Variety (Dec 1933)

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24 VARIETY Tuesday, December 26, 1933 HAPPY 1934! 1 What a pleasure to know that you can count on LEO for HIT after HIT, WEEK after WEEK, YEAR after YEAR! What this Week Means for the Weeks to Come Greta Garbo at Astor ^^Q^eeIl Chnstina^^ starts a $2 top two- a-day run at the world's leading roadshow house* The notices are 100% praise. The advance sale at the theatre is unprecedented. It is no exaggeration to say that this is THE BIGGEST ATTRACTION IlSf SHOW BUSINESS 2: Marion Davies—Bing Crosby ^*Going HollyWOdd*'^ People are com- mentingbreathlessly on this great musical Fast, ^1 luxurious and with the greatest musical score since ^^The Broadway Melody/' Hit! Hit! Hit! ^ I ^^Dancing Lady^' Ooan CrawfordyClarkGahle, FranchotTone) continues its amazing business — getting career as the best musical yet released. Hit! Hit! Hit! 4: Laurel and Hardy in ^^SonS of the Desert^^ arrives. This is tops for comedy. It raises Laurel and Hardy to full feature length stature as guaranteed stars. This is a Hit! Hit! Hit! 5s Big plans completed for popular price engagements of "Dinner at Eight'' and Also campaigns started ori imo. "The CAT and the FIDDLE"" (Ramon t^ovarro and Jemette MacDonaU); "IT HAPPENED ONE DAY" (Lionel Barrymore); "LAUGHING BOY'; (Ramon Novarro and LupeVelez) ; "THE MYSTERYOF THE DEAD POLICE'J (Robert "Montgomery); "RIP TIDE" (Norma Shearer); "TARZAN and HIS MATE" (Johnny Weissmulkr and "Maureen O'Sullivan); "VIVA VILLA** (Wallace Beery, Fay Wray, Leo CdriUo) I METRO-Qoldiuyn-MAYER lO* Championship Year I THt WEEKS TO COME MEAN HITS! HITS! HITS! from Metro-Gofdivyn-Mayer