Variety (Dec 1936)

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VARIETY Wcanesdij, December 2, 1936 aises to Pliiladeflphia; Dec. 1, Big biz for Philly's doWntoWn film houses this week, .with the Stanle; pretty sure to lead " the field •Born to Dahce.' Three Men 0h a Hoi-se' at the Fox; not far beMid. Right now therie are only two openings skedded for .this Aweek,. with the Stanley; Aldi , Fojc/and Boyd all. set to carry, on witH; current films.' Estimates: for Thp VfteV. Aldiiie . (1,300;' 46-551^65)—Garden of AUaW (UA). eiofee. to $20,000. Maybe threfe weeks. Last Week ♦Come and Get If <UA) (2d week), six days* poor $6,200. Arcadia (600; 25-40-50 )r-'Word lor Cari-ie* (Par) (2d run). Fairly good $2,300. Last week, :'Gay Desperado* (UA) (2<} . run), okay, $2,800, with holiday help. Boyd (2^00; 40-55)—Xove on Hun' (MG) (2d wfcek). Nice $18,000 after first week's $17,000. ; Earle (2,000; 25-40-50)--Theodora' (Cbl) (2d rmi). Strdnig enough for $15,000. Last week, 'Oiir Relations' (MG); only $9,500,' six dayis. Fox (3,000; 40-55-65)^'Thfee Men on Horse* (WB). Rousing •$29,500.1 Last weehi Theodora' (Col) (2d week), very pr6tty, $17,000, Kartton (1.000; 25-'35r40) — Xlght Brigaded (WB) (2d run). Okay $3,800. Last weeki ToUow Your. Hearf (R«ip), terrible, $1,500, six days. Keith's (2,000; 30-40-50)—'Reunion' (20th) (2d. run). Fair •$2.80to. Last W6ek 'Woman Rebels' (RKQ); (2d run), so-so, $2,000. ' Stanley (3,700; 40-55) 'Borri to Dance' (MG). B. o. wallop with $35,000. Laist week, 'Reunion' (2Qth), djsappoihtinjg v/ith $10)000; Stanton (1,700; 30'40.50) — 'Bide^ away Girl' (Ear). Light at $5,200. last weet . *Big Game' (RKO), very nice, $7,000. $22,d(Kfe^EaSt'week 'Gay Desperado' mm- and 'Sworn Enemy' (MG), i^ual, low at $9,900. Newman (Par) (1,900; 25-40)—'Go West' (Par) (2d. run). Nice enough at $7,000. Last Week 'Three Men on Horse' (WB) (2d run), fair, $5,900. Tower (Rewot-Fox) (2,200; 25)-^ ^Big Game' (RKO) and vaude at $7,200, very nice. Last week 'Carter* (WB), :okay at $6^800. . ■ iJptdwii (Fox) (2,030; 25-40)— ♦Dixie': (20th) and 'Black Cat' (WB). Under average at $3,900. Last week •Under Your Spell' (20th)' and •Mummy's Boy' (RKO), weaik, $3,600. Washington, Dec^ l. ; .Earie's oiit in front this week With fFheodora Goes Wild.' ^int^rset' and ♦Broken Blossoms' are disappbint- meiilte, both okay but not socks. .' TT^n .. . . .. -.^j Openings stm iallin^ on any biitl X20th),f okay at $3,800. Baltimore, Dec. . Theodora* and •Thred oh a Horse' are milking the burg tliis week. . Auto Show at Arniorjr is bruising .biz..a.bit. ■ stlmatcB for This Week tentnry (L6ew-UA) (3,000; 15-25- 35r4Q-55)—'Lbve on Run' (MG) (2d week). N. s. g. $6,000 after sbckb first weeH. at $15,000., . Hippodrome (Ra^tpaport) (2,300; 15-25-35*40-55-66 )-^'Theodora* (Col) and vaude. High at $23,000. Last w^, very good $IC,100 for Ted Lewis and five days on screen, of ^Ladf from Nowhere' (Col) and two of Theodora,*, 'Lady' began to limip, so hotise piiilled it and ' inserted Theo,' which rocketed the gross. KeWft (Schanberger) (2,500; 15- 25-30-35-40-55)—'Go West' (Par) (2d week; 4 days). For first stanza," end- ing Saturday (28, $7^000 - was swelL Holding for four more da^y^, con- cluding tomorrow (Wed.) night at 6 pjn.,..ahd getting iextra $2,400^ oke. New (Mechanic) (1,400; 15-25-30-. 