Variety (September 1908)

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VARIETY 21 TWO NEW SONGS by JAS. O'DEA and ANNA CALDWELL "SOMEBODY'S HEART" f\ DAINTY LO\/E BALLAD. And STARS of (he NATIONAL CAME Oltltt Tat* it's hata off to old Mike Donlin; to Wagner, Lajoie and Cobb, Dost forget Hal Chase and Foxey Mister Cbanco, who are always OS the job; Good old Cy Young wo root for, and Fielder Joaos the same, And wo bold first place in oar Yankee Hearts for the Stars of the National Game. (Copyright by Jerome H. Remiok A Co., 1901.) The greatest cot of novelty slides ever Issaod. Posed by DEWITT C. WHEELER, and intro- ducing- photographic reproductions of all tbo "stars" of the National Game. Bold outright st 16.00 the sot. Rented under our special slide proposition at seven (7c.) cents a day. BiwMtitst JEROME H. REMICK & GO. 68 Farrar St. Pero A Wilson, Oct. 8, Orpheum, Butte. Perry A Elliott. Clark's Runaways, B. R. Perry. Frank L., Orpheum Pk., Jacksonville. Peroff. Mary, A Clown. Barn am A BaBey, C. ft. Piper, Frsco, Bennett's, Ottawa. Tbo Polriers, 168 Aylwin, Montreal, Can. Pollard, Gene, World Beaters, B. B. Poloff Slaters. Graham, Va. Posty's Musical, Riverside Pk., Boise City, Ida. Potts, Ernie A Mildred, Orpheum, Minneapolis. Potter A Harris, 701 Lei and, Chicago. Potts Bros. A Co., Bijon, Bsttle Creek. Plowors Bros., Bijou, Birmingham. Powder A Capmann, Trans-Atlantlcs, B. B. Price, Boh. 575 Commercial Bd., London. Bag. Primrose Quartette, Majestic, Madison, Wle. Prosit Trio. Rlngllng Broo.. 0. B. Paget, George B., Bon sway Girls, B. B. Quigg A Wckereon, Night Owls, B. B Radford A Yabnttea, Barraaford Tow, Baglaad. Bado A Boatman, Bonnet's, MontroaL Bainhow Sisters, O. O. H., Grand Baplda. Bastas A Baaks, Alhambra. Brighton. Bag. Bawls A Yon 'Kaufman, Bijou, Oshkoah, Wis. Baymoad, Buby, A Co., Altoona, Pa. Boyno's. Al. Bull Doga, Poll's, Springfield. Beba A loea, Folios Bergere, Paris, Franca. Reded A Hadlay, CryaUL Braddock, Pa. Bedford • A Winch es t er , Orpheum, Seattle. Bead. Hsrry L.. Washing ton. Buffalo, tadof. Bead A St. John, Msjestlc, Birmingham. Bead Bros., Poll's, Hartford, Beads Bisters, 45 Broad, Elisabeth, N. J. Beoee Family, BIJou, Flint, Mich. Benards, Three, Trent, Trenton. Bono A Blgar, Bamum A Baflcy, O. B. Roaabsw'. Bert, Majestic, La Salle, in., indef. Bevell, Nellie, Stock Farm, Greenwood, Ind. Reynard, A. D., Alf. T. Wheeler's, 0. B. Biaeos, Four, Orpheom, Sesttle. Bice A Elmer, Orpheum, Butte. Blch Duo, Gem, Lancaster, Pa. Blcharda, Great, Bannatt's, Montreal. Blckrade, Hsrry B.. St. Charles Hotel. Chlcsgo. R1ceoboa*s Horses, Rlngllng Bros., O. B, Bitter A Foster, TJlford, London, Bag. Bosttlno A Stovena, Oct. 5, Orpheum, Salt Lake. Bobbins A Tranamaa, Bllte, Atlanta, ladeL