Variety (February 1909)

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VARIETY 23 Merry Maidens, IB, Monumental, Baltimore; 22, Bijou, Pblla. Merry Makers, 15, Century, Kansas City; 22, Standard, St. Lonls. Miss New York. Jr., 10, Trocadero, Phlla.; 22, Bmplre, Brooklyn. Morning Glories, 10, Bason's, Chicago; 22, Em- pire, Clereland. Morning, Noon and Night, 10, Lyceum, Wash- ington; 22, Monumental, Baltimore. New York Stars, 10, Palace, Boston; 22-24, Oil- more, 8prlngfleld; 25-27, Htaiplre, Albany. Night Owls. 10, Oayety, Detroit; 22, Star A Gar- ter, Chicago. Parisian Widows, 10, Gayety, Brooklyn; 22, Gayety, Phila. -«#.—• Pat White Gaiety Girls, 10, Folly, Chicago; 22, Star, Milwaukee. Beerea' Beauty Show, 10, Bijou, Atlanta; 22, Gayety, Birmingham. Bents-Santley, 10, Gayety, Washington; 22, Gay- ety. Pittsburg. ^^ ^ Bice * Barton, 10, Waldman'e, Newark; 22, Gay- ety, Hoboken. Bice ft Barton Big Gaiety. 10, Greenwmld. New Orleans; 22, L. O.; Mar. 1, Majestic, Kansas City. Rialto Bounders, 10, Gayety, Columbus; 22. Em- pire, Toledo. Bolllckers, 10, Bowery, N. Y.; 22-24, Lyceum, Troy; 20-27, Gayety, Albany. Boss Sydell, 10, Gayety, Milwaukee; 22, Boson's, Chicago. Bunaway Girls, 10, Gayety, Birmin gham : 22. Greenwald, New Orleans. ^^ 8am Devere, 10, Bijou, Pblla.; 22, Bon Ton. Jersey City. fcm i JF* „****'■• - 1B " 1T « I***™*. WUkes-BarreJ 18-20, Gayety, Scran ton. Scrlbner's Big Show, 10, Gayety, Boston; 22, Olympic, Brooklyn. Serenadera, 10-17, Gilmore, Springfield; 18-20. Empire, Albany; 22, Olympic. N. Y. Star Show Glrla. 10-17, Empire, Dea Moines: 18-20, L. O.; 22-24. L. 0.; 20-27, St. Joe ' Strollers, 10-17, Lyceum, Troy; 18-20, Gayety. Albany. Thoroughbreds, 10, Dewey, Minneapolis; 22, Star, Tiger Lilies, 10, Howard, Boston; 22, Imperial. ProTldence. Travelers, 10-17, Gayety, Albany; 18-20, Lyceum, Troy. Trocaderos, 10, 8tar A Garter, Chicago; 22. Standard, Cincinnati. Uncle Sam's Belles, 10, Wheeling. Vanity Fair, 10, Corinthian, Rochester; 22, Gay- ety, Toronto. Washington Society Girls, 10, Wheeling, W. Va.; 22, Century. Kansas City. Watson's Burlesque™, 15, star, Cleveland; 22. Academy, Pittsburg. Wine, Women ft Song, 10, Lyceum, Washington; 22, Monumental, Baltimore. World Beaters, 10, Empire, Cleveland; 22. Gar- den, Buffalo. Yankee Doodle Girls, 10, Academy, Pittsburg; 22, Wheeling, W. Va. LETTERS Where O. O. fellows name, latter la la Chicago Office. Advertising or circular letters of any description win not be listed when knownV^ Letters will be held for one month. P. O. following name Indicates postal card. Adam, Minnie M. (O. O.) Andrews, Peart (C. O.) Avery, D. Adams ft White. Anderson, Albert. Ashcroft, Ralph W. Arade, D. AstreUas, The. Aces, The Three (C. 0.) Alpha Trio (0. O.) Apollo Quartet (a O.) Allen, Chas. M. (0. O.) Augers, The Avery, Wslter. Auber, Louise. Allen ft Delmaln. Altaian, Charles. Anderson, Al. Abdallah Bros. Armstrong, George. Barry ft Hughes (O. O.) Barry, Walter H. (0. O.) Bump, Doan. Burdlck, Bath. Ballngers, The. Blms