Variety (Dec 1937)

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^^(Inesday^, DecemUer 15, I93J JPILM REVIEWS VARIETY IT You're a Sweetheart : (MUSICALy. •- PpUy wood, Decl 14. T'iiivi»rartl rclenflo pt -H. G. Dcijyiva^ pro- 'dii"-i lull. . siiu-u Allce.X''iiye; feutuiH's t'iCi)Vi,'» ximphy, Kon Murray uiid OnwaJil, Clmitl's Wliiiiliii;''''. AnJy DovUie, AVlUI»m OHi-iftin, ViaiiU JohUh. l<' Hunt., and'.Uiispur H-'ii'iloii. l^licuK"! DaviU JJulldr. iiloiy by VVnrri'ii Wilson, Maxwell Klmnp. unJ Wllllu'iu limas; . screenplay . Ijy MoiUe UrlcH. and riiurloM Gniyson; camoia. CJeoiee H m>l>iriH6ii; lllm editor; H(;niaidHi..LJui> ton- Miiisicai dli-eclorj .C lini'les . Prevln; • <l;inies, ■ t'Hrl Kandutl; voi-al .'auitcrvlijlon ■ C'liar I'S. H. HenUel'iion; orchesti'alionsi lOruiik SKMrnrr; sotitja Jimmy; MpH ugh. and Harold Adunisoi), Cliarlea .. Tojjlna ' and .Murray M'>""li<>r, aiirt J.DU I'rlnir, Mlrkey Blooin ond Aitliiir Quc'U/.er; rriivlewod at Alexander • tlieuLitf, c;U>Mdal9, Dec IXunnIng ,. tlm.-; UT mlna. . . ■■■ B'*tly. f'"^'"^y - • • • • • « • • • • • • • Alice Faye H-il jvdnnis... ... ..., i. .Ueoi'go Muri)liy P.)n Kldg...... .'............ ,Ken Muiruy •fluMoltO!"' I 'liarlle..... <. .Cliarle.s WlnnlnK?r •DalsV Ijrty.....•••Andy .Devlne K'cait (fidwiii'dsr;...-. ; * .WUllain Oarga'n Harry Howe'..............,...'. i -l'Vahli Ji'RKs ■ 'Peniiy' Niirris,^.Krancei? Hunt ' Cousin .C adper... i ... i.... •. .Casper Uoardoti . Oswald .., ^....;;............. .Oswald Conway Jeetfra. .. .Donald Meek- I'hs 'Yea' Nlan................ . . .David Olivnr WIU Itiispr. .'...;...,... .Ahd'row'II. *r.rlinbl>i Balli'l Daiiceri.. . Edna .Scrigwlcl; Bailiff . .•••..• •... I V -Hob Murphy Wr.-i, Hepiili'thwalte;i ; •■.'. Hpnli» Klano ■ D«fi!nse .Atlorn°y.'. /•;...... •. .Jlobby Wo.l-son ■ .■ .SiiPclaUl".') by ,4 Playboys,, Maida-.anil ilay, , Norve.llo ilro3. , ■ • .' ' . . Here is sothethihg made, to order for the holiday busiaess, somethi^hg of .special appeal for the boys and girls home from school with time on .tlieir heads syid cash to spend... An excellent filimisical of the revue'type, ■vi/i Ih iirjit-fclass falent, a script that is' bright, amusing-and 5\yiftly .paced, and a liberal siipply of gay tunes. It's. bbxofftce, and comes at a time when there are few song and daiice featui-es of top quality available for the first runs; Alice Faye and George . Murphy are. teamed in the leads. In support are Ken Murray and Oswald, Charles Wihningcr, Andy .Devine, Williarri Gargan, Frank Jeriks, Frances Hunt and Casper Reardon. In addition are several good; specialty acts, incliiding ■the'Four Playboys, Maida and Ray, . and the Norvelle Bros. Enough en-, tertainers for two shows; but Buddy DeSylva has welded them into a smoothly moving feature, well di- /*j!tected by David Butler. Story is about the, same bid Broad- <^way musical which has bieeix the basis of countless filmusicals. The vicissitudes through which this one passes to success are different, how- ever. This time the tryout sessions Ere in. Philadelphia.. Show is SQCko, ut Murray, the manager, discovers the Broadway opehihg. date coi^flicts .with a big charity attraction, ahd» of bourse, his premier will be ruined. So he frames a press stunt and hires Murphy, lately of Yale, to. pose as a inillionaii'e Oklahomari, who buys all tha first-night tickets for himself. Tisn't long, however, before Murphy ; leaves his orchestra seat and is danc- Ing dh the stage with Miss Faye, the leading womah. She, of course, be- leves he is on the up; then she earns he isn't-^well, you know the rest.