Variety (Jul 1931)

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Tiics 7, 1931 v£riety \59 " In : America,; ;.tlVe- JPaiace la ac-. ■ ccp'tca aa tlieiv tio^ WJ^iule. house Iri • ' tho C"oijntr.y.i ■ tWlthoul exag^icTatlQn . ov pnti-lo.ti.'^mi.tliat. ipoin be., broaiTenod: <)ut to Include the'Syorlt). .lS(o" yauUe ■theatre anywhere gets together mear: Vais :riiiicli c.hte.rtai)fijrn6ht: value on. oho •■^:lrill'at Dnfe^tlme;>-;;;.;:; ; ; . ;-' ■ "■ One quick Jlasli: of'the s;>n Is ^aiCfordea ' l?y' the, JVIaurice CollGaTio; . afct. 'rlicyvciofee .th.6 bill .at the PaV ac^: this; wiqek , alid '^can't ,st6irt the • etampedie, .'AnyWl)<^re Iri;. .E.uropG, " tihey <l lioadlih,er That goc^ ■■ tor ;the I»alladl.tinV. iii London, ■the Emigre- in 1?arls, .cir the Wlntier ■/;Garten:in;'Bfirlin,-.■'v'.'.'; v .V. . There-are aiiiy . eight acts on thei" current Palace.^blH.^ 'T^^^^^ ■^^^ith less: tha,n ■ a, dclzen In ^ah a.ycr-7. .. ag« ■ I^iii^opea;n".'vafiety com JBut • fl:riy :t\vo of the currert.t J?a;iace':actrsj . »--:;wltfi oh<} single.- cxcepfloiiTr-can go; ' . 'over t6..12ui-6i)e. and .i-un awayjiwilh ./• tlie show. at aiiy of.-the principal - variety hou?i6g,' ho' piatter. Avhp they are.hi^ . is . ;the Harry; .Cjiriro reVue, ;;iind. ■ V that, •' due.'; tpV, tiie Stroud . twins,; ^ doesn't; eveh • ib'eio tiie Palace, .. nor . in. -a; ■■Class -.'A -yaudc - house' any 7 •■; '-iw|iore;:'- V" ;;:;■.;.■ • ''"'.'-^ •'■ ' •:. 'fhcro ai'C.'tAvb acrobatic turns atid .; a /niagiciiri oil'-the Palace; bill, this ';i\-eck:in dii o.fght-act'layout,- T^^^ priitty . bad^-for ^the .Palaqe/. Across • the Atlantic jt would be, {5;r-frat.\: iixr ■ copt that ithoy.^ . tliihK tliey're' having ihsuihcieht acrobatics oyer' • ■therfc.ii- Voii can't ;eivie' tiiem t6o' ;, ma.hy .ha7id-to;-hahd, vor j;tsl€y boys on the other;side.;. Over.; here they're ;;.'ififl'''i"?:': • ^'■''r. ' " ;;UUhs compairlson of American and • -3S(u'Qp6an;';va;ud©. ls\.alsp heightened :.• by .'the otliei:.- at?ts on .tlie • cufrcht . ':' laS().ut;.-.;'.i?bvrah,: .Mirteyjtch;;. if ' he .. played.all.:t.l)ic'time;:th.ey^ him • • in ..}iUrpi)!o/whcn.;he;'. wa.s'the.l'e list j'ear,; cotild 'bo. tlvere thc. 'rcsf of--his .. lif^,.:! He headrincd:at;thc Empire in '•■ .Paris tdr^t\yo '\yeel(3 and .then >yent ' ;ynto.v;-a;-..l'.'arisrdVuc'■ ' for-;, se^ycrai . 'months.. .Thcy^ricyer .Wpiild lot him.. ■ v>ot off - the';sta6',e. lie' alWays; ^ya^. a, ; . slipw-stoppcr.;' At the Pnlaco; he'a' .V .'ju'st ai'iotlter.!pi'etty gppdl act.','..;. . v ■ ., "• • ,TlTen ';^a,.clV'^McLalldri and-' Sarali. ■ .vThoy -sail , (or-; LOndpn nq.Nt, w<?ek. • ;■■ and ;X.ondon w 111 -H ndoubtcdly. take ':' >to,,'th'cm.-,- A'nieL'ie'ari-.comedians.;are ... ■. pretty ■ nbaHy : always suire iifc . i^i '; .,i'pn'&ri... .;l"hey ;liiay'e .'ab 'fey^^ pf : tiiicir . own., , -In, Pftris, /McLalleri . would :-; have to ,ngjvt . because: of the; lan- ' ^..'guag© dilliculty', /.but. ,evert' at' -that Doris EUihgsori's; voice ;would prob- - > ibly put;the tuxn over; At tlie^Pal- atic Satitrday afternoon s;he,>vas the' : «niy one; on the entire bill >vho got •; ;anything resenftblihg ifcai; ap|^la 1 if orb .Williams, ia :,a'notlici'.;one' tp ,., fall'at ;.calegpry;.; He's , been ; .doing that act of his for years ;aijd . : ,y,ea:rs now,, ahxt. it still wows them. . .liondpn would Ipye:it Jiisit as;:miieh, or more.'; Pari^ or IJerlih, pf cou'rse, ; are;, out ;i'or him..: .Unless- the Ger- ' maih \yillifvmis-spirlhkles through ,liis act^and ;:it'a.- Very good .German—; iJicans he sjieaks the;.language- at ,. '.itiase..;: In Geririany, thejy'd loye his .v*oK'e., You, .can.'t expect'- ,a;;via,ude ; . amiicnce . to ■ .listen . to a' ianguage ; -,oVitside; its^'pwn,, thPtigh. - - - The . I^rox Sisters''bh this week's .; bill \ \y6u 1 d hano: ti-bti ble ih ';any , ,,asai:opeah,' hbiise. - Maybe Paris \Vp;iild , bii troul>le.sPme for the gals ;, - bec', the ,l'?r.cinclv are -Zthe only PiPbplc' in. the wbrld'.