Variety (February 1909)

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20 - - - P |M |l < VARIETY ^—■— . n JEROME H. REMICK President RB/niCK <& COMPANY 131 W. 41st St. JEROME H. ■ ■ 131 WEST 41st & CO 1L LARGKST PUBLISHERS OF F NEW YORK ===== LAR MUSIC IN THat WORL F. E. BELCHER Sec'y A Managing Director RE/V\|CK & COMPANY 131 w; '« ut str READ THIS LIST. i. "Golden Arrow." a. "Honeyland." 3. "When I Mtrry Yon." 4. "It Looks Like a Big Sight Tonight." i. "I Waat Some On* to Call Me Dearie." 6. "Naughty Eyes." 7. "Airy Mary." 8. "The Witching Hour." 9. "Denver Town." 10. "I Used to So Afraid to Go Home in the Dark." ■< THE GREATEST BALLAD EVER PUBLISHED! DEAR OLD DEAR 77 READY Written by BENJAMIN H. BURT and JACK HAZZARD. Professional Copies and Orchestrations in Any Key. p»f E& f\ Ym "Y" !The greateet set of slides ever posed are NOW READY for this sure-fire hit ballad. SLIDES SLIDES jfrtQSE GUMBLE, Manager Professional Department READ THIS LIST. 11. "Rainbow." xa. "The Bolo Rag." *3. "Dear Heart." 14. "Shine on Harvest Moon." 15. "Golden Rod, Flower of Liberty.*' 16. "When Matilda Sings." i7. a Le Kic-lling." 18. "Dancing on the Le- vee. >i HYDE & BEHNAN'S Amusement Enterprises Mears, Ben. 8., Majestic, Ft. Worth; 22, Majes- tic, Dallas. ) y * Meier A Mora, March, Circus Vsriete, Copenhagen, Denmark. Melrose Bros.. 188 Park, Brlgeport. Melrllle, Oeoige D., Hippo., N. Y.. lndef. Mendel, 18 Adam St., Strand, London, HYDE X BEHMAN AMUSEMENT CO. TEMPLE BAR mUTLDUIQ, e BROOKLYN, N. T. Mantell's Marionettes, 8413 So. Colby. Brerett, Mass. Manny, Ed. Broadway Gaiety Girls, B. R. Marchl A Baab, 239 Franklin, Johnstown, Pa. Marchands, The. 160 B. 89th, N. T. a Marcos, Prof. Harold, Hotel Granada. St. Aofus- tine, Fla. Marion A Lillian, 178 W. 42d PI., Mario Trio, 62 E. 8th, N. Y. Marshall. Bert, Young's Pier, Atlantic City. Marsh, Joe, 244 E- Ohio, Chicago. Marshall Bros., Scenic, Waltham, Mass.; 22, Scenic, Chelsea, Mass. Martells, Two, 141% 3d St., Portland, Ore. Martha, Mile., A Aldo, Tiroll. Manchester, Bug. Martinette A 8y Wester, Keith's, Phlla.; 22, Broadway, Camden, N. J. Martin A Crouch. 907 8. 12th, Springfield, ID. Martin, Dare A Percle, Kentucky Belles, B. B. Marvin Bros., Casino, Wash., Pa.; 22, National, Steuben y1 lie, O. Masons, Four, A Oorinne, Frances, P. 0. Box 12, Falrhaven. N. J. Mason & Doran, 408 Bank, Fall River. Mathlesen, Walter, 90 W. Ohio, Chicago. Maurice A Perrln Co., 118 Chestnut, St. Louis. Marvelous Ed, 627 Cans, Joliet, 111. Marsello A Vannerson, 264 W. 24, N. T. Maxim's Models, Grand, Grand Rapids. Maxwell A Dudley, 106 W. 96th, N. Y. May, Ethel, Star, Chicago. Mase, Edna, Jersey Lilies, B. B. McCabe, Jack, 1663 B'way, N. Y. McConnell A Simpson, Orpheum, Harrisburg; 22, Orpheum, Altoona. McCormack, Hugh A Wallace, Flora De Voss Co. McCree, Davenport, Hsgenbeck-Wallace. C. B. McCann, Geraldine, A Co., Grand, Hamilton, O. McCauley, Joe, Gaiety, So. Chicago, lndef. McGregor, Lulu. Grand, Altoona, Pa., lndef. McCune A Grant, 686 Benton, Pittsburg. McFsrland A