-. That doesn't read like a Sardou plot, but it's sufficient to string: to- gether some very good entertain- ment. IVIiss Faye has added fancy ,. .ballrpoiTL d.ancing to her versatile Equipment, and Murphy has acquired a rather pleasing singing voice on top of his dancing skill. That gives the two. a chance for superliative team- work in every depiartment.: Of the musical numbers,. Jimmy McHugh and Harold Adamsoh supply five, of which 'My Fine. Feathered Friend' and 'You're a Sweetheart' seem the best.. Charles Tobias and Murray Mencher. authored 'Scraping the Toast*' and Lou Bring, Mickey Bloom and Arthur Quenzer contrib- ute 'So It's Love,' Fltn. MAN-PROOF : : .Hpilywood, Dec. 10. Vi^fro-Oiildwyn-Mayer release of T.oula i>. Ll^bion pniduction. Stnra'• Myrnii, I-oy, FramMiot Tone. Hoanlind Kussell arid AVal- trtr Pidi;oon; Directed by lllchard Thorpe. From Hiory by.Ki^nny Heasllp Lea;'soreen- pbiy. by, VIneent. .■ Ijawrenoe, . Waidemar ,.Toun«f- • nd v?eor(fe Oppenheliner^ riualcal . Bi'orn by, .Knink AVaxnian; camera. Karl Freuod; monlace offfeta, John lioffman; fluU, Piliror. Ceorge Boemler; ns3t..;dIrPotor,' Edward WoPhler'. . Previewed at Villagp tJi^aln', AVostwood; Dec. V, '3i7. Running . tun. 8(> mina. ', Mhnl ■ SXylCI........;.... ...... . . . ... ..v.,Mvrna. T.()\ Jliuniy JCilMiiirllu. ;. ..:,. .ii'.rrnnVhbt Ton.' . E i7,nl)Piii l\(uit;i.noaalind Hui+sell A x n Wvthe; ..... ...... Walter PldgcOn ; I' l.>r«n.>^ ....................... ;Rita Jjrihn.aon • MrtK rt'wifi..,. . .i,Nana Brynnt J""-*...,......................nuth Ilu^HOy ■ n' ' "■' ■-••••.••.••. .I.cnn.ird T'enn ^•'I'l.iny (i.innl.. .....1oh'n Mlljan .Mmlsl^r; .... ....... ..VVIlliani ' Sl:ic>.k O.'sonr O'Sbn.T ody-drama. It is what is known in ^he picture business as a sophisti- ,cated lilm. T-That iS to say, the dialog is bright, there's an occasional wise- ci'ack and the characters are alleged to be typical of certain Long Island society. Action takes place in ex-, elusive country homes,' the art de- partment of a. New York daily, and gpine gay Manhattan night clubs; Miss Loy plays, .a youiig woman. whO; has . iust received a . rude; jolt from the man she loves when she is handfcd a.meissage that Jie is to marry one of her rich girl friends and thij; couple invite her to be a bridesmaid; It's a shbclc, but she i.s a-thorough- bred and she hides her disappoint- ment and' .resentment. After the ceremony she promptly gets swacked on too much champagne which has the: effect of loosening her tongue, aiid she gives live bridegroom to ,tm- dersfand that she isn't through, with him yet, and will be around when he returns from his honeymoon. - Thereafter the story recounts, more or less ihterestlnglyi the thoughts and actions of a gii'l on the rebound from .a thwarted love affair. She- tries, to interest herself in a Career as a nevvspaper artistr but .the un- forgotten romance interferes. When the bridegroom returns they attempt to establish relations as good friends. However. ^ a- night of gayety which starts when they attend a prize fight at Madison Square Garden, convinces her she is rnadly in love with him. Being ultra-modern, forthright arid an honest sort, of perspn,_ she-tele:• phiones.;:to;,hjs_ wife that .the ihip all off, and" serves no-, tice she is . in love with the other's husband. Tljat gives