Variety (September 1908)

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VARlBT/r 19 ♦ <* ♦ VARIETY ARTISTS' ROUTES FOR WEEK SEPT. 23 WHEN NOT OTHERWISE INDICATED. (Tho routes aero given, bearing no dates, are from SEPT. 87 to OCT. 4, inoluaiva, do- neudont apoa the opening and closing days of engagements in different parts of tho oountry. All addrossos Wlow aro famished VARIETY by artists. Addresses ears managers or ageats wUl aot be*printed.) "0. ft." la tho list ladloates the route of tho circus named, with which the artist or aot is with, and may bo found under "CIRCUS ROUTES." "B. R.," "BURLESQUE ROUTES.". ROUTES FOR THE FOLLOWING WEEK MUST REACH THIS OFFICE HOT LATER THAR TUESDAY MORNING TO ENSURE PUBLICATION. » » — 0) 0*0-0 0*0 Abdallah Bros., Three, Oct. 6, Sacramento, OaL Adair * Dolln, Bsrnum A Bailey. C. R. Adair. Art. Hagenbeck-Wallace. 0. B. Adams, afabsllo, Colombia, Oloclnnstl. Adelya, Boa Se9, Champaign, 1U. ogee, John, Rlngllag Bros., 0. B. Alberto, Baraum A Bailey. C. B. Alburtuo ft sillier, Alhambra, Paris. Aldo A Vsnnerson, Fair, Coblesklll, N. Y. Aleiaadra A Bertie, 41 Aero Laae, London. Rag. AJtmsn A McFarland, Alma, Birmingham, Ala. Andoraon, Madge, Oct. 4, Majestic, Sioux City. Alloa, A. D., Co., Orpboum, Boston, Pa. Alien, Ed, Campbell Bros., a B. Allen, sVerle A Violet, MS R. 14. N. T. Allen, Loon A Bertie. Ill Central, Oeknah, Win. Allison, Mr! A Mrs., Grand, fhdianspolls. Alpha Trio, 67 So. Clark, Chicago. Alpine Troupe, Colo Rroo., C. B. Alrona Boiler Trio, 969 Hemlock, Brooklyn. Alvano, Madame A Co., West Mlddlotown, O. Alvsros Troupe, Singling Bros.. 0. B. Abearettaa, Three, Jaroay UUee, B. B. AJvln, Frank, Hopkins, Louisville. Aleord. Ned, RlngUng Brno., C. B. Americsn Dancers, Six, Alhambra, N. Y. American Trio, Gem, Newark, N. J., lndef. American Newsboys Quartet, Richmond Hotel, Chicago. Anderoon A Goloea, Orpboum, Allentown. Archer,'Ohio, Bijou, Newark, Ohio, tadof. Ardell Broo., 914 Sandals, Canton, O. Ardo, RlngUng Broo., 0. R. Ardo A Bddo, 600 B. 84, New York. Arlaona Troupe, 881 B. 18, N. Y. Arlington Four, Proctor's, Albany. Armstrong A Levering. Empire Burleoquera, B. B. Armstrong A Tome, Orpboum, Kansas City. Arnold A Felix, Jamaica, L. I. Arthur, IT. f. Columbia, Rnoavtlle. lndef. Auburta, Leo, 14 Frobol Str. III., Hamburg, Gor. Aabuma. Throe. SBS Beacon, Somerrflle, Mass. Anson, The, FT Hoygato. Southend on Sea, Bug. Auger, Capt.. Goo., IS Lawrence Bd., So, Bnllng. I^ndoa. Bngland. Austins, Tooting, Pnlsco, Lincoln, Eng. Ayres, Howard, 2411 So. Alder, Phils. Mam, Banna A Bailey, 0. B. Boeder, La Velio Trio, Orphenm, Omshs. Bachmaa, Mario, Grand, Los