Murray, Travelers Co. McGee, Joe B., Geo. Van's Minstrels. MoGrath, A Paige, 68 Washington, Mlddletown, Conn. McLallen-Carson Dno, Fashion Plates, B. B. McPhee A Hill, Majestic, Milwaukee. Menetekel, c. o. H. Lehman, 100 Johnson, Unjoo Course, Borough Queens, N. Y. Merritt, Raymond, 178 Tremont, Pasadena, CaL .Merritt SUtata, Maj«*tte. Ft. Worth; 22, Lyric, Mobile, Ala. Merriman Sisters, Behman Show. B. B. Mlacok A Fundland, Mozart's, Lancaster, Pa.; 22, Moaart's. Wllllamsport, Pa. Mteakoff Sanders Troupe, 309 B. 14th, N. Y. Mignon, Helena, Empire, St. Paul, lndef. Miley, Kathryn, Armory, Bingham ton; 22, Shea's, Buffalo. Mlddleton. Glady's. 680 Drnry, Kansas City, Mo. Military Octet, Vaudeville, Dayton; 22, Hippo, Cleveland. Millar Musical Four, Girls from Happyland, B. B. Millard. BUI A Bob, Cracker Jacks. B. B. Miller A Princeton, 88 Olney, Providence. Miller. Grace, Phillip's, Richmond, Ind., lndeL Miller. Louis B., A Co., 138 W. 46th. N. Y. Miller, L. Frank, Fashion Plates, B. B. Miller, Theresa, Criterion, Chicago, lndef. Mlllerahlp Sisters, Miner's Burlesquers, B. B. Millman Trio, Majestic, Chicago. Miles A Dewey, 48 Howsrd, Boston. Mills A Moulton, 68 Race. Buffalo. Milton, Chas. W., 1301 Gwlnette, Aagoata, Oa. Mimic Four, Keith's, Cleveland. Mine Monle, Poll's, Waterbury; 22, Poll's, Worces- ter. Minstrel Four, Merry Maldeoe, B. B. Miskel, Hunt A Miller, Temple, Ft. Worth. Ind. Mitchell A Grant, Box 188, Townsend, Mass. Moneta, Five, 42 G. O. H. Bldg., Chicago. Montague, Monk, 2969 Drain. Denver. Montgomery, Geo. p., Orphean, Hot Springe, Ark., lndef. Montray, Edward, 814 Western, N. 8., Pittsburg. Mooney A Holbein. Poplar, Oxford, Eng.; 22, Ox- ford, Balbam, Eng. Mooney, Gypsey, Gus Edward's Schoolday Co. Moorhead, Harry, Dreamland, Norfolk, Va. Moran A Wiser, Wintergarten, Berlin, Ger. Moreland, Chas., 734% Central, Hot Springs, Ark. Morgan A McGarry, Bijou, Lansing, Mich. Morris, Billy, A Sherwood Sisters, Majestic, Dal- las; 22. Majestic, Houston. Morris, Felice A Co., Bennett's. Winnipeg. Morris A Morton, Fads A Follies, B. R. Morton A Elliott, Moss A Stoll Tour, lndef. Morton, Hugh, Mozart. Elmira, N. Y., lndef. Morton, Fred W„ Rljou, Bay City, Mich.; 22, BIJoo. Flint. Mlcb. Morton, Ed, Poll's, Worcester; 22, Poll's, Scran- ton. Morton. Jewell, Troupe, Cook's, Rochester. Moto Girl, Empire, Halloway, Eng.; 22, Empire, New Cross, Eng. Mowatts, Juggling, Leipzig. Breslsu, Ger. Moaarts, The. Folly, Oklahoma City, Okla. Mullen A Correlll, 22. Keith's, Phi la. Muller, Chum A Muller, Jan., Olympic, Paris, France. Mulvey, Ben L., Bennett's, Montreal; 22, Keith's, Providence. Murray, Eddie, Fisher's, Loo Angelee, lndef. Murray Sisters, Orpheum, Los Angeles. Murray, Elisabeth M., Columbia, Cincinnati; 22, Orpheum, Memphis. Murphy A Magee, Bice A Barton's Gaiety, B. B. Murphy A Wlllard, Msjestlc. Ann Arbor. Musketeers, Four, Vanity Fair, B. B. My Fancy, 12 Adam, 8t., 8trsnd. London, Eng. Myers A Rosa, Colonial, Lawrence, Mass. National Four, Golden Crook Co. Nealon A Titos, 611 Brown, Phlla. Nelson