Rosalind Russell, the wife, a chance to walk in on the couple, at dn innocent meeting.. In quite a long speech, the: purpose of which is to clarify the situation,.MiSs Russell gives her version. From her point of view both Miss Loy and Walter Pidgeon, the husband, are be- iraving very" badly, and so far as she is concerned Pidgeoil can hftve a di- vorce any time he wants it, because she has discovered he never cared for her arid rnarried her for her money.. This information apparently, explodes the infatiiation. Pidgeon goes back to his wife and economic ease; and Miss Loy suddenly discov- ers heretofore hidden .qualities of at- traction in Franchot Tone, who has been buzzing around the outskirts from the outset. There was some high . powered screenwriting on the script, the. col- laborateurs being Vincent Lawrence, Waldemar. Young and George Oppen- heimer.. Richard Thorpe is the ;di- rectot".'- ' Although it may be necessary for Miss Loy to play a straight part from time to time; audiences will not be so eager to accept her in 'Man-Proof as in the farcical stories. There is a tendency to interpret, nearly every- thing she says and does in terms of laughs. , That's a handicap. Actually, her niewest role, is a psychological study of a young woman whose fem- inine sensibilities have been seri-^ ously jarred. In such a state of mind she is quite capable of doing some extraordinary things until circum^ stances and her own cohimoh sense restore a normal outlook. Miss Loy conveys siich a person and registers the serious aspects of the character effectively. It's hier comedy bits, however,, which: score. With very little to do Miss Russell does it very well. She is handed a tough assignment and succeeds in winning sympathy.. It. is a part which might have been made very interesting in script development. As most of the talk is about the husband, played by Pidgeon, some- thing more is expected of the char- acter, than is conceived by the writ^ ers. Franchot Tone is an iirespdnsible newspaperman with a rather bitter and-cynical viewpoint on life, love and women; Nana Bryant docs a smooth job as Miss Lpy's mother. . Production is of fine quality, pos- sessing beautiful sets, .stylish costum- ing and excellent photography; Flirt. '^Gus.. F i«I i; '■ AI 111 I)« a I 'o r'. .Dan- Toby Thorfe may be very good reasons Why. Myrna Loy should bo.; givea a picture less hilarious than the series she has made, with .Williarii Powell. JjHero just isn't enough material of , }"ve tyDc. of 'The Thin'. Man,' 'After the Thin Man' and 'Doubli:; Wedding' 10 kcap uorhg indefinitely. And she rs an artist of too broad a talent to . confuie licrself exclusively to farce, ^hat IS u'h.v 'Man-froof probably is a good shift in roles at this time. Co- starred with Franchot Tone, Rosalind f ussell and Walter Pidgeon. she has ■ a^ttole billing support and the film wm be welcome as topliner in first runs. .Such a quartet of names ought wr'r'"^ 'em in. What ihey will see on tlie inside is ^Jiinurlly produced, well directed .tixcL'llohtly acted, society com- 45 FATHERS jfllb-'OX reipQse ; of. John ."^tone prodtic- tioiK. '.Slui-.t jjne-'\Vlihni-s, fpaturo.s Tho'nuia neck.' I.DUlse' Henry and I'liiil and (irare Uartman, Plrei-ti'd .'by. .laine.s TInling. .'^tfinN: .Mnry .Hb'Uel: mlapiation, Kranres .an<l,. .A-lliort- I'.ay;- tllni- editor,■ Alex 'rroffoy: plii)li)gi-aj)hy, .Harry Jack.son. . At- lloxy, .v. y:, wcpk - Pec. 10.' '.'37. Ku'nnlng lliiip, 71 -niln.s; . ■ Ju'dilh .Frizbyr. lliiif'i'f n'MKOl , Kliza.u-tiv (-.