Angeles, lndef. Baemstoln. Harry, Bijou. Bodno, Win., lndef. Baker, Harry, Muskegon, Mich. Bsker Troupe. Singling Bros.. 0. R. Bonks Breaselle Duo, VaudoTllle, Dayton. O. Baanacka, The. Barnum A Bailey, C. B. Banyan, Alfred, G. O. H., Reading, Ps. Barnes A Crawford, Keith'*, Utlca. Bsrry A Hughes, Oct. 4, Orpheum, Butte. Berry ft Wolford, Poll's, New Dstoo. Battle, Carl Wra., Keith's, Portlsnd, Me. Barnee A Conwoy. City Sports, B. B. Bsrnes A Levins. Little Rock. Ark. Barr, Ethel A Co., Keith's, Cleveland. Barron. Rnby. 20 E. 88, N. Y. Batro A MrCoe. 810 No. Second, Reading. Bates, George, Barnum A Bailey, C. B. Bawn, Ilarry, Empire, Camberwell, S. B.. Loo don. Rug. Bejer, Boo, A Bro., Armory, Blnghamton. Beard, Billy. Geo. Primrose's Minstrel*. BeauTolo, Arthur, A Co.. Majestic, Ft. Worth. Beocbor A Mayo, Lyric, Brldgeton. N. J. lndef Belford. Al O., Frank A. Bobbins, C. B. Belford Broo.. RlngUng Bros., 0. B. BeU, Chas,, RlngUng, Bros., 0. B. Ren. Hanoi. Feme. New Costle. Ind. Bellclolr Bros., Msnchester, Bog. Bella, The. Barnum A Bailey. C. B. Berry A Berry, Greet Volley, N. Y. Big City Quartette, Orpheum, Salt Lake. Bimbos, The, Bijou. Qulncj, 111. Blmm, Bomm, Brrr, Bennett's, Hsmllton. Blnney A Chapman. Lyric, Lebanon. Tenn.. lndef Block Pottl Troubadours, Winston Sslem, N. O. Blamphln A D>br. Golden Crooks, B. B. Bijou Comedy Trio. Wateoo'a Bnrlosqnero, B. R Blosett A Scott, Oct. 8, Orpheum, Denver. Blsck A White Trio. Auditorium. Maiden. Msss. Bolitee, The. 1512 Hoe. Bronx, N. Y. BoroOa, Arthur, Bsrnum A Bslley, C. R. Bowen A Floronao, Wondorland Pk., Rovora. Moos., lndef. Bowery Comedy Quar., Runaway Girls, B. B. Rorslnl Troupe. Hsgeuherk Wallace, C. B. Bowen Broo., Majestic, Chicago. Bowers, Wslters A Crooker, Orpheum, Sioux City. Boyco, Jock, 1563 Broodwoy, N. Y. Boyd*. Two. 1260 So. Decotnr. Montgomery. Ala Brodna A Derrick. Barnum A Bailey, a B. Bradley A Doris, Bornnm A Bailey, C. B. Brays, The. Campbell Bran., 0. B. Brady A Maponey, Irwin's Big Show, B. B. Broon, Harry, Poll'o, Springfield. Brtgham, Anna B., 28 Excbsnge, Blngbsmton, Brian. L. B.. SB. Haymarkot. London, Bug. Brlooon. Alice, Bornum A Boiley, C. B. BrittoR, Sadie, Coliseum, Burlington, la., tadof. Brooks A Denton, 670 6th, N. Y. Brooks & Vodder. Grand, Portlsnd. Brotherhood, Bsrlowe A Co., Elm Farm, B. Brook- field; Msss. -*' Browne, Botbwell, 407 W. 123, N. Y. Brown, R. Jay, Orpheum, Mansfield, 0* Brown. George, Barnum A Bailey, C. R. Brunettes, Cycling, Grand Canton, 0. Buoh Broe., Hurtig A gesmojv N. Y. Burke, John A Mae, 4, Orpheum, Kansas City. Burke, John 1'., Flood's Park. Baltimore. Buckley's Dogs. RlngUng Bros., C. R. Burros A Clara, Barnum A Bailey, C. R. Burnham, Cbas. C, A Co., Bijou, Dubuque, la. Burns A Emerson. 