Roberta, Shjna, Mercede. Cal. Robertson A Fsnchette, Fsmily, Wllllsmaport, Pa. Roche. La Belle, Mile., Singling Bros., a B. Bogers A Doeley, Olympic, Chicago. Roberts, Hsyes A Roberts, Orpheum, Boston, Pa. Bomanhoffs, Tbo, Family, Bntto. Romola, Boh. Bijou. Davenport, la., tndaf. Boas A Lowls, Ttvoll, Grimsby, Bag. Roaey, O. W., 1831 So. Wichita, WichlU. Kas. Roscoe A Sims, Osslno Girls, B. B. Roasell A Do Ylrno, Hagenbcck-WaBaea. O. ft. Beuasfc, Jack, Alr>Dome. Laaveuworth, tedef. Ratherfords, The, HagenbeekWaEeee, C ft. RaoseU A Davie, Idle Hour. Atlanta, ladof. Ryan A White, Bichmond,. Va. Ryan, Zorolla A Jonkina, Barnugg A BaBey, 0. B Ssbel, Josephine, G. O. H., Iadlenspolls. Beds-Carmen Sisters, Barnam A Bailey, 0. ft. Saona, Herr,, Orpheum. Harrlsburg, Pa. Saaaartaa, The, BaUa Floto, 0. ft. BelaaeenekL B. M., Prof., Barnusa A Battay, O. ft Samson. Doe, Oobum Oroatar Minstrels, Saaford A Darlington, 2422 So. Alder, Phlla. Scbrodt A Malvey, Oct. 5, Columbia, OtnclnnatL 8evensala t _pt1ginal, Watertown, N. Y., tadcL Shodman, W. i., Dumout, N. J., ladef, Bcbade, F., Btngtlng Bros., O. ft. Bcheftels, Male, Grand, Tscoms. Scnmodt, Ge or ge, Alcaaar, New Castle, Ins., Schuster, aflltoa, Palace. Boston, tndof. Scott, Bdouard, Grand, Bono, Nor., ladof. Scott, Mike, O. H., Nsshus, N. H. Senaottl, Anno. City Sports, B. B. Seymour, O. G., A Co., Orpheum, Allentown. Sbadla, Frank, Blngilng Bros., 0. ft. Shawa, Aerial, Blngilng Broa., 0. ft. Sherry, Joseph V.. Sells-Floto. O. ft. Shield* A Oalle, Murray A Mackey Co. Shis*, Julie A Edward, Bamum A Ballay, 0. B. Balrhart, Aanon. Crystal. Detroit, tndof. SshgYbiim. TbOv SothvPloto. 0. B. Bllvas, The, Proctor's. Lowell. Slnclolr, Msbel, Oct. 4, Orpheum, Sslt Loko. "Six Girls A Teddy Bear," Msjestlc, Chlcsgo, Smiths, Aortal. Circus Bash, Bortta, Germ say. Smith A Arado, Trent, Trenton. Smith A Brown, Grsnd, Fargo, N. D. Smith A Heaghney, Poll's, Hartford. Soper, Bart, Star, Altoona. Pa., ladof. Soraers A Storke, Bijou, Dubuque, la. Bonder. Pearl, Blngilng Bros., O. R. 8plssel Bros. A Msck, Mollinl, Hsnover, Gar. Staats Bros.. Barnam A Bailey, C. B. Stafford A Stone, Colonial, Lawrence, Mass. Stanley, B-, Barnam A Bailey, C. R. Stanton A Sandberg, Varieties, Csnton, IU. Stern, Sam, Poll's, Wsterbury. Stlehnar, Emma. Rlngllng Bros.. 0. B. 8tlckney. Miss B., Bamum A Ballay, 0. ft. Stlekney's Pony A Doga, Hempetead, L. I. St. Julian A Blue. Orpheum. Tampa, Fla. Stoddards, The, Orpheum, Virginia, Minn. Stuart A Keeley, Majestic, Birmingham. Sullivan, W. J., Lyric, Bosemsn, Moot.. Indef. Sotcllffe Troupe, Grsnd, Grsvesend, Eng. tylow. Barnam A Ballay, O. R. Talcot, Carson A Co., Grsnd, Jollet, 111. Taneea, Fells A Ornate*. 