cake walk. Baby Charlotte has nothing to commend her but her precoclousness. She sings painfully, and gets In tha way of her seniors whenever she Is on the stage. Eugene Ellsworth and Madge Burt, In "Domestic Pets," are very good. Murray and Clayton proved their versatility by changing their act completely after the Monday performances, when It was found that there were too many speaking acta. They have since been doing a sketch that without a name has made a decided hit. The feminine end of the team has a powerful voice and sings well. Roth Indulge In some clever dialogue and con- clude with a burlesque on tragedy that brings down the house. Harrison Greene Impersonates a number of aetors and other celebrities and Is very good, while Woods and Bernard. Hebrew entertainers, are above the average. A big bill Is announced for next week, Including a troupe of trained lions and bear*. LoalaTllle, Ky. HOPKIN'S (William Relchmann, res. mgr.).- Nina Morris and Company, one of the headllners of this week's bill, win well-merited applause in a little comedy called "A Friend's Advice." Qool- man's Dogs, featured this week, are well-trained animals and found favor with the audience. War- tenberg Brothers Introduced a European novelty, very good. Raymond and Caverly received a good share of laughter. World's Comedy Four made a hit with their musical numbers. May Belfort offered a hlgh-claSs work In the char- acter line, and Ferguson and Passmore a good dancing act. Bill up to the usual standard and good business rules. Next weok: Spool's Min- strels, Four Bolses, Sullivan and Pasquallna, De Onse Brothers and others. BUCKINGHAM (Whallen Brothers, props. & mgrs.).—The Tiger Lilies are here this week with a very creditable show, with Alex Carr as principal funmaker. The olio Includes Prof. Haverman's Wild Ani- mals, Laveen and Cross, Rlchy W. Craig and Carrie Ezler. Good business. Next, the Uto- pians. ARTHUR STUART. T •'/''; Syracuse, W. Y. , '1 '. GRAND OPERA HOUSE (C. H. Plummer, mgr.).—The bill this week is one of the best seen here this season. Carew and Hayes, fair. Majestic Trio (colored), singing and dancing, good, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Thome and Company In "An Up-town Flat." The sketch is very old and too well known for further favor. Carroll Johnson, well received. Klta-Banzar Japanese Troupe received with great applause. Clifton Crawford made a big hit. Watson's Farm Yard, first time seen here, and was very much appreciated. Next week: Gus Remos. Wood and Ray, with others. NOTE—There Is some talk here of the police having decided to stop the Sunday night concerts at the Grand and Bastable (Hurtlg & Seamon's). SAM FREEMAN. nlng Jan. 14 Is as follows:—Fadette Orchestra. Mignonette Kokln, Harry and Kate Jackson. Galetti's Monkeys, Klekko and Travoll, Al. Law- rence. Nellie Florede and the Klnodrome. HENRY WOOD. York, Jr."- Trenton, Jf. J. TRENT (Ed. Renton. mgr.).—The bill for the week of the 8th scored a.s big a hit as ever presented In this house, the Colby Family mak- ing an Immense hit In their musical act. Byron and Langdon came in for good rounds of ap- plause. Dixon and Holmes, In their singing and impersonatiunb of prominent actors, were good. Bessie Valdare and her bicycle troupe pleased. Josephine Davis, singer, very pleasing act. Fields and Ward, in "A Vaudeville Rehearsal," start out in the act good but do not stick to what the act represents, fair act Mary Dupont and Company, presenting "A Leap Year Leap," pleased. The show concluded with the Biograph Khowlng a moose hunt, very plea$^lng subject. Business good for the week. Next week bill In- cludes Edmund Day and Company in "The Sheriff:" Gallagher and Barrett. "Motoring." Carew and Hayes, The Zames, Mile Troja, Miss Theo. Julian and Biograph. F. G. FIS<JHER. Jeraey City, lf.~J. BON TON (T. W. DInklns, mgr.).