\v;hp' gp so far as. to, re.sbnt'..eyen..:SGn"gs <ih a lan- . P.viage. piUsidQ;; thielr ;b\vn;; But the ;Br(ix .h,'irmphIzihg: would' get thorn ;,, attep thfrflrst.hujhtocr. • They. haVeh't ;;:«ot anytUihg .hcar^ais. g^obd on tl'Velr .; o.\;sQil.,-.■■:.;.;;;■ ;'v''' > :.-; ;..-lJu.vaI,;.: a-, -magician, opens J the :.;, show/, .Avith :-;a.: pretty 'weak ;- turn. ■.. P"itt.pntirely. ai'bund prpdu,cin'g''stlk, h.iiFidkcrc'liiiefs wh erb none wer0 pi-c - : - , .Vibu.sly :a'rid of -it' obvious stuff.: Pretty prpps and good 'ShowriYail"-? . ,ship, . though; , w'ould■ rii'ake• ibis a fym-han ,Kurope;.^ ■ ■; . ' .; , , Pali! and Kihb GhezTii; deucing, arc: pivpbably tlie world'.s>best:hand> . .to-harid team..- 'TJiey'rc ofiglnaily ■ 1'ronch, djvd^.are eqiKallyIthbwri ; ■ {^V'cr;,h(?'r.fe as .,.in;..cvcry: top Vaude • hoiisie oiL'the Continent;. ,They used ,tp;be.ljillcd. as;,!^ ^ (XM7^7a, but ■have : . rccontly,- si)rputed ;out' intb^ iiisi'nj^ : ;,t,IU'ir. full haines.,, ;. ., . , '\ '-; • ,n-'ViTy\Carr6lHs.,.hew rev.'irc, • with . Ty^ .V'arrpll, is third;bn thc. currbnt ' ;j^K\i'-P:^b'ill, :itnd even' d'e',spftev,;th'at •.V/.-£/^.'."7?>.v.:yaude ;hP,iise,g.-. never ■ .i.'a:Sh lact.s-^^-. •vsry-'. sf'lflbhir^thoy ;!>VH!'.'dh't. be. iht;ere5itcclvb(:ica\isc.;Qf ■ ...iivo .lo'w.r-jstandard-.of qiiality. ■'The; ; . .b.iroiju 't\yiiis, .who.'aisij'd. to-'he''.a ■^ocu'.i.iig.; ho.;ofing act until rcccntry, - ave. aV t.i ng.,-as' rryastors of. cererri oriic.s -.- i.or...the a,ctv.;an.d. thpir hiatcriar is : 9" par .. with, av'erage^^ EuVbpctiti, ■ ^ material-,bnjy In that. It's ' ••■ t'TJt '■^•Vl'laiigh line I n (lie ■,,,.and- what. cohii?d'y there' is the ■ . 'r,2"'^,"'.^"-iKe'to- .spoil by^-riPt know ,.;.inKV-;hflw' toV^put- :it::bveiv . Thoyfre ■ .;-,p«M..| .hoofors, ;md .oVight-;to'>Klick''tb .J'PVf"'^:-'h^Vpi'ie .the::Slrii»i(l<j -tlHj {tc't . -. ;/f?',^t ;»mich,-brily butst.aiidrh'ai' ri'in '\'-'V''*;;irP'^ for '; ■ ;fl.-lJic; '.until- ^recently. ',.;the oigivt .; , f-.UH .nrc :ppetty> aWd' jfa'rry ahd'.Dor-. . , oti),.y.,'j,ixQn ; do a;.-vrn'ildiy.. tfm'using „ P/i nc;e. „■ A\:ith. .a' ' comodlan to Jie.the thing up. it mightbe"wDr'kt'd • .jnip an act-yet. ^'- ; .. ■, -?f'.the/Carroll act- wbreri't.: so pboi^ ..It Gould:be used; toAclbsei' the' show, .JllDwlng Maurice eblleah'p A :spot in the nr«t half,.thereby making a; bet^ baldtic'cd .bill. As it/fsritheVcus- :; ipm^rs beein walk'ifae - oh. CPlloaiio when he : brings ..but the ppcingA bqard and they,,,miss , the high- tbwered finish.'. ,';'.• ■ .'■-.■/;■•. . ■All in;'4llv'- it'sVribt ■. an- ■ especirilly gpPid,- PaUicp . shoA\% ,wiih ' no real, headlincr of Palace quality: in .the layput, .but; it -vvbul'd be' ah -'Cye-~ bpcfhing group, bf acts for any Eucp- pe'an ■audjehco; .' Which: makbs' It that much hardcjf; tl)fr:fact that ;leR6 ;th'an bhe-^thii^d Pf the scats .wore lllle'^d;-Saturday"att<!rhobh 'M:- .•ience of a drjiVv 'h;eadiiher kept' the ffyi.hg. hamo. ;fla'g3; ;awia.y; -irom; the frbrf.t- :0f ;,the. .Pa.lfic'(i: 'this -w^ek' 'for the flrs'l time in. months. ■/; ' Eauf:: *he' Ilip' -has an bight-act v RKO shpy/, and a. ;fejttur6 .'iHiin. Film; '•The; Maltese -Falcbh".''(^Vl3) : was out In lights,;the iaeniliy of the Yaudfe afcts; was more .or less, a se- cret.; ;- Unfurling ■ a^ banner with the «-RK0, acts 'or . tbe saite ■ thihg: in electflcfs' :dpesn't BXeah .rnuch 'tb^ the transient seeking stage entbrtain inent.,:-;-' ",';..,"v;--■■■■.■■■■ -;."■ ,"\ ,;;Sho\y Jjad a.:dash of circu and r^gtilation' .vaude and fairly good 'entertAinnieht. Andre; DeVall d,besH'.t:secnv to T)at ah; Cj-e: -whbri it conies to '.being;, tossbd. ;reckressly across .the big stage ;by :the'-throo men:; in her,'a'ct-r^That DcVal^-sfuff. is -so: dprking':bh. ;its' •iClaSgin'-: catipn;it,cPul_d be.'played.iiiii. :■■ \ ;; I<aye, and KlPri-ier, a ;mpnopedic dub, - hiXd . several Interesting .:;inP merits ind' the hand .halahcing. rbu- tihe^at the 'iluish'Sbt tli'prri off-to ap- plause. ■•;I3pb,-: .feisliei*jva?! , .secpiid; Under c'crjt -this.; riijih .:liil3 lapjjar.e.nt leaiber.lurig.s;';.i'i^ cjrtlly. - jmd. ;.hb' uses.