Variety (February 1909)

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26 VARIETY HAS PLAYED • » FOURTEEN MONTHS with exception off two months In Philadelphia Longest run ever known In the history Off VAUDEVILLE Fay Foster, 8, Eighth Are., N. T.J 18, Empire, Newark. Follies-of-tbe-Day, 8. Star, Toronto; 18, Lafay* ette, Buffalo. Frolicsome Lambs, 8, Empire, Chicago; 18. Em- pire, Indianapolis. Girls from tbe Moalln Roage. 8, Harlem Music Hall, N. Y.; 16, Westminster. Provilence. Golden Crook, 8, Gsyety, Boston; 18, Olympic, Brooklyn. Happyland. 8-10, Gilmore, Springfield; 11-18, Em- pire, Albany; 18, Olympic, N. Y. Hastings Show, 8, Olympic, N. Y.; IB, Star, Brooklyn. Hlgb Rollers, 8, Olympic, Brooklyn; 16, If array H1U, N. Y. Imperials, 8, Colombia, Boston; 16, Elgbtb Ave., N. Y. Irwin's Big Show, 8, Gsyety, Hoboken; 16, Har- lem Music Hall, N. Y. Jersey Lilies, 8, Gayety, Columbus; IB, Empire, Jolly Girls, 8, Avenue, Detroit; 18, Empire, Chi- cago. Kentucky Belles, 8, Trocadero, Phila.; IB, Esn> plre, Broosiyn. Knickerbockers, 8, Star A Garter, Chicago; 16, Standard, Cincinnati. Majesties, 8, Waldman's, Newark; IB, Gayety, Hoboken. Msrdl Grss Beauties, 8, Gayety, St Loala; 18, Trocadero, Chicago. Masquer iders, 8, Greenwald, New Orleans; 18, L. O.; 22, Majestic, Kansas City. Merry Maidens, 8, Lyceum, Washington; IB* Monumental, Baltimore. Merry Makers. 8-10. L. O.; 11-18, St Joe; 16, Century, Kansas City. Miss New 1 York. Jr., 8, Empire, Newark; IB. Trocadero, Pblla. Morning Glories, 8, Gsyety, Milwaukee; 18, En- son's, Chlcsgo. New York Stsrs, 8, Westminster, Providence IB, Harlem Music Hall, N. Y. Night Owls, 8, Empire, Toledo; 18, Gayety, De- troit. Parisian Widows, 8, Star, Brooklyn; IB, Gayety, Brooklyn. Pat White Gaiety Girls, 8, Star, St Paul; IB, Folly, Chlcsgo. Reeves' Besuty Show, 8, Standard, Cincinnati; 10, Bijou, Atlanta. Rents-Santley, 8, Gayety, Baltimore; IB, Gayety, Washington. Rice A Barton, 8, Casino, Phila.; 16, Waldman's, Newark. Rice A Barton's Big Gaiety, 8, Gayety, Birming- ham; 18, Greenwald, New Orleans. Rlslto Rounders, 8, Gayety, Plttabnrg; 16, Gay- ety, Columbus. Rolllckers, 8-10, Luserne, Wilkes-Bsrre; 11-18, Gayety. Scrsnton; 18, Bowery, N. Y. Rose 8ydell, 8, Trocadero, Chicago; 16, Gayety, Milwaukee. Runaway Girls, 8, Bljon, Atlanta; 16, Gayety, Birmingham. Sam '.' T ere. 8, Monumental, Baltimore; 16, Bi- jou, rhlla. Sam T. Jack's, 8, Bon Ton, Jersey City; 16-17, Luserne. Wilkes-Barre; 18-20, Gayety, Scranton. Scribner's Big Show, 8-10, Empire, Albany; 11-13, Empire, Holyoke; IB, Gayety, Boston. Serenaders, 8, Palace. Boston; 16-17, Gilmore, Springfield; 18-20, Empire, Albany. Star Show Girls, 8, Star, St. Paul; 16-17, Em- pire, Des Moines; 18-20. L. O. Strollers, 8. Eighth Ave., N. Y.; 16-17, Lyceum, Troy; 18-20. Gsyety. Albany. Thoroughbreds, 8, Star, Milwaukee; 16, Dewey, Minneapolis. Tiger Lilies, 8, Imperial, Providence; 16, How- ard, Boston. Trans-Atiantics (see "Glrla from the Moalln Rouge"). Travelers. 