--"The Call- Ifomla Girls" appearing here this week are a sure cure for the theatre going habit. 'Twer« better had the opening burlesque "Palm Beach" never been written: there is not » clever line or a bright Idea In it. the costumes are inharmonious as to color and the chorus although willing to work hard are unable to find anything to do. The closing burlesque, "The (Ireat White Way," measures up to the standard of the opening. Ross and Vack. German come- dians with a'special accent; the Amatos. who whirled through some dances; the Four Thor- oughbreds In a more or less Intelligible sketch and Forest with trick dog. composed the olio; the last named was the only oasis in the desert and received hearty applause. Next week "The Gay Paree Burlesquers." MONTMORENCY. Prankfort, Ind. CRYSTAL (Chas. Welsh, mgr.).—Week of 8th opered to big business. The Orvllls were well received. The Great Zenox made a big hit. The Hamllns did not give satisfaction. Olive Fryer continues to please In Illustrated songs. Charles and Jennie Welsh to<.>k first honors in "The Woman in Dark Plaid Dress." Coming, week 15th. "The Valpos." "The Traceys," Strand and Strand. Olive Fryer. Charles and Jennie Welsh. MARTIN W. FOX. Worcester, Mass. PARK (A. T. Wilton).—James J. Morton was the headllner and made an immense hit. Crane Bros, were good, and were seccmd. Daisy Harcout was well liked. J. K. Hutchinson and Co. appeared In a strenuous sketch, and took well. Billy Klncald was fair. Brazil and Brazil were fair and were well liked. Woodford's ani- mals were good, and. althouKh seen here before. took well. The KInetograph concluded. POLI'S (Chas. W. Fonda, res. mgr.).—The girl with the red mask was the headllner and created quite a sensation, although Chas. F. Simon was better liked by the audience. Dan Harrington was fair. The Eight Shetlands came next and scored heavily. Murray and Lane were well liked and their act took well. Delmore and Lee were fair. Harper Desmond and Bolles were good and gav«> some clever dancing. The KIne- tograph concluded. PALACE—"A Fellow That Looks I.iike Me," was the opening skit, and was supported by a fair olio for this house. Hilton, .1 Juggler, was fair. Burke and Burke were good. Alice McVlcar was well liked. MilU-r and Edward Meehan were good. The olio closed with the burlesque "King for a Day." GEO. W. JARDINE. Omaha, Neb. ORPHEUM (Martin Beck. gen. mgr.).—Good business Is reported this week on a bill In which there is not a flaw. Marlon Garson. the 18-year- old prima donna. Is making good with her fresh appearance and brilliant voice. The Bedouin Arabs have the best acrobatic number of the season. They rut out the laborious, affected work on their heavy acts and put them through as though they en.loyed doing It. Lulgl Rossi and his musical horse Is a stronrf" novelty. Dean Claudius and Melody Scarlet drew well In high class banjo work. Arthur Demlng mad'- a Mg hit as did also James Doole. who has with him Dorothy Brenner and Ethel Rose In a "high stepper" stunt. The Pekln Zouaves received Kood applause. NOTE—Arthur Demlng. Just out of the Primrose forces, has Joined the Orpheum circuit. The bill for the week begln- Denver, Col. ORPHEUM (Martin Beck. gen. man.).—The second week of the brilliant engagement of the Boston Fadettes opened to two capacity houses New Year's day. In the program for this week they Introduced a humorous number, "A Lay at the Circus," that took very well and al- though It is fun as well as music it did not detract from the dignity of the organization. H. C. Stanley as the circus "master of cere- monleii," furnished much of the comedy. The violin solo of Handel's "Largo," by Mary R. Wllczek was superb and the artistic hit of the program. The remainder of the bill that gave entire satisfaction is: Galbreth and Farrel in "A Little Rehearsal"; Al Lawrence, the mimic: Nfclle Florede. sinKlnx comedienne; Lucy and Lucler In "The Fools Errand"; the Juggling Normans, and Rice and Cady, German come- dians. Most of the acts make a bid for laughter and they are all successful. The Fadettes open in Kansas City Sunday matinee. Jan. 27, conse- quently they closed here Friday night and the Hengler Sisters, next week's headllners, took their place. N. Grand Rapids, IMlch. GRAND OPERA HOUSE (E. C. Burroughs, local mgr.).