35-40-55)—'White Htmter' (20th). Bagging no game .at weak $2^600. Last: weiek, eight days of 'Reunion' regular days aiiid rejuggled sched' liles, started aroimd tliahksgivihg, will probably. TOntln^^ mixed up through Ghristmasv Eitimates for This Week DUAL BIG m OMAHA Stanley (WB) (3,450; 15-25-35-40 56)—"Three Men on Horse' (WB) Swell $12,200 and. will h.o. Last week, second of liight Brigade' (WB), shortened to five days; very BelaSBO« (Radin) (1,100; 25-35-40-50) I good^ $5^000. •trx'Brbkeh Blossoms' (Imp). Opened .Wednesday (25) and comes: out to-, morrow (2) with good but not big 4>C1I1^CC^ AIAIIIUCDC^ 43,500^ Last week 'Kermesse Hero-1 f £11111113 ~ JIUff IlblUj ique' (Tobias) (3d Week), good $2,500. Capitol (Loew) (3,424; 35-35-60)-^ •White Hunter^ (20th) and vaude^ Customers . talking about- .Johnny Perkins'^nd stage bill, but .pic hold- ing take down to $15,000. Last week 'Reunion' (20th) and vaude £0t ade quate $20,000. Colnmhia (Loew) (1,583; 25-40)— fLibeled Lady' (MG) (2d run). Heading for big $7,000, ei^t days. Last week ♦Pigskin Parade' (26th) (2d riin), good,. $4,^00. Earle (WB) (2,424; 25-35-40-60-70) — Theodora' (Col) and vaude. Ac- counting for swell $21,000. Last week 'Three Men bn Horse' (WB), big, $19,500. ^Keith's (RKO) (1,830; 25-36-60)— ♦Winterset' (RKO). Won't better $9,000. Last week 'Luckiest Girl' (U), passable $6,000, six days. Met (WB) (1,853; 25^40) — 'Light Brigade' (WB) (2d run). Nice $5,500. -Last . week 'Wives Never Know' (Par), fair, $3,500 Palace (Loew) (2,363; 25-35-60)— -Xbve on Run' (MG). ;Swell $19,000. Last Week 'Come and Get It' (UA)i W6i^ j$14,'00O. Bialto (Indie) (1,100; 25-30-40-55) —'Roberta' (RKO) (revival), Fair $2<000. Last week 'Mr. Deeds' (C<>1), satisfactory, $2,500. Ist Runs on Br<>adw«y^ (Subject to Change) Wefk-of'.Pfc* Asio^'LIoyds of L b n d o n* (20th) (2d week), Capitol-'Bom (MG). Mnsle Hall — 'W1 n t e r s e t' (RKO) (3). Paramoont—'Go West, Young ,.. iMan' (Par) (3d week). lUalto -r 'Rose Bowl! (Par), (1) . Bivoli — 'Rembrandt' (UA) (2) . Boxy 'Smartest Girl in Town' (U). Strand — 'Three Men Horse'(WB) (2d wk). Week of bce^ Astor :—- ♦Lloyds of (20th) (3d wk). Capitol — 'Borh to Dance' ' (MG) (2d wk). . Music Hail — 'W inter Se t' (RKO) (2d wk). Paramoioni — ♦Pennies from Heaven* (Par) (fli); V Blalto-^'Plbt Thickens* (RKO) (9). ■ Bivoli — ^Rembrandt* (UA) (2d wk). Boxy—'Banjo on My Knee* (20th). Strand .— Three Men on a iforse' (WB) (3d wjc). VanctSelsHewPmp^^^ Dozen for bteraadonal Hollywood, Llndsley Parsons and Be^. Pivar swing Oyer to IhternaUpnal Pictures as assbdate producers bn its sieries of 12 adyenturo films; Parsbhsi steps .over:'oh loan from Grand National to product the first, ♦Manchuria,* whicb Hanultph. McFaddbh'will di- rect. [ Ihitialer for Pivar will be 'Black Ivory,' 8laver..tale, which Griffin Jfay is writing. . mUtiN'$22,000, Kansas City, Dec. 1. . " Current, bills came in xlay in ad- ' Vaince to caitch holiday trade. Pace mdy . not hold, but week looks well ■over average. - Outstander is Mi 'Love on Run.' Estimates for This Week Mainstreet (RKO) (3,200; 25-40)^ 'Reunibn'^ (20th) and 'One Way Pas- jsage' (WB) (reisisue), dual. Loiig a die-hard oh single ieature policy, .boiise this week succumbs to duials. Competish too strong.currently for ihore than fair $8,500. Last Week *Go West Young Man' (Par) didn't Bold lip, tapering to $8,000. .Midland (Loew) (4,000; 25-40)— *Lbve on Huh* ■ (MG). Week's de- P^uiiire from dual policy aiigur« fine Omaha, Dec. 1... Holiday r^spobsible for better out- look at all spots. Orpheum moved opening day to Thursday tb catch the Turkey Day traide for Olsen and Johnson's unit, giving the Orpheum the lead, with 'Wedding Present help- ihjg some.' Paramount and Brahdeis :are right in the swim: with 'Born to Dance' and.'Pennies from Heaven.' EstioiateS tor This Week Brandeis (Singer-RKO) (1,250; 25- 35-40).