-irliM-', .; . :.. .IdO Mi'<"oy, 1'"|ir JliiCuy Ibinny. ('.■irolhyra... .Mrs. I'artiMV....-... . . ... .(Md.iTP. . . . .,. ..1.. .... Vlnri'iil . ;.. ... ..'. 1.. .;... •. I'roi i'^siir '/ii.-<U.1. . . . I'r ifnssiir lii'llini ■-.; s;ir-r.h..:; .:,:.;. l:.«ul-ili-. , . . : .; ..... Ila.^l inijn/.;.. ...'..': .., ..Trt ne Wlthors. .. .Tliiiniaa Jlock ...Ijriulse Monry . .-'riuv I tartni;u\s . ; i:ii-l>;ir.l Carlc! ........ Xcllii Walker ..... ,..\ndrpw ToiTibeH ..i...;-,.; I.con .^incs .' .S-.mitn.v f"()iif.|i ;■.;..-.. ;<;rorffi' (ilyot- ..;...; li'iuii ' W.'it rVn . ;. . ri!Ul.le.- .\tr.l)anifl .: lldhinliio Callondai. Jane Withers is. getting a bit chub- bier" but thi.s picture will help her regardless. An amusiti.i; cotnedy, it depends . iippn script, situations, the Hartiiians and'others a.s well as the 20th-Fox stal'lcl to fjive it entcrlai^r- mciit valuo. The. Harlmans are the' .standouts. While the box office po- tentiallt-es are n )t brilliant, for. a ."B- I'ciiture il.s'chanccs arc fairly good, .John Stone. pro(lu'cer, and James Tinlin.<;. diroclor. rtifusing, to - ti'cat the"" sul)it!ct matter seriously at any. time, take numerous liberties instead Miniature Reviews ,'You're a. Sweetheart' (U). Entertaitiin.!? and tuneful filmu- sical sla-rrin.?.. Alice ' Faye and George Murphy. Just what the doctor prdercid for the holiday first-run's. ■ 'IVian-Probf (MG). Comedy- drama' about a girl who is dis- appointed in love and gets, over it. Stars Myrha Loy, Franchot Tone; Rosalind , Russell: and Walter .Pid^epTir" potent draw names for the marquee. . •45 Fathers' .'(2dth).' Amusing comedy with Jane Withisrs, the Hartmaris- and pthers. that shpuld do okay; 'iviissinff Witnesses* (WB). Special rackets prosecUtion? is . the basis for this piinChy, Good duai- er with plenty of excitement. ..■ and coat everythitig with a generous layer of satire, burlesque and slap- stick for happy results.: It's done more in the spirit. of. a. two-reel CPriiedy pf the .,pld Serinett school.: but with the. slapstick cbunteracted by various novelty situations.such as the ventriloquistic. feature. . "The dancing Hartmans fiEiure in connec- tion, with the ventriloquism and use' a dtimmy .that;^6njewliat.^ieaemblcs^ the famed. Charlie McCarthy pf Ed:gar Bergen's. Not so much strers laid on the dummy itself, but he- beats McCarthy to release by getting out'ahead of 'The Goldwyn Follies (UA), which includes Eergeh. al- though the latter is already , well es- tablished cinematically via his Vila- phone shprts. The ventriloquism is funnier in such situations where Paul .Hartrnan has Miss Withers speaking in a ;bass voice and himself a falsetto when a voice cultiire teacher takes the. kidr let in .hand, or in "the rather hilarious courtroom scene where the voices are thrown around embarrassingly to beat a heart-balm case. The trial sequence is the strong clirnax to which, the conriedy has carefully built from a unique beginning. At. the outset, when. Miss Withers arrives in New. York to becom e the ward of the. Gun and Spept club her lat6 father belon?ed to, the slapstick is suddenly laid on thickly. Miss Withers' piet monkey causes most, of the trouble and though it's a bit too riiuch like the Keystone cornedy days, this is no ■ serious drawback. Story largely concerns the member of the 45 old codgers in the Gun and Spear club who draws the girl as his