Variety (February 1909)

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24 VARIETY The HEART INTEREST Song The ballad that GRIP8 and HOLDS it* hearers. Full of FEELING and thrill! Oats ACB0B8 the FOOTLIGHTS! Brines the ENCORES over and over! That kind of a song U "When I Look Into Your Eyes** By the author of "Dreaming " "Sweetheart Days," etc. The belt of all Mr. Dailoy's bits. THE OREAT BIO HIT OF THE YEAR! Sunt and whistled wherever heard. Ton oan "gat them" with thia beautiful song as never before. Exquisite melody: sweet, touching, true sentiment; RINGING CHORUS Instantaneous success wherever introduced. The most suparb sat of song slides ever aeon, only $5.00 per sat. Sand lata programme and postage and wa will mail a f ull orchestration in any key, with professional copies. Oat the song while it's new! Write to-day! Also by Mr. Dailey: "Hera's a Toast to Ton"—the greatest, most rousing STEIN BONO ever written. DETROIT MUSIC PUBLISHING CO., 439 Brush St., DETROIT, MICH. "SCHOOL MATES w Ed. Gardenier s last and best lyric, written five days before his death. The music is by 6US EDWARDS Mem'ry strays to other days When I was small. A little maid with hair in braid, I now recall. Proudly to the schoolhouse rata, Just at eight—books and slate— X would carry as I'd tarry With my little schoolmate. CHORUS Schoolmates we. Ton and me. Since the day ws learned to say our "A. B. 0." Love notes and glances passed to and fro. Schoolmates. Playmates. Not so many years ago. Tears have flown and we have grown, Old schoolmate mine. But still I hear in fancy, dear, The clock strike nine. As yon'd call out tenderly Wait for me—after three. School hours over, through the olover, We'd stroll home so merry. The Out Edwards Music Publish- ing Company will have copies of this song ready on TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 23rd. We pre- dict it's success will equal "SCHOOL DAYS" and "SUNBONNET SUE." Send for copies to the GUS EDWARDS MUSIC PUBLISHING COMPANY 1512 Broadway I Times Square Mew York City Tscherooff's Dogs A Horses, Orpheum, Sen Fren- clsco. Turner, Bert, Richmond Hotel, Chicago. Thsrdo, Cleude. S3 W. 68, N. T. Thurston, Leslie. 8ft Lexington Are., N. T. Tools, Fsy, Csmpsgne Girls. B. R. Tattle A Msy, Msjestlc, Brady, Tex.; 1, Msjes- tlc, Cleburne, Tex. Tweedley, John, Columbls, St. Loals. Tyson Sisters. New York Stars, B. R, Uruva, Hetty, 1, Seattle, Usher. Claude A Fsnnle, Cook's, Rochester; 1, Temple, Detroit. Valsdons, Lee, 407 Thames, Newport, R. I. Vsldsre A Varno. Nelson, Logansport, Ind.; 1, Bourwlne, Brasll, Ind. Vance, Maids. Irwin's Majesties, B. R. Vsn*s Minstrels, Vsrtetles, Canton, 111. Vsn, Billy, 1. Orpheum, Omaha. Van, Cbas. A Fannie, A Co., 1, Orpheum, Kansas City. Van Bppas, Jack, 18 W. 64, N. T. Van Serly 8isters, 486 B. 188, N. T. Vandergoold, Chsrlerol, Pa., indef. Vsrdaman, Majestic. Little Rock. Vsrdon, Perry A Wilbur. O. O. H., Pueblo, 001. Variety Quartet, Colonial Belles, B. B, Vase, Victor V., 28 Haakln, Providence, R. I. Vasco, 41a Acre Lane, London, Bng. Vasco A Co., 1418 Bearer, Allegheny. Pa. V<edmaro, Rena. 749 Amsterdsm Are., N. T. Verontcs A Hurl, Falls, Poll's, New Hstso; 1, Poll's, Bridgeport. Vermette-Capottl Trio, 451 Breboeuf, Montreal. Vlctortne, Myrtle, 228 Scott, San Francisco. Viola, Otto, A Bro., 123 Montauk, Brooklyn. Vloletta, Joly, Dominion, Winnipeg. Von Dell, Harry, 1008 Broadway. N. T. Von Serly Slaters. 