Variety (February 1909)

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22 VARIETY GAUMONT FILMS Licensed by the Motion Picture Patents Co. Two reels of new subjects issued weekly to exchanges licensed by Motion Picture Patents Co. URBAN ECLIPSE FILMS V* ,f" #■ Licensed by the Motion Picture Patents Co. One reel of new subjects issued weekly to exchanges licensed by Motion Picture Patents Co. 52 State St., Chicago, III. 662-664 Sixth Ave., New York i Whittle, W. E., Whittle Farm, Ctdwell, N. J. Whltely ft Bell, 1468 B'way. Brooklyn, N. T. Wilbur, Carl, 08 Charing CroM Bd., London, Eng. Wilder, Marshall P., Atlantic City., lndef. Wlllard ft Bond, Bijou. Saginaw, lilcb; 22, O. O. H., Grand Baplds. Williams ft Watklns, Vaudeville, Dayton. O.; 22, Hippo, Cleveland. Williams, Frank ft Delia, Dukatis, Blloxi, Mlas; 22, Bijou, Pensacola, Fla. Williams, Chas., Lyric, Terra Hante. Wllllama ft Gordon, 2282 Indiana, Chicago. Williams ft Segal, 87 B. Robinson, Allegheny, Pa. Wllllama ft Stevens, Pekln Stock Co., Chicago. Wllllama ft Melbourne, Flight of Princess Co. Wills ft Hassan, 837 W. 18, N. T. Wilsona, Musical. Pat White Gaiety Girls, B. B. Wilson, The, Great Gay Maaqaeradera, B. R. Wilson, Jack, ft Co., K. ft P.'a, Jersey City. Wilson Bros., Columbia, Cincinnati. Wilson, Tony, Helolae ft Amoror Sisters, 104 B. 14th, N. Y., care of Tanslg. Wilson ft Frazler, 145 E. 48th, N. T. Wilson, Mae. Loin, Butte, lndef. Wilson, Lizzie, Howard, Boston. Wlnane ft Casaler, Devil'* Auction Co. Winkler ft Kress, 252 W 88th, N. T. Winston Sea Lions, K. ft P.'s 125th St., N. T.; 22, Proctoi's, Newark. Winter, Winona, 41 W. 64th, N. Y. Wlxon ft Eaton. 30 Tecumseh, Providence. Wolford ft Burgard, 150 W Congreaa. Chicago. Woodford ft Marlboro, Gem, Meridian, Miss.. lndef. Ward ft Hart, 1900 South 11th. Phlla. Ward ft Sheppell, Al Reeves, B. B. Wartenberg Bros., 104 B. 14th, N. Y., Taoeig. Warwick ft Waldron, Richmond Hotel, Chicago. Wallace, Van*, Irwin's Majestice. B. B. Walker, Nella, Temple, Detroit; 22, Cook's, Boch- ester. Waller ft Magill, 102 8eventh Ave., N. Y. Walton, Irvln B., Fada ft Follies, B. B. Walton, Fred, ft Co., Mar., Hansa, Hamburg, Gar. Walsh, Lynch ft Co., Irwin's Big Show, B. B. Walsh, May. Fada ft Follies, B. R. Ward, Tom, 162 Lexington Ave., Brooklyn. Wardell, Harry. 1558 B'way. N. Y. Watson, Sammy, Hathaway's, Lowell. Watson Sisters, Irwin's Big Show, B. B. Watson ft Little, 428 W. 145th, N. Y. Webb, Holland ft Co., Hippo., Lexington, Ky.; 22. Broadway, Middletown, O. Welch, Mealy ft Montrose, 22, Anderson, Louis- ville. Wenona ft Francis Co., 20, Majestic, DenTcr. Wentworth. Estelle, Hotel Gersrd, N. Y. Warden, W. L., ft Co., 1178 Bokeby, Chicago. Washer Bros., Oakland, Csl. Wesley ft Burns. 120 B. 122d, N. Y. Wheelers, The. Feb.. Central. Stettin, Gar. Whipple, Waldo, Majestic, Norfolk, Va.; 22, Or- pheum, Portsmouth, Vs. White, Ed. B., ft Bolla. 602 B. 70th, N. Y. White ft Simmons, Orpheum, Omaha. Whitehead, Joe, ft Flo. Grlerson, Orpheum, Omaha. LAWS OF NEW YORK STATE CAPITAL STOCK $50,000.00 Cable Address, "ABCREL." TELEPHONES 6324-6570-6571 88th St Atlas Booking Circuit Wood, Ralph. Lyric, Ft. Smith, Ark., lndef. Wordette. Estelle, ft Co., Colonial, Norfolk, Va.; 22, Orpheum, Atlanta, Ga. Work ft Ower, Orpheum, St. Panl. JOHN W. WORLD AID MINDELL KINGSTON Fab. 18, Bennett's, Ottawa. Wormwood's Dogs ft Monkeys, Grecnpolnt, Brook- lyn; 22, Poll's, Worcester. Worthley, Mlnthorne ft Abbott, 120 Lexington N Y Wright,* Lillian, ft Boys, 844 W. 46th, N. Y. Yalto Dno, 220 W. 80th, N. Y. Yamamonto Bros., G. O. H., Pittsburg; 22, Shea's, Buffalo. Yamamoto ft Koyoshl, General Delivery, N. Y. Yeoman, George. 