per- sonal ward and the way the kid bilks a fortune-huntress in latter's efforts to snare a bankroll. Love interest between Thomas Beck arid Louise Henry , is never taken seriously, .merely being used as a niean toward an end for laughs. In addition to the. ventrilo work of the Hartmans, they do a ballroorii darice satire that is funny though a. bit long. Strong laugh bit is . sup- plied by Sammy Cohen as a classical dance instructor, while among those in support of . featured members of the cast who fit "exceedingly welt are Richard Carle, George Givot and Andrew Tombes. Paul and Grace Hartrnan are a standard stage artd nitery act.. They Ippk like gppd pos- sibilities for pictures. '45 Fathers' is better entertainment for kids than adults but far frpm a bore for the latter. Char. foot if there ever was one) to help sacure evidence, Dick. Purcell han- dles this role and. in so doing runs into Jean Dale, who, as Mary Norton, prpvides the. .missirig Clues which bring about the arrest pE the of the rackets. Ward Sturgis.. Ldtlor part is played^by Ha'rland Tucker." ..Picture "is another in the crlme- doesn't-pay" series and joins the .stream pf gangster pirns, being iii that " catdgpry. . It ha.s. ; h().\ycver, plenty pf. excitement which is ba.sOd' on what saeiniiigly. is close to actual N.. Y. conditi.ons. ,- .AuthPrs; P£ this okay" dualer: 'are ex-h'^wspapcrincn, Kenneth Gatriol and,- Don Ryan.- TRIGGER TRIO 'TlepubUp prbdiirllofi' nn.l. |-.Mi>n«». Kivir/in'.s R:\y C'Orrltfan. Ma.x 'J'oi liiiiVi., K-iIpli. I.!vrd;■ .Directed by. .Wllllani '.Wlituw.. Si-ri-r-niW-iy. 'jo3cph Poland-arid OIIvpi' :'l)r;vUp'; (>i'l'jln:i"l.- Floii.ston Grhnc4i a'lid .. Poinn.l; based (in rlvftr''nf<tcrs .created .by AVllli.-vni Colt At-ir-- Dnnnld'; enrrirra,. ■ Krnp.Mt . Mllle'r; ' cdllOr. Tony Martinelll. At (ViHral, N. V., iveek Dec.. 10.;';<7.. Ilunniii.!; llnie, ."i:; ihln.s TiVciori §mitti. ..'....,.. ....i;-i v Cbrrlsr-in T.nllab.\' Jnslln...... M,>v Tirrlnin.' ftony" Brook .,......,,.......... R-ilph \\\ nf Anne,-.'^ ...,.-.. ,'. .>?nnflra (Inud.'iy Kvap.s..,;;.....,,, .. v.ltoh^i't Warwic!;. Brent...;..... ;...;...-.....-;.- .rnrni^llua l\i^"fi> Mirkry;....;..... .v.... .."^-i iinnv. >t('Kilin T.nk. ■ :.:;; ir ii 'I'nVi.nfnrni f'hon.if.-.......;.. . ......;..\VllUe V\t\\-x Duck .;. .... ;■; .; , . .'.-. ., ;'. ; . i Bui'lc. EXILED to SHANGHAI riopublin prodiJcilon - in-l is..; lure.H Wallace . Ji'ord iin.l .Inm-j 'I'l n i.i. I'l'i'-lcd by A'l(.'k. (irlndc. ..".^i-i-j''n idn. v\ 'llvrt Tolinan; I'niliei-a, '|i;i-iii''l' ,\hl|'i , l lowiird O'.Nelll. Iti'v'i-vv.! I'■ III I'r-.j -i liooin, N. Y., Di'<;. l.n. Iiiindhi^ Um.*, i;.'> niins. red Vounpr.....,. .Nil iVry ,loMi<H..,., l''r(Ml .'^our.H. ..... .\iidy. ... Ibjil,...-. . ........ .1. Willei..-.;. I'KWi li.,.......... .\iinl .Innt!.... Maloney...... ...' \VftUer.s.. f'oppoi.'i.s.'.;. .. .lii)ii)| .Manrf);er..,, 'I'llnsvV.-. ;. .M.-ibel............ : .U i!l,'ir... r,„.| .. ..'. lull.'- » 1 ^ . .. -• . . , l>Mn .l.iK' ; .. ..\yiiii,iin i;:ik- \* "ii, ........ A'l I hill. I; i •> ,. ; ,.lMii:i iri.ii"i .11 ... \\ illl.i III I I I ri'i'; III . ; . . .'. S I r. ill. .i • icM .ii. .:... .■. .'.. ,si il->;;i i-n- .("I II I's ..'I'liMVhi'ill.;i> ...'.'... ,.!ril\,iiiiy .Vi ihnr I .'; .', .. .M;i iii-ii' •, C i- s .N(lii'<r\ r I i.'i ,ir ;.' V.,.;. ,Sii lly 1' (.v.ii.