Variety (Dec 1936)

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VARiETY Pier « R c C■•$ S E s WednccldAJf Decemlier 2,1936 to Philadielphi , De<^. 1. Big biz for Philly's downtown filiii houses this w.eek. with the Stanley pretty sure tb lead -the field iWith 'Born to, Dancei' -Three Men ph 9 Hbrse' at the Fox not .far behind.; ■ Right, now there are .only two openings skedded:for this Week, with the Stanley, Aldihe, Fox and, Boyd all set to carry: on with current fiUns. Eslinutes for This Week Aldine (1,300;' 40-55-65)-r-'Garden ot Allah'. (UA). Close .to $20,000. Maybe three. weeks; Last week 'Come and . Get It' (UA) (2d week), six. days, poor . $6,200. Arcadia (600; 25-40-50 ):^'Word for e^^ri•ie■ (Par) (2d run). Fairly good $2,300. " Last week, *Gay Desperado' (UA) (2d riin), okay, $2,800, With" holiday help. - Boyd (2,400; 40-55)—XiOve on EunV (MG) (2d Wek). Nice $18,000 after first week's $17*000. ■ Earie (2,000; 25-40-50)—Theodora' <Cq1) <2d riin). Strong ehbugh for $15,000. Last week, 'Our Relations' (MG). only $9,500,'six days. Fox (3,000; 40-55-65 )r^'Three Men bri Horse' (WB). flousing $29,500. Last week, Theodora' (Col) (2d week), very pretty, $17,00Q. KarKon (1,000; 25.35r40) —,'Light Brigade' (WB) (2d run). Okay $3,800. Last week, ToUow Your Heart' (B6p), terrible, $1,500, six days. Keith's (2,000; 30-40-50)—'Reunion' (20th) (2d» run). Fair ■ $2,8()0. Last week 'Woman Rebels' (RKQ). (2d tun), sb-so, $2,000. . ' 'Stanley (3r700; 40-55) ~ fo Dance' (MG). B, 6. wallop with $35,000. Last week; 'Reunion' (20th), disappoihting with $10(0()0. . Stanton <1,700; 30-40-50) ^ 'Hide- away Girl' (Par). Light at $5^200. -Last week. 'Biis Game' .<RKO)j Very mCe, $";000. Washington, D^. L Earle's out in. front this week with' .Theodora Goes Wild.' 'Wilit^rset' and 'BrOkien Blossoms' are disappoint- ments, both okay but not £ocks< .Openineis .still falling on any but Tegular days ahd rejuggled sched- ules, started around ThanksgiviiiE, will probably: ^mtihue mixed Up through Christmas; iEstiniatcB lor This: W(|^k . BelaiBoo (Radih) (1,10(); 25-35-40^50) >^*Brbken Blossoms' <Imp). Opened Wednesday (251 and comes Out to- iriorrpw (2) with good but not big $3,S00. Last , week 'Kermesse Hero- Ique' (Tobias) (3d week), good $2,500. Capitol (Loew) (3.424; 25-35-60)— •Whit? Hunter' (20th). . and vaiude. Customers talking aboiit .Johnny. Perkins and stage bill, but pic hold- ing take down to $15,000. Last week 'Reunion^ (2Qth> and vaude got ade ciuate $20,000. Columbia (Loew) (1,583; 25-40)— •Libeled Lady' (MG) (2d run). Heading for big $7^000, eight days. Last week 'Pigskin Parade' (2()th) (2d riin), good,'$4,500. Earle (WB) (2,424; 25-35-40-60-70) •^'Theodora' (Col) and vaude. Ac toimting for swell $21,000. Last week Three Men On Horse' (WB) big, $19,500. Keith's (RKO) (1,830; 25r35-60)^ .♦Wintersef (RKO), WonH^^ better t9,OO0. Last week 'Luckiest Girl' (U) . passable $6,000, six days. Met (WB) (1,853; 25-40) 'Light Brigade' (WB) (2d run). Nice $5,500, .Last week 'Wives Never Know' (Par), fair, $3,500. ' Palac^ (Loew) (2j363; 25-35^60)-^ •Love on Run* (MG). SweU $19,000 Last week 'Come and Get It' (UA) weak, $14,000. Bialto (Indie) (1,100; 25-30-40-55) ^Roberta' (RKO) (revival). Fair $2,000; Last week 'Mr. Deeds' (Col) satisfactory. ^$2,500. M $8,500, t Kansas, City, Dec^ 1. Current bills came in day in ,ad- vance to. catch holiday trade. Pace ihay: hot hold, biit week looks well over average. Outstandei* is Midland's 'Love on Run.' ~ , , Estimates for This Week; Mainstreet (RKO) (3,200; 