—Week starting Jan. 7: A well- balanced bill is offered at this house this week. Hall and Colburn present a Swedish comedy sketch entitled "Olsen, the Coal Man," which took very well. Geo. Hlllman In a Dutch mono- logue will do, but Chas. Banks, another mono- loglst on the bill makes the hit. De Varo and Curtis, bar and ring performers, make a good impression, while the Musical Harts have a musical act that is somewhat out of the ordi- nary. Harry Haley sings illustrated songs and the Klnodrone shows some new pictures. Busi- ness still keeping up good. SMITH'S OPERA HOUSE (Mrs. W. B. Smith, prop, and mgr,.- Week starting Jan 7: "The Avenue Girls" are shoeing to big business this week. The bur- lesque, "A Trip to Bohemia," is better than the average, and the olio is good, some of the acts maklns: distinct hits, notably the three Gregory Brothers, hoop rollers; also Olga Orloff, who sings well. Next week, Rellly and Woods' big show. NOTES.- K. P. Churchill. general manager of the Davis and Churchill circuit, of which the Grand Opera House Is a part, was In this city last week to see Beatrice McKenzle and company's new act. "A Montana Beaut." This act was written by Lou H. Newcomb, and will make good wherever played. C. H. HALLMAN. Vtlca, N. Y. ■• ORPHEUM (E. L. Koneke, res. mgr.)—Bill for week of Jan. 8: The former comic opera star, Delia Fox, who heads this week's bill, pleased all. She has a number of catchy songs and sings them well. W. C. Kelly scored a big hit with his dialect story telling. Juliet Wood and Fred Ray present a most amusing Roman travesty act and kept the audiences In hearty laughter all the time. St. Onge Brothers gave a remark- able exhibition of fancy bicycle riding and with their comedy have a very pleasing act. Billy Johnson and his four Creole Belles appear in a lively singing and dancing act. Johnson is good' at iKjth, but showed poor Judgment at picking out his assistants, who are worse than amateurs. An especially well-trained animal act Is given by Shedman's dogs, which do a number of amusing antics. A novel feature of much merit is the wooden shoe dancing of Hathaway and Walton, who show much grace. KInetograph I)ictures, showing "The River Pirates" close the show. NOTE.—The management has an- nounced for next week as h^dllner the en- gagement of Katie Barry. SETAB. Lancaster, Pa. NEW FAMILY (Edw. Mozart, mgr.)—Bill week of 8 included the Klnsnera, equilibrists and head balancers. Some of their feats are absolutely marvelous. Carter, Weaver and (3o.. In "Under the Old Apple Tree." scored an Im- mense hit. Their stage setting Is beautiful and their sketch found favor with the audience. "The Three Hillyers presented "A Study In Rags." Their act Is good but needs clean wardrobe. (Jardner Brother.*;. German comedians, fair Louis M. Granat. billed as the "World's Greatest Whistler." failed to come up to his title. The KInetograph closed the show with Interesting moving pictures. Tomlng l.'i, Nalada and com- fiany, presenting "The Nymph of the Sea and Queen of the Air." NOTES.—Manager M<»- zart has changed the policy of his Pottstown and Mahanoy City houses, giving two different shows every week, changing Mondav and Thursday. "La F.\YETTE." Hartford, Conn. POLI'S (Louis E. Kilby, mgr.).