881 B. 88, N. Y. Tanka. Bhagltag Bras., a ft. Toed A LaneU, Bijou, Lorain, O. Tennis IWo, Orpheum, Portland. "Tan Dark Knlghta," Bamona Pk., Grsnd Baplda. Terrora, Four English, City.Sports, B. B. Terrors, Bngttsh. City Sparta . ft. ft. Tarry A Elmer. Majestic, Little Bock, Ark. Ttrry A Lambert, Stratford, Eng. Taylor, Moo, BIJou, Bveleth, Minn. Ward, Cbas. B., Msjestlc, Chlcsgo. Ward A Harrington, 418 Strand, London, Bag, Ward A Hsrt, Lytic, Wsshlngton. Word A Sheppell, AL Beeves, B. B. Walt, Emfls, Olympic, Chattanooga, Ten., tndof. Walker, Nells, Orpheum, Easton, Pa. Waller A MaglU, New Sun, Springfield, O. Walton, Irvin B., Fsds A Follies, B. B. Wslsb, Lynch A Oo„ Irwin's Big Show, B. B. Wards, Tho, Blngilng Bros., 0. B. Watson, Sammy, 888 St. Paul, Jersey City. Wstsoa Sisters, Irwin's Big Show, B. B. Webb, Horace, Norrlo A Bowo. C. B. Welch A Esrl, Grsnd, Vlctorlo, B. C. Wentworth. Boas, Blngilng Bros., C. B. Werden, W. L., A Co., Wssb., Spoksno. Whittle, W. E., Shea's, Buffalo. Whitman, Frank, American, St. Louis. White A Simmons, Keith's, Cleveland. Wilder, Marshall P„ 28 No. New Hampshire, At- Isntlc City. Williamson A Gilbert, Hagenbeck-Wallaee, 0. ft WUllsms Duo, Auditorium, Auburn, N. Y. Willis ms A Segsl, 87 B. Robinson. Allegheny. Ps. WUllsms A Stevens, Pekln Stock Co., Chicago. Wllliard A Bond, Columbia, St. Louis. Wilson's Musical. Pat White Gaiety Girls, B. B. Wilson, Tony, Hetolse A Armoros Sisters, 1 Prims Rd.. Brlitoo, London, 8. B., Bug. Wilson Brothers, Orpheom, Los Angeles. Wilson, Jsck, Co., Bennett's, Ottaws. Wilson, Balelgh, Campbell Bros., 0. B. Wlnolow, W. D., Bsrnam A Bailey, 0. ft. Winter, Wlnons, 41 W. 64, N. Y. Wixon A Eston, Casino Girls, B. B. TAKE NOTICE Mail addresses of acts playing will not be printed. Name of house and town necessary for publication in this route sheet When not playing or "laying off/' temporary address if forwarded will be inserted for time being. Artists with burlesque companies send name of show only. Taylor, Viola, Campagno Girls, B. ft. Terrors. English. City Sports, B. B. Texas Steer Quartette, Colonial Belles, B. B. Trsvers, Bolsnd, Psyret, Havana, Cuba. The Quartette, Msjestlc, Johnstown, Pa. Thompson Sisters, Davenport, la., ladef. Thorno, Mr. A Mia, BIJou, Orsnge, N. J. Thaleroa, Hogonbock-WaUoce. C. B. Tssmsnlana, Hagenbeck-Wallaee, O. ft. Toledo, Sydney, Csslno, Washington, Ps. Toms, Tumbling, Fsmily, Lebanon, Pa. TOwnssnd, Cbsrlotte, A Co., 620 W. 136, N. Y. Turner, Bert, Lo Boy, Mian. Tumour, Jules, Blngilng Bros., O. ft. Ty Bell Sisters, Sells-Floto, C. B. Urma Sisters, Bsraum A Ballsy, C. ft. Valadons, The, Oct. 12. Crystal, Anderson, Ind. Valdare A Varna, O. H., North Manchester, Ind. Vsn, Billy, Trent, Trenton. Van, Cbas. A Fannie, A Co., Orpheum, Brooklyn. Van Dlemans, Hagenbeck-Wallaee, C. B. ▼an. Miss M.. Blngilng Bros.. C. B. Vsn's Musical Minstrels, Msjestlc, Madison, Wis. Vsn Hoven, Orpheum, Ssn Frsncisco, Csl. Vsrdon, Perry A Wilbur, Hsstlngs' Show. B. ft. Vsrlety Quartette, Colonial Bailee, B. ft. Vssco, 41s Acre Lane, London, Eng. Vedmsrs, The, Hstbswsy's, New Bedford. Vermette-Carpottle, Trio, 461 Brebosuf, Montreal. Von Dell, Hsrry. 