Variety (February 1909)

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VARIETY THE VENTRILOQUIST WITH A PRODUCTION REYNARD PRESENTS HIS FAMOUS MECHANICAL FIGURES XV AN ENTIRELY HEW A WD ORIOIMAL ONE ACT COMEDY. "A MORNING IN BINGVILLE," THE MOST UP-TO-DATE NOVELTY IN VAUDEVILLE Greater Pittsburg's Greatest Newspaper. "THE DISPATCH." Quite the boot thing in th« Wll wm th« pro- duction of "A Morning la Wngville," a satire on Bingrille Bugle peoplo, which Edward F. Reynard, tho ominont ventriloquist, gave. Un- like moot professors of tho rabtlo art of "throw- in* tho yo4oo," Mr. Reynard j—jji aa ontiro flay with oomploto soonio investment. By bin ventriloquism and nniqno snoohsalool do ho makes instinct with llfo a characters, all of thorn lay figures of conroo, that mako thoir o&traaoai and exits llko roal live people. It la oortalaly tho moot norol aad thoroughly entertaining ventriloquial per- forraanoo that has ever been given in thli city. Mr. Reynard makes his entranoo la a roal automobile, and Is promptly arretted by tho "dummy" lion-hearted ooastablo of Bingville for exceeding tho speed limit. Ftb. 8—KEITH'S, PHILA. Feb. 15— HAMHERSTEIN'S Feb. 22—COLONIAL larch 2-ORPHEUM March 8-ALHAMBRA PROVIDElfCE — TBIBUBX, Another of tho loadlaf artiats oa this week's bill is Ed. F. Reynard, tho ventriloquist, whoso act this timo is entitled "A Morning at Bing- ville," ropiosesjUnf tho baofjaoj ap of an auto- mobile party. Tho many different manipulated by Reynard and the many ohangee qulst of tho topmost olass. tot to necessitated la rotoo show Reynard The act la one In a shout. Tho illu- oct of an automobile approaching tho villaa-o from a distanoo owor a silly road to a marvel of soonio skill which tho laughter sirs soonio eofee TBo OmraVATORA of all thoy do, A DISTINCT iMtrMsVDBtal SiaglBf NOVELTY : to of tho yiatagw of II withava KUHN 3 SIN 3 MUSICIAN WHICH IS THE "COFV AJDT ?•» This to oar Aral to follow* Taken UK. D. P. Barton's Road Show. ass Taken 190t. Hayoa' "Wise Guy" Co, Taken 190*. 40 weeks Pacific Coast; ask the FILMS Trada Mark RELEASED FEBRUARY 8lh H$ Allen Pee' A picture story founded on incidents In his career, which, whilo aot pretending to bo biographical, is in- tended to show him aa a man of heart, In oontradiotion to tho oalamnios of his enemies. It portrays his de- votion for his dying wife, tho writing of that wonderful masterpiece, "Tho Raven," for which ho receives the paltry sum of tea dollars. Tho subjeot as a wools U indeed a work of art and moot timely, oommemorating this s eason of his birthday centennial. LENGTH 450 PEET lev s^sa J^M EDGAR ALLEN FOE. RELEASED FEBRUARY 8th "A Wreath in Tine' Mr. Goodhusband foes out with tho boys to make a night of It, and telegraphs his wifo ho loft town oa business. Ths evening paper recounts tho wreck and killing of all oa board of tho train ho was supposed to take. Mrs. Goodhusband at once gots ready for his interment, ordering the floral designs, eto. Whoa ho appears In tho morning aad finds hs is supposed to bo dead, ha makes the bluff that ho was tho only one saved, and tolls how ho triad to help tho others, whoa tho morning paper arrivos and states the account of the wreck was a mistake—it never happened. Poor Goodhusband, ho—oh, wall! f 4 I L t TIAOIO LOTS. RELEASED FEBRUARY I lib u ft An Intensely dramatic subject clearly told, aad sufficiently thrilling to hold interest throughout. It tells tho story of a young man who, drugged by a couple of orooks, avakaas to And himself beside tho body of a man whom one of tho oroohs has killed. There is every ovidenoe that ho has committed tho deed, and ha himself Is impressed so. Hs leaves tho plaoe and goes to another town always haunted by tho falsa spectre, until one day ho roads a newspaper account of tho confession of tho teal murderer. LENGTH 558 PEET LENGTH 893 FEET aBlsO DATS OF BIOGRAPH SUBJECTS MOBDAT AND THURSDAY OF EACH WEEK. BET ON OUR MAIL LIST AND KEEP POSTED WRITE FOR OUR DESCRIPTIVE CIRCULARS AMERICAN MUTOSCOPE^BIOGRAPH COMPANY 11 E. 14th STREET, NEW YORK CITY When answering advertiiemenU kindly mention Variety.