and BIms. Bragf. Archie (C. O.) Brignola. B. (a 0.) Beck, Oerl B. (O. o.) Belmont. Freda. Brahama, The (a O.) Brltt. Freddie <a 0.) Barrett, Bertha L. Barrett, Patsy. Bertram, Helen (0. O.) Bellvue. Bd. (0. O.) Bernard, Barney. Burton, Steve W. (0. Bassett, Eddie. Bevsn, 0. Blancke, Anne. Bates, Mr. Bsggesen, Carl. Barnold. Charles. K'«»ftnp. Cliff. Bllyck'a Seals. Boyd. LtUlan (O. O.) Bowen, Jsck (0. O.) Brooks. Herbert. Bowen Brothers. Braata, Josephine. FURNISHED FLATS 4-5 Rooms and Bath—Hot Water, Steam Heat. Bates: $10 and upwards. tth AVE., BEAR SSth IT. 704 Ith AVE., BEAR 46th IT. 7M lib AVE., BEAR 47th One Bleak is Times le, JSattonal Dotel EUROPEAN PLAN. B. S. Oar. Van Bnrea and Wabash Are* CHICAGO Xa Vicinity of all Theatres. THEATRICAL HEADQUARTERS. D, A. DOOLET. Prep. HOTEL PROVENCE Leicester Square, LONDON J. T. DAVIS, Prop. Heaaadquamrtearsi of \A/hlte> Rentes laUTT PLACE TO STOP nr NEW YORK CITY "tt leooads from Broadway." THE . Kl 183 Wsst 34th Street Fumlahed Rooms only. Baths Telephone— Eleotrio Light ('Phone 8448—88th tt) Te>ramw Rmataoaamblej Under Management BOases OOOKE and OLZBTOB. We are at the old stand better than ever. ™ MILLER HOTEL MIBS ABBA WOOD, Mar. H. 0. MILLER, Prop. 8. E. Cor. 10th and Raoe Bts., Philadelphia. AMERICA* AMD EUROPEAN FLAB. "THE ACTORS' HOKE." Cafe attaohed. Baths and Steam Heat en all floors. PROFESSIONAL BATES—37 double, 18 single. Black, James B. Baron, Oeorge. Battler, M. J. Bell, Florence (C. O.) Buchanan, Lorraine (C. O.) Bell, Floss (O. O.) Bell, Fanny B. (C. O.) Bruce-Carter A Calvert (C. O.) Carroll, Bena (0. O.) Coatee, Lulu. Capltalne, Alclde. Clifford A Lane (O. O.) Oarr, Alexander. Clayton, Webb A. Calrert, Albert (a O.) Close, Sydney (O. O.) Carroll, Tom (0. O.) Cook, Dick (O. O.) Oarr Trio (a O.) Connors, Ralph (O. O.) Clayton, Webb A. (a O.) Campbell, Flossie. Cheorlsl, Emll. Cameron, Francla. Crosse, Dr. Margaret. Curtis, Bea (0. O.) Constantino. W. J. Connelly, Arthur. Clark, Geo. » Cooper. Lew. Cole A Davis (C. O.) Coeneyon, C. Crewe, Anna.- Crumbaker, Edwin. Cogswell, Sarah L. Cunningham, Albert (C. O.) Corbely, Mrs. Ireln. Collins, Dorothy. Cardownnle Slstera. Cobb, Will D. Clare, Sidney. Darin, Laura (O. O.) Douglas, Wm. (C O.) Darren A Hodges (0. «.) Davie, Ed. !". (O. O.) DoLoacb A Zlllbaaer (C. O.) Dreano, Joah. Dooley, J. Francla. Davis A Co., Edward. Donald ft Carson. Dolan, James. De Lee, Lillian. Dornton, Harry. Deaton, Cbas. W. Doyle, Bart. Daly, Tiny. De Monde A Dlnsmore (0. O.) De Mond, Chss. (O. O.) Dennis ft Mullen (P. O. Durant, Blllle. Desmond, Lilly. Dietrich, Mrs. (0.0.) Dudley, Harry (C. O.) Electrs. Esterbrook, Fred. Empire Comedy Four. Ellis. Harry A. (O. O.) Emerson. Ida. Ellen. Mary Ann (0. 0.) Field, Norman R. (O. O.) Finney. Chas. (P. O.) Forrester ft Hammond (P. C.) Ford. Dora. Ford, Mrs. Max. Florenz House (Mrs. F. Herons, Prop.) The Home of the Profession, 170 West 47th Street, Bear Broadway Bew York First-class Booms and Board. Reasonable Terms. Convenient to all Principal Theatres. 'Phone. 8811 Bryant. CLINTON HOTEL BEST 8)2 DAT Motel la* ROCHESTER, N. Y. Special rates to the profession. Twe minutes' walk from all theatres. GEO. W. JOHNSON, Prep. FURBI S HED ROOMS REASONABLE. Bear Times Square and Broadway* 242 W. 43rd ST., NEW YORK MRS. HANNAH KEUPER Established Theatrical Boarding House, With Hot Water, Heat and Bath. One Block from Trent Theatre Stage Entrance. 188 Chancery Street, TBENTON, Hew Jersey. PROFESSIONALS COMING To LONDON Will and every COMFORT and CONVENIENCE awaiting them at The BATH HOUSE HOTEL, Dean St., Oxford St. W. (One minute from the Oxford.) Proprietors, MR, A MRS. JACK ASHBT (of Kelly A Ashby). Large Club Room* for Re- hearsal. Luncheons 18 till 8. Munshner Lager Beer on draft. Giro us a oalL KATHfcRINE McCARTNEY 828 WE8T 45th STREET. Furnished Rooms Reasonable. Hot Water, Heat and Bath. Board if desired. Just West of Eighth Avenue. Foster, Ells (C. O.) Ferris, Hssel. Fltagerald A Wilson (C. O.) Facelattl, Tom (O. O.) Fisher. Miss Minnie. Frascona, MenotU (C. O.) Faceanda, Alebrto (0. O.) Francla. Buth. Ford, Pearl. Fagan, Ben. Frosto A Weyman (C. O.) Fischer, Madalyn. Farnum, Richard. Gartelle, Harry (P. C.) Qreen, Sam. Gibson, Estelle. Glrard, F. Gibson, Chss. T. (a O.) Gibson, Ones. T. (0. O.) Gflleo, Edward. Gould, Jay (C. O.) Grant, Lawrence. Garrett, B. Greenfield, Caroline. George, Dandy. Gethardt, Oeorge. Herbert, The Frogman. Hill, Ann]. Hoag, Evelyn. Hill. S. H. Harford, 8sdle. Haverley. Ed. Hayes. Ed mond (O. 0.) Hsggerty, Harry. Hayes, Lew. Harrla, W. H. Hynea, Tom. Harris, W1U J. Hteka, Leonard. Heras. Wm. Harrison. Charles. Hutchinson • Lnsky Co. (0. O.) Hansel, Bmfla. Hammond, Okas. Honnlngham, Albert (0. O.) Hamlin, Paul (a O.) Harvey A FarreU (0. O.) Hodges, Jsmss (O. O.) Hsrt, Henry (0. O.) Hyde, Jlmmle. Hammer, Frank A. Halea, C. W. Huntington, Val. Hughea, S. Heald, Henry D. Haya, Harry D. (C. O.) Hamilton, Jsck (C. 0.) Howard Hall Co. Hendon, A. T. Howard A Harris. Hayea, Jack. Howard A Co., Bernlce. Hayes, Al. Holden. James. Hill. C. W. Hoff, Jamee. Haverley, Tom (C. 0.) Hayes, Harrey (O. O.) Hill. Bose Lucler. Harlem, Chas. Haroey, Arthur B. Hamilton, Jsck. Holman, Harry. Hamlin, Hugo. ' Hoppe, Guy. Innes Band Mgr. (O, O.) Irwin. 0. Ioannou. Panachlotl. Irwlno, J. M. (O. O.) Johns, Harry (O. O.) Jarrow, Emfl (C. O.) Johnstone, Gordon. Johnson, Otto. Juniper Bros. Jensottr Otto. Jennings, P. O'Mai ley (C. O.) Jones, Gwyo. Jones, Florrle. Kaufman, Jack A Phil (P. C.) Ksnes, Juggling. Kelvane, J. J. Kelley, Frederlcke, Kelly, Frank. Kane, Genevieve (0. O.) Kllgnaa, Baal. Kelsey, A. Kenyon, Jack. Kemble, George I. Kellie, Bdw. B. (0. 0.) Kelly, Laura. Kuhnast, Berthold. Kirk wood, Jessie 0. 0.) Kramer. Sam. Klebs. Elsie (0. 0.) Kltts, W. T. Kelly, Jamea P. Kelss, Mrs. John. Kingsbury, Geo. (C. p.) King. Jaek (CO.) Kuaeil, Jules. Kepner, Capt. Fred. Kyle A Conway (C. O.). Lee, H. Lorre Trio. Levlllo ft Sinclair (0. O.) Linton. Harry B. (0. O.) LeCsll. Ed. (0. 0.) Lee. Minnie. La Mont, Grace (0, O.) l-ii sro, Duncan (0. O.) l-ogan. J. A. Lee. Kenneth. La Blanche, Marie. Lock A Bossier. La Mott, Wm. Lowia, Ada. Lee, 8am. Low, Oilman. La Frenlere, Arthur. Latelle, Edward. Lee. Lillian. Leonbardt, Al. Lord, Elanor. Lewis. Jack (C. O.) Lasro, Duncan (0. O.) La Vine. Oliver (C. O.) Lore, Harry (C. O.) Lewis, Jsck (C. O.) Leonard, Chas. F (C. O.) Levy, Bert. Lewis A Harr. Miller, Dick (C. O.) McLaren, Hugh (C. O.) Millers, Musical. Murrsy, Helen. Miller, Marlon. McDouald, William (0. O.) Manning, A. B, McGlbney, Viola (0. O.) McClelland (O. O.) Marda, May (0. O.) Moore. Herbert (0. O.) Morrelle, Bertha M. Miller, Bdgar M. Mstthes, Hugo. Myers A Meer. Morrison, Lee. Msck, J. D. Mlnton (0. O.) Morris' Three (0. O.) Malll. Miss Blanche. Mann, Danny. McCarthy, Jan. J. Murray A Lane. Marach, May. McLean, Avery. Morning, Mary. McNowa, Berths. Meyers, Ross (O. O.) Murry, Helen (0. O.) McAuUSe. Wm. Mueller. Albert. McKenale, B. Morn. Maifleld. Maddox A Melvln. Martin. Felix. MeClary, Mr. Mitchell. Harry. Miller. Joe. Merl. Oollla. Mario. Mabel. Mark. J. C. MeCarty. F. T. (C. 0.) Mlacos, Srere ft Al. Mallla ft Bart. McCary, May. McKIm, Edward. Martin, E. J. McGrea, Frank. Mlnton. Irvine (C. 0.) Norton. Jack (a O.) Niles, Vergenla. Nulle, Joe. Nelson, Agda. Nelson. Agnes. Normlngton, Harold J. Newell. WUUard (O. O.) Nelson, Jr.. Artie (01 O.) Nicolls, G. O. Nolsn, John. Nash, Ed. (0. O.) Norton, Ned (0. 0.) O'Bourse. O'Rourka, Jr., Jaa. O'Connor, B. P. O'Brien Troupe. Orerlng Trio. O'Kura Japs (0. 0.> Penn, Jennie. Powers. John T. Pembroke, Kittle. Planked, Many (0. 0.> Pathenson, Bayard. Pond, Dare O. Prldoau, Steve (0. •> Pratt, Jack. Perdval, William. Parry, Natalie. Parrlsh, DaVld M. Palace Girls (8) (a O.) Presscott, J. B. Page, John. Pixley, Loin. Powers, John A J* (0. O.) Plquo. Harry* Primrose, Anita. Price, Jack. Poole. Paul. Qulnlan, Gertrude. Relff, Mrs. Julea. Rowland, James. Remington, Minnie A. Rice, Felix (O. O.) Bobledllle. Rockwen, Maud. Rodrtgues, L. J. Rysa, Mrs. T. J. Reno, 0. H. Ridley, Henry. Raymond, Melville B. Ulna, Mma. Rica, Beanie. [eog> Masvf Raymond, Melville B. (0. 0.1 Relnhardt, Oyras (0. O.) Ryan, Thos. J. Reynolds, Thomas A. Runkel, Dsvld. Robins, A. D. Richards, Oris. Romaine, Manual. Hirers ft Rochester. Reynolds. Max (0. 0.> Ray, Elisabeth (0. O.) Redwood A Gordon (0. O.) Roberts, Prof. 0. B. (0. O.) Rivers, Walter (0. O.) Rice. Felix (C. O.) Seeley, Blossom (C. 0.> Swsrts, Frances. Sylvester. Jos (0. 0.) Sears, Wm. 0. Stelger, Henry. Sheldon A Co.. (a 0.> Stater, P. A. (C. 0.) Smith, J. Stolts, MelvtUe. Spong, Hilda. Stevens, Mike J. Bommers, J. T. Scherser. Msrls. Sutherland A Curtis. Snook, B. J. Bsrgent. I. P. Shsrrocks, The. Swor. Bert (0. O.) Sutherland A Curtis (CL O.) Shoff. Ada B. Sylvester. Geo. (C 0.> Scsllnn, Frank (0. O.) Stewart, Wlnnefred (a O.) Stevenson. Oeorge. Shew, Allen <C. O.) Batteries, Oafs (0. 0.) SuUlvan, James P. #CL O.) When amwering advertisement a kindly mention Variety.