8-10, Folly, Peterson; 11-18, BOectra, Schenectady, 16-17, Gayety, Albany; 18-90, Lyceum, Troy. Trocaderoe, 8, Gayety, Detroit; IB, Star Jk Garter, Chicago. Uncle Ssm's Belles, 8, Academy, Pittsburg; 16, Wheeling. Vanity Fair. 8, Garden, Buffalo; 16, Corinthian, Rochester. Washington Society Girls, 8-10, Empire. Dee Moines; 11-13, L. 0.; 16-17, L. O.; 18-80, St Joe. Watson's Burlesqners, 8, People's, Cincinnati; 16, Star, Cleveland. World Beaters, 8, Euson's, Chicago; IB, Star, Cleveland Yankee Doodle Girls, 8, Star, Cleveland; IB, Academy, Pittsburg. LETTERS Where a O. follows name, letter la In Chicago Office. Advertising or circular letters of any description will not be listed when known. Letters will be bold for one month. P. O. following name indicates postal card. Adam, Minnie M. (O. O.) Andrews, Pearl (C. 0.) Aubrey, William. Abel, Neal D. Austin, Maxlne. Avery, D. Adams A White. Anderson, Albert Aahcroft. Ralph W. Arsde. D. Astrellas, The. Appleton, Frsnk (C. O.) Aces, The Three (0. O.) Alpha Trio (C. 0.) Apollo Quartet (a 0.) Allen. Chas. M. (C. O.) Alberi, Grace (P. C.) (o. Barry O.) A Dogbee (0. Barry. Walter H, O.) Bomp, Doan. Burdlck. Both. Ballngers, The. Blms and Bims. Bomeman, Alfred. Buteman. Thomas. Barry, Dick A Dolly. Bragg, Archie (C. O.) Brlgnola, B. (O. O.) Beck, Carl B. (a O.) Belmont, Freda. Belmont, Bella. Bellman. Harry K. Brabsms, The (0. 0.) Bunnln, Mies Evelyn. Brltt. Freddie (a O.) Barrett. Bertha L. Beatrle, May. Bertisch, Jack. NOTICE TO ARTISTS Artiste desiring to purchase diamonds are now In a position to bny them of me oo time st cssh prices. Hsve no traveling agents, thereby giving the artists the benefit of the expense. Will cheerfully sand goods for Inspection or wUl call and exhibit goods to select from. Write for terms and partlenlara; business strictly confidential. . JULIUS BOASBCRG Formerly H. A J. Boasberg, «•• 384 HAIM STIIIT. BUFFALO, V. Y. JsTO, J. MALLOY. ELECTRICAL EFFECTS FOR ACTS OR PRODUCTIONS Everything electrical for the theatre. Electric Soenlo Effects and Signs. Call or write us. Year idsss carried out in brilliant eleotrioity. 419 WEST 42d 8T., NEW YORK CITY. Belle Hathaway AND HER SIMIAN PLAYMATE8. 0 East after successful tonr on ths Orphsom Circuit. Bailey, L. B. Beals, Balph. Barbour, Lawrence. Barrett, Patsy. Bertram, Helen (C. O.) Bellvue. Ed. (0. O.) Brown, WUl Potter. Bloom, Lew. Bernard, Barney. Burton, Steve W. (0. O.) Bowser, Chan. (0. O.) Bassett. Eddie. Bernard, Lester. Bevsn, 0. Blancke, Anne. Bates, Mr. Burrows A Lancaster. Bsggsaan, Cart. Bamold. Charles. Bersac, Cliff. Bury, Joe Bllyck'e Boyd, Lillian (0. O.) Bernard, Harry (C. O.) Bowen, Jack (O. O.) Brooks, Herbert. Bowen Brothers. Branta, Josephine. Berry, Tom (P. 0.) Block, Jsmea B. Brahsm. Michael. Baron, George. Bottler. M. J. Blondell, G. Bell. Florence (C. 