Variety (February 1909)

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22 VARIETY JEROME N. REMICK President RB/niCK & GOMRANY 131 W. 41st St. JEROME H. REMICK & CO. 131 WEST 41st STREET, NEW YORK THE. LAlGtIT PUBLISHERS Of POPULAR MUSIC IN TUB. 'WORLD F. E. BELCHER Sec'y A Managing Director RB/VVICK A COMPANY 131 W. 41st St. READ THIS LIST. i. "Golden Arrow." 2. "Dear Old Dear." 3. "When I Marry Yon." 4. "It Looks Liko a Big Bight Tonight." 5. "I Want Some One to Call Mo Dearie," 6. "Naughty Eyes." 7. w Airy Mary." 8. "The Witching Bout." 9. "Denver Town." 10. "I Used to Bo Afraid to Oo Home in the Dark." (I HONEYLAND 99 By REN SHIELDS and HENRIETTA B. BELCHER. One of the greatest numbers we have ever published. On the style of "Mandy Lane." Great for singing and dancing acts. Professional copies and orchestrations ready in any key. SLIDES SLIDES SLIDES MOSS GUMBLE, Manager Professional Department READ THIS LIST. xx. "Rainbow." xa. "The Bolo Rag." 13. "Dear Heart." 14. "Shine on Harvest Moon." 15. "Golden Rod. Flower of Liberty." 16. "When Matilda Sings." 17. "Le Kic-rJng." 18. "Dancing on the Le- vee." HYDE & BEHNAN'S Amusement Enterprises 11 i mm IMU8EMENT co. TEMPLE BAB BUTLDnfQ, BROOKLYN, B. T. L Kokin, Mignonette, Alhambre, Paris, Franco. Kolfage, Duke, Crystal, Elkwood. Ind., lndof. Kooper, Harry J., Buster Brown Co. Kratoos, The, Fob., Krystall Palace, Lslpalg, Ger. Kretore, Orphenm, Norfork, Vs.; 1, Orphoom, Portsmouth, Va. Kurtls-Busne, Arcade, Minot, N. D. Lakoia A Lorain, Palace Hotel, Chicago. Lampe Bros., Scenic, Wsltbam, Msse.; 1, Scenic, E. Boston. Lane. Eddie, 805 E. 73d, N. Y. Lone A Adell, 832 Oeneasee, Rochester. Lsngdona. The, Majestic, St. Paul. La Blanche, Grest, Pastime, Ssnford, Fla. La Bord A Ryerson, Fairyland, Ilinton, W. Vs. La Clair A West, Grand, New Orleans, La. La Eatelita. 1558 B'wsy, N. Y. La Fayette, Lamont Co., 2900 Oormanj, Glndn sett. La Fleur, Joe, Orpbeum, Kansas City. La Mar, Sadie, Strolling Players, B. B. La Moines, Muslcsl, Walker, Los Angeles. La Petite Revue, Orpbeum, Johnstown, Pa.; 1, G. 0. H., Pittsburg. Le Roy A Le Roy. 815 B. 100th, N Y. La Tell Bros., Auditorium, Cincinnati. La Tour Sisters. Golden Crook, B. R. La Toy Bros., Vsn Buren Hotel, Chicago. Le Contra A La Boo, 9461 3d Are., N. Y. Le Clair, Harry, 1, Lyric, Winnipeg. Lamb's Manikins, Bijou, Bay City, Mich.; 1, Bijou, Lansing, Mich. Larrivee A Leo, Nickel, Portland, Me. Lavall Sisters, 148 Golden Goto, San Brandos*. Lawoon A Namon, Touring Australia. Landin. Edward. Majestic, Uttlo Rock, lndof. Lang, George, Crystal, Bedford, Ind., lndef. La Vsn A La Vsletto, Majestic, Pittsburg, lndof. La Voola, Albert Scbuman, Frankfort, Gor. La Boa, Wonderful, Clara Turner Stock Co. Lane Trio, Vogel's Minstrels. Lanet A Ardell, 88S Genesee, Rochester, N. Y. Lavlne, Edward, 1, Majestic, Chicago. Lawrence A Healy, Sherman House, Chicago. La Gray. Dollie. Bijou, Racine, Wis., lndof. Lsralls, The, Hippo., Belfast, Ireland. Le Dent, Prank, Keith's, Philadelphia. Le