-.num'bc'r^ wlilch the habes khow-backwards. v . . ■ .I'lritz and Joan- Hubert--wi'th tlieir rpugh .and:timilVle wbrk:'as the aci-p- ba.tiP dru.h'K's:did;^oriie of thpir: falls ;t'b; .bfg;a.iipliiu'sb. 'Though.'the' young: man 'injured-a- toe whori; flpi'ng;^ on^ '').f ■ -his ;exitsr ;hi? .mahiiged' .to llhish o.ut with'. • tlic ''rtiidicncp . uhaw'arb . that after he: lcTt...fhe,;:st;agb..he '.btid''. :hav,b a ; dPctor give' ;the! Ihjiir'y -a dres-sii^g.; -.The IhjuryV put the apt putrpt-:the ;sh6\V; for, tliP.later perr fbrm.a'nce'.;,. :;;;'--'-.:-:-.',-^:-'^-', :.■. . - ''i)auntjpi5.s,'' .the';pbliee dog, fitted in -nicely .'.hwb. •; Dugs ■\vill bo dogs-, and-#hcji th^y-are splendidly train- ed.; they '-always .,m:a(ke;'a, ■hit-.'b'sii^ ally .'■iyith' .the- ybuiiiger :oiembht. .-Not ovi'i^bri'^ ;iierb.. ,; -First, reivl comedy : 'canve , In the Plilfird and Hillier tui'n; AlvHlIlibr: ' works all the time; and -altivoiigh'it is spnibwhat ;, - ii,'s ;harmlcss iind clean, and that- is an :assef^ for a; ttirh.; of thi,s. fyijeV Twp , womch give iiniplo assistarico, ''"rrbpical. ;Niehts" .\vitli; Aiidre 'p.eVal is the Andre DeVsti abt .with lierhaps'a hew .opi&hihg, - The main bedy :and the i\eal standput .is.; thb iDeVal ^W'S wpi-k- as. ,a sort, of ,Hunian ball- Or. top the way .ishe's ■ .tossed arid spun from- niari, to man.,' ;^-:. -,-' ;:ilfer.^hei; Henlere .Syas a .hit.; He' Hii.'ies. furi' with, his music a,nd..hls ohe-ma,ri. band: travesty, a big laugh getter;..'. OlQSirig.:\v'cre Stanley liyos. and' Altrce tNeW; Acts),;--. .' ".. ; .'.'.; ~. ■ Also . on- the scre^en Pathe - NeXys. .Sam:-. Fre,cd;s orchestra a .pitrioti.c- iripdlcy.-; Otherwise; ix cmiet day .'and; ;bsi}6c-ialiy';it.-tlie ;b.o -.. ; ■■ 'Marki .'. ;'13rg..''h6u-se 'Sriturdtij:; matiiiee. Npt ■affected 'at; ail.- by . the hQlidiyi iipld.-; .lng'a--Ticir,-capa:cit'y .aiiW AiidlT-: .ehbe lin 'a Italiday. mppdj;,tpo,, for U. .kept. fproihg: .ea.cli. act; tp'. an; encor6, with.:prol.brigPd .ajiplVvO's -;.. ;/,i3lght; act's;, ran-:,.bvcrlPrig,: h^itting, twb hPurS;.ahd. ;fivp 'minutcS<.Usually ^ :15; .or. 20 minvitcs ':lcss bf. vajide here by' the. sanrb number^, -;'A,lthough:,thc -.biir.-sioAve.d.-do.wn- at ;ti'm sonic' of/tl'ie -aclts ;:wcrc' ;tttktrig a<^- vantagc .of ^the. b.ig'.lu',arted 'mob,: the .Oriidip'h'cc'.didn't'.iiiind.'.''-;' :.'; V, ;Ppph(>r;.was. the rangier^ ;(New' • Acts) ;a: vq.tiar.tet , hcrahled ;oh - the screen, aa IJein.g ^from: filrps/ -Ijiked. Raymond WiiHert.-'golf. ;,ex,pert -who mixes some■ chattcir. "and hppp jug-.^ glirif^ .-with. 'ills-. g.blf,. took ; up. ;too; miichivUiine,.;-Chattc;r .-. Isn't- '. yery, effective.'- - Uses, thi-eb .golf tricks; ■ JUlph.; Rogers' ; (Nb\y Acts) " had ':eaijy ridirig.. Was .ii'ked .fpom ,, the ,start'-'and;'gbt. a couple ;of encoro.s., .Matbria'l '.; l.sri'.t' ,strpng; enough - .f br' that,! bu'VVthe; ,boys :'at -.tjvis' hbuSe .go- for', I'PPkerS.' and';:R'oKers is. ;as-. sjistfid', Ij'y. a.,,,s,pappy ,i)iohdb,-: .;, .,' ' ■' •; -Mary. M.a.Hpw6"^.,,;inilla-tiy^^ ■•well .-'Tebciye.d.- ;, Imilatcs an - iris.h '\ybm'an,':'ni.(rht';C.lub;,-sing^ anlr^ ;n)alsi .;'Kparii^>li• team; .JtPd-^; rig.b . £tri(i: ;!?t'cd,' by .a ypcal and' fc'rniric-;-,,^ use. .ov.t'rly, .^hba'V-y,: 'd'raiuaiifSt ...In.;, their. .clb)ji'rig ,;■';-'. "Jvtfit; 'a--; -Gigolo.'': ■CiJe-;intb' an'apacTic; from but. of ■. a- 'cYbar-' blVic: siky,. ..Avitli ■■'.tiie ~sM'am-fS,': bf; 'the' gii'i :-and-,'th"o , ovcrilonc -drar nihli'c. t'-wjt('hin;iu's PE -. thp- boy; c-lPs- Ing'r-..I'X'-i.'cyibii.siy ' tbo-.':icah-); dc']ivp,rs - pleasiii'ti .;tarigp- daTjcos. ,V.G iri-' trip • hf;l p S. ■ ;v ■■: ^ iV. r\ ■ ■ :^ i,-: . IJoii :Kaye :f,N'(-5V; A<-l'!<),:,h.if?.lii(,'(l by (v;-whnT.'in ■'a:rid^ 't^^^p sJv.'ipf'd^ gao'd.-: Dczso ,,Ri'tU'r's ; ar.'i;')liati(.'i= ,wnr(;^ ..sh6rt,-"ijnd ^'.snai-ipy;. 