0.) Buchanan, Lorraine (C. O.) Bell, Floss (0. O.) Bell, Fsnny B. (0. O.) Bruce-Carter A Calrert (C. O.) Baker, Nat 0. (0. O.) Carroll, Bona (C O.) Coatee, Loin. Canltalne, Alclde. Clifford A Lane (a O.) Carr, Alexaader. Clayton, Webb A. CUna, J. E. OarroU A Baker. ffli^Mt^p enfesAaMCSi A. Clifton,' William. Calvert, sJhert (C. O.) Close, Sydney (0. O.) Carroll, Teen (C. O.) Cook, Dick (0. O.) Cnlbert, Mm. Centeno, Jose. Colllgnon, H. A. Oarr Trio (a O.) Ooouore, Balph (a O.) Calncy A Brown. Cbappelle, Frank, aayton, Webb A. (0. CacUenx, Mr. Campbell, Floosie. Clark, Don. Clifford, J. Y. Crawford, Margaret. CahlB. wnttam. Cheorlal, Emll. Cameron. Francle. Crosse. Dr. Margaret. Connelly A Webb (0. O.) Curtis, Bes (C. O.) Constsntine. W. J. Connelly, Arthur. Clsrk, Geo. Cooper. Lew. Cole A Dsvls (C. O.) Coeneyon, C. Crewe, Anns. Crumbsker, Edwin. Christ, Frsnk L. Cogswell, Sarah L. Cunningham, Albert (C. O) Corbely, Mrs. Ireln. Dsvlo, Laura (0. O.) De Kelke, Gsbrlel. Dooglss, Wm. (0. O.) Dsrrell A Hodges (C. O.) Dalley. Rob A Nellie. Dauiont, Charles. Druton. Miss Alfretta. Dnnfee, Bflle. Devla, Ed. r. <C. O.) Doris. Frank. Devere A Pollock. O.) A Elllbaner (0. Walter. DeMar, Boss. Day. De Dreeno, Dooley, J. Franda. DeVoy, Bmmett. Davia A Co., Edward. Donald A Carson. Dnnbara, Casting. Dolan, James. De Lee. Lillian. Doru ton, Harry. Deaton, Oban, W. Doyle, Bart. Daly, Flay. De Monde A Dinsmore (a O.) Downey, Manrtee (0. O.) De Mund, Chas. (a O.) Ellis, Harry A. (a O.) Emerson, Ids. Ellen, Mary Ann (a 0.) Foster, Bis (a O.) FttnseeaJd A f Fsscssttl* Tans Flshsr. Mam I O.) (0. (a FnUnell. PaeL Farren, Lb K. Fenrt, Lass <a O.) Fox, Osmrlstts, Farrsnds. Alsbtts (0. O.) Ford, David S. Francis, Both. Ford, Pearl. Fagao, Ben. Frosto A Weymsn (C. O.) Fischer, Msdslyn. Fsrnum, Richard. German, WflL Quilieh, Gas. Green, Harry. Gibson, Chas. T. (O. O.) Golnea, J. Gordon, Miss Bat*. Gibson, Chas. T. (0. O.) Gordon, George. Godfrey, HaL Genaro, Thee. D. Green, Cria. Ooodner, Marie. Oillen, Edward. Gaawman. Josephine. Gould. Jay (C. O.) Gsrbsldoo, Mr. Guyer, Chas. Grsnt, Lawrence. Garrett. B. Greenfield, Caroline. George, Dandy. Gilmore, C. D. (P. C) Gethardt, George. Harford, Sadie. Haverley. Ed. Hayes. Ed mood (0. O.) Hsggerty, Henry. Hayes. l*w. Hayes, Bdmond. Hsrrts, W. H. Hynea, Tom. Harris, Will J. Hicks. Leonard. Hsrdlns Elee, Ballet Co. Herss. Wm. Harrison. Charles. Hntchlnson • Lnsky Co. (C. 0.) nausel. Emtio. Hammood, Chss. Honnlnghsm, Albert (0. o.> namlln. Penl (0. O.) Harvey A FarreD (0. O.) Hodges, James (a O.) Hart, Henry (0. O.) Hyde, Jlmmle. Hammer, Frank A. Hales, C. W. Horvsth. Alois. Huntington, VaL Hughes. 