1 Place Bolcdleu. Parte. Burt. Olenn, Champagne Girls. B. It. Burton A Burton, Al Beeves, B. R. Burton, Hughes A Burton, 532 Stanton. Nllee, O. Burton A Vass, Champagne Girls, B. R. Busch, Johnny, Jr., Trio, Keith's, Phlla. Busb A Elliott, Bijou, Bayonne, N. J. Bussler. Walter H., Orphla, Madison. Wis., lndef. Burtlnoo, The, RlngUng Broe., C. R. Buxton. Chas., Crystal, ilenasba. Wis., lndef. Byers A Hermann, Majestic, Chicago. Byron A Langdon, Olympic, Chicago. Cain Sl«t»r«. Empire. Yonngstown, O.. lndef Callahan A 8t. George, 8tratford, London, Eng. Campbell A Brady. Hastings' Big Show, B. B. Carbrey Bros.. Cook's, Rochester. Carllln. Leo, Variety, N. Y. C. Darwin, RlngUng Bros., C. * R.- Davenport, John, Yankee Robinson, C. R. Davenport, May, Touring Germany. Davenport, Stick ft Norma, John Robinson's. C ■ Davenport, Victoria A Orrtu, Barnum A Bailey. Davis, Floyd*." Temple, Boulder. Col., lndef Davis, H., Air-Dome, Murphysboro, 111., lndef. Davis, Mark A Laura, New Sun, Springfield, O. Day. Carita, 822 Mott Ave., N. Y. Dean, Al, Barnum A Bailey, C. R. Delves, Harry A Co., Automaton. Bergen Beaeh Dell A Miller, Hippodrome. Buffalo, lndef. De Cortet A Kego, Alrdome, Columbus, Ga. Oe Haven, Sextet, Orpheum, Los Angeles. De Hollls ft Valdora, Colonial Belles. B. R. Delmore A Darrell. Lyric, Lincoln, Neb. .. De Veau, Hubert, 364 Prospect PI., Brooklyn. De Velde A Zelda, Pair, Blnghamton. Denman, George, Barnum ft Bailey, C. R. Deuker, Rose, Behman Show, B. R. De Monlo ft Belle, Family, Cambridge, O. * Be Mario. RIngHng Bros., -C. B. De Young, Tom. 156 E. 113. N. Y. Diamond, Jim, Kentucky Belles, B. R. Diamond ft Smith, Coliseum, New Castle, Pa. Diericke Bros., Crescent, Champagne. III. Dlllae. Max, RlngUng Bros., C. R. Dollar Troupe, Barnum ft Bailey, C. R. Donnelly ft Hot all, N. Y. Stars, B. R. Doherty, Lillian, Wlntergsrten, Berlin, Oor. Dohn, Robert, Barnum ft Bailey, C. R. Doll, Alice Lyndon, Oct. 5, Grand, Indianapolis. Dona van, Emma, Hagenbeck-Wallaee. C. R. Dority, Joggling, O. H., Canton, O. Dorsch ft Russell, "604 S. Belmont. Newark, N. J. Dove A Lee, Imperial, B. R. Downey, Leslie T., Dreamsland, Racine. Wte. Drew, rwnthy. Tlvoll, Cape Town. 8. A. Drew, Lowell B., 4229 Pecuin. Roxhornuph, Phlla. Du Ball Bros., Hatbaway's, New Bedford. Dudley, 0. R., Crystal, Ind.. lndef. Dunbars, Four, G. O. H., Wheeling. W. Va. Duncan, A. ()., Orpheum, Oakland. Duncan, Tom. RlngUng Bros.. C. R. Dunham, Jack, City Sports, B. R. Dunedln Troupe. 