* MISSING WITNESSES Warner Bros, of .First N'atlonal Plcfure. • r'Putiire.H.r>l(;fc I'lirrell, .Tenn Dilc, John l.ltPl. Oli'pctpd by William riemeha, .Screenpliiy b.v Kenn'elti fbwnet- nn.d I^'fin Ilynn... DIalo'tr dlrPcTi^r. Frank. Hpi-kwlth; eamera, .*5ld Ille.k'ox: eilllor.- Fred Richard.^;. At ("ritprlon. N. Y;, woi'k Dec. '37. rtnhrilntr lime-, liO. niins. rn.ipcelor Lane ;.tohn T.ltel Mult RPsan....".;.. ........;... ;"Db'k l.'urcell Mary' Norton...................I.e.'in-. Dale filadya Wmrnpr..:......... .Slii<ila Mroinley. Kmmet .While..AVI11 Im ni ..TIande Wrtprricr.^.....:.'.;.......;•.:..,'. ..iten Wpiden T.lttle Jop'■ ; •; ...,... .ri ivinitiiil: .Mi.itlon Ward Tt ur .'..... H.irl'i nd TiK-kPr nmlcr....;..., . ..I:wk Al'iwer' n.aVrl.w..'. ;^.;.........?-ihn Tl.Trrori M;irtni.nn..',;. ,.i;....'.i,'... .,Micb:ic| Mnrlp .('bivvy-l.';;';., .•;.. ..;.'.-... . K ii I f jiinn Heinle nio Ids. . .. . , .'■. .'., ... ;i,iiui.s N'ltbfau . Fictionized, of a special rackets proseciitLpn a la Dcwe.y has plenty oh the Inll. '. Brin:?5 s(ivCral crimc-bustcps inlo. actioh resulting in. lots of pu.nch thrpu,i!h;i.ut-and: ari un- fortunately .u-ucrcil tic t ion On i"a(:Icct-. infested "eilios,- Basis'for thc."."stpi:y ,i-; "a" famiUar one ev'"cn to t'li'oie ' wh.) have ^otiiy a slight acquainl-.tiicti with the -special rackets, prosecution ih. N; .V. Ci.y by T.homa.s Dewciy. It'.porir'.iy.s afnon;! othtiV; thin.'^s, i-ofii.sui of . wilnc.-isc.s-Ho. testify racUpt'jci'.^ of tho.'prp- tcjctivc association'-..variety,, whrj are finall.y TUT down Uu•<JU'^h Ihti . G.ov- crnor'.s appoi-ntmont' of a special prpsccui')r.. In tlii.s in.;t'jnci.\ romance develops bptu'cen "a dt>\'cl.v(-* and a pretty witness which is woven in to provide what it takes to..make: a picture, John Lilc^I Inspeclor. L'UiO. ap- p:)inled to rim down the racketeers. To .gel thi)" noc;'.s.s;jry eviden';e • he bringi (jver Bull Ito^jan. u dumb fiat- Title is a misnpmeri , It shoiild have been 'Buck.' A Great Dane, with saucers for eyes, Buck , just abotit. gives, the- mos t-i nl*l 1 i gen t- per- fprmantie in this horse opera, one of the dual . variety. He^ scampiprs through gunfire, is the means of ef- fecting a rescue and generally con- ducts himself with the apildmb that endears him to. hi audience; Tale ;deals with the State Agricul- tural .Service's efforts :t6. rid the sec- tor of ;a cattle, disease, which has gripped the rariches. All diseased lives stock in the locale is to be de- stroyed, according to. an edict by ^ohn Evans, inspector. When Evans is slain by a dis- gruntled rancher,, cattle were found to be diseased, the Three Mesquiteers, Tucson Smith, Evans' deputy; Lullaby JOslin and Stony Brooke—and, of course* Buck—are the means pf tracking down the kill- er and his cohorts; Also, Smith, Played by Ray Corrigan, wins the hands of Evans' daughter, played by Sahdria .Corday.- There's.a horse race that manages to tingle the spines of the youngsters and also another spot where. Buck'is racing for. help, requiring his ing the. giin-toting vigilantes; One nail-biting laddie, at: show caughti yelled out, 'Watch out. Buck!' Buck 'watched but.' . Max Terhune, formerly a vaude ventro, is one of the 'mesqiiiteers' and trots, out Elmer for a few mo- ments. YOUNG DYNAMITE .Syndicate of-.-^mba.'s.sndor prOilurr. .tibn. Features l'""rnnkl^. .b.'iri'o and .Kane?: Richmond.. Directed by r.>e» Goodwltis; ■Orlfrlna'l by -Peter H. .Kyne; adopied by Arthur Durlani-t;-—fli^reenpla/.-.-by—-Jo.^pf)!!