25-40)— 'Reunion' (2Qth) and 'One Way Pas- sage* (WB) (reissub), dual. Long , a die-hard oh single feature policy,. Iioiise this week succumbs to duals. Competish too strong currently for more than fair $8,500. Last week *Go West Young Man*. (Par) didn't ho^d up, tapering tb ^»,000. Midland (Loew) (4,000; 25-40)— fLdve on Run' (MG). Week's de^. parture fi:om dual pdUcy. augury fine $22,000. Last week 'Gay Desperado' (UA) and >Sworn Enemy' (MG); dual, lbw at $9,90i0.: Newinan (Par) (1,900; 25-40)—'(3o West' (Par) (2d -fun). Nice enough at $7,000^ Last week Three Men oh Horse' (WB) (2d run), fairi $5,900. Tower (ReWot-Fox) (12,200; .25)-- 'Big Game' (RKO) and Vaude ait $7,200, very nice. Last week 'Carter' (WB), okay at $6,800. , ' Uptown (Fox) (2,030; 25-40)— 'Dixie' (20th) and 'Black Cat' (WB). Under average at $3,900: ■ Last week Under Your Spell' (20th) and 'Mumihy's BOy' (RKO), weak, $3,600, AT $12. , Baltimore, Dec. L Theodora* and 'Three on a Horse' are milking the biirg this wei^k. Auto Show at Armory is bruising biz a bii . Estimates for This Week Cenidry (Loew-UA) (3,6()d; 15-25- 35r40-55)—'Love on Run* (MG) (2d week), N. s. g. $6,000 after socko first week. at $15,000. . Bippodrome (ftappaport) (i2,300; 15-25-35*40-65-06)—'Theodora* (Col) and viaude. High at $23,000. Last week very good $10,100 , for Ted Lewis and five days on screen Of •Lady from^ Nowhere' (Col) and two of Theodora,' Ijady^* began to limp, so house piulled it and ihiserted Theo/which rocketed the gross. Keith's (Schanberger) (2,500; 15- 25-30-35-40.55>-i'Gb West' (Par) (2d week; 4 day^). For first stanza,' end- ' ng Saturday (28)». $7,000 was swell. Holding for four: niore days, con- cluding tomorrow (Wed.) night at 6 pjn., ahd getting extra $2,400, oke. New . (Mechanic) (1,400; 15-25-30^ 35.40-S5)^*White Hunter' (20th). Bagging no .game at weak $2,600. Last weeki . eight days of 'lieunion' (20thX okay at $3,«00. Stanley (WB) (3,450; 15-25-35r40- 55)--"Three Men oh Horse' (WB). SweU ^2,200 and will h.o. . Last week, second 4>f 'Light Brigade' (WB), shortened to five days; very good, $5,000; 1st Runt on Broadwas^ (Subject to Chainge) Weekff Dee.4 Astor—'Llbyd^ of L o n d b n' (20th) (2d week). Capltoir-'Born Dance' (MG). ■'■':• Mnsie Hall'Win tier set' (RKO) (3)v / raramonnt^'Go West, Young Man* (Par) (3d week); Bialto — 'Rbse Bowl' (Par) .(l).^' . . ' .. Bivoli — 'Rembrandt' (UA) (2):-' Boxy —. 'Smartest irl in ., Towri';(U). Strand — 'Thriee Men on a tJoi:seV(WB) ([2dwk). Week of Pe(6. 11 Astbr — 'Lloyds of London* (20th) (3d wk). Capitol 'Bom Dance*^ (MG) (2d wk). , Music HaU — "W i n t e r s e t* (»KO) (2d wk). Paramount — 'Pennies from Heaven' (Par) (9). ' Biaito-rr'PlbtThickens' (RKO) (9). . Bivoli ^ 'Rembrandt' (UA) (2d wk). w Boxy—Banjo My Knee. (20th). Strand — Three Men on Horse' (WB) (3d wk). ^msa iw hternatioiial Hollywood, Debi 1. Lindsley Parsons , and Be|i;!Pivar swing' over to International. Pictures as associate producers on its siefiies of 12. adventure films. Parsons steps over - on loan from Graind Rational to produce the first, ::'M^ahchurla,' which Hamilton. McFadd^h WiU, di- rect. laitialer for Pivar will be. 'Eilack Ivbiy,' slaver, tale, which Griflih Jttty is writing. TENNIES'-'NOWHERE' DtlAL BIG 5iG, OMAHil Omaha, Dec. 1.. Holiday responsible for. better out look at all spots., Orphieum moved opening day to Thursday to catch the Turkey. Day trade for. Olsen and Johnson's unit giving the Orpheum the lead, with 'Wedding Present help^ ing some.. Paramount and Brandeis are right in the swim with 'Born 'to Dance' and 'Pennies from Heaven.