Hlrt, Moos., Lyric, Petersburg, Vs. La Ville, Rose, City Sporta. B. R. La Vino Clmeron Trio, 1553 Broadway, N. Y. Le Witt A Ashmore Co.. 1558 B'wsy, N. Y. La Zar A La Zar, 168 Dearborn Are., Chicago. Le Fevre A St. John, 1558 B'wsy, N. Y. Leigh, Lisle, Empire, Peterson. Leigbtons, Three, 1558 B'wsy, N. Y. Lee, James P., Unique, Los Angeles, lndof. Leeds A La Mar. 1558 B'way, N. Y. Le Roy A La Vanlon, Keith's, Boston; 1, Keith's, Portland. Lei Hot ts. Three, Orpbeum, Brooklyn; 1, Albambrs, N. Y. Leonard. Ghas F., Bollly A Woods, B. B. Leonard A Phillips, 701 W. Brio, Chicago. Leonard, Gns, Arcade, Minot, N. D. Leonard, Grace, Star, Chicago. Leonard A Drake, 1000 Park PI., Brooklyn. Leonard, James A Ssdie A Rlchsrd, 200 B. 20, N. Y. Leo, Arthur. 1688 Richland, Baltimore. Leo, Tolly, 736 Carmen. Camden, N. J. Lea Silvss, K. A P., Ntw York City. Leville A Sinclair, Lyric, Dsyton; 1, Columbia, Cincinnati. Levlno, Dolph A Susie, Majestic, Denver. Levitt A Falls, 716 Orange, Syracuse, N. Y. Levy, Bert, Proctor's, Albsny Lewis A Chspln, Fsmily, Muscatine, la. Lewis, Harr A Co., 131 W 10th, N. Y. Lewis A Lake. 2411 Norton, Kansas City, Mo. Lewis A Green, Haymarket. Chicago. Lewis A Msnson, 74 Orchard, N. Y. Lindsay, Stilling A Wllber, Pointer's Csfo, Francisco, Csl. Llsla A Adams, Gem, Meridian, Miss., lndef. Livingston, David, Varieties, Terre Haute, Ind. Lockwood A Bryson, 026 E. 23d, Los Lobse A Wllkens, Burk's Shows, B. R. Lloyd, Herbert, 86 Grest Wilson, Leeds, Long, John, Fsmily, Erie, Pa., lndof. Lublns. Dsncing. 021 North Wsrnock, Phlla., Pa. Luce A Luce, Poll's, Hartford. Luckens, Harry, Ponies, National, Sen Francisco. Lucler, Marguerite. Hans A Nlxe Co. "Luis King," 8, Hippo., Oldham, Bog. Lyres, Three, Fashion Pistes Co.. B. B, MacDonough, Ethel. Hotel BrosteR, N. Y. O. MacDonald, Chan. A Sadie, 18 W. 100th, N. Y. MacRae A Levering, Empire, B. R. Maddox, Richard, Csndy Kid Co. WOOD * WALSH (BILLY WOOD, of Wood and Shepard) (AUSTIN WALSH) Comedy Mnsioal Act that is foil of OBIOTBAL COMEDY. Address SS5 W. 88th St., Bow York City. in CONSECUTIVE WEEKS ^^ From BOSTON to PITTSBURG WANTING TIME WRIYEOR B?t% S*a\l ■ AAFB 1440 BROADWAY, ED. GALLAGER, \ »<wyyyyyyyyy^yyyww^yyyyyyyyyw REW YORK Msb, Queen, A Mr. Weiss, Criterion, Atlantic City. Mack Boys, 61 Asylum, Now Haven. Mack, Bd, Wstoon's, B. B. Msck, Robort, Olympic, Chicago. Macks, Two, 245 W. 60th, N. Y. McMahoo, Tnp of the World Oo. Manr, Agnes, Orpbeum, Ban Frsnclsco, Cal. Majestic Musical Four, Bennett's, Ottawa; 1, Bennett's, Montreal. Makhow, Geo. F., Empire, MRwsokoo, lndef. Mallon, Great, Wonderland, Bcranton, Pa. Malvern Troupe, Pat White's Gsioty Girls, B. B. Mendel, Bra, 206 State, Chicago. Manley A Sterling, 67 Sooth Clark, Chicago. Manning A Dixon, Knickerbockers, B. B. Msnnlng A Ford, Pontages,' Sacramento, Cal. Mantell's Msrlonettes, 8418 8). Colby. Everett, Msss. Msnny, Bd, Broadway Gaiety Girls, B. B. Marchl A Bssb, 280 Franklin, Johnstown. Pa. Marchsnds, The, 160 