- O'Donnell and Stanley Roberl.s'; camern, John Klinfl; .fllm. editor. Martin ,0. ("ohn. At .Strand. Brooklyn, week-of Dec. 9, '37. Running time, 57 hilns. Freddie. .Frankle Darrn Tom .KanO . KIcliirlf iiTd Jane. ,................> Cbarlolle Henry iTohn.....:..........4....... t.. ,n,i vld .'ibiirtie Flush Slavln..'. Wllllnni Co.'slello Spike. .('hrlt.on YDoni; Butch I'm r.. (.'.li>ii»on F.ndeberry......'.....-...' Frank ' AiK-^lln Peddler.. . .i .Frank siara.slni) Another of the low budgeted Dar- ro-Richmond action serie.s. This tirrie co-stars .are a pair of racketrbusters. Ifs another iri-betweener, stiitable for the smaller duals, "but doesn't quite contain -the strength necessary for the bigger sppts. 'Moves along fast with few lapses in action, and manages to create a little suspense now and then. Performances are all believable. With .Darro and Pat Gleason standing Piit, Plot deals with tipped government brices -on . gold and its attendant rackets.. • Darro is the young brother of Charlotte. Henry, and iDayid Sharpe. ^a'■ staite. froppef c(^lebral^n^^ his": first, dav on the force. , Richmond is already a meniber . and ' Miss Henry'.s fian.cee. Sharjie is .k i 1 led h i.s first day out by racketeers attempt- ing tP run a ppllce cordon looking for thciti in" connection vvi,th the kill- ing of a gold dealer. , Richmpnd and .Darro. who .aspires 'to the: force, . Svvoar'ven^Licance, and the former rcr ■.sign.s -to pur.slie-.the killers Pn his p"wn .time vyhen. he i.s. femoycd.: fr<.)Ji.i- the. ihvb.stigatiini. by. my.-Jleribu.s po^ litjcal pre.s.iiire. Bptweeii them they d i scoyer w h o a re: th e kill (m-s .a n d 1 u re them to their home Under the pre- that the bag . of - gold . stolen . from the dealer, and in turn " lifted by Darro, wiU be returned to them. As the pair are r()unding up. the .'!ang. Frank Au.stin.", a : crippled boarder .' DarroV. home, rt';veals himself a.s .the bos.<5. of the- outfit-and attempts to hi.s.pards." Gov- ernment agcht in .the tiui.-ie of a ooddler ste.i)s in and .swin!{s the bat- tle, in favor of law and order. Camera ' work and- sound " in thtV first reel could - be" inuch." bettor, but eventiialiy ck-ars. • Dlfecti-Mi i.s -.)k.iy. The only redeeming feature in thi.? inept dualer on the knights of the' newsreel is the fast, glib Wallace Ford. But he is tixi fine ah actor to be wasted on. .such faio: . How Republic ever arrived at the title is a mystery. Story arid title are completely incongruotiS;. Nobody gets exiled and there certainly, is no mention made of - the: Chinese eity. The closest they cpmc is the last two minutes of the pic v/hen Dean Jag- .rrer. as the newSreelingrFred Scaiv is shpwn. in the inidst of the Far Eastei;;n crisis.• Even tlien you must assume :that he's in. Sha nghai. An inside .knowledge' pf how. the : ncwsreelers wprlc ' is gleaned friitn the pic. It anemically survives the buildup with the discovery by Ford of a television newsrool iclea which, after expenencin-j a sptback in the Jjsual stercpt.ypod -matriier£ e^^ frorii the hackgrbiiFid' fo rcvofution- izethe fields ■ Dean Jaggor,. as tlie frequontiy dithered managing 'editor, . goes: tar: askew in attempting to pi-Ptotype .the popular misdonceptiori of -ye ed.' June.Tra,vis prettily supplies the love interest. Film has possibilities for tha youngsters but falls short othtii-wise. Klart Till Drabbning ('Ready for Action') (SWEMSH IMAUE) . Si-.andlnavlon release of Svensk Filinlndiisi Irl. pruducUoti. FcMlures {llrkliii ('.