'ahd;..'v;-r-n'l; ■bAcor' si,-i>p'nfr?;'. ■' -'.v ■ -;.;..; :;■■ ' .'; V-^JJa' Mahrio-3;•;P!l-Vft-'r.-Vn ;;l-yiiih'aj-sa^T' doi'.^., gpi^i; - ;c(ilurt'd - ;i 1:1 nd-- fiH : fbf vaiiclei;,' Mostly. aIj;:'l');i'V(.«.«/ jij.«'t^'.fiii<*-: .string, \ 'Ariia,nd.a, Randolph-; T'<'!.U<'.r i.<j'.feat.UiTd.-for'somc' hot ■ warbling,' ir<j.n,: gargling .'m.^nnrT,.,-b^^. v.'jt:alMng' .went'. ■■, TWpi.'hbMferg-; arc: .f^m .v.ahd. ^snifppy>^.;.-;- --\'.:-.■'■ ''-'./'..■■■ ■'< :'' • ■ -r. ■': tr;3';:"IJp 'Eo,I^ -'^rui'dcr,•^.:fbatu^^;,:, '; .::'^f:^:^L:^:^SlVVTE.;^^ I<oew*3.' acei - yaude;. stand :cauS:ht its sharo^ of but of tbwrters - Satiir-'; day's mat. - These people; in . part' re.pla,ced the two ri^Illloh or so Kbw-: Yprkbrs; Tv-hb left town over the 4tli arid: madeVa ,pip audicricb, for .the, acts. Sb'mb thirig.s they -howled , at, new .foivtheriv 'eyidontly,- the •.State regulars'.; :'wpuld-,-;-'let''.. pass.-; -'.Thi;y shovyed yshoiiblrig. quallty-' Irt; spPt.Sj p,articniarly . jPoiir .out' of ..Frariccs While's :.-ilrst^"flve:;riviriibcrs,;-whiclv, iar.o.d.-Uglitly;,.. "jhey - wor^ lUctipiis . for .the - petltb;:;sbri'g.sti''e'ss: Iter old fayoritp, .''Mississippi,": .;i.s ;the' ;bnly- sf^ridptit in-; her reguiar' rputinb^;;.;';,-:■-■ -. ■ -rx :■;;:■; . ;?aclc -PeiDiitfr,-: vaUde favbr,itb ,^bf the younger school made,' his : iirst Rroadway;appe.'iranbe ip ,some;;ti'mo. His.Hs • a vaiidb •p^rsbriality, always working .-Iront. .', A ;.'mbst:, iikbablb. chap, . with, a. dalndy.. p^ir of pipes he.tiied:up thb shbw, encbrlrig'witli- oiit the. piiiho. witli;hi3'tWo sibbges-. Tlhe -,sfbo^cs^ ' aid; well;. - ■ One :played piano .; and- .;viblln>; \ simultaBeousiy. and w'as;, a triple threat in "the mid-, die. of ; the. a;ct., . "The other stoo'ge does-: ,a,:: hisbe, and althpugli going for 'some: haosay ones,' madc';'erii howl.-i' FJ^lsetto . voice linitatlon' of cb;lored-gal' dbinfr>;"^t, "Louis Blues"/ ;3tr,pne; 'clo.s^r'v.aihd' high -spot, : ;- Thb-Thrree Gobsl a colbred hbpfih'g .act i(New; Acts) yyiil :be, a magnet tor _'hiari,y Broadway..-biicii : hoppers' : whcnV novys;. gets/'arbund ; they are; there .and. what thby are doing.: In :sect)nd 'spot, following- ;£'bri;;;valerlb. - they: picked- up: the'fast-t^mrib and put. 'it-.-iri' high'.; .Dori-; "Valerib ;With :t,wp,' , unbilled:; .^shapely.,. misses', Syhanimed over' a sjpck- bri-'thc' tight \vife, ;His rttnning;$pHtori, the-'nat"'- row'steel; thrbad;was br.eath faking. The .girls are at ■ hbnie. on the wire. :'Peac.ivy;bpener; '■ ■' ■;■.■ ^;.; .-- ■;.-■■:.''" - ; .HoTyard ..a.nd liaticte 'iarid;;.com'- 'pany '.pf .;twb..-;riien -/arid' two .-ivbriien all. -unbilled;; ttampicd thrpu.?li sbriio ;bld burlesqije.jbjts -woven/arpurid a. 'Shc^y rehe'ai'.isai; VHowardJdbcs a nut bbp Ih- exaggbrated style.: Ijd'iiiie. s.teps dbwii iit ."orie^'-for'three parbV -dleA on lpoi> .tunes.;; Tlie. rest: of- .cast flit ;ia.b.Puf ;i?or-. ba;Gks.rQurid';:ahd: ,.as'",fbe'ds.; • Hokey ,pPlce.y..-. 'v:-'"' .■ ^' ': . Adagip;;dancers . like;..towns bv;ef> seated;, -with :;,theati'es,; ire ' .harfTt pressed :fpr, sellinfif ,. h.nglcs.: '"The :Poicelain Romance'^ ;tries- for tile diftcrtrit;; After all, it's s?tili;ad'ag,io> but the' tolkS frbin KePkUk arid :polnts'-.wcst lik'ed -it immensely;;'so. that'a. that." ;-' ■';■:-; -: v -.; - :; Bi^siness,, gpod' feut not :s^^^ iPararnpunt's ;' ."Vicp; - Squad'^ . bri. screen. Other screen stgff iriclu,d.ii)g. a Ric.e ;short;: Burns apd: Allen; qprri - cdy,, film arid the. .-iisual Mbtro. n^bws. fcbl i-ounded but; a, Ibrig ghbw; ■ /(phbster,'New ..York)- A punchlCss layout, .this intact, but it entertains; conslsteritly- if; ^nly mod'eratcly - and manages;; to; slip across.'. No danger. bit "^ny theatre aibng -the route .runriing bycrtimb because.'of 3ho.Sy;rStops,' although stoppers prbbably aren't a,necbs^ary ingredient of :the; RKO units,; The Intacts' kbynbte in :thc',book- ing process .and -later in the; playing i.s: steady;.ente;rtainm;ent;' This, gives the booker 'sonie;. leeway; in -either, di'rectibri,: since if a; bill .manages tb . satisfy;.''it-s'i5atis'factor.y,..w^^^^ tin^y don't have,"tb ;bb.