1888 Broadwsy, N. Y. Vynos, Tho, Orpheum, Boston, Ps. Wsde A Reynolds, Orpheum, Chattanooga, Tenn. Ward, Alice Lillian, Majestic, Chicago. Wood A Woods, Rlngllng Bros., O. B. Wood, Rslph, Lyric, Ft. Smith, Ark., indef. Wood Bros., Keith's, Cleveland. Woodford A Marlboro. Lyric, Monroe, La. Work & Ower, Orpheum, Brooklyn. World A Kingston, Oct. 4, Orpheum, Kansas City. Wormwood's Dogs A Monkeys, Poll's, Scrnnton. Wortbley, The, Orpheum, Easton, Pa. Wotao, Barnom A Ballay, C. B. Woulff, Edward, Barnnm A Bailey, 0. B. Woalff, Mme. B, Barnum A Bailey, C. B. Ysmamato Bros., Poll's, Springfield. Yolo Alta, Majestic, Ft. Worth. Young, De Witt C. ft Sister. 91 Lexington, Bklyn. Young. K. P., 407 W. 123. N. Y. Young, Ollle ft Bro., Lyric. Alton. 111. Youtockey, Prince, Barnnm A Bailey, C. ft. Zalno. Joe., 8180 Chancellor, Phlla. Zarrell Bros., Orpheum. Rending, Pa. Zeb A Zarrow Troupe, BIJou. Dulutb, Minn., Indef. Zecb A Zech, Wheelers. C. R. Zeds, II. L., Family, Pottsvllle, Pa. Zlegler, N. C. Columbia, Knoxvllle, Indef. Zimmerman, Al. Gay Masqueradera, B. R. Zlnn's Musical Com. Co., Memphis, Tenn., Indef. ROUTES RECEIVED TOO LATE FOR CLASSIFICATION. Abeam, Cbas., Troupe, Bennett's, Quebec. Avery, W. B., Poll's. Hsrtford. Barnes ft Crawford. Sbubert's, Utica. Belmell, Musical, 340 W. 87, N. Y. City. Bennett, Laura, People's, Cedsr Baplda, Is. Blsck A Leslie, Electric. Clifton Forge, Vs. Blsnchard Cliff, Roysl Slsve Co. Brooks A Jesnette, Coliseum, New Csstle, Ps. Buffslo, Young, Fsir, San Antonio, Tex. Coombs A Stone, Bennett's, London. Copelsod, B. M., Scenic Temple, Bevere, Mi Coutboul, Jessie, Portland, Portland, Me. Cowper, Jlmmle, Savoy, Fall Elver. Davis, Msrk A Laura, Phillip's, Bichmond, Ind. Deas A Desa, Garrlck, Norrlstown, Pa. Delmsr A Delmar, 84 Henry, N. Y. City. Delton, Al. H., Sun, Springfield, O. Devlin A Ellwood, Haymarket, Chicago. Dlston, Msdellne, Lyric. Petersburg, Va. Dixon, Bowers A Dixon, Bsncroft House, N. Y. Bldridge, Press, Bennett's, Montreal. "Enigmsrelle," Washington, Spoksne. Fay Bisters, Orphoum, Tiffin, O. Fisher A Fisher, Blsney's, Yonkers, N. Y. Fontlnelle, Mysterious, BIJou, Vslley City, N. D. Frey Trio, G. O. H., Grsnd Rapids. Glendower A Manlon, 5, G. O. H., Wheeling, W. Va. Heaston, Billy, Solsson, Connellsville, Ps. Hodges A Dsrrell, Fsmily, Bock Islsnd, 111. Hoffmans, Cycling, Litchfield, Minn. Kenyon A Healy, Family, Butte. Kingston A Thomas, Stsr Show