436 K. 138th, N. T. Vynos, The, 366 W 81st, N. Y. Wangdoodle Four, Ann Arbor, Mich. Ward A Harrington, 418 Strand, London, Bng. Ward A Hart, 1908 South 11th, Phlla. Ward A Sbeppell, Al Reeves, B. R. Wsrtenberg Bros., 104 B. 14th, N. T., Taaatg. Wenrlck A Wsldron, Richmond Hotel, Chicago. Wallace, Vane, Irwin's Majesties, B. R. Walker. Nella, Cook's, Rochester; 1, Keith's, Pro- vidence. Waller A Magill. 102 Seventh Avt„ M. Y. Walton, Irrln R., Fads A Fettlsa, B. B. Wslton, Fred, A Co., Mar., Hansa, Hamburg, Oer. Walsh, Lynch A Co* Irwin's Big Shew, B. B. WALSH, LYNCH ... GO. Feb. Presenting "HTTCKIN8 RUB." 28, Westminster, Prorldence. Welsh, May, Fsds A Follies, B. R. Ward, Tom, 162 Lexington Are., Brooklyn. Warden. Harry, 1008 B'way, N. Y. Watson, Sammy, 833 St. Paul's, Jersey City. Watson Sisters. Irwin's Big Show, B. R. Watson A Little, 428 W. 140th. N. Y. Webb, Holland A Co., New Phillips, Richmond, Ind. Welch, Mesly A Montrose, Anderson, LonlSTllle. Wenons A Francis Co., Majestic, Denver. Wentworth, Vesta, A Eddy, Merlden, Conn. Wentworth, Estelle, Hotel Gerard, N. Y. Werden, W. L., A Co., 1178 Rokeby, Chicago. Washer Bros., Oakland, Cal. Wesley A Burns. 120 E. 122d, N. Y. Wheelers, The, Feb., Central, Stettin, Oer. Whipple. Waldo, Orpheum, Portsmouth, Va. White, Ed. B., A Rolls, 002 B. 79th, N. Y. White A Simmons, Orpheum. Milwaukee. Whittle, W. E., Orpheum, Butte. Wbltely A Bell, 1463 B'way, Brooklyn. N. Y. Wilbur, Carl, 08 Charing Cross Rd., London, Bng. Wilder. Marshall P.. Atlantic City., Indef. Willard A Bond, G. O. II., Grand Rapids; 1, Temple, Ft. Wayne. Williams A Watklns, Hlpop.. Cleveland. Williams, Frank A Delia, Bijou, Pensacola, Fls..; 1, Ostrich Farm, Jacksonville, Fla. Williams. Chas., Main St., Peoria, 111. Williams A Gordon, 2232 Indiana, Chicago. Williams A Segal, 87 B. Roblnnon, Allegheny, Pa. Williams, Nelson. Watson's. B. R. Williams A Stevens. Pekln Stock Co., Chicago. Williams A Melbourne. Flight of Princess Co. Wills & Hassan. 337 W. 18, N. Y. Wilsons, Musical, Pat White Gaiety Girls, B. B. Wilson, The, Great Gay Masqueradere, B. R, Wilson Bros., Anderson, Louisville; 1, Orpbeum, Memphis. Wilson, Tony, Helolse A Amoror Sisters, 104 B. 14th, N. Y., csre of Taoslg. Wilson A Frssler, 140 B. 48th, N. Y. Wilson. Mae, Lulu, Butte, Indef. Wlnane A Cassler, Devil's Auction Co. Wlnklor A Kress, 202 W. 88th, N. Y. Winston Ses Lions, Proctor's, Newsrk. • Winter, Winona, 41 W. 64th, N. Y. Wixon A Eaton, 80 Tecumeeb. Providence. Wolford A Burgard. 100 W. Congress, Chlcsgo. Woodford A Marlboro, Gem, Meridian, Miss., Indef. Wood, Ralph. Lyric. Ft. Smith, Ark., Indef. Wordette, Estelle. A Co., Orpheum, Atlanta, Ga. World's Comedy Four. Al Reeves. B. R. Wise, Jsck. Thestorlum, Delaware, O.; 1, Crys- tal. NelsonvlUe, O. JOHN W. WORLD AID MliNDELL KINGSTON Feb. 88, Bennett's, Hamilton. ^BVBIB^BBBBlnnnnnnnn^nnnnnnnBBHBVB^B^BV^VBVBHB^B^B^BB^BBVBiB^BHBBBnn^BftBW Wormwood's Dogs A Monkeys, Poll's, Worcester: 1, Poll's, SprlngOeld. Worthley, Mint borne A Abbott, 120 Lexington Wright,' Lillian, A Boys, 844 W. 48th, N. Y. Yacklay A Bunnell, Elm Villa, Wttmer, Pa., Indef. Yalto Duo, 220 W. 