-great kt -any .time. .. "fhe all;can't be. great On a. ?3,00p; ■budget, ';;.':'..: "■ ■' • ■■ '. ■'■ y'^ :.- The -iiirilt: ttt the-Chester; the la;sfr half -^pr; its final; :Ne>y - Yb.rk datb 'beforb'' proceedinig; to . Syracuse, ahd thp road, wbiilt teach;anyth.lnp ricw;! .it'tilay's; ^airi.y. ■well for ;thrbe; dcts atrd ^ rbscryes ijjs ibpmedy .:punch. for ; thb;;finish:A.'fbririula .proved be^ fore.;■-;:;;: ;'■■'• - V'-^:'; /' ■'•^;:-,./::- ^a-'.'- " ■' .The. finisher is -Harry -EUrns.-Here .-hls-'.turh scbmbd- punchy .ih-'cbntra.St •only: •. It might have bee.ri' the small .audibnpe-bri: a ho't-ni&h't or.'perhaps :tl'ie frail :fi'niHh'..-:; That.'thatr. finish; ;rrilj 51 olbse;th is bill bpsid a.s"j ust .this' ict accentuates -its ;;Aycakri.e.'ii=!i; \ It c.Tiri't- fblIp^ the :stppng:; cbmcdy. luip ahead, in; thb' same ■ a<;t.',;' ■ ■;: ■ .; It's'u.riknpwri who>e':Du'ya^ the. time'lb'.:b.rcak--.iri. spme .piiming .additions, tb hi.s'.silk- pulling.- rputihb^^ • .Pr.p.ljably 1 n i t-ho-; par:lbr,. b'u.t.-. it-;bc- spoak.s jprpgrcsa '; ,by this.,;: :neW- comc;r; ahiong the magic aets; ;-It looks 'like'-'a' corrcsporideiice- school CPutine, „--it,'s. that- filrtiplb. ibut-puVal /looks" ^ood .- in; -rtaiil.s,:. . ho,s : a ; .nlc:c 'smile;:arid,.' a,h;;attractive;;marinbr; The. silki?;iorid -muclt colpr, lie pullsi; :'e.m ''put' of . cylltjdors: and' op'pha:, a"'.sa.ti.sfaotoriJy;..;.V .■ ;'' ■ ';;' ;; ; ;l{iVno.i inci ./Kaye ;. depended ,ori; 'their ; darieinff in -the' deuce arid . it got:;th.brii': .ar.ound' th.c .ba,so.'!.,.;do;spite the fitl.k ^ul^).'e '•■way;, ;.Th^ .s-f em .to /know all' .-abPu't.;• the.-; tl)^m.^jif'rve.s,'/-.fbr: thc-y. 'get. .j;t,'; over. ; Willi s,a<Tn-'-.(srib;i;i(r,l'i, ; ;Wh/'ri;.'doin.f-iricr. :fhey.'ro. okay;, .: YQUtlriful;>. ^is.V-.'an:. ad wanfrtgq' ,f pt^" :;thf>m'. b'rid -'ah -f;'n.}!a,nrfMrtifrit for';tl'i'b. bil,i./in ; the ;ir<iriy :s:i;)i;jt,;. j;;;'; :''/■;■ ::c''.y-' ..';- -■ :':-A; ri«>■^v':.act by/TCa.r,>n;.Nr)rrn'<'i'ri usu.'r ■',1 ll.v ~;m'''ans' .j''OTrib.. nV-W. go w;, Tills -|irrlf> yi(-^«vid^*s f h'>' ■f'''''.hr''^ a rjow. .piariis't,; Jerry.'. fLrr-r^ri' bri:.{l|f'; .V»iIiMw. ' 'T110 V'<■'ni f^f. :i I\vri'yV :.llk<;;-1'?. ■^^•If.irik:£11;T<ary];:firid, l!jM.di-idM.i- ,'1'lioUgh (■!ir.v,:no iorigbr-'p:aisp:r|-t. vyig-re'- rii,.0;yal> jlvpi-.- g^^f^H 'd Vit. 'iyfiui xiui.-.'im^ .pbrfspriatlVln; |ri; - aript )|V>r, iw.a v. ■ -, llir' ^b^■k^?. t'h■b.- .•scalp e.arlv ' ' f*>f. oh- .01a gK-. iiWif-rb riM.~' 1 n rl 1 id i ri-iJc .-a . d on hif> .vAlf'ird d'p'et-'with^ aVtrlbk .Aw.b-sidwl skimmer'.''; ■-■-/-.-'V-;'./-' 'c^-.:-:- '.■■■[■(r[^: :.. \Vll'ori Karyl '.gbcs . baS3^^^^ high f'aliibtfo. it's a lrt'ugli each tiirio,; and'K;Vryl,'does' tiie..liass;iivi.,i(e;natur 'rally; . rii4.:l)Uu'>: gown, 'with; silvi,'!' -.wig was' a'k.iioojfviiuti :r.KO> Ion . diiMiartrncht: l.^ri't • doing .iivuch; iiet'ter':fbr;;the;\vbnion bf .-i-audcvillo; if' 'as.vgopOf.,;.tliah...K;vi-'y:l -;is dbing; fpr hiiii^v"'. '.;' ' ' r'; ';- '■• :. j :^;.' '' - 'l.'^u.rn.^:hash't-bccfi'ov^r.'the Orpiii: , With' liLs' . present , tui'iii .;-iilth\>u;-:li. riiHcli. . of ":!;hc : stuff,.••.iii.oUuti'np::.. i-ho phprio,;;. ain't' ■ t-lio, .spnpliC;tfi.; clia i'bi\ "is ;hold.ovor;. ■ ;O0^''ii.iri!^'a^ Pf;;the;;:rcv.crbd :fl:li'tlvtii">ri. b'ut;. litVn--.; died, capably, .^iibrb; .and: flu^i ,i;ii.inba ■;ii:,ni;sli' aigb jie'w;.-; -T,hat;rirn)lj£i;- ef.tli'e.r '.riefds:rt:,:.'g',trl who; '<; -if,;b'r- n-iW ;irig,-,;- ^l:t -s: -pbt ;;rigli;t ::'(p V tp^s : a\v;iy 'tlve.;,irian'y'.'solid liuit^lis-giNa-blibd^ Jiiv 'Rurna -o^ri;■,a-'.liriish'-that .fiiviSJi.c(f! in' abpiit '-the .saino ;n'rann).>r -as ;a; tvvo-^" oiinpc;- poi-tion of; pdrhollc : avid., i- -; ' "I^a'dy Wlio bated'?- (l''"N>,...rhester :teatur!?..;_.;;.-; .-'/•:' '- .v :.