B. 80th, N. Y. O. Marcos, Prof. Harold, Hotel Granada, St. Angus- tine, Fla. Mnrdo Trio, Liberty, B. Liberty, Pa.; 1, Alphs, VCf»iA Pbi Marlon A Lillian, 178 W. 42d PI., Los Angeles. Msrlo Trio, 62 E. 8th, N. Y. Msrsh, Joe, 244 E. Ohio, Cblcsgo. Msraball Bros., Scenic, Chelsea, Msss.; 1, Union, Bangor, Me. Msrtells, Two, 141% 8d St., Portland, Ore. Martha, Mile., A Aldo, 1, Hippo., Tony Psndy, Eng. Msrtlnette A Sylvester, Broadway, Camden, N. J. Martin A Crouch, 007 8. 12th, Springfield, HI. Martin, Dsve A Perclo, Kentucky Belles, B. B. Msrvio Bros., Star, Wllkenburg, Pa.; 1, Liberty, Pittsburg. Mesons, Four, A Corlnno, Frances, P. O. Box 12, Fslrhsven, N. J. Mu.Hon A Dorsn, Sheedy's, Fall River. Matbleaen, Walter, 00 W. Ohio, Chicago. Maurice A Perrln Co., 118 Chestnut, St. Louis. Marvelous Ed, 627 Csss, Jollet, 111. Msrsello A Vsnnerson, 254 W. 24, N. Y. Maxim's Models, Bijou, Lsnsiug, Mich.; 1, Majes- tic, Cblcsgo. Msxwell A Dudley. 106 W. 06th. N. Y. Msse, Edns, Jersey Lilies, B. B. McCsbe, Jack, New Century Girls, B. R. McConnell A Simpson, Orpbeum, Altoons; 1, Or- pbeum, Allentown. McCormsck. Hugh A Wsllsce, Flors Do Voos Co. McCsnn, Gersldine, A Co., 706 Park, Johnstown, Pa. McCsuley, Joe, Gaiety, 8b. Chicago, lndef. McCoy, Dan, Wstson's, B. R. McGregor, Lulu, Grand, Altoona. Pa., lndof. McCnne A Grant, 686 Benton, Pittsburg. McDowell, John A Alice, Grsnd, Wash., Pa.; 1, Colonial, Psrkeraburg, W. Vs. MeFsrlsnd A Murrsy, Trsvslers Co. McFsrlsnd, Win., Miss New York, Jr., B. B. McGoe, Joe B., Geo. Vsn's Minstrels. MoGrsth, A Paige, 58 Washington, Mlddletown, Conn. McLsllen-Csrson Duo, Fashion Plates, B. R. McPhee A Hill, Msjestlc, Cblcsgo. McVeigh A College Girls, Orpheum, Oakland. Mesrs, Ben. S., Msjestlc, Dallaa; 1, Msjestlc, Houston. Meier A Mors, March. Circus Vsrlete. Copenhsgen, Melnotte Twins A Clay Smith, Majestic, Des Moines. Denmark. Melrose Bros., 188 Psrk, Brlgeport. Melville, George D.. Hippo., N. Y., lndef. Mendel, 18 Adsm St.. 8trsnd, London, Bug. Menetekel, c. o. H. Lehman, 100 Johnson, Union Course, Borough Queens, N. Y. Merrltt, Raymond, 178 Tremont, Pendens. OaL Merrltt 81eters, Lyric, Mobile, Ala.; 1, Msjestlc, Montgomery. Merrlmnn Sisters, Behman Show, B. R, Mlscos A Fund land, Mosart's, WUllamsport, Pa. Mleskoff Sanders Troupe, 800 B. 14th, N. Y, Mlgnon, Helene, Empire, St. Psul, lndef. Mlley, Katbryn, Bhes's, Buffalo; 1, Shea's, To- ronto. Middle ton. Glady's. 580 Drury. Kansas City, Mo. Military Octet, Hippo., Cleveland. Millar Muslcsl Four, Girls from Hsppylsnd, B. B. MUlsrd. BUI A Bob, Cracker Jscks. B. B. Miller A Princeton. 