80th. N. Y. Yaraamoto Bros., Shea's, Buffalo; 1, Shea's, To- ronto. Yamamoto A Koyoshl, Amerlcsn, New York City. Yeoman, George, 4066 Gibson, 8t. Yoder, Dsve C, Miss New York. Jr., Co., B. B. York, Charley, Lubina, Baltimore. Young, B. F., 407 W. 123d, N. Y. Young, O. M.. Kitty Faye A Co., indef. Young. De Witt A Slater, Bijou, Jackson, Mich.; 1, BIJou, Ann Arbor, Mlcb. Young, Lena, Orpbeum, Tampa, Fla. Young, Ollle, A Bro., Grand, Indianapolis; 1, Co- lumbia, Cincinnati. Yuli A Simpson, Columbia, St. Louis. Zslno, Joe, 41 8. 02,Phlladelphla. Zanalge. The, 886 W. 46th, N. Y. Zeb A Zarrow Troupe, Bijou, Duluth, Minn., Indef. Zeda, H. L., Midland Hotel, Pueblo, Oslo. Zlmmer, John. Lincoln Co., N. Y. Zimmermen, Al, Masqueraders, B. B. Zlnn'a, Musical Com. Co., Memphis, Tens., lndst. ZaseU, Vernon A Co., Feb., Apollo, Vienna, Ana. Zolsrs, Two, 228 Scott. Ban Francisco. BURLESQUE ROUTES For the weeks of Feb. 88 and Marsh 1. "L. 0." Indicates show U "laying off." Americans, 22-24, Empire, Des Molnea; 28-27, L. O.; 1-8, L. O.; 4-6, St. Joe. Avenue Girls, 22, Empire, Chicago; 1, Empire, Indianapolis. Bebman Show, 22, Trocadero, Chicago; 1, Gayety, Milwaukee. Big Review, 22-24, Gayety, Albany; 26-27, Ly- ceum, Troy; 1, Royal, Montreal. Blue Ribbon Girls, 22, Gsyety, Washington; 1, Oayety, Pittsburg. Bohemians, 22, Lafayette, Buffalo; 1, Avenue, Detroit. Bon Tons, 22-24, Bmplre, Holyoke; 26-27, Empire, Albany; 1, Gayety, Boston. Bowery Bnrleaqners, 22, Princess, Montresl; 1-3, Empire, Holyoke; 4-6, Bmplre, Albany. Brlgsdiers, 22-24, Electra, Schenectady; 26-27, Folly, Peterson; 1, London, N. Y. Broadway Gaiety Girls, 22, Stsr, Toronto; 1, La- fayette, Buffalo. Bryant's Extrsvagama, 22, Gayety, St. Louis; 1, Trocsdero, Cblcsgo. Casino Girls, 22, Gsyety, Columbus; 1, Bmplre, Toledo. Century Maids, 22, People's, Cincinnati; 1, Star, Cleveland. Champagne Girls, 22-24, Luserne, Wllkes-Bsrre; 20-27, Gayety, Scranton; 1, Bowery, New York. Cherry Blossoms, 22, Bowery, N. Y.; 1-8, Lyceum, Troy; 4-8, Gsyety, Albany. City Sports, 22, Gayety, Baltimore; 1, Gayety, Washington. Colonial Belles, 22, Imperial, Providence; 1, How- ard. Boston. Cosy Corner «"Jlrls, 22, Star, Cleveland; 1, Acad- emy, Pittsburg. Cracker Jacks, 22. Gayety, Boston; 1, Olympic, Brooklyn. Dainty Duchess, 22, Corinthian, Rochester; 1, Gayety, Toronto. Dreamlands. 22-24, Lyceum. Troy; 20-27, Gayety, Albany; 1, Columbia, Boston. Ducklings, 22, Dewey, Minneapolis; 1, Star, 8t. Paul. Empire Burlesquers, 22, Folly, Chicago; 1, Star, Milwaukee. Fads A Follies, 22, Waldman's, Newsrk; 1, Gsy- ety, Hoboken. Fashion Plates, 22, Columbia, Boston; 1, Eighth Ave., N. Y. Fay Foster, 22, Bijou, Phlla.; 1, Bon Ton, Jersey City. Follies-of-tbe-Day, 22, Avenue, Detroit; 1, Empire, Chicago. Frolicsome Lambs, 22, Bocki n ghssa, LoQtsvfTlOl 1, People's, Cincinnati. Girls of the Moulin Rouge, 22, Palace, Boston; 1-3, Oil more, Springfield; 4-6, Bmplre, Albsny. Golden Crook, 22, Murrey Hill, N. Y.; 1, Csslno, Phils. Hsppylsnd, 22, Star, Brooklyn; 1, Gayety, Brook- lyn. Heatings Show, 22, Oayety, Brooklyn; 1, Oayety, Phlla. High Rollers, 22, Caalno, Phlla.; 1, Waldman's, Newark. Imperials, 22, Waldman's, Newsrk; 1, BUon, Phils. Irwin's Big 8how, 22, Westminster, Providence; 1, Pslsce, Boston. Jersey Lilies, 22, Gