Variety (February 1909)

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32 VARIETY REPRESENTATIVE ARTISTS REPRESENTATIVE ARTISTS AND HER COMPANY IIM "MRS. MIX MIXES" IV PREPARATION. "THE SUfF RAGE TIE QUESTION BY JAMES N. REILLY. PLAYING UNITED TIME I* PREPARATION. Address "THE BIGAMIST" BY H. HALL WINSLOW. Castellans AND "TBI DOUBLE BOMEESAirLT 07 DEATH." Our feature aousstioasl trick anion* our many. Addroao oaro JANES t - LUCIA ( "01 ATTERINO CHUMB." SULLIVAN A C0N8IDINE CIRCUIT. Qoo, Blutoh mado mo laogh. AT THE ALHAMBRA. 4 FELIX and BARRY MAKING A VOIRE LIRE A HIT. WILFRED CLARKE Pies—Hag His Sketches "MO MORE TROUBLE" and -WHAT WILL HAPPEN VEXT1" Address, ISO W. 44th St., Vow York City. HARRY TATE'S C°. FISHINU MOTORING BESSIE WYNN FRED RIVE THE AUSTRALIAN SINGING COMEDIAN Playing tho Morris Cirouit with big suooeaa. Pormanont Addr sss 10 W. Ntk St, Vow York, Phono 6843 Riverside. B08T0V JOURNAL, JAV. 19, '09. There la another character singer at the Or- phean) this week, Fred Rlvenball, the Australian. and his cleverness by no means went unnoticed yesterday. In bis wsy, ho Is well worthy of a place on the some program as Lauder. THIS WEEK (FEB. 1), LYRIO, NEWARK. VERY WEEK (FEB. I), AMERICAN, CHICAGO. ETHEL FULLER ,HD GO. ORAVT Presents for Vaudeville an interesting' playlet, "A QUESTION OF TYPE." WESLEY 4 PINCU8. MARIR GARDNER »> STODDARD "VAUDEVILLE FRIVOLITIES,*' The laughing and applause hit at tho American this weak (Feb. 1). Feb. •—Fulton Thoatso* Brooklyn. VOW OV MORRIS TIME. Closes olio in Boston following feature sot, and took 8 to 4 Bowi. Am at OLYMPIC, Brooklyn, this week, taking 9 and 8 Bows. Am with Fads and Follies, impersonating "Eddie Foy." Do IS minutes in one, with "67 Varieties of Vaudeville." Will bo st Murray Hill Theatre week Feb. 8-18. Would like lire agent to handle my not Am ] LVIN R. WALTON, "That Versatile Fellow." PLAYING UNITED TIME. BERTHA NOSS-RUSSELL Assisted by FRANCES OROSSOV. Direction REICH ft PLUNK ITT. N MIMIC. Booked by Western Vaudeville Association. HAVE YOUR CARD IN VARIETY Dancing Davey AND MISS LOVlMVILLst. KT., MAIY AJIPjLMMON, WEEK rEB.l. Pony Moore MURPHY »° MAGEE Thrown into vaudeville ny an Al9, Disengaged After Jan. 30 Address VARIETY, Cntcesfjo Offloe. CALLAHAN mid ST. GEORGE in Th8 .H»"»«-" — ^*" ^™ Address Csxt VARIETY, London Offloe. rVses ssswerlsf o ^ ser l toeBMsIf hinfy smsMos Yariryy.