418 Strand, London, W. C, Eng Dunn, Harvey, De Rue Bros.' Minstrels. Dupres, Fred, Garrlck. Wilmington, Del. Dutoua, Three, RlngUng Bros., C. R. Eckel ft Dupree, Temple, Taunton, Mass. Eckhoff ft Gordon. Rice ft Barton's Gaiety, B. R. Edgertons. The, Orpheum. New Orleans. Edlnger 8isters, R. F. D. No. 1, Trenton, N. J. Edwards. Davis ft Co.. K. ft P. 12Mb St.. N. Y. Edwards, Fred R., Arcade. Brownsville, Pa. Kdwards. M. ft C. E., Hippodrome, Buffalo, lndef. Rgenor. Fred. Bsrnum ft Bailey. C. R. Elastic Trio. Majestic. Pittsburg, lndef. Kl Corts, Cook's, Rochester. SEND IN YOUR ROUTE VARIETY Prints No Route Not Received Direct .) ■ ■ ■ " Carlln ft Otto. Poll's, New,|ua?eo. Csrrle. Mile.. Orpheum, Salit^fcake. Carmen, Frank, Star, Seattle., Carmen Sisters, Empire, Bsn Francisco, lndef. Carroll ft Judge Trio, RlngUng Bros., C. R. CarroU, Nettle, Barnum ft Bailey, C. R. Carr Trio, Orpheum, Edmonton; Alberta, Can. Carson ft WUlard, Colonial, Richmond, Vs. Carter, Chas. J., "Milton,** Queens. Sydney, Aus. Cased ft De Verne, Bijou, Superior, Wis. Cssey ft Le Clair, Blaney's, Yonkera. Oaloot, 74 Grove rood, Claphsm Psrk, London. Cborlo, Doris, FoUleo of tho Day B. R. ChlnquUls, Princess, Shorevlew Pk., Jamaica, L. I. "Christopher, Chris., 49 fitb Ave., Chicago. Oharch City Four, Strolling Players, B. R. Claire, Ina, Oct. 12, Colonial, Lawrence, Mass. Clark ft Sebastian. Bsrnum ft BsUey, O. R. Clsrke, Wilfred, Memphis, Tenn. Olsrks, Three. RlngUng Bros., C. R. Claudius ft Scarlet, Majestic, Milwaukee. Clayton ft Drew, Bijou, Oshkosb, Wis. Clifford ft Burke, Orpboum, Des Moines. OUfford, George A., Comedy, Brooklyn, lndef. Cogsn ft Bancroft, Oct. 4, Dominion, Winnipeg. Cole, Bert, Hagenbeck-Wallaee. 0. R. Coleman ft La Mont, Hippo Rink, Birmingham. "College Girls," Columbia. Cincinnati. Colllno, Eddie. Oshkosb, Wis., lndef. Collins ft Brown, Grsnd, Indianapolis. "Colonial Septette," Bijou, Battle Creek. Columbia Musical Trio, De Rue Bros.' Minstrels. Conley, Anna ft Effle, Poll's, Springfield, Msss. Connors, George, Bsrnum ft Bslley, O. R. Connelly, Mr. ft Mrs. B., Orpheum, Salt Lake. Connelly, Edward, Lake Suuapoe, N. H., lndef. Connelly ft Webb, Orpheum, Omaha. Conway ft Leland, Alhambra, Paris, Frsnco. Cook, Frank, Austin ft Stone's, Boston, lndef. Cooke ft Rothert, Orpheum, Salt Lake. Cooper, Harry L., WlUlams' Imperials, B. R. Corbett, Lswrence. Scenic, Waltham, Maas. Corellls, Three, Hagenbeck-Wallaee, 0. R. Oornnllss, Eight, RlngUng Bros., 0. R. Courtney ft Dunn, 232 E. IS. N. Y. C. Cralgs, Musical Oct. 12, Dominion. Winnipeg. Cremes, De Witt, Msin, Peorls, III. Creswell. W. P., Oct. 5, Fair. Sedalla, Mo. Cressy ft Dayne, Ogtfkeooi, Omaha. Oronln, Mortis,. 