•irlHsim I lior , Modecn, Ako Soderbloiii. Diriicl>.d. l,jr I'iilyih. Adolp.h.'ibn. .^croenpl.-iy hy Wnyl^p llllilebrand; mu.slc. Julc^.i .S>1v:iIm; oiipici-ii I. J u I.I U.S. At Cinema de Pjvrh, N. Y., woclc I>!'('.!;, M7. RunnlnB i:iin$, .Hi)-iniiirt. I.leut. KIncll.....,, Arnold. SJostrami 1 oiibnandor..-......;>.-...:•....... ...)<,i,n- lY.-cbt ( lllcr, Mate ..;Woylcr 11 iUlehran 1 (. o.sHe... .'J'llor AloilCCtt ' f Ulle. .........4AKe .^ndp'rblniii ( ;, .,.............. . A 11h n IJijihllii n"? i •«.... : ... ... K nul li'r.TDkiiia'a llnl (a.. •... , ,-... .SIckiiti <.'jrissori ' *'.rk.^ .'r* .*..,,'.('.'ii'l' SIi'uia A .Ml rid I< ^ Nfif; H .()IIvia.. ,,... u„Li, . W('IId.Mi •••••••••..... Anny-(Jii'|.i AdolpliHitn .""•ui*. .-.Julian. Joii.s.sua . . (In Swedish, with English Titlesh Mpderately picture will prpbably please the Ideal Nprsemen but hardly is fare fpr the U. S. fans. Dealing with life pn a battle.ship. it seems like gppd fun to serve, sing and dance in the Swedish navy,, which is painted as'a kind of .mar- riage bureau, to provide the girls with Viking husbands. There are two gobs who are always in trouble, £ind romance is orovided by an offi- cer's whirl with a bread mogulls Jdaughter..-.. . . . ._. ;: Two eoniedians hi the cast, Thor Modeen and Ake SoderbJoom, ar w.k, in Sweden. Provide sonrie amu.s- ing antics and deliver a couple Of .songs. One of them becomes the father-in-law .of the music-loving chief rriate. Action includes two res-, cues*.one of the girl, Sickan Carlsson, who has a fascinating dimple and a beautiful set of molars, of which the oariieraman takes plenty advantngo. Arnold Sjostrand as Lieut. KincU .is '•easonably symnathetic as the male love The two comics aie the proud winners:pf a boat race,- and .'(ct a boost from the captain and a prize frorii the bread Croestii for rescuing his daughter.. ^ Direction and canricrawork arci fair, PUSZTAI SZEL ('Storm of the riains'). (HUNGARIAN M/VDE) Budapest. iDcc. 1. . I'buOliuiii" .prOd\ictlon arid: r",. lii.-i.ili! n.t l-'iliuliDfla- .Studio, lind.apcHi.. Oirix-led Uy Isi.yiiri ' .Szpkely. ;.\.da.iitcd \liy (■■U[i\ . Inili< rriinithe play by . Sandor Huni:idy;-.riiii;-.| r. • !l ilior PiKiir. . ' . ' ■ .\nM-|.. .'.. :..>;. ..:.M II b'r.-ii:;- ' l:;lv;ih. IJors..... . J';'m .J!i\-i«r .Vnlfii .I"stodl■ ... ., . . . .J''.'ri'iii. Kh't .<-/.il;iny1.', ; .'.. ....... Kulii'i:iri r!ti-/,:rili(>'rvi S\viillcn-Fai-c.........;... ., ...-.;■.( M i'lv ' r,-I.S'/.In,-.;.....'....,..; .'.l.i-.:i.p<i .|iih-i -j: I.I is .(liinr-fu. ,'Sz.'|i.i-/,',>^ .M ;i '.JI .s I rii I f...... i......-...,,. (.! I r ,„ |. I:; 11 li: IV I .'n;-!! r,ii>ulPiiiint .■. ,■. .' \ IMl i I'-.'i li.-'., iijs wir»»4...; './..' \i';wy ■ (In Hwiriafian) .lyruch more m igh t ha ve b-^m nv.\ of this highly. drama,tie story :Thd -Ms romantic settin.g. DirecLor .was-'"i)b'--* viousl.y handicapped by. the techni-. col . limitations of the studio, f'),i small to give neco.isary sope - f iv '•hots., .l^ven so, Storm' is an vAr fcctive picture- and w;i-s •"well r-s ceived. . It would be'wall w jrth im- •jroyinr? in a remake. - Soriih'!,' is 'the Hiingarv 'cif Ih.'^ ■'flfiO's, wh(!n hi'-'hwa-vmi'ii, -^ort of ooa.sant Robin Hoofls m-ide the ] '-ountryside Ann't. Ivoaiititul ; widow who keeo.s th'.i inn wher(> the 'ii"hwaymen. meet. In:-;' two bvors, .U.stodj. the robber chief, and Bors, bnndsome vmin'T <'(.>ndai-tne. L-is/.'l the lord lieutenant's son. ai^-t ina!ve.j (Continued on pagp 2:j •