-:i':^pitie::■■ -' : -/Glvicagp, :0uly;4; •; Light- '13i>t; fivs.'tf^ mpnt- in -t;lic-t fiye ;.acti3.. that oiyn^^^ to .■a.:^hbliddy; .mph..' rlcnty^ and; 'd^tiTc^.;^ the kiM bt by'gbnc ;va;lule-bllla.;ivt'd in t^ ->Vith ■,th^;'■VMOithbr;'..:':;;'; .- :. -: '--."';.'.■.; .',..■■■;■;■■ ■ . Enb.ti.sii old timers on this. Jaypiit ^b.:.iriake i'au.dibn'ces.iwiu'riiiver. ■;Soc'il.- and- Au'sliii,:' C aLpd -.the -HoiixJy. Boy's Ibnd; a .siibklari-^ ^ tia;l;• SO pport.Iaiibund- Blari.chc j?wbet-'.S ohb..idi'ct .sketch.; iind; tb'b • pvctr. blassy ;t''Wiris;,'Ret-lt' i'nd -.Bbtty: .Dodge'. - '.;$.;:.Swcet, . as - a; ppteriliiil: d.ra>v on her'past sci?.e'en .rcbprd- ma :.bc; .discpuritcd,. arid.;ii^lthc^ Shp.atr tempt. tP accen'tiiafe that - angle;' liii Uett-ihg on ,a;nd off; with-her .Without',; ariy '-' .ado,: .no" ., curtalri 3-pe.eches," . bbws; 'pbsingi -/or' ;irolly:-, wbbci ;chatter, -M.lSs; Sw'ifbt; shows re.- vflned tajSte and good judgmoritT-iob, manyHoUywobdians,- :-passe ;and; 'cxtan t;; ;-ha v;e ;. fallen.; in to ■ ,'thb!- -habit, of retiring •:; anecdotes- arid .; foibles ■ from! the film; cplbiiy,.As;'far. as;au- ^dleribcs; go the maJ.<3rity kribw iilerity; 'from; fan 'rriags- and other.; 30'urcba and; usually-.^ire ahead-;pf the: story. 'tellferS;'';.'' .'-';■ V-V'v;-,.--; -■•■'.•■-'■,',':^> ' First . show,. Saturday, ;ra;ri- .at ;;a -speedy .gait,;:a, little .top' fct'st ''wiih the- five iurn3:-cloqkcd,;-af .riot niiuch oyer: CO, minutes';;; 'Selpd ';xtii'd. Au'stlri- Viie r e .ti In e d. at ri i n c; in.i n.u lbs a nd..; ce r-i.; tairi'iy ;.n;bt-.bnpugh- frbpi .;a. ric^-t to. .ishut,-; feattired-'comcdj!;' act; it ,-:\Yas' 'iiecessary lb fill .-^ :.with i: reserve short subjbpt to make up that time on the s0CPri((i-..'jhPw,; whiqii' shouldn't h?,v.e -hai)perib,d;. as Seed 'arid A,uistiri .could easily do nriiriutos ..ot mbre.' It couldn't .haVe.'bebri: the weathci: that;made' tiie boys la:y down,- .he^ cause it. >vasn't .s,b; hot arid, even' if it .was ;itv'shouldri't have . made? ariy -l^iilCer<inGe. .;■.->: ' - - ;-;.: .'-: ''■"■;'■ :'-.-: , ':Sket.bheS; :at. the -Palace, ire uh- com.mbn ;:tBese day,<3.' At one time,. arid ript sp long ago;' no- yd^udb show wjis cpriiplete ;\ylthout bnc. Now .it: reina in s foi* .screen celebs, to'' revivb' 'if... Mis.s,VS'weet',i pne - actbr. is weii ,a:uthorfed,;. btit'' .8lo^v .'in ".. getting startfed, Aft'ei':, thit .it- b'ujlda'-sum; ciently tb;;hoia isomb :iri't .;>:estv Cbn,- .ventiorial thre' an:;unbbnsciQU.a. snob ,>v.ho -friend \vife .succced3,-iri''re.- ■Forming; !MTs.s Sweet's vocal pi^^bwcsS is not.;mueh,: but.-.sho lobks riice and. :dbe.snH' try '. tb;b;vc'ract,' ' ' -' :..;■■ ■♦■ ;■;•" "> rioneyi^ois';s,'- original- and- Iritabt' .crcvv of five,.; bpericU • nlbcly. '. M :strel.«y, - modbirrily ' tb'ii'clrcd ..up,, aptly desctiili.b.s .tliis: turn,.;. Inqliidcd -iii. ihcl ;quintctt'o,:i," an;.Qld -time daiicb. roii-. • tine; by one; pf- llie lioys; ■vv'ho exc- .ptit'e-s-, simple.'hceliarid, toe .stcp'.s\ of; . bid; fashi(>ned variety : to . mpdcrn . .:mlisle and teriipP...SbmC:gopd voca;i.- i:?Ing.,;:SGrids the acit over on. thb. ^windup,;!-';,; :.;,.:; ;-,■;■;.,:;.;^ ;;: ■ • Carlotbri',-..jiri'd -ji'alic'w faniillariy' -broi.iKTvt;b(ir;k ho reliable 'Js'b; 2. tri- angle' c-;-' the;. bpy,-. gii'l".'-and '■ piariPi 'M'i,s.^..IJ;illbw i'Ssph>a.santiy:'pipcd and, a';.gop'd . foil fbi' Car-lclpn',s. feeding. . It's; to gp^ biub' i ri: th is' .ty 'rip of act;-; butyvvrith; the .bxcbptlbn 'of .bne- mlld.:cra.C'k :thcl,r mafQi^ial i,y ■.u'nccn'-; sprab'K"':;;,,-. .'-'^: '• ■^w ■ yr ■ ;'.. bayb .|?.(;ea.;is .3IIII 'f,a,«it on hi.s:.febt ^a.rid; fa.ster jliX , with hiW" fiiirids,. as; the: blondb gij-l .with him :will: p'rob- ■ ably ..atlcst.; J^u t. i t ■ all^ go<^H >v6r.^f^^^^ a lau/jh,; so .pkay;:;A-ustih.'.'j-,stt-alght--' .Ing is ;fa'uin(; :.thbugh a f<;-w .timbs ItJs.'hard; to. tell which 'is -.tlic ebmic. ' 0 u tI d b •.; 0f-; ah brWvi afbd:. "ri ihe mlnutes;;; th'fro's:-'• .rio'ihInp .