Variety (Jan 1906)

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VARIETY. VftUD&VILLE AGENTS. M WM. MORRIS AAA ♦ ♦ ♦ t ▼ ▼▼ BOOKING EXCFASIVKI.Y TIIK FOLLOWING LI:AI>ING VAUniOVILLK THKATRKS: p. a. Williams' Colonial, P. a. WlUiama' Orpheura. P. O. Williams' Alhambra. P. a. Williams' Novelty, Bklyn, P. Q. Williams' Gk>tham. Bklyn, P. Q. Williams' Manhattan Beach, P. G, Williams' Bergen Beach, •veeney's, Brooklyn. The Doric, Tonkers, Morrison's, Rockaway. Henderson's. Coney Island, Delmllng's, Rockaway, Young's Pier, Atlantic City, llamnnTsteln's Victoria, ilainniorstoln'a Roof Garden, S. Z. Puli'8, New Haven. S. Z. I'olis, Hartford, S. Z. PoH's. Vt'orcester, H. Z. Poll's. Springfield, • S. Z. Poll's, Bridgeport, S. Z. Poll's. Waterbury, S. Z. Poll's. Jersey City, Trent Theatre. Trenton. Sheedy's. Fall River. Sheedy's, Newport, Hathaway's. New Bedford, Uathaway's, Lowell, F. F. Proctors 2M St., P. F. Proctor's 6th Ave., F. F. Proctor's 68th St., F. F. Proctor's 125th St., F. F. Proctor's, Newark. F. F. Proctor's, Albany. . F. F. Proctor's, Troy. Wilmer & Vincent, Utica, Wllmer A Vincent. Reading. Weber & Rush, Schenectady, H. H. Lamkin's. Toledo. H. H. Lrfimkln's, Dayton, Auditorium, Lynn. 12 WEEKS IN HEW YORK CITY WITHOUT A REPEAT, 12 (u6..M\t?!:r;......n) 6 W. 28th St., NEW YORK ( CabI* Addrtsi Willmorris ) Cbe Stars' m adqiiarier s for Uaudeville W* U LYKENS' VAUDEVILLE AGENCY 31 WEST 3ist STREET Tel., 4967 Madison. Cable.Myersba B.A.iVlyers—Keller. E.S. GENERAL VAUDEVILLE AGENTS 31 Wett 3ltt St.. New York PITROT ft GIRARD INTERNATIONAL Vaudeville Agents i265 Broadway, New York 'I'd. 44)1' Mftdison ALEX. STEINER Vaudeville Agent Booking Foreis^n and Native Acts St. James Building;, New York^ Phone 4488 Mad. Cable Address Freberman BERNSTEIN—LE VITT- - 7 OUBE VAUDEVILLE AGENTS 36 West 28th Street New York If subscribing: ''as per route *' mail postal of any change to insure receipt. lUI. S. BEHTHAH, i- ■ THE '. ■ v,--.: Producing Vaudeville Agent Booking Everywhere St James "Bldg., 9{e*w York ( IIAKI.KS BORNHAUPT INTERNATIONAL AGENT St- .JameH HIcIk. T«'1.. 45.'.4 MHdiwui Simare, New York. Any t hing Theresa A Dollar In. JACK LEVY 140 West «nd St., New York H. B. Marinelii NEW YORK PARIS LONDON .'it. JaiiifN lUtlK.. L»(t Kuerainhoiit VM Uma \«Te W C ll:i:i ltiotri1\NH\. "I'litixlaUi I'ariH " ' rjil.le, ••" "HruviMlino I^Midon.' IVI(>|)lioiitM>4«i'.> .MiiiiiMXi. .\»'v« ^ ork l{epr*>M-ntNtivv lloHiird Athvnacuiii, Boston, Mmm, AL. MAYER VAUDEVILLE AGENT Tel., VM' lUdiaon. Room 808 Mt. Jam«>M HalldinK H way and itBth l«tr«et, >ew York flcil; Mitchell anil Cain, duncln^ ami sinking, fair: J. A. Murphy ami Kloisi- Wiliiird. in "'The I'hrenoioKist." made a hit nf proportiun; Alaiina M"Malloy"»< vuiff was truf. but nut viry niusital; J{i>s<' anil Lf-nion, bicyclists, in "Thi- (ilobt- of I»iath," is thf most ilarinK thirifj yet shown hire Illustratcil .songs art' Imita.xinK in popularity .«lncf p)rfs«'nt sin^^T has bit n ingageil. Motion pictures. NOTK—Hinry I.mvis. a local atiiat« ur, tried to win Host.' and Lemon's offer of $1,(MK» to any one who will repro.lucc their act of loopinK the loop in th^'ir "r.Iobe of Uiath," but failed to quite make It. It is understood that he niacl.' such a good showing that he Is to join iheni in the act next season. TAUUANT. Lavrrence, >IaMM. CVir.ONIAL (U. Fred Lees, mgr ). Worm- wood's do^s and monkeys lead the bill the week of !.■». Hertie F'owler, in her monologue, ^.'<ts a irood hand. Frank Mayni', ("arollne .Ni ilson and Leonard HofTman. in the sketch. "The Tipster. " make good. Mullen and Corelll do some humor- ous tumbling stunts. Rennicr and <!ourdkr stringthen their skit by th(dr dancing Max Waldon dresses, sings and dances like a woman. ke»|.in>f his iiiidlence guessing. I'hil and .\tttie I'.'t' rs are fiintnakers. Coming 22, Sidney D.are and company, iti ihe singing comedy, "Xmas on the Island." N'nTK - W. L. C.allagher, who has managed the Casln > the last five years, an- nounce.s that he has |e;i.aed the Casto, which waH el )sed upon the opening of Colonial, and will *>pen the house the week of 22 with The French Jieautv HurleMjuers at popular prices. A. B. C. Lynn, Mans. AIDlTollirM (Harry Katzes. mgr.).—Bill we«k of 15: (Jre.-n and Wern.r, in "Habes in the .luuKle," as the topliner, made a decided hit Sloan, in an aerial act. was kooiI (Jiranl and (Jardner. goo.l offering; Harry La Hose and • ■oinpany, well liked: the Drummer Girl fair- I'M Forrester ayd his Ai>K Mike, big hit; .lames iiid lloniiie l-'arley. very poor. Next week Mo-;sow Mldnels. Murke " and l)empsey, Violet IJIack and Harper, Desmond and Burrows P. DAVID CHASE. Lonclon, Out. TUO.VN'KTTS (J. H. Aloz. mgr.).-Geo. H Woo.". i« the headliner this week. 15. I'atrons of Bennetts don't seem to share Chbot's f)pinion. Cieo. H. Wood has unqueHtionably made the Knatest hit of any performer ever seen at this theatre. He is beinK re|>eatedly recalled. Next t-. the above the greatest applause was bestowed upon the Heim Children. They are a remarkable pair of talented youngsters. Kretore offers a innsical act jdeases. Freeze Bros, have a novel Jut'uiinK act and were well received Miriam .\lnsworth r>resente(i her rharacter < iciMue act. which Ib new to this audience, and a favorable impression. Bowers and Theo- manage to get by In a somewhat foolivh ait. Mu>itfe. Woodward and Montgomery |)re«ent a sketch by Chas. Horwitz. Some of Horwitz's :-ketche« are K<>od this is not one of them .liilius Wriuht and Florence Brlnsmore are Kng- lish pant..miniists Their humor is very Knv- lish. The ('ati.idian sense of humor Is American and therefore-but what's the Some good • ••••••••••••••••••••••••^^^^••••••••••••^ '•*••••••••••• .') ■■■ niETY VARIETY PUBLISHING CO. KNICKERBOCKER THEATRE BUILDING NEW YORK CITY Enclosed find $ for * ...... ... .. .. subscription to .ifw- ^' -"•* i(. J. . U t» Name * Address Subscription, $2 yearly. Foreign, $3. 4 Paper will be mailed *'as per route," if so instructed. the monkeys, the j*agaclty of thtvU-ars, and the Intelllgeni manner in wlilch they respond to the cui's of Mr. and Mrs. Wincherman stamp the act as 111 unusual merit. Jik> Belmont does a novelty wnisiung turn in addltiiui to n.nglng and tapiutcs the audience. The s-huberi CJuar- let Is a numU r of much letinenu-nt. The qual it lis arc well balanced, the voices true and the .soi.fc;s well chos. ti. The Kimball Brothers, two boys, do a ludicrous act, consistUi{r of nlnglng, dancing and dialogue that causes much laugliter. /ozoka. a Japanese, tfiugs in native cos- lun.e and ctuiciudes his act with a native folk song with special scenery, and makes good. Hay lialley, a negress, with a piccaninny, a goiiil voice and a chic demeanor, maketi a hit with the audience. The piccaninny sings also and does some clever dancing. The bill on the whole is a very good one and well balanced. moving pictures are shown this week by W. J. Newman. FBITZ lluL'STuN. TottHtuivn, Pa. CrBAND OBKU.V HOUSE (I.