* Estiniates tor .This Week Brandeis (Singer-RKO) (1,250; 25- 35-40)—'Pennies frbni Heaven' (Col) and 'Lady, from Nbwhere* (Col);' At least $5,400, big; Last week 'Three Men on Horse' (FN) and 'Black Cat' (FN); $5,000, fine. Omaha (Blank) (2,100; 25-40)— 'Polo Joe* (WB) and 'Rose Bbwl' (Par), Jay Clarke, added for stage. Stepping over $6,000 on gobdThanks- giving Day start. Last week 'Tarzaii Escapes' (MG) and 'Longest Night' (MG), $7,500,, smart'money.; Orpheum (Blank) (2,976; 25-35-55) — Wedding Present' (Par) and Olsen and Johnson unit. In the big money class at $16,000 on eight days. .House goeis back to regular Friday opening next week. Last week 'Wives Nevdr Know' (Par) and 'East Meets West' (GB), six days, light at $6,200. Paramount. (Blank) (2,765; 25-35- 55)-^'Born to Dance' (MG). Stepping along to $9,000, commendable. Last weiek ^Go ;West' (Par) week at $6,300, More Sunijay ftx Test Suite in Via: Backwoods Gaining momentum, the- swing to Sunday films has penetrated to Vir- ginia's hihterland. The Rockbridge, Buena Vista, a small industrial, town west of here, has^ announced a test case to' iseek legal approval of Sun- day films. Meanwhile, church organizations in: Lynchburg have announced a 'boycott' on. SUiiday piX which were permitted by a jury recently. Chris- tian Endea vbrersj etc., organizing solidly to , petition city coonciL to past a special law banning shows., fo:^ oh mats and with the holiday run-through_jqt $4,100, fine. Varsity (W*sUand) (1,100; 10-25- 35)--'Thbodora*„ (Col) (2d week). No letup in pace at .$2,600. First week got $4,100, highest gross in the two years L. L. Deht has had the house and beatuig all past marks, by more than $1,000, : ^eodoia' Strong; Oh $2,600 in 2d liiicolii Wk. " Lincolh, J>ec< l. Attention is concentrated on 'TheO dbra* in seeohd week at the Varsity aifter first week set .a new house record. Next in line is 'LoVe on the Run' (MG) at the Lincoln. Estimates for This Week Liberty (LTC> (1.200; 10-15)-^ ^Bengal. Tiger^ (WB) plus *Mooh light Murder' (MG), split with 'Mad Holiday* (MG) plus 'Count of Montp Christo' (UA). Good at. $1,000. Last week 'Avenging Rider* (Diversion) plus 'Silly Billies*. (RKO), split with 'Lawless Range' (Rep) plus 'Flying Hostess* XU). Good $950. Lincoln (LTC) (1,600; 10-20-25)^ 'Love on Run' (MG). Very, fine $3,000. Last Week 'Reunion' (20th) came away with stibstantial profit at $3,000. Otphenm (LTC) (1,350; 10-15-20- 25)—Longest Night' (MG) plus Ed Gardiner's 'Sirens in .Silk' unit., on stage; last four days 'Mummy's Boys'- (RKO) plus 'Along Came Love' (Par). With Thanksgiving opening, makes 8-day pull, .which will be good for $3,500, exceptional. Last Week 'Love Letteris' (Xi) plus 'Casa Manana Revue,' split with 'Country Gentle- men' (Rep) plus 'Dixie' (20th). GOod at $3,000. . Stuart (LTC) (1,900; 10-25-40)-^ 'Big Broadcast' (Par); Not as heavy as expected, but all right at $3,500. Last week 'Libeled Lady' (MG) very St Louis, Dec. 1^ %pve bh the Run* at Loew's; 'Go West, Ybxmg Man,' at Ambassador, both downtown, and 'Reunion' at mid-town 5,000 seater Fox, are all headed for swell grosses this week. Estimates for Tills Week Ambassadolr (F&M) (3,018; 25-40- 55)—'Go West^ (Par) and stage show;, Swell $18,000. Liast week 'White Biimter* (20th) and Louis Armstrong hand, only $12,000. . Fox (P&M) (5,038; 25-35-55)—'Re- union' (20th) and 'In His Steps* (GN); nice $1<000. Last week 'Lady from Nowhere' (Col) and 'Come Closer' (Col), $9,200, belOW average. LOewli (Loew) (3,162; 25-35-55)-^ Xove. on Run' (MG). Biggest Thanks- giving Day biz in history ^of house started this one off to $22,500 week. Last w^k Tarzan Escapes' (MQ) «nd *01d Hutch' (MG), $^6,000. good. BlUsonrl (F&M) (3.514; 25-40)— •Case of Black Gat* (FN) and 'Isle of Fmy* (^)/ Making $9,400^asily for |ood week. Last week 'Man I Marry' (U) and 'Rose Bowl' (Par), $8,600, below average. ' . _ ^ -brphenm (F&M) (1,950: 25-35-55) —.'Word for Carrie* (Par). Only fair, $5,500. Last week Theodora' (COl) (2d run) and 'Oive' Her a - Ring' (Jud),'okay, $6,800i • _ .■ ShobertrBlaUo (F&M) (1,725; 20- 25)-^'Daniel Boone* (RKO) and 'Country Gentlemen*. (Rep). Not more than. $3,200, fair. Last week 'Brian Kent' (20th) and "Lady Luck* (Ches), $2i500, poor, . . St Louis (F&M) (4,000; 25:40)— ?bunples* (20th) (2d run) and stage show. Biz on upgrade at $7,400, best in ive«ks. Last week 'Pigskiii Parade* (20th) (2d run) and stage show, $6,000, Just about enough to clear. Heavy Run of Shorts HbilywQod, Dec. i. Harmah-Isiiig ^tudiov producing Happy Harmonies, has nine subjects in work. Another Tjittle Cheeser' subject is beiiig rushed as a resUlt of heavy booking of first one. Four Bbisko and Honey 'numbers being animated are 'pircus Days,' 'Easter .Eggs,' 'pirates' and one un- titled. Frogs are syncopating in 'Missippi Mud' and 'Arabian Nights.' Others are 'The Rabbit and the Hound'; aind a Christmas special, 'The Piips Christmas.' ' Ops Boycottinf 3 on Coast. 1 _ Hollywood, Dec.-1. Projectionists local has ordered a boycott Oh twb-Pasadena houses and one in Santa Monica; Latter is using non-union. boothmen. 8 Days, $9,000; Mpk on Upbeat 'Minneapolis, Dec. . Grosses hav^ bounced' back to higher levels. Thanksgiving opehr ings and stronger attractibns helped to turn the tide Upward agai With the only istage show, excepting G&yety burlesque, the Minnesota is well out in the lead, but the Orphe- um, too, is setting a good pace; Lat- ter has'Penniiesfrbm Heaven- Estimates for Tliis Week Aster (Publix) (900; 15-25)—'State Fair' (20th) (reissiie) and 'iStraight from Shoulder' (Par) (1st run)y split. Fair $700. Last week,'General Died' (Par) and 'Kelly Second' (MG) (2d runs), split $900, good. Century (Publix) (1,600; 15-25)— 'Ramona' (WB) (2d run). Fair $3,- 000. Last week 'Ziegfeld' (MG). (2d run), $4,500, big. Lyric (Publix) (1,300; 20-25)— 'Magnificent Brute' (U). Good enough $2,000. Last week 'Libeled Lady' (3d Week). $4,000, Very big, / Minnesota (Publix) (4,200; 35-40- 60)--'Pigskin parade' (20th) and Ted Weems' band and vaude. En route to gbbd $18,000. Last week 'Go West' (Par), six days, poor $5,000. Orpheum (Sihget) (2,890; -35-40) — Pennies from Heaven' (Col). Agreeable $9,000 for eight days. Last week,, 'Three; Men On Horse* (FN) $9,000, six days, bi . State (Publix) (2,300; 25-35-40)— 'Reunion' (2{)th). Women and chii- drien' flocking to matinees,- but night trade not so forte,. Good* $7,000; Last week 'Old Hutch' (MG), $4,000, six days, fair. Time (Berger) (290; 15-25)—'Alibi •for Murder' (Col). Light $800.. Last wbek 'Legong' (DuWord), $2,000, big. Uptown (Publix) (1,208; 25-35)^ 'Big Broadcast' (Par). First nabe showing; $3,500,. good. Last week 'Devil Is Sissy.' (MG), $4,000, good. World. (Steffes) (350; 25-35-40-50) — Ecstasy- (2d week). Profiting from sensational advertising. Big $3,500, Last week, $4,500, bifr Pittsburgh, Holiday weekend boom/ the - est ever around here, knocking rec- ordis cockeyed everywhere. Pros- perity isn't being confined to down« town sector hut extending thrbugh^ out