Variety (Jan 1907)

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VARIETY 21 REPRESENTATIVE ARTISTS REPRESENTATIVE ARTISTto THE TOY SOLDIER L0XJI8 WESLEY PRESENT! WALTON WEEK JAN. 7, COOK'S, ROCHESTER. WESLEY CD, PIN CVS. Agents. AMERICAS FAMOUS CHARACTER COMEDIAN. Chas, Robinson ■MM* MM feature* with Campbell ft Drew's "COLONIAL BELLES" OOMPANT. Titt—m minutes ef solid UuibUr in "om» doing hi* noTel apeoialty, "Thl Tramp and Hebrew." Harry Corson Clarke ACCOMPANIED BY IN VAUDEVILLE. Margaret Dale Owen BY WILLIAM MORRIS. Chas. Leonard Fletcher ON (opposite side of the) EARTH Tour Inst th« World ADDRESS UNTIL MARCH 1st TIVOLI THEATRE, SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA Care of Harry Richardi, Escf* Fred Karno's Mod My (o.'s WEEK JAN. 7, POLI'S, WATERBURY. PRESENTING "A Night in the Slums of London." "A NIGHT IN A LONDON CLUB." "A Night in an English Music Hall," including Billie Reeves, the Original Drunk. "Jail Birds," "New Woman's Club," "Hilarity," all in repertoire. Productions protected. Attorneys, HOUSE, GROSSMAN & VORHAUS. All communications for open time, ALF REEVES, Manager, en route. 'THE MAN WITH THE FUNNY SLIDE.' Chas. J. Burkhardl Season 1906*07. FEATURED WITH FENNES8Y'S • MISS NEW YORK, JR." Management I. M. KERR. SGHROOK and RIGE THE TALKING CYCLISTS Will present in vaudeville next season an original comedy bicycle playlet entitled "A CHANGE OP BUSINESS" Tour now being arranged by REICH * PLUNKETT. Vaudeville feature with "8 Balls" this season, TWO ASSISTANTS. SPECIAL SCENERY. The Ruppelts^ From Germany ORIGINAL TABLE TUMBLERS Les Georgis FEATURES WITH THE BEHMAN SHOW. EOGEN TRIO A OROBA TS ANOTHER ONE FROM THE WEST! WHO? JOE DEMING OPENED AT KEENEY'S DEC. 31, A BIG HIT. ON AT 3:25 AND 9:25. MANAGEMENT JACK LEVY. 140 W. 42d St., New York City FERRY CORWEY Keith's Circuit. The famous Musical Clown from the N. Y. Hippodrome. Address Chas. Bornhaupt, St. James' Building DARE DEVIL CASTELLANE Assisted by VOLO. SENSATIONAL DOUBLE "GAP OP DEATH" AND TRICK CYCLISTS. Eastern managers, wstoh for us. Permanent address oars VARIETY, Chicago Omoe, Tf S. OUrk St. BESSIE WYNN In Vaudeville Now playing Keith Circuit WE HAVE A FUNNY WOMAN THAT IS REALLY FUNNY. Heading the Empire Show. Ber\ Welch "THE HEBREW AND THE DAGO." Coming East on a slow horse. I'm 10 hungry I could eat ham. BELLCLAIR BROS TANEAN, FELIX i CLAXTON In a conglometation of mirth and melody. Jan. 7th and later open. Homo addreas 331 E. 93d St.. N. Y. City. "IF YOU CAN'T BE GOOD, BE CAREFUL." IMHOF DIRECTION HEUCK * FENNE88Y. HAVE YOUR CARD IN VARIETY 0 Returning with a new act and introducing their original "SPRING-BOARD LEAP " I When answering advertisements kindly mention Variety.