4666 Gibson, St. Louie. York. Charley, Colonial, Wash.; 22, Lnblns, Balti- more. Young, B. F., 407 W. 123d, N. Y. Young, O. M., Kitty Faye ft Co., lndef. Young, De Witt ft Sister, Bijou, Battle Creek. Young, Ollle, ft Bro., Olympic, Chicago. Yupe, Arthur ft Co., Haymarket, Chicago. Zalno, Joe, 41 S. 02,Phlladelpbla. Zanslga, The, 856 W. 45th, N. Y. Zeb ft Zarrow Troope, Bljov, Duloth, Minn., lndef. Zeda, H. L., Midland Hotel, Pueblo, Colo. Zimmerman, Al, Masqneradera, B. B. Zlnn's, Musical Com. Co., Memphis, Tenn., lndef. Zazell, Vernon ft Co., Feb., Apollo, Vienna* Ana. Zolars, Two, 223 Scott. San Francisco. MAX B08BN. President. JOHN 8. BGAN, Vlce-Pres't and Secretary. VICTOB D. LBV1TT. Treasurer. How booKlng BTtlfU 1b mil lines for our Circuit of Parks, Theatres and Fairs. Wo aro prepared to offer EXCLUSIVE FIATUIIS 44 CONSECUTIVE WEEKS Booking. BANDS and ORCHESTRAS WANTED for the summer months. We arrange exclusive bookings of headline acts. KNICKERBOCKER THEATRE BUILDING. 1402 BROADWAY, N. Y. CITY (Suit* 49* to 430) BURLESQUE ROUTES For the weeks of Feb. IB and Tek Ml "L. 0." indleatea show la 'Taytag off." Americans. 16, Star, St. Panl; 22, Folly, Chicago. Avenue Girls, 15, Standard, St. Louis, 22. Bebman Show, 15, Gayety, St. Looia; 22, Troca- dero, Chicago. Big Review, 15-17, Folly, Peterson; 18-20, Rlec- tra, Schenectady. Bine Ribbon Girls, 16, Gayety, Baltimore; 22, Gayety, Washington.' Bohemlana, 18, Star, Toronto; 22, Lafayette, Buffalo. Bon Tone, 15, Prlnceaa, Montreal; 22-24, Empire, Albany; 28-25, Bmplre, Holyoke. Bowery Burleequers, 15, Gayety, Toronto; 22, Prlnceaa, Montreal. ,- Brigadiers, 16-17, Gayety, Scranton; 18-20, Ln- aerne, Wllkea-Barre. Broadway Gaiety Glrla, 16. Royal, Montreal; 22, Star, Toronto. Bryant'a BKtravasjanaa, 16, IMaJeetlc, Kanaaa City; 22, Gayety, St. Loula. Caalno Girls, If. Gayety, Pittsburg; 22, Gayety, Columbus. Century Maids, 16, Buckingham, LoulsvUle; 22, People's, Cincinnati. Champagne Girls, 15, Bon Ton, Jersey City; 22- 24, Luzerne, Wllkea-Barre; 26-27, Gayety. Scranton. Cherry Blossoma, 16-17, Electra, Schenectady; 18-20. Folly, Peterson. City Sports, 15, Gayety, Philadelphia; 22, Gayety, Baltimore. Colonial Belles, 15, Columbia, Boston; 22, Eighth Are., N. Y. Cosey Corner Girls, 15, People's, Cincinnati; 22, Star, Cleveland. Cracker Jacka, 15-17, Empire, Albany; 18-20, Empire, Holyoke; 22, Gayety, Boston. Dainty Duchess, 15, Garden, Buffalo; 22, Cor- inthian, Rocbeater. Driamlanda, 15, London, N. Y.; 22-24, Folly, Paterson; 25-27, Electra, Schenectady. Ducklings, 15, Star, Milwaukee; 22, Dewey, Min- neapolis. Empire Burlesquers, 15, Avenue, Detroit; 22, Em- pire, Chicago. Fads ft Follies, 15, Caalno, Phlla.; 22, Wald- man's, Newark. Fashion Platen, 15, Imperial, Providence; 22, Howard, Boston. Fay Foster, 15, Empire, Newark; 22, Trocadero, Phlla. Follles-of-the-Day, 15, Lafayette, Buffalo; 22, Avenue, Detroit. Frolicsome Lambs, 15, Empire, Indianapolis; 22, Buckingham, Louisville. Glrla From Moulin Rouge, 15, Westmlnater, Prov- idence; 22, Palace, Boston. Golden Crook, 15, Olympic. Brooklyn; 22, Murray Hill, N. Y. Happyland, 16, Olympic, N. Y.; 22, Star, Brook- lyn. H astin gs' Show, 15, Star, Brooklyn; 22, Gayety, BTooKiyn. High Boilers, 15, Murray Hill, N. Y.; 22, Caalno, Phlla. Imperials, 16, Eighth Ave., N. Y.; 22, Bmplre, Newark. Irwin's Big Show, 15, Harlem Music Hall, N. Y.; 22, Westminster, Providence. Jersey Lilies, 15, Empire, Toledo; 22, Gayety, Detroit. Jolly Girls, 15, Empire, Chicago; 22, Empire, Indianapolle. Kentucky Bellea, 15, Bmplre, Brooklyn; 22-24, Gayety, Scranton; 26-27, Lnserne, Wllkea-Barre. Knickerbockers, 15, Standard, Cincinnati; 22, Bi- jou, Atlanta. Majesties, 15, Gayety, Hoboken; 22, Harlem Music Hall. N. Y. Mardl Gras Baantlea, 16, Trocadero, Chicago; 22, Gayety, Milwaukee. Maequeradera, 15, L. O.; 22, Majestic, Kansae, City. When ontwering eeVefftoeaeaff ktndlp s*e»fto» VftanrT.