Girls, B. B. Klnnebrew A Bsymond. Greenwich, N. Y. Lampe Bros., Hippo., Hsrrlsburg, Ps. Le Fevro A St. John, 1688 Broadway, N. Y. Lelllotts, Three, Keith's, Portlsnd, Ore. Levy Jules, A Fsmily, Grsnd, Sscrsmento. Lewis, Hsrr A Co., 181 W. 16, N. Y. Marshall, Bert, Star, Geneva, N. Y. Mlddleton A Spellmeyer, Orpheum, Harrlsburg, Ps. Miller A Princeton, Scenic, Centrsl Falls, B. I. Miller A Princeton, Scenic,. Hartford, Conn. Miller, Kitty A., Temple, Marlboro, Mass. Montsgue, Ines, Unique, Minneapolis. Morrison, Geo. W., Temple, E. Boston. Mossrts, Fred A Bvsn, Orpheum. Loo Angeles. Murphy, Whltmsn A Co., 133 W. 45, N. Y. Noble A Brooks, Orpheom, Vlctorls, B. C. O'Neill Trio, Lancaster, O. Omege Trio, Auditorium, Lynn. Psttersou, Sam, Keeney'a, Brooklyn. Richards A Grover, Colonial, N. Y. Rlcbt, Gertie, Family, Plttston, Ps. Rose, Elmer A., Boston Belles. B. R. Ross 81sters, Grsnd, Herkimer, N. Y. Slosn, Blsncbe, Keith's, Providence. Smedley. Effle. A Co.. 230 W. 34, N. Y. City. 8mltb A Arsdo, Trent, Trenton. SpiMers, Musical. Keeney's. Brooklyn. Steely A Edwsrds, Proctor's, Newsrk. Stelnert, Thomas, Trio, 468 Lenox, N. Y. Stubblefield Trio, Commercial Hotel, Chlcsgo. Thurston, Leslie, 6, BIJou, Perth Amboy, N. J. Vsn Oof re A Cotrely, Criterion, Augusts, Ga. Williams ft Weston, Mary Anderson, Louisville. Winston's Sea Lions, Lyric, Dayton, O. Yackley ft Bunnell, Family, WllUamsport, Pa. CIRCUS ROUTES Barnum ft Bailey, Sept. 20, San Bernardino; 2H. Phoenix. Arls.; 29, Tucson; 30. Blsble; Oct. 1, Douglas; 2, Demlng; 3. El Paso; 6, Abilene; 0. Ft. Worth; 7, Dallas; 8, Waco; 9. AuHtln; 10, San Antonio, Texaa. Buffalo Bill, Sept. 25 26. Portland, Ore.; 28. Mid- ford; 29, Red Bluff, Cal.; 80, Marysvllle; Oct. I, Sscrsmento; 2, Stockton; 8, Ssn Jose; 4-3, Osklsnd; 6-10, San Francisco. Campbell Bros., Oct. 1. Montgomery, Mo.; 2, Columbia; 8. Salisbury; 4, Lexington. Cole Bros., Sept. SO. Wllllamston: Oct. 1. Wash- ington; 2, Greensville, N. C.; 3, Rocky Mount; 4, Wilmington; 6, Newbern; 7, Goldaboro; 9, Wilson; 10, San ford; 13, Fay- ettesville, N. C; 14, Dillon, S. C; IB, Chad- burn, N. C.; 16. Conway, 8. C; 17, Marlon; 20, Hartsville; 21, Orangeburg. Miller Bros., Oct. 3. MurfnTHbnro. Tenn.; 4, Shilbyvlllc; 5. McMlnuvllle: 7. Winchester; 8. Dalton. CJa.; 9. Cartervll!<>; lo, Marietta; II. Atlanta. <)a. Norris A Rows, Sept. 20. Amsrlllo, Tex.; 27, Bayre. Okla.; 28. Anardarko; 20, Bl Reno; 30. Klngflaher: Oct. 1. Knld. <»kln. Ringling Bros., K«*pt -«. Mule Itwk; 28. Memphis, Term.; 29. Dycr^biiry. :!0. Padursh, Ky.; Oct. 1. Ilopkliisvlll.-. Ky.: -'. Nnshvllle, Tenn.; 3, Bowling <!rrcii. Ky. Robinson. Yank^o, «)<t. 4. Moulton, la.; 5, Lapluta, M<»., 0. llurusvllle. Mo.; 7, IMtttifleld, Wkm aniwertmg •dvertbementi kindl$ mention Variety.