->ul9 H. Barker, mgr.). —Bill for 15: i'arter. Weaver and company, Vntrim and INters. in "A Tary at Tanktown; " Three Hllyers; the SlanUys; Gardner Brotfu-rs, illustrated songs; I'amahalskl, birds and dogs; Harrv and May Howard; the Kneedlers; Elmer Jerome; Donnette Sisters, Illustrated songs. •J. H. WKlTZKNKi»\V I'litemon, \, J. FMI'IIIK (A. M. Biuguemann, uigr.).- Mr. and Mrs. i'olby are linished musicians, and with thiir childien, are all that could be desired. Others on the bill are Jay Holland, with her violin. Mr and Mrs. Mark Murphy made a hit with ihi ir 'I'Dal Strike. " while Mr. and Mrs. Jimmie Barrv make merry moments with "The Village Cutups." The Americus i'onudy Four, in songs and witticisms, are fair; the Onlan Trio, e»|ui- librists; Mr. ami Mrs. Marrow, in sand, smoke and shadow pictures, contributed their full share to pleas*', and next Blerct and Maizee in charac- ter changes. The pictures offered by the Kineto graph are as interesting as ever. FAMILY (Geo. Dunbar, mgr.).—The feature act Is Kurtls and Busse'a troupe of trained dogs, whose acro- batic feats and alnio.xt human knowledge bring forth rounds of applaus.-. W. K Whittle, ventrilo- quist, is goixl. Miss Snow, Knglish nlKhtlngale, sings opeiatic selections .and up-to-date songs Gordon and Vidocq itiado K'i<>d with their lau«h able skit Sol'isa is a novelty gymnast, who de- serves praise for his hand l)alancing anil jump- iUK MoviUK pictures lomplete the bill. BIJOU (J H. Bovvlev. mKr.).-The Fay Foster opened to big business. The opening burlesque. ••Cleo- patra in <"«ntral Bark." keeps all in good humor until the olio is reached. Vivian, the fenjaU- baritone; Cushman and St. Clair, In 'H >oligans Troubles;" Herbert and Willing, black face com- edians; l^iuie Dacre, the happy girl, a monologue artist and parody singei-; K« tio. Welsh and Mel- rose, omiedv ami straight acrobatic artists. The show doses with a laugh-producing burlesque called "\ Night at Kelly's Hotel." W. H. SBLNTLFB. SnutH Cru«, Cul. I'NlgCF (Mrs. C. W. Alisky, m^r. >. Hi a ling the bi'l Sth are Gardner and Iteverl. comedy sketch, big hit: V'org. comedy musical aitlsl. i.oor- The Savages, revolving ladder, poor; Gene King illustrateil song, fair; goml plitures. Busi- ness verv good. The Kmplre is no more. \llvn Roberts tiled a petition In bankruptcy last week and his creditois ibcided to let him con- tinue the management of the Kmplre and after paviuK expenses each week the balance of re- ceipts to go to them. But Mr. B'-berts evidently s.iw no profit in that, as he and his lamily,^ The Boberts Four, W-ft on the early train for Fris Mondav. He is working at the Baldwin week ill his old doll ad. Mr. Roln-rts ha^ teiest In the estate of Samuel 1>. Carr. decease,|, in the State of .New York; value unknown His liabilities, chieflv in the way of unpaid p-rform- ers" salaries, amount to $.S5M'» I'.o. assets. *!Mi. He is vv«dl known in the Kast. havimr made his home in New York Citv for several years and pla.ved the Bn)ctor circuit and Bastor's several times. STEVK. Ilnniilton, Ohio. (HiAND THEATRK. —Mr. and Mis. Hammond in a playlet called Family Jarn. Mrs. Hammond does Very Weil. Tin male nieniber of this team was initiated in H.imilton Lodge of Elks here. F. Daly Burgess, with hi.s dog Finuegan, comei* next on the bill, foilowed by Harry Hodgens, In illustiated songs He has a very line voice. Willlg and laiirkl?! are next with airobatic liancinK and sinking. -Morgan and Crone Tally Ho Duo comes last, closing the ulio. Kinodronie diLses a Very good bill. John and Nellie Mc- Carthey, a well known vauueviiu- team, are lunning thl« house. Mr. .McCarihiy's brother in law is in partnership with him, and they both try to make it pleasant foi all performers play- ing here. F. DALY BURGESS. this an In- CJIoveMvllIe, N. Y. FAMILY (P. B. Craft, res. mgr.).