—'Pennies from HeaiVeh' (Col) and 'Lady from Nowhere* (Cbl). At least $5,400, big. Laist week 'Three Men on Horse' (FN) and 'Black Cat' (FN), ,$5,000. fine. Omqiha (Blank) (2,100; 25^40)— •Polo Joe* (WB) and 'Rose Bowl' (Par). Jay Clarke, added for stage. Stepping over $6,000 on good Thanks- giving Day start. Last Week 'Tarzan Escapes' (MG) and 'LDngest Night' (MG), $7,500, smart money. ■ Orpheum (Blank) (2,976; 26-35-55) —'Wedding Present' (Par) and OIsen and Johnson unit. In the big money class ait $16,000 on eight days. House goes back ito regular Friday Opening next week. Last week .'Wives Nevdr Know' (Par) and 'East Meets West' (GB), six days, light at $6,200. Paraimbont ( lank) (2,765: 25.-35 55)-^'Born to Datice' (MG). Stepbing albng to $9,000, commendable. -Last Week 'Go .West' (Par) week at $6,300. fnieodora^ Strong On $2,60tf in 2d Lincoln Wk. Lincoln, Dec. l. Attention is concentrated on ♦Theb dora* in second week at the Varsity after first week set a new -houise record.' Next in line is liove oh the Run' (MG) at the Lincoln. Estimates for This Week Liberty (LTC) (1.200; 10-15)— ^Bengal Tiger* (WB) plus ^Oon light Murder' (MG), split with 'Mad Holiday' (MG) plus 'Count of MOnt^ Christo' (UA). GOod at $1,000. Last Week ♦Avenging Rider* (Diversion) plus 'SUly Billies' (RKO), split with 'Lawless Range* (Rep) plus 'Flying Hostess' (U). CJbod $950. Lincoln (LTC) (1,800; 10-20-25)— 'Love on Run' (MG). Very, fine $3,000. Last week ♦Reunion' (20th) came away.- with substantial profit at $3,000. Orpheiim (LTC) (1,350; 10-15-20^ 25)—'Longest Night' (MG) plus Ed Gardiner's 'Sirens in Silk' unit on stage; last fbtir days -Mummy's Boys'- (RKO) plus 'Along Came Love' (Par).' . With'Thanksgiving opening, makes 8-day pulU.which will be good for $3,500, exceptional. Last week 'Love Letters' (jS), plus 'CasaManana Revue,' split with 'Country Gentle- men' (Rep) plus'Dixie- (20th). Good at $3,000; Stuart (LTC) (1,900: 10-25-40)— ♦Big Broadcast' (Par). Not as heaVy as expected, but all right at $3,500. Last Week 'Libeled Lady' (MG) very to: on mats and with the bioliday run-through gQt $4,100, fine. Varsity (Westland) (1,100;-10-25- 35)—'Theodora* (Col) (2d week). No letup in pace at $2,600. First week got $4,100, highest gross in the two years L. L.Dent has had the house and beating (01 past marks by^ mpr^ thaii $1,000. St LoUis, Dec. 1. ♦Love on the Run* at Loew's, 'Go Wesl^ Ybiing Man,* at Ambassador, both downtown, and 'Reunion* at mid-to\m 5,000 seater Fox, fire all headed' for swell grosses this week. Eitlnuitefl for this Week Ambassaaor (F&M) (3,018; 25-^40- 55>.j-«Go: West* (Par) and stage show. SweU $18,000. i;ast week ♦White Hiinttt' (20th) and Louis Armstrong, bandi only $12,000. Fox (F&M) (5,038: 25^35-55)—'Re- tmioh* (20th) and 'In His Steps* (GN ), nice $14,000, Last Week 'Lady from Nowhere* (Col) and 'Come Closer^ iColh $0,2QO, below average. lioewli aioew) (3,162; 25-35-56)-^ ♦Love, on Run* (MG). Biggest Thanks- giving Day biz In history of house started this one off to $22,600 week. Liaist week Tairzan Escapes* (MG) wid^Old Hutch' (MG). $16,000, good. MlMonri (F&M) (3i514; 25-40)— ♦Case of Black Cat* (FN) and 'Isle of Fury* (WB). - Making $9,400.easily for iood week. Laist week ♦Man i Mar^* (U) and 'Rose BowV (Par), $8,600, bjBlow average.^ ' .. • ^ Orpheum (F&M) (1,950; 25-35-55) —♦Word for Carrie* (Par); Only fair. $6,500. Last week ♦Theodora' (Col) (2d run) .and. 