—Bill week of 8 included Fred Karno's London comedv company In a burlesque farce, "A Night In a Music Hall," one of the cleverest acts seen here for some time; Gorman and West. In refined singing and dancing, pleased; Frank and little Bob. with their acrobatic dog Tip, were fine; Mr. and Mrs. Gardner Crane and company. In a war sketch that brought out a good deal of applause; Thomson and VIdocq. In up-to date patter, filled In; Foster and Foster, In excellent singing and piano playing; the scenic novelty, "The Four Seasons." was finely staged and pleased the large audience. The show closed with the fleet rograph, with pictures of Coney Island. Coniing, 15. Nella Bergen, the noted prima donna soprano, formerly a Hartford singer In one of the local churches. W. H. RHODES. Detrc»it, Mich. TFIMPLE (J H Monro, mwr.) -Paul r-onchas. Juggler, conceded headllner of the performane*. Mr and Mrs. Sidney l»rew. in a one-act playei, "Yellow Dragon," giKul performance. .Stuart Barnes, monoloRue; Basque Quartet, fine lot of singers; PIrolo Midgets: Farsen Sisters, acrobats, good act; Smith and fork; Anderson and Golnes, colored comedians. Feats of strength and agil- ity predominate In the bill offered at the Temple this week, and with music, mirth and a clever one-act playkt. make up an unusually Interest- ing and weM-halanced program. ^AVENT'E n'rank Drew. mgr.).--nellly and Woods' Big Show gave a fair performance. The olio In- cludes Pat Reillv, Orth and Fern, Mike Fenton. Kennedy and Evans, Ira Kessner. Daly nnd Heno. Sisters Revere. Next week. "Miss New -CRYSTAL (J. J. Nash, mgr.).— Budd Bros., comedy knockabout acrobats; Allen and Delmaln, In "A Wife's Victory"; Powers and Theobald; the Sheman Doll; Herbert, th« Frogman; Uubblns and Frenaman. refined sina- ing; Oliver Wilbur, illustrated songs; the kinochronie. moving pictures. Fair bill to good business. JOHN A. WEBER. Albany, N. Y. PHOCTORS (Howard Graham, res. mfr.).— Excellent bu.slness continues. Week of 8: Creasy and Dayne. In sketch. "Town Hall To- night," were well received; Melville and Stetson, cemedlennes, also seemed to please; the Threa Keatons made their usual hit. Buster partic- ularly; John and Bertha Gleeson. assisted hf Fred Houlihan, were obliged to respond to sev- eral encores, owing to their clever danclnff; John Le Clair did not Juggle very well the even- ing I saw him, but presume he was a little under the weather, as I have seen him to muck better advantage earlier In the season; Ballejr an<l Fletcher, coon entertainer^, were very en- tertaining; Harry Breen, a monologlst evi- dently new In the business, managed to gain a round of applause; Toledo and Price have a:i ac- robatic act that Is very very clever, and they deserve all the good things said of them sine* their arrival in this city. Closed with motion pictures, which were excellent. Week of 15: Genaro and Bailey, Robinson and Grant, D'Al- ma's monkey and dog circus, Brothers Durant. Dorothy Kenton, Alf Gibson, Cherry and Bates. Holcombe, Curtis gnd Webb. GAIETY (H. B. Nichols, mgr.).—Standing room only. Irwin's Majesties at this theatre is certainly the goods. No other show this season has attracted tn* crowd better than this one. MARTEU. l¥aterbary, Conn. JACQUES' (J. W. Fltspatrlck. m»r.).--AgUita Close, while not heralded as the headllner. was the hit of the bill this week, with her dainty musical monologue. Her act was one of the best ever seen on a local bill. The much heralded act of Kittle Traney pleased but was not the hit a feature act Is s\4>posed -to be. Howard Truesdell and Co. presented "Aunt I»ul8a'8 Advice" for the second time here. Miss Maxwell Is a great Improvement over Mrs. Trues- (iell's conception of "Mrs. Middleton." Brandon' and Wiley were strong favorites and the four Musical Arolos, on the xylophones, scored. Kelly and Reno failed to please, as did Larvett. in feats of magic. The latter would do better if he cut out some of the monologue he tries to do. The electrograph, with new films, rounded out the bill. Attendance good. NOTE:s.