■• .-■w-rong Min fliifj particular- .bchnd',of "hbke.' : Jf ;n,ll cloKing- ;aciih v/i've , as :neat.- -tirid ;.;riiCiy .'.af: ;' tliaf ' of; thp b,P,<ig.b Twi'ri.s'a;ifjt ho;iiso 'nV.iriagei'.s'. wpr-. ri.o.^ •'.>y.y;uld,-.: b.o;,,,pvbr/,'G:ri.s;.;h.avc,n-'t •l)f.':ri;. arvni'nd. fcir a boiiplo :of' years; i'.'d-f.-f'lng ;;;.:in-.,: - the-'! - "m'e'aritim'c,' • bu t •h'-'-.v'v.o f'firiV!;.lxick ali:-t;rf;wn iip.tip'd '' ..nfw';; niirrihcr-H.. They' ...stUl db. Jhf'I.r-.';iyhi.<!tlinij; Ilii'lhthrr) . n'uhi'bf 't; ;wh-ilo tplIrjg.-. .cd'iTib:'d:;.i.»>'.il ng.; ward r . -fbo?'-.-!;Ahd; •,'h.o'.;sisi(T.s^':novy':^:do -a- (::,(';r,'ni,a'ii,';r)i.nx'i'^tVp inu'iiiiVcr,;- lyrifs. 'nnd,;;b'f';,Ki.r!og,'s.f;h).e;'FrbKt;h^^-^^^^^ I .if/'r, - -'jrtT- .(■,'(, i I rsb. -.TAvb-.. rtiln Mb ■ for 1 t.'td- b'lv.s ntl in rri.piil btiftk StfiJi* and aj.-fl^k;bif '\yjri'gsi'' ; ■:■■}'):'■:■ ■ '-.Mn.t. 'i.jj;, .■si.,artf-'l -.i-l»jW',. ■;bijt"v h'lf'Hf. st./^a.n.jl.v■:,'^,lr. df.y,-'if'n :bidV '■ThV''C Wh.() ; Jjt,\-<:':' ', (.Raflio),.. a;nd; nt-wsrr-<;.l ■fla;shing; ah : rx/-;luslVfv I'ath'b Irjtcr-'. 1-|:<;W. ;wtt.h.;...i..r)fefc -aTld ;Ga'Hy ..ttftr'T^ thV-ir: f.lle^tti'.; t'ath'p;.. Hijpstr-r oil 'tri'<> aH ..times .v^ijible." {Hpan.k'i-:.] ■ ■^■.:':■-•.-;<••: ■ - ■;-^ :■'■-' -;: .■::.v. :-..■■-.: -'; .-'-',;:.7( ■- ■ 't.;; EMPIRE, PARIS ;'. '/• :'.' ' .';/;; Paris; ;jru-rifr. 25.;-, ;•;; ■ 'EnVpirb'-is'-iriakifig a; strong-hid .'t<i „ ; ro,t.;iin piit runagls bii - wliii-h.; the li eat; ixiid . .the : .CPlohiul' ' Kxhibitipn .jftre .; . iiiakihic S:lrp.rig; i'lVroads. -' It is sue-... c'ossf.ujly:: rclaiiviiig .. fair business, clue - to ;its being, thb :Oniy.:hpuao ofr ;' its kind ill ;puris. . arid havjng a ^ SljOUdy. fol!>)W)rig,:/'^ . ,: ' -; ,o;virrolU ■''.-^hiusS ,--. fifCc'r''■: p.r^^^^ - riiiii>bo:.rsi' piVt'iis with ■;;W.|iitb ■■'a.nd--.;r White,.;t,aii'dariccr^?;,. hardly seen;by Uic'.-.ail dicivoo..'\v litoh--nj^'iii^^^^ tiob -:o'f,- ,a^-i\-ing-,' l•atllO'r;:^'latbi:;; ,Th^ , . ■p.akptas''oO-Nt' .aud '^rGt.-ri veryrgood--;/ hivi'id' I'^r . jcquiUivvlji'in on lPj:i.g, Pi>les.-; .. l*a'ui:-,(Mi<'ail)ot - singS',; accbiivpanying-'; ;-. liiiv^is'^M^: 0,11 .thb'-.pfjvnb." .'lie: ,l,i -Ibcal-'; arid-. i-(5pr'o$bri ts .:.;(he .^'tigrbeiubn t--;-be-!' ■; t\v;oibu .; the.. .uvariaRe'riient ' and.;. t'hft -' Ipca'l :E<iiiit'y .,tb-' put .'ori..every ;bill';':,: -spine, ..p.i'.ivjcl'ibally. unknown' airtlsii ;.tb[';:-: giVe liii.n- a;chance In 'front ;bf;: a, big- -. .audience.'-",',,,;.;-.^; ■ ;-,'■;; ;::•.■•.■:,■.: -;':••'■; 'Gprn arid .Dixie^arb.-billed' asVec- cehtrio .; cprivbdiftris. • After ■ iherti - '■ cpnves Cplotte ;;Betty;', ,girl enter- ',' tairier, - >vl.ip. :Sirig3. sbriie; local riiim--- bpf3--"with; tiioriverid'oxis -effobt; -'; Girl- ^ -: lias, a g-pQd "appearance and- -appears-' tp;.hav;^ ?:a... future.; ' -.Glbsirig '.befoi'©-; ;■- iTitcrriiissfon ;is-;a: ;■ very, aiiihitious:; ■ rin''ed as-Iiilio de'.CArb.--.-A'»:- ' 'gt'^ivtiiiP .'brtliestta. - 'pupportpjlv. by- . l<iu;i .Pbrcz Acbstaj South. 'Anicrican ' ■ siu!,^ei., and'.Glraonciz a.nd' I?bdriqu;cs;,..i .SouIh;Aiiiorican hoofots.;^ider-. • abl.p;. tango '.singing :is-.'Cat-ried on, ' Avith Prcltcstra and .dancing. ;; 'Act is''; rdtlier.-Pf .-tftp'riigh't^ctiib nobr;&how- ' .tj'p'o, hilt due. to a soriiMYhat spcci , .display, of; cbstumbs gets . ^satisfactcyry.-hajid.v-^ ;: ■■ ;.■■'- :■' '. Sbcbnd^:' p,art isv'riivibh -.sti-Griger..\. After the.pivenirig riumbbr -tolUbd. as JlsellQ, co.mpdianj who;.really-Ijei'priijg ' tb- lli(j,' Mackwby-.ifobpi; conite- the ': Barry Tw^hs, -wrori^ly billed' as dp- peanng for the first' time'^in Fi-'ancd. . They ; played; ,Fi\artce - In .tiie days': .When Enocli vl;jght:^was riirinirig ,a .Stage '.bjynd. at; ;the;-;.GithriiOnt ; Palace Under. Ainbflean mahagement; /f he , trt-^Vina.-.have coitsidbrably improved ■ since :th.en, 'and dor a kind of Dbllie : .anid Billi.€!,act.