'Gfive: Her Ring' (Jiid), okay, $6,800. • ShiW^t-Blalto (F&M) (1,725; 20- 25)T-^^Daniel BOone* (RKO) and ♦Coimtry Gentlemen* (Rep). Not more than $3,200, fair. Xast week ♦Brian Kent* (20th> and ♦Lady Luck' ♦Dimples' (20th) (2d run) and stage show. Biz on upgrade at $7,400, best in weeks. Last week 'Pigskin Parade' (20th) (2d run) and stage show, $(B,(K)0, Just about enough to clean. - Heavy Run of Shorts Hollywood, Dec. 1. Harman-Ising studio, producing Happy Harmonies, has nine subjects in work. Another 'Little Cheeser? subject is being rushed as a result bf heavy booking ol . first one- Four fiosko and Honey numbers being animated are 'Circus Days,' 'Easter Eggs,' 'Pirates' and one un titled. Frogs are syncopating in 'Mlssippi Mud' and 'Arabian Nights.' Othejs 'The Rabbit and the Hbuhd' and a Christmas special, 'The Pups Christmas.' Boycottini: 3 bh Coast Hollywood, Dec.'1. Projectionists local .has ordered . a boycott on tw:o I?asadeha houses and one in Santa Monica; .Latter is using nbh-unioh boothmeh. More Siiiwlay Fix T^t- Suits m Va^ Backwoodi^ Gaining momentum,, the, swing to Sunday films has penetrated to Vir- gi ia's hintierlarid. The Ilockbtidge, Buena Vista> a small industrial town west of here, has announced a test case to seek legal approval of Sun- day films... , Meanwhile, , church orgahizations ill Lynchburg have announced; a 'boycbtt' on Sunday pix: which, were permitted by a jury recently. Chris- tian, EndeavbrerSi etc., organizing solidly to petition city council'to pass a special lalv banning 6how& J Minneapolis, Dec. , Grosses: have bounced' back to higher levels. Thanksgiving open- ings and stronger attractions helped^ to turn the tide upWard again. With the ohly stage show., excepting Gayety burlesque, the Minnesota is well otit in the lead, but the Orphe- iim; too, is setting a good pace. Lat- ter has 'Pennies from Heaveh:' . Estimates for This -Week Aster (PubliX) (900; 15-25)—'State Faiir' (20th) (reissue) ^ahd 'Straight from Shoulder' (Par) (1st run), split Fair $700. Liast week 'General Died' (Par) and 'Kelly Second' (MG) ,(2d runs )i split, $900, good. Centary (Publlx) (1,600; 15-25)^-^ 'Rambrta' (WB) (2d run). Fair $3,- 000. Last week 'Ziegfeld' (MG) (2d run), $4,500, big. .Lyric (Publix) (1,300; 20-25)— 'Magnificent Brute' (U). Good enough $2,000. Last week ♦Libeled Lady' (3d week), $4,000, very big. JUnncsot* (Publix) (4,2P0; 35-40- ittsburgh, Deb;, Holiday weekend boom the lolidw est ever around here, knocking rec- ords cockeyed everywhere. Pros* perity isn't being confined to down- town sector but extending through- out territory. Thanksgiving ddy grosses went haywire and were neat- ly matched following couple of days to send town into one of its biggest weeks of all time.. Out in the lekd is *Bom to Dance.' guiding Penn to a new house ;recbrdi So big that it ^on't pursue the Usual course, under r Lbew-Warners pool- ing deal, and niove to the Warner, but sticks for another week at house <tf orifiinal entry. Alvin is getting healthy week with ♦Reunion,' bvS won't chance bnother sessioh. Ef^lniaics foir ITils Week Alvin (Harris) (2,000; 25-35-40)-^ ♦Reunion* (20th-Fojc). Close to $11,i 500, ^eellent. Last week, second of ♦nieodora' (Col), swell after $11,300 opening session; ' Fnlton (SKea-Hyde) (1,750; 25-40) -^•Gay Desperado' (UA). Fell off after bik start, but building; again for $7,500. La^t week, second at 'Pigddn Parade' (20th), fine, $5,200. Penn (Loew's-UA) (3,300; 25-35- 40)T-'Borh to Dance' (MG). All-time. high at^30,000 in eight days. Last week 'Love oh Run' (MG) all fight at-$16,000. Stanley (WB) (3,600; 25-40-60)— •Polo Joe* (WB) and 'Hbllywbod Follies' uilit (Leon Errol). Stage getting the emphasis; $24,500, very igood, in eight days. Last week, six days, ♦Word .