— The holi- day bunlness at the Jacques was the best the house has enjoyed at any time since It was changed to vaudeville. Kelly and Reno, of this weeks' bill, failed to arrive In town for the Monday matinee, having missed connections st New Haven. Mrs. Howard Truesdell Is very ill at their home In New York and her husband spent a very uneasy week here. The local order of Eagles are endeavoring to get Sarah Bernhardt to play a benefit performance of "Camllle" at the Auditorium, which they hold the lease of at prrsent. ARTHUR H. McKECHNIE. Richmond, Ind. l^e show here this week at the Phillips Thsa- tre Is an old-time variety show. Mr. Murray. the manager, says It Is the best show that has been In the house this season. Wills and Lar- kln open the bill, a good singing and eccen- tric dancing act, and they make more than good. Then, following, Jerome Mora, trickster. Is ex- ceedingly clever. Cal Lankert then comes with Illustrated songs. Then comes your humbis servant with monologue and songs and his talk- ing dog FInnegan. Morgan and Crone, the Tally Ho duo, high-grade singing. The Ahems close the bill with a strong hand-and-head bal- ancing act. A good, strong vaudevllls bill. F. DALY BUROBSa Minneapolis, Minn. ORPHEUM (Martin Beck, gen mgr.).—Salerno heads the bill for week of 7 and has made a tremendous hit. Mignonette Kokln, many re- calls; Horsky-Bergere company, good people and bad sketch: James H. Cullen, much stronger than last season; Gallettl's monkeys, good an- imal act; Klekko and Fravoll best grand opera MltiKers ever heard here In vaudeville; Les Bl- gonas. typical European acrobatic comedy act and makes good opening number. DRW15Y (Will Singer, res. mgr.).—The Yankee Doodle r;irl8. with the Baker troupe of bicyclists In trick riding and an adaption of the "loop-ths- gap" act; Anna Yale, Salde Husted and com- pany. In a sketch, "An Afternoon MIxup." above the burlesque average; Fox and Duball. In some good clog dancing; Murphy and Magle, come- dians C): George Guhl. comedian; Etta VIc- foiia. "The Bashful Venus." and Delaphone. "the human telephone." UNIQUE (Jack Bl- ll<>U mgr.).—For week of « RIalto Comedy Four head the bill In an acceptable combi- nation act; Gilllhan and Bran, talking act; Ted E. Box, the English entertainer; Frank Burt. equilibrist; Field and Hanson, mu.ttcal act; May Neiison, vocalist; Harold Beckrow and Herman La Fleur, Illustrated songs. LYCEUM (I. C Speers. res mgr.).—This house, which has been dark for several weeks following the decision of its lessee, the Interstate Amusement Com- pany, to abandon vaudeville there, reopened aus- pl.lously 7 with the Ralph Stuart Stork Com- pany. Stock Is the only thing that has ever nald In the house, as the Interstate Company has found out to Its cust. CHAPIN. Fort IVorth, Tex. "^ ' MAJESTIC rCharles R Fischer, res. mgr.).— The week of 1 was the best one this season In point of attendance, good crowds wltnehwlng a ideasing bill consisting of the Fernande May Trio, Instrumentalists; the great Martynne, dancer; lllustraf.-d songs; Mar<u^ and Adele, comedy skating: Matsumo troupe of Japanese a«Tohats: Bail, r Lavejic Tr'o. evclists; Fay, <'ol«y ami F - \ tiilnlatiir« minstrels;" klnetugr.lph. The entire liill tiieast-d. the Jnps especially, both on account of their nx rif and t?ie present Japa- nese popularity \« >TE.~The Majestic Then tre In Waco formerly the Auditorium, closed with the niirht priformanee of .Tan, 6. The rea- son glv»n is that fh" i>atri>nnge has been only fair, arid with Hi< hills soon to come as a resiilt of the allianr.. with the Western Vaudeville As- sociation, fhf salary roll would be too heavy for the SMI. port now Iv Ing received. Owing to an accident in Tlouston, three week.< ago. In which 1 bore- In her .Tnkle was broken, one of the )Xn(]o T.nvclj.. Trio of bicyclists failed to take lit in the bill i>resented here. TARRANT.