A Otto, 10 Howland, Roxbury, Masa. Newell A Nlblo, 16-80, Tiroll. Bremen, Ger. Newhoff A Phelps, 22, Grand, Sacramento. Nlchole, Four, 610 Dauber, Canton, O. OHB OF THE HITS OF THE BIO SHOW. t. IN IME\A/ YORK" AT THE WALVT/T ST. THEATRE, PHILADELPHIA, PA. U/AS McDevitt and Kelly ECCENTRIC DANCERS. Address NORMAN JCrrCRICS, Personal Representative, 9th and Aroh Its., Phlla. Or. H. BAIT HeHT/OH, Land Title Building, Philadelphia. Nlblo, Victor, Keith's. Boston; 22, Bennett's, Montreal. Nickel, Earl, 848 B. 40th, Chicago. NIrro A Le Boy, 1826 Page, Allegheny, Pa. Noble, Billy, A Jeanne Brooks, Saratoga Hotel, Chicago. Noblette A Marshall, 1012 Hempvtlle, Ft. Worth. Nolan. Fred, World Beaten, B B. Nonette, 164 Henry, Brooklyn. Normans, Juggling, Orpheum, Kanaaa City. Norttm t C Porter, 8848 Klmbark, Cbleagov Norrla, Leon, A Co. 63 W. 7th, ML Vernon, N. Y Norrises, The, 617 Walnut, Hamilton. O. Norton, Mlna. Dime. Walla WaUa, Waab., lndef. Nosaes, Six, 847 W. 48tb. N. Y. Nugent, Wm. F» 11 W. 118th, N. Y. Nugent, J. C, The Oaks, Canal Dover, 0. O'Dell A Hart, 2063 Stroud, Green Lake. Wash. Odell A Klnley, 8406 Colllngswood, Toledo, 0. Odell A Gllmore, 870 W. Monroe, Chicago. Ogden, Helen, 279 Clybourn, Chicago. O'Hans. Ed. Irwin's Majesties, B. R. Okabe Family, 29 Charing Cross Rd., London, Eng. Onlaw, Gus, Trio, Keith's, Phlla.; 22, G. 0. H., Pittsburg. Onken, Al, The Chutes, Ssn Francisco, lndef. O'Neill, Emma, Saratoga Hotel, Chicago. O'Neill. Russell A Groee, Matinee Girl Co. O'Neill, W. A., Orpheum. Oakland, lndef. Olivetta. Troubadors, Keith's, Columbus, O.; 22, H. A' S., Dayton, O. Orbassany, Irma, 9 Altkenhead Ed, Glasgow, Scot. O'Roorke. Eugene. A Co., 1229 Tin ton Are, BY Y. Orth A Fern, Majestic, Montgomery, Ala. Ortmann Trio, Clrco Bell, Mexico City, Max., ludef. Otto Bros.. 10 Howland, Roxbury, Mass. Owen, Garry, asst. mgr., Orpheum, Jennings. La. Owene. Billy A Msy, 1421 Adsms, N. 8.. Pitts- burg. Oaava, The, Kinsley Are., Kenmore, N. Y. Palmer Sisters, 646 Hart, Brooklyn. Palmer A Lewis, Ackers, Halifax, N. S.. lndef. Psmahasike, Prof., 1987 B. Dauphin, Phlla. Pepper Twins, Lindsay, Ont.. Can. Pattens, Three, Victoria, Wheeling, W. Va. Paterson'ff Bronze Studios, 819 Larkln. Frisco. Pauline. Empire, Peterson; 22, Proctor's, Albsny. Paullnettl A Plquo, 22, Proctor's, Troy. Pay ton A Wilson, Orpheum, East on, Pa. Pearce 81sters, 725 Lane, Seattle, Waab. Peck, Boy, Vogel's Minstrels. Penard A Manny, 276 Sooth Fifth, Brooklyn. Perry A Elliott. Clark's Bonawaya, B. B. Pertlna, Mile., Orpheum, New Orleans. Petching Bros., 16 Packard, Lymansvllle, B. I. Phlllppo Sisters, 140 W. 86tb, N. Y. Phillips A Bergen, 878 Charles, Boa ton. Piccolo Mldgeta, Box 28, Phoenicia, N. Y. Pike Broe., 978 Amsterdsm Ave., N. Y. Pllcer, Harry, 266 W. 143d, N. Y. Piper, Franco, Maryland, Baltimore; 22, Orpheum, Altoona. Plamondons, Two, 1114 Qulncy, Topeka, Kas. Polrlers, The, Palace, Brandon, Can. Pollard. Gene, World Beaters. B. B. Potts Bros. A Co., Family, Davenport, la. Potter A Harris. Majestic, Johnstown, Pa.