-for Carrie' (Par) and jiten fiemie all right at $17,500. Warner (WB) (2,000; 25-40)—'Our Relations' , (MG) and Hose Bowl* (Par). SweU 47,200 in etight days, hysky biz* Last week ♦Murder with Pictures* (Par) and 'Captain's Kid^ (FN) ya£ked after six days to under $4,000, 60)—'Pigskin Parade* (20th) and Ted Weems' band and vaude. En route to good $18,000. Last week 'Go West' (Par), six days, poor $5,000.. Orpheum (Singer) (2,890; 25^35-40) r-^'Pennies from Heaven' (Col); Agreeable $9,000 for eight days. Last week, 'Three Men on Horse'. (FN), $9,000,. six days, big. : State (Publix) (2,300;: 25-35-40)— ♦Reunion' (20th). Women and chil- dren flocking to mlatihees, but night trade not so forte. Good, $7,000. Last week 'Old Hutch' (MG), $4,000, six Time (Bierger) (290; 15-25)—'Ali i for Murder' (Col).. Light $800, Last week -Legong' (DuWord), $2,0t)0/big, K - Uptown (Publix) (l,20i9; 25-35)— 'Big Broadcast' (Par). First nabe showing; $3,500, good. Last week •Devil Is Sissy' (MG), $4,000, good., World (Steffes) (350; 25-35-40-50) —'Ecstasy' (2d week). Profiting from sensational advertising. Big $3,500. Last week, $4,500/big. Cleveland, Dec. 1. First Snowstorm heavy enough to piarsdyze traffic on both Thanks- ^ving £ve and Day «lsb chilled the holiday trade. Openings advanced one day for holiday, in some cases two days, were an aid in .;giving cur* rent pix fl longer week as well more money. i4ut0 show competish didn't make as much of a dent, as expected. Estimates for This Week Allen (RKO) (3,000; 25r40)—'Jane Turner' (RKO). Not pushed enough, but nice at ^,500. Last week 'Man Who Lived Twice* (GB). five days, caujght: '$3,000, good. 'Under Your Spell' (20th) sloughed off after two days at $1,200. Circle (Marmorsteih) (1,900; 15- 35)—'Lady Be Careful' (Par) and 'Give. My Life' (Par). Going back to dual first-runners, this indie house gets satisfactory $3,000, for a starter. Not so good last week with 'Frankie and Johimie* (Repub) pulled out after two days and 'Bride Comes Home* (Par) (2d' run) pushed in wiUi 'Hollywood Boulevard' (Par); $2,000. weak. Hipp (Warners) (3,700; 30-40)— •Three Men on Horse' (WB). Just right for Thanksgiving at $17,500, Last week 'Gay. Desperado' (UA), $15,500, <OkSiy. ^ Palace (RKO) (3,200; 30-60)— 'Reunion* (20th) with 'Hollywood Hotel' unit Yanking in $20,500, fine. Last week 'Smartest Girl' (RKO) with Leon Erf ol unit couldn't, $19,p00» -fair. ■ ■ ■■ State (Loew's) 3,450; 35-40-55)-^ 'Love bn Run' (Metro) (2d week). Second flicker to take a h. o. here this yearj.bandsome $1?,500, First week ^21,500, which includes gate inade by Thanksjgiving Eve ishowmg of 'Born tb Dance' (Metro). Stillman (Loew's) (1,872; 25-3B)-- •Hideaway Girl' (Par). Rot enough at $6,500;. Last week 'Wedd'ng Present' (Par) JEimbled " with $5,00U. Ghet Lyons Qies Set Hollywood, pec. 1. Chet Lyons, cineniatographer oil ♦Death in J'aradise Canyon,' died on the set Friday (27) . Returning from Itaich with slight-indigestionjXybns lay down a mbineht to rest. When crew member, went: ^o isee how he Was dbing, they found hirri dead, vic- tim of heart attack. Lyons was 51. ^e is survived by his wife, Ksithefine. Among out- standing films -he shot during 8-yeaf contract term at Fbx, most recent ;was 'Raimona.*