Variety (December 1907)

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24 VARIETY REPRESENTATIVE ARTISTS REPRESENTATIVE ARTISTS T H E NIGHTINGALES Bis Nit Everywhere MINNIE MARX, M*T. Theo Carew MOTEL SCENIC PRODUCTION far Mass ORIGIN AL MUSICAL SKETCH tUwUlie PRODUCED by COMPANY OP SIX WILFRED CLARKE, UmW Club. New York It AND Y "KB DAT OFT." IT 1AOEMOM, K A T s o N ■tag* l. New IN VAUDEVILLE. TIME ALL PILLED, for JULES MTJEEY. BUMYaoasra assMBisi *. i. «tyv THE CHAMELEON COMEDIAN Mrs HYMACK The ORIGINATOR of an ORIGINAL aot WW •hfWy tag A—rlc« uader Mr. PERCY O. WILLIAMS' ——»»—< ODELL and KINLEY ENGAGED UNITED B00E2NO OPPICES* TIME. FRED KARNOS Comedians Original London Comedy Company. Manager, ALF. REEVES. KLAW * ERLANGER CIRCUITS. Representative, WM. MORRIS. "A NIGHT IN AN ENGLISH MUSIC HALL" (with Billie Reeves, the orig- inal "drunk"), M A Night in the Slums of London," etc., etc., in repertoire. All productions copyrighted. Pirates, keep off. Attorneys, House, Grossman and Vorhaus, who have already confirmed all our legal rights. MUkm PASTORS, N. T. Goforth AND ("All Eight") SUNDAY, DEC. I, AMERICAN. Doyle OF TALE PHIL MILLS la LEW SULLY'S tioa entitled "ORATORICAL DDPTURRANCEr' and BOOKED SOLID KCITH & PROCTOR WEES DEC. 9. X. A P. 23RD ST., V. T. a Freeman Bros. -?• Pllf PV , ■ -: BARNIM n ■;- n ,:-fr" >M y S • (E1LUC ' • - A flSSSMSM Circuit 4a Aiffaraat atylee of dancln*. Now oa the Sullivan Opaa far Barieeque or ▼aaderilU for next leaioa. IMPERSONATIONS, MIMICRY AND TRICK PIANO PLAYING. FIDDLER and SHELTON DOING THING8 WHICH COME TO SOME, BUT ALL "NEVER." Ea route, booked by Weitwn Vaudeville Aaaociatioa. Per. Add.. 2701 Dearborn St, Chicago, 111. Swan THE ECCENTRIC RECRUITS. AND Bambard "OaOaard" withW. B. Wataon'e Army, playins Grof&a and the SherilT in "Krauaemeyer'i Alley.' DX.WJLT, N. Y. CITY. WEEK DEC. 9TH. LILLIAN HALE a Oaa of the beet laayfalny .ketches in Teuderille. Bi* aaooeaa everywhere. TXDl WEEK. GARRICK, WILMINGTON, DEL. Nellie Seymour and Nestor Cherarter Sony and Cbengfc 120 W. USth St.. New York. Phone 8470 Mornlngelde Playing Klaw * Erlanger Circuit Open time altar April la JIIVI and JENNY JEE WORLD'S GREATEST WIRE ARTISTS AND JUMPERS. Booked by X. K. PXZBER. M/W/E YOUR CARD IIN VARIETY. VAUDEVILLE SURPRISE JOLLY JOHN LARKINS ORIGINAL CONCEPTION IN ONE OR PINCUS. Exclusive Agents When answering odverlUementt kindly mention Variety.