- Week of 15th The itazarfs. mediocre; Harrison Green, Inniense hit; 1ji Sella Trio, k«>"<L •'>'< should leain to present their act In better style; Dolly Sisters, neatlv costumed, but very poor; Wood- ford's trained animals, good; motion pictures, fair- -N<rrR.- The vaudeville venture at the r»ariing Theatre (William Calhoun, mgr), week of Sth. proved a success, but owln« to jirc- vlous bookings of bKltlmate attractions which tould not be lanceU'd there Is no vuriety there week of 15 Weik of 22 vaudeville will again hoi.I the boards, giving <ilovers\ llle one theatre (Tlvinir two performanc»'s a day and one doing "three a day." THE AISLR SEAT FIEND. PoHKhkeepnle, N. %'. F.\MILY (Fred DiBoiulv. ns. mgr.). —Wln- chcrman's troupe of (rained bearr* athl monkeys, one of the best animal ads that has lit-en seen here, heads the bill this week. Tlie antics of ttivuy X, Y. ORl'HEUM (E. L. Koneke. res. mgr.).—Simply l;nm« is the best way to descslbe Katie Barry. wtio heads the bill 15. She is a clever little woni- m and her character songs have made a big hit. .-lie puts on a skit called "Just a Joke," that Is a big laugh from start to tlnlHh. Foster and i'e.^ter mide a big hit wUh their act. Comedy and mu.sic are wdl bi»ndt d in the turn they fur- rish. Few ventiiloqulsta have given better sat- isfaction than did \ernon. Frank Bu.'^h had the nudiences in hearty laughter all the time with his funny stories, all new and remarkably well told. Swiit and Buikly, eci entrlc musical comedians, were well received, as Were the Two Pucks. Pot- ter and Hart Well do some sensational head bal undng. Kinetogiaph showing 'The Whltecaps" dose the show SETAB. Yonkera, N. Y. Df)RI<' (Henry Myers, mgr). -The house was tilled on Monday, and those present enjoyed an ex.'.lleiit vaudeville programme. "Hurrah in Bumpkinville.' a sketch by lieorge Totten Smith and tila.Md by Davis Bryan and company, was ia|)ltally rendered; Beta Curtis, violinist, well le- III veil; Jack .'•'heehan, In monologue, pleasing; Mazett and Mazaz. tramp acrobatic act, very stroiiK; Kltamura .lapanese Troupe, very good; I'.essie Gilitert. cortietist. Well received;" Wlilii- Ganlner, skate, good; Maitie Keen and '•ompany. in Ella Wheeler Wilcox's acts. Bam- boozle, was veiy good. This is one of the best ads In vaudevlIU'; it Is well written and well acted and was stronKly received. Dorlsc )pe Kooil plduri- called "The Milli-r's Business good. Coming week of Barry and Barry head a remarkably ELZI E. showed a 1 »au»rhter.' 2'-M. Felix strong bill. •'Imperial SqulbB.*' Business with this company In Chicago was fa/* above the average. Manager Fennessy. of the Folly Theatie. said: "It Is positively the best show that has played my house this season." The Knitting Club, composed of the ladv mem bers of this company, Is progressing rapldiv . but the l.idles would do well to keep their fancy wi»rk off the stage. The prop ttirkey did not look very Well when it was carried on the >4iaKe deco- rated with a pink and blue silk undershirt • Jeorge (Jarland, of the Clipper Comedy can certainly take more medicine for his than any tenor singer i bave ever met. dressing rootn always looks like a younn store. (»n.' stick of flesh, two atomizers boitl). of pimxide. bottles of garble and all kinds of cough drops are the only thiT'i,'s tlnit '*adorn his makeup shelf. SQUTIlBER. Four. Voice His drug lar>;i