88 Olney, Providence. Miller, Grace, Phillip's, Richmond, Ind.. lndef. Miller. Louis B., A Co.. 183 W. 46th. N. Y. Miller, L. Frank, Fashion Plates, B. R. Miller, Theress, Criterion, Cblcsgo, lndef. Mlllership 81sters. Miner's Burlesquers, B. B. Mlllman Trio, Columbia, St. Louis. Miles A Dewey, 48 Howsrd. Boston. Mills A Moulton, 68 Rsco, Buffslo. NIFTY NOTB8 "Since Mother Was A Girl" "Shine OB Harvest Moon" "Sing Mo A Come-AIl-Ye" "Over en the Jersey Side" "I Wonder If Thsy're All True To Me" "When Jack Comes Sailing Homo" (ALL IN "FOLLIES OF 1806") "I'm Learning Something Every Day" "Frits" "Shine on Harvest Moon" (ALL IV "ANNA HELD SHOW") Published,by REMICK "We're Glad We'fw Married" When answering advertisements kindly mention Variety. Milton, Chas. W., 1801 Owinette, Augusts, Gs. Mine Monle, Poll's, Worcester; 1, Poll's, Bcranton. Minstrel Four, Merry Msldens, B. B. Mitchell A Grsnt, Box 188. Townaend, Mass. Mimic Four, 350 W. 42d. New York. Monets, Five, 42 G. O. H. Bldg., Chicago. Montague, Mona, 2050 Ursln. Denver. Montgomery, Geo. P., Orpbeum, Hot Springs, Ark., lndef. Montrsy. Edward. 814 Western, N. 8.. Pittsburg. Mooney A Holbein, Oxford, Balham, Bng. Mooney, Gypsey, Gus Edwsrd's Schooldsy Co. Moorbesd, Harry, Dreamland, Norfolk, Ya. Morsn A Wiser, Wlntergnrten, Berlin, Gor. Morelsnd, Chas., 734 y» Central, Hot Springs, Ark. Morris, Billy, A Sherwood Sisters, Msjestlc, Hous- ton; 1, Msjestlc, Galveston. Morris A Morton, Fads A Follies, B. R. Morton A Elliott. Moss A Stoll Tour, lndef. Morton, Hugh, Mosart, Elmlrs, N. Y„ lndef. Morton, Fred W., Bijou, Flint, Mich. Morton, Jewell. Troupe. Grand, Wheeling. W. Va. Morton, Ed., Poll's, Bcranton; 1, Poll's, Wllkes- Barre. Moto Girl, Empire, Newcross, Eng.; 1, Empire, Strstford, Eng. Mowstts, Juggling, Leipzig, Breslsu, Ger. Mullen A Correlll, Keith's, Phlla.; 1, Hatbaway's, New Bedford. Molvey, Ben L., Keith's, Providence; 1, Keith's, Phlla. Murray, Eddie, Fisher's, Loo Angeles, lndef. Murrsy Sisters, Orpheum, Los Angeles. Murrsy, Elisabeth M., Orpheum, Memphis. Murphy A Msgee, Ducklings, B. R. Musketeers, Four, Vsnlty Fslr, B. R. My Fsncy. 12 Adsm, 8t., 8trand. London, Bng. Myers A Ross, Bennett's, Montreal; 1, Bennett's, Ottswa. National Four, Golden Crook Co. Nealon A Titus, 511 Brown. Phils. Nelson A Otto, 10 Howlsnd. Roxbury, Msss. Newell A Niblo, 16-80, Tlvoll. Bremen, Ger. Newboff A Pbelps, Grsnd, Sacramento. Nichols, Four, 510 Deuber, Canton, O. Niblo, Victor, Poll's, Worcester; 1, Poll's, Bridge- port. Nickel, Bsrl, 845 B. 40th, Chicago. Nlrro A Le Roy, 1825 Page. Allegheny. Ps. Noble, Billy, A Jeanne Brooks, Saratoga Hotel, Chicago. Noblette A Marshall, 1012 Hempvllle, Ft. Worth. Nolan, Fred, World Beaters, B R. Nonctte, 154 Henry, Brooklyn. Normsns, Juggling, Msjestlc, Des Moines, Is. Norton, C. Porter. 6842 Klmbsrk. Cblcsgo. Norrls, Loon, A Co. 68 W. 7th, Mt. Vernon, N. Y. Norrises, The, 617 Wslaut, Hamilton. O. Norton, Mlns. Dime. Wells Walla. Wash., lndef. Nooses, Six, Colonial, Lawrence, Mass.; 1, Hath- away's, Lowell. Nowlan, Ellis, Co., Olympic. Chicago. Nugent, Wm. F., 11 W. 118th. N. Y. Nugent, J. C, The Osks, Canal Dover, O. O'Connor-Saunders Co., Crystal, Tucson, Arts. O'Dell A Hsrt, 2068 Stroud, Green Lske, Wssh. Odell A Klnley, Btsr, Chicago. Odell A Gllmoro, 870 W. Monroe, Chicago. Ogden, Helen, 270 Qyboarn. Chicago. O r Hsns, Bd, Irwin's Majesties, B. R.