} 22, Orpheum, Altoona, Pa. Powder A Chapman, Trans-Atlantlcs, B. B. Powell, Eddie, American, Elyrla, O.; 22, Family, Washington, O. Powers Bros., National, Phlla. Prentice Troupe, 310 E. Superior, Chicago. Price, Bob, Starland, Montreal, lndef. Pucks, Two. 166 E. 80th, N. Y. Puget, George E., Bnnaway Girls, B. B. Purvis, James, New Century Girls, B. B. Qulgg A Nlckerson, Night Owls, B. B. Bedford A Valentine, Vaudeville Club, London, Eng. Bado A Bertman. 104 W. 46th. N. Y. Bankln A Leslie, Van Boren Hotel, N. Y. Rastus A Banks. Orpheum, Bndapeat, Hungary. Rawls A Von Kaufman,- Majestic, Little. Bock; 22, Majestic, Ft. Worth. Ratellea, The, 687 Letmuneaux, Montreal. . Raymond, Ruby A Co., Hathaway's, Lowell; 22, G. O. H., Syracuse. Raymond, Clara, Scribner Show, B. B. Raymond A Harper, BIJoo, Lorain, O.; 22, Lyric, Urbana, O. Raymond A.Hall, Saratoga Hotel, Chicago. Rayno, Al, Proctor's, Albany; 22, Armory, Bing- ham ton. Rector, Harry, Clrco Trerlno, Monterey. Max. Red Eagle Family, Poll's, Worcester; 22, Poll's, Hertford. Bedding, Francesce A Co., 204 W. 183d, N. Y. Bedford A Winchester, Columbia, St. Louis. ii THE NEW JEROME AND SCHWARTZ SENSATION, THE WHITE WASH MAN" The most tantalising coon song ever written. Also published as an instrumental number. Great for dancing acts. Published by the house that publishes "MEET ME IN ROSE TIME, ROSIE" PUBLISHED BY COHAN & HARRIS US W. 424 St., New York Between Broadway and 6th Are. J. and 8. Corner. NEW ACTS. (Continued from page 14.) papier mache head. The scene shifts to the first, where the German is discovered asleep near the piano. He says he has been dreaming. Miss La Zar sings a high class ballad, too high class for the average vaudeville audience. She has a clear so- prano voice and knows how to use it. She is also an accomplished instrumentalist, SB is Mr. La Zar. The act is talky. Con- siderable of the dialogue should be cut out and the action hastened. More panto- mime detail is necessary in the story in- stead of dialog. Eighteen or twenty min- utes should be long enough. The act is a pretentious effort and after alterations should work into a valuable offering for vaudeville. Frank Wieaberg. Earle, Rauworth and Co. "The Supreme Test" (Comedy Drama). 20 Mins.; Full Stage. Walker, Los Angeles, Cal. (Week Feb. x). A fairly good sketch, which contains both humor and pathos, and which made a rather good sized hit with the audience. It has to do with one Hathaway, a col- lege football player; Mud McGill, his trainer, and Margaret Ranee, Hathaway's sweetheart. There are several very good comedy lines, but in some places it drags heavily. Mud McGill is well played by Harry Earle, formerly of a local stock company here. Margaret Ranee ia Grace Rauworth, who reads lines faultlessly, but the.part of Hathaway (Robert Whit- ney) is not up to■ t^e standard set bj the other two. With eatteful revising and cut- ting and with a little more action it will be a success. Shannon B. My en. When anacering adveriUemenU kindly mention Variety.