territory. Thanksgivirig day grosses went haywire iind were neat-. ly matched loUowing cbuple of days to send town into one of its biggest weeks of all time. ■ Out ih the lead is 'Born to jbance,' giiiiling Penh to a new house record. So big that it won't pursue the usual course, under Loew-Warners pool- ing deal, and move to the Warner, but sticks for another week at house 4)1 original entry. Alvin is getting healthy week with 'Reunion,' but won't chance another session. Ei^ImatcB for This Week AUria (Iforris) C2,000; 25-35-40)^ 'Reunion' (20th-Fox). Close to $11,-, 500, excellent Last webk, isecond of Theodora* :(Cbl), swell after $11,300 opening session.- Fulton (Shea-Hyde) (1,750; 25-40) -^'Gay Desperado^ (UA). Fell off, after big start; .but, building again tor .$7,500i^ La^t week,: second ot 'Pigskin Parade* (20th), fine, $5,200. Penn. (Loew*s-UA) (3,300; 25-35- 40)—'Boni to Dance* (MG). All-time high at $30,000 iii eight , days., Last week love oh Run*. (MG) all right at$16i00Q. Stanley (WB) (3,600; 25-4(i-60)« Tolb Joe* (WB) and -'Hollywood Follies' unit (Leon Errol); Stage getting the emphasis; $24,500, very gobdi. in eight days; Last we^k, six days, 'Word for Carrie' (Par) and n&i Bernie all right at $17,500. Warner (WB) (2,006| 25-40)—'Our Relations' , (MG) imd 'Rose Bowl* (Par).. Swell $7,200 in eight days, husky hiz. Last week ^Murdeir with Pictures' (Par) arid 'Captain's, Kitf (FN) yahked after six days to under $4»000. Cleveland, Dec. irst Snowstorm hclavy enough to piiaralyze traffic on both Thanks<> giving £ve and Day also ehilled the holiday trade. Openings advanced one day for holiday, in some cases two days, were ah aid in giving cur- rent pix a longer week as well more money, j^uto show competish didn't make as much Of a dent as expected.. Estimates for This Week Allen (RKO) (3,000; 25-40)—'Jane Turner* (RKO). Not pushed enough, but nice at $4,500. Last week 'Man Who Lived Twice* (GB), five days, caught 1$3,000, gobd. 'Under YoUr Spell* (20th) sloughed oil after two days at 411,200. . Circle (Mamiorstein) (1,900; 15- 35)—'Lady Be Carbful' (Par) and 'Give My Life' (Par).: Going back to.. dual first-runners, this indie house' gets satisfactory $3,000, for a starter. Wot so good las| week with 'Frankie and Johnnie' XRepub) pulled out atier two diays and 'Bride Comes Home' (Par) (2d run) pushed in with 'Hollywood Boulevard' (Par);. $2,000, weak. Hipp; (Warners) (3,700; 30-40)-- 'Three K^en on Horse' (WB). Just right for Thanksgiving at $17,500. Last week 'Gay Dbsperado' (UA), $15,500, ^kay. Palace (RKO) (3,200; 30-60)-; ♦Reunion' (20th) with 'Hollywood Hotel* unit Yanking in $20,500, fine. Last week 'Smartest Girl' jRKO) with Leon Errol unit couldn't $19,000, fair' ^ate (Lbew^) 3,450; 35^0-55)^ 'Love on Rtih' (Metro) (2d week). Second flicker to take a h. o. here this year; handsome $19,500. First week $21,500, which iricludes„ gate made by Thanksgiving Eye showing Of 'Born to Dance* (Metro). Stillihah (Loew's) (1,872; 25-35)--- 'Hideaway Girl* (Par)., Hot enough at $6,500.. Last week 'Wedd'ng Present' (Par ) ambled in with, $5,000. Cbet l^ on Set Hollywood, Dec. Chet Lyons, cii^eihatographer 'Death In Paradise Can j^on/ died on the feet Friday (27); Returning froin lunch with slight indigestion, Lyons lay down. a moment to rest When cirew member, went to see hoW ^* was doing, they found hini dead, Vic- tini of heart attack. Lyons was 51. He is survived by his wife, Katherine: .Ainong out- Standing films he shot during 8-yeat cbntract terrti at Fox, most recent .was 'Ramona.'