-. That thcy .iare.mPfO: used to cab.arQt;thari .stngc': wpfk-ejc-^ ■ plains .thp diplay.-iri- changihi; 'cosi» -timTb.g:;. Npvbrthelbss,'thbir pul tudo . arid, excoUbnt" appearance/ , well: as thb. britbrt<iirim(>ri.t value of their ;a.ct, get them cbrislderable ap- - , •pio-use,- -;^; ..',-•-.-'.■;■■■-■:','-■^:;' vV'-. ;■;■;: . • Aftbr. them is Keith :Clarki lii..i ■ ,conJuring.'n.unfibcr, tplldwbd by th©' - ;Reve»crs..: The.,: .latter bfirig th0;: ;hb.use; down, .■with repeated ;ericofeg;' - When fiiey.:lo.a;vb :the stageivahd-thb! . pit oi-cliestrsi goes:" iritp the next . number, ;t.He ;hpuse;.bbth applaud? v .and: ;boPS,.'to try. arid -.ipfevent tiie" orchestra from playirig drid to fijet the;;R6,v:pll.pr3;backi Mackivey. Eng.. ; lish panto trbupb comes oh tho ■ stage.: for; the .cJosine^.. .This- ia the: • -Mackweys? usual spot at the; Em- pire.;-: ;.■'■■-^'V '- -■;■"■'.:.- MaxU ■■■ seiFH ST. :,Ariy kind; bf biz is. sbmethirig ill- .' muggy: ■ivcathcf that ;is .&laugbterlri ori a holiday:wee!f-end. This spot; \yasn't • a^riy better off .;nor; -;wora©;' than -other• .ri'elghba In.tpwn, Billy • Gl.dsb'ri hoadllrtcd .a.: y.irfed prberani^ ■,' that ■;should ..suit ; arid ;dld whcri :• caught, but thp.'iacts; had: tb wbrk ;; hard; It's that kind of .a hpiglvh arid that ltlri.d;':pf .a housbi .•:Np pep arici; eypfyiiPdy .and eycrythirifr; snOPzca >• ;wiih 'a su bduod .auri;' ;f; ;";■;.; /;' ' . ;• Fcatiirb ;::wa3. "."Up; for:;: Murder"; . (U),; but; Iboited like:'it •m.eant Utr ' tic. ;.Si)Ptting;; a-i.D.-miriu^ n(i.ivsfe((l -' Syit.h- twy. slio,rt.s;. plus dri'^', bvcflbnff i. organ fpiitine must mban .sbmp.thirig ;;.; rinbd.3 irilprbyemcrit; and ; hot .th© ■ -stagp':;erid;'' ..-A ,'.:-; ^ .; .When'.thc:acts;gbt-;the receinion ;: ^from":.tiip . tiiuridcrbU.<i's ^hei'o\-iiatu'i> -: 'divy.v .ciiarige day, ' thPse -. acls. ara ■ okay. . Thby lrioiiid'ed Efiirl.- Jack arid ;: lietty/ Cheslelgh, and'; .0ibbs, Dona- ; tella Brbs. and -Gacmbri; .,besides., Glasoni. l,.ighting werit a bit.^skipiiy i,n the opener. - '-■;.-■ '.- y; ; .:|Sar.l., J;ack and iBetty do; a rbl'lof' !ska,tlng..i)erfpfm.aTi,ce. in .a'.,f.unj: plain'; .stage,; iri ,'.d'\ict.H; -".t-rip3;"'and';.<i'lnglb..; -tffcks.;. ■ one. :ot: the-'boys offers' tho;; - clidngp' of.•doirig-.a:,\yhlrl whilb.;iigi'iti^ irig;;a'. bigJirbtte;. ::Tha;t .ahpuid hayp:;;.'. j)eirpc.d :ilp the audience'? bspobially. ': with ;d. fIa-sh';cridur.anco;t\yirl which•.•.• :lbe;,;a.ct ;do.c.s; :f6r;'.finale.-, lifgiitins:'; .'wV;nt bad. duflng;thc first" pa;i-'t.' ,-;/ ;- ■ IJut:eh6sle,tglv,"and;Gibb,s--f^^ had -to start all;ovbr' again t,n.\v,ak,oi " ■ 'em up. It'.s' jii.*it thatv.'ivayV ' •'i'hpy'rb. . U-sing a .badly 'fidlritpd: >2.bp .c:rirt:d,ln. in.; one' rioAV. land , .thby fun through, (i .' :llrie of fo>it '<;fP,s.>?r«ihattof. with'.sPmo'' l.nt6rpol;jtihg.yoiIclirig, A Poti.rilo.of■■;.:; .the' gags. a..rp:-brbdd and; ovbr-'tob ;■',- wliich".might catch on .i?;i,«t.''r..iri'l': Ji.burIcsqub;ho'Us.ev but;t!iey,finished: okay.-",^';■.,:;■ y- "}/ :;:'■': '■. ■ - ■-• Glasbh'v■nrialf'.d; ;!'wlth■' his"." usual' . '■; rnrynrjlog;; -'nv('y f^tb'oiif .pf iiLs hiirid,.--; ■;ili;iiwi-gh (ll'fL.son Ayoul't'n'ot ,ipttt.t-'m't)t; •hlS';,s.tu(T .in 'iirty ;p.rbf ^\^..s.i'hiai;;cQntbr.' .'' ,It,'.H;;>'firif-d.;o'iiiy .ln;i;h;j-t-'Giu>)Pri' riovi^ ; . 'c'r'fili't.s "one;; y;,ii:ri-':tb. -IT.ti'ry "Itci'^sii-; -. - fi'f\ld;'■MnlS^G'kivrm-tojis -I't/dirfcrehtr ■'}■ iy.;-' -AViriiiif-f ... story- ;-G.l'.aso^-;.\^p;i^^^^^^^ -;f-'i-ii]Id honed' in ri«NV.srbofs;df()ij"iid :' ;fp.p;n-:^;f?b"^l'^■,.^J^.s.«o^^^ tohl-:!f' at .' '■thb;;rT( .'iVfiIl£cf;. dinner. ' Glilson; . fil'-o pull.s! .".il'iidy''\?aroo'." '."; ■ : .. .,rVin,'^itf:lt!Ti, ."T-irpS.. arid Carmen-wbr.p ;• ; 'nf->;trtHrryti!iinf»:._ 'Hill's iristrum('r(t:ilv. ; fi n d.'. ;'(i;;i n ':i ngf. ■.gr'b.ii p: ■gov albnig: bril.V -.". .-.••■p-<:0' I'mtirthcy lii'ill the'family gaq :-• by tln;!;'--'-bnt papa arid thcii m-arria •;' .to/wafd thb', ' -;;' . '.. .,■. ■ -Sftffn.-: " ' ■