31 Alfred Place. London, ■ngJaud. Oummlngs ft Herley. Unique, Los Angolan, ladof. Curtis, Sam J., ft Co., Poll's, Worcester. Curzon Sisters. Circus. Schuman, Berlin. Ger. Cuttys, Musical, K. ft P.'s Stb Ave., N. Y. D'Alvlnl. Rocky Point ft, I., lndef. tf? , Dsly ft O'Brien. 41$ Strand, London, Eng. Dalllvette ft Co., 0. H., NoVwalk. O. Dale. Wm., Crystsl, Elkbsrt, Ind., lndef. Darling. Pbtl, Sells-Floto. C. R. Darrow, Stuart, Mr. ft Mrs., Bennett's, London. FUlotts. The. O. II.. S. S., Pittsburg, iudef. Emerald, Connie, 41 Holland Rd., Brixton, London. Kuiersou ft Baldwin, Albambra, Brussel, Bel. Emmett, Grade ft Co.. New Orleans, La. •Enigmarelle," K-,jft P." 125th St., N. Y. L] Ergott A Klpg. Clrjcus Slniselll. Warsaw. Rnssfa Esmeralda Sisters,' Lelblcbs, Bremen, Ger., lndef. Espe, Dutton ft Espe, Oct. 5. Orpheum, Salt Lake. Evans ft Lloyd, 923 E. 12. Brooklyn. Everett ft Kckard, Empire, Grand Forks, N. D, Evtrs, Geo. W., 210 Losoya. San Antonio. Tex. Exccla, Louise. Hagenbeck-Wallaee. C. R. Faher. Alsta. nagent»eck Wallace. C. R Fndettes of Boston, Bennett's. Montreal. Fall child. Mr. ft Mrs. F., Star. Saskatoon. Can. Farlnrdanx. Camllle, Rice ft Barton's Gaiety. B. R. Farrell, Billy, Mosa ft Rtoll. London. Fasscos, Four, Barnum ft Bslley, C. R. Fantas, Two. Lyceum, Chicago. Fcntelle ft Carr. Orpheum, St. Paul. Fay. Ray F.. Alamo. Cedar Rapids, la., lndef Ferguson, D. A B., Family, Butte. Fiddler A Shclton. Orpheum, Johnstown, Pa. Field Bros., 02 E. 106. N. Y. Fields ft Hanson, Bennett's, London. Fields, Harry \\\, Orpheum, Reading. Fields, W. c, Hlppod.-ome, I/radon. Eng., lndef Finn ft Ford, Majestic. Madison, Wis. Finnic, Jack, 1911 So. Chadwlck, Phlla. Fisher Troupe, Barnum ft Bailey. C. R. Flaherty Dan, City Sports, B. B. Fletcher, Chas. Leonard, Proctor's, Albany. Florences, Six, Barnum ft Bailey, -C. R. Floods, Four, Shuburt's, Utlca.' Foley, Jack. RlngUng Bros."; C. Br. Fonda, Dell ft Fonda, Columbia, Cincinnati. Fords," Famous. Majestic, Dallas. Fortune ft De Vlrne, Hagenbeck-Wallace, 0. ft. Fox ft Evans, Grand, Oakland. Fox ft Hughes, Empire, Boise, Idaho, lndef. Fox, WUl H., -14 Leicester, London, Eng. Fox, Imro, Maeatlc, Milwaukee. Foy Broe., Grand. Clrco Bell. Mexico, lndef. Fredlans, Great, Barnum ft Bailey, C. ft. Francisco, Bob ft Le Roy, Miner's Merry Huf- lesquers, B. R. Franks, Jessie J., Hagenbeck-Wallaee, O. ft. Freeman Broe., Rose Sydell's London Belles, B. ft Freeman. Frank B., Hastings' Show. B. R. Frosto ft Weyman, Arcade, Mlnot, N. D. "Fun in a Boarding House," Hammerstein's, N. Y. Follerton ft Dersey. Orpheum, Schenectady. Fullerton. Lew J., 98 Sumner PL, Buffalo. O Gaffney Dancing Girls. Lyceum, Washington, D. C. Galnsboro