8. Heald, Henry D. Hays, Harry D. (C O.) Hamilton, Jack (C. O.) Howard Hall Co. Hendon, A. T. Howard A Harris. Hay so. Jack. Howard A Co., Bernlcs. Hayes, Al. Holden, Jsmes. Hill. C. W. Hoff, James. Hsverley, Tom (C. O.) Hayes, Harvey (0. O.) Hoppe, Guy. Hill, Rose Lucier. Hsrlem, Chas. Haroey. Arthur B. Hamilton, Jack. Holman, Harry. BasA Mgr. «X O.) Irwin, a losnnos, Pnnnehlotl. Irwlno, J. M. (a O.) Johns, Hsrry (0. O.) Jsrrow, E mit (C. O.) Jphsiss. Otto. Jensen, Ottn. Jennings, P. O'Mancy (0. O.) Jones, Owyn. Jones, Florrle. Joggling. Keivsns. 7T J. KeUey. Fredericks, Kelly, Frank. Kane, O enseiovw (a O.) KUgnsn, Sam. Kalaey, A. Kenyon, Jack. Kemble, George 8. Keltic, Bdw. B. (CO.) Kelly, Laura. Kuboast, Barthold. Kirk wood, Jessie C. O.) K re mar. Sam. Kleba, Elsie (a O.) Kltts, W. T. Kelly, Jsmes F. Keating-Buster A Keat- ing. Rebut. Mrs. John. Kingsbury, Geo. (C. O.) King Jsck (C. 0.) Kuseil, Jules. Lee, H. Lorre Trio. Levllle A Sloclolr (C. O.) Linton, Harry B. (C. O.) LeCall. Ed. (O. O.) Leo, Minnie. LaMont. Grace (0. O.) Laaro, Duncan (0. O.) Logan, J. A. Leo, Kenneth. La Blanche. Marls. Lock A Keeoter. La Mott. Wm. Lowla. Ada. Lee, Sam. Ix>w, Oilman. La Freniere, Arthur. La telle, Edward. LeRny. Walter. Lenox. Cecil. Lee. Lllllsn. Leonhsrdt, Al. Lord, Els nor. Lewis, Jsck (C. 0.) Lssro, Duncan (0. O.) La Vine. Oliver (C. O.) Leeds A Ls Msr (0. 0.) Love, Hsrry (C O.) Lewis, Jsck (C. 0.) Lewis, J. Esrl. Mnrrsy, nelen. Miller, Msrlon. McDousId, William (C. O.) Manning, A. H> McGlbney. Tkln (a 00 McClelland (O. O.) Marda, May (C. O.) Moore, Herbert (0. O.) Morrelle, Bertha M. Miller. Edgar M. Matthee, Hugo. Myers A Moor. Morrison. Lee. Mack, J. D. M in ton (O. O.) Morris' Three (O. O.) Malll, Mlsa Blanche. Mann. Danny. McCarthy, Jan. J. Murray A Lane. Marsch, May. McLean, Avery. Morning, Mary. McNown. Bertha. Meyers, Boss (0. Q.) Mnrry. Helen (a O.) McAuUffe, Wm. Mueller, Albert. McKensle, B. Morn, MaxfleM. Maddox A Melvin. Murphy. Thoe. B. Marco Twine. Martin, Felix. MrClary, Mr. Mitchell, Harry. Miller, Joe. Melrkoff • Saunders Troupe. Moore, H. L. Merl. Guilla. Mario, Mabel. Mack, J. C. Maxwell, William H. McCarty, F. T. (C O.) Mia cos, Steve A Al. Msllla A Bart. Morgan A West (P. 0.) McCary, May. McKlm, Edward. Martin, E. J. McCrea, Frank. McLallen, The (C. O.) Minton, Lavlne (C. O.) Norton. Jack (a O.) Nllse, Fergenln. Nolle. Job. Nelson, Agda. Neleon, Agnes. Normlngton. Ilsrold J. Newell. Wllliard <C. 0*> Nelson. Jr.. Artie <CL 0.) Nlcolle, G. O. Nnlsn. .Iiihu. Newcomb, Lew H. Nash. Ed. (C. O.) Norton, Ned (C. O.) Noes, Ferdinand P. O'Bourke, O'Rourke, Jr., Jos, O'Connor. B. P. O'Brien Troupe. Overing Trio. O'Kura Jsp* (C. O.) O'Bourke, M. J. (0. O.) Pembroke. Kittle. Plunked. Hsrry (0. O.) Petbensou. Bayard. Pond, Dsve O. Prldeea. Store (0. O) f'rett. Jack. Perdval. Wlllism. Perry. Ne telle. Psrrlsh, Dsvld M. Palace Girls (8) (0. O.) Presacott. J. B. Tsge. Jobn. Plxley, Lain. Porto R 1 c s n Quartet (C. 0.) Powers, John A Jessie (C. O.) Plquo, Hsrry. Primrose, Anlts. Price, Jsck. Poole, Psul. Pureell, Edns. Qulnlsn, Gertrude. Rice. Felix (0. 0.) Robledlllo. Rockwell, Hand. When answering advertisements kindly mention Variety.