Girls, Wllkes-Barre, Pa. Galloway, Bert, Davis, Braddock, Pa. Gardiner, Three, Children, 1908 W. 8, Phlla. Gardner, Jack, Orpheum, Sioux City, la. Gardner ft Vlncenf. Orpheum. Oakland. Gaston ft Green, Oct. 6, Orpheum, Des Moluee. Gsvln, Piatt ft Peaches, Orpheum, Harrlsburg. Gelger ft Walters, Empire, Hoboken, N. J. Genaro ft Band, Orpheum, Portland. Genter ft Gil more, Bijou, Lansing, Mich. Georgia Campers, Richmond, No. Adams, Mass. Geromes, The, Bsrnum A Bailey, C. R. Gibson. Fay, Standard. Davenport, la., tadof. Gibson, Sidney C. Orpheum. Los Angeles. GUI ft Aker, Bijou. Flint, Mich. Gil more. Mildred. City Sports. B. R. GUroy. Haynes ft Montgomery, Empire, Hoboken. Gladstone, Ida, City Sports, B. R. Gleeson, John' ft Bertha, ft Houlihan, PoU'a, Worcester. Glocker.'Chas. ft Anna.. "Follies of 1907" Co, Glover, Edna May, 91 E. Adams, Detroit. Godfrey ft Henderson, 1S63 Broadway, N. Y. Goelems, Six, RlngUng Bros., O. R. Goldberg, Berf. Harris. Braddock. Ps.' Goldsmith ft Hoppe, Majestic, Chicago. Goldln Russian Troupe, Sells-Floto, 0. R. Goolmans, Musical, Armory, Blnghamton. Gossans, Bobby, Barlow Minstrels. Goes. John, Vogel's Big City Minstrels. Gottlob, Amy, ft Co., Orpheum, Cbllllcotbe O. Goyt Trio. Poll's, New Haven. Gracea, The, 267 W. 88. N. Y. Grant, Burt ft Bertha, Poll's, Scranton. Graham. Geo. W.. Scenic, Providence, lndef. Graham ft Lawrence, Music Hall, Leominster, Mass. iGray ft Graham, Hathaway's, Brockton, Mans, Greene, George, RlngUng Bros., 0. R. (Gregory, Frank L., Empire, Glasgow, Scot. Grimm ft Satchel], Theatre, Ogdenaburg, N Y. Gruet ft Gruet, Williams Imperials, R. R. Hall, Harry, RlngUng Bros., C. R. Hsllmsn ft Collins, Wssb. Society Girls, B. R. liaison ft Mat-lair, Circle, N. Y., lndef. Halllday ft Cnrley. Lincoln Sq., N. Y. Handler, Lew, Hopkins. LoulsvlUo. Hansone. Pastime, Lewlston. La. Harney ft Haynes, Electric, Galveston, Tex. Ilanvey, Louis A.. O. II., Phlla. Harcourt. Daisy, Hudson. Union Hill. N. J. Hardlg Bros., Barnum ft Bailey. 0. R. Ilardman, Joe, Family Seattle. ITartxell. George, RlngUng Broo., 0. R. Ilsrland ft Rolllnson. 16 Repton. Msnebester, Rug Harris. 8ara.. Vogel's Minstrels. Harrington, Giles W., 624 Acklln, Toledo. Hart Broe.. Hagenheck-Wsllsco, C. R. Harrey. W. 8.. A Co., Dominion, Winnipeg. llurvey, ENIe. Fair. Stafford, Conn. Hastings ft Wllsln. Majestic. Dallas. Hatches. The. 311 W. 37. N. Y. Hawkins. Jack. 12, Portland, Cambridge, Mass. Hays ft Clareuce. Vaudeville. Tiffin, O. Hayes ft Wynn, Majesty's, Wallsall, Eng. Hayes & Johnson. Orpheum, St. Psul. {layman ft Franklin, Hippo., Portsmouth, Eng. USE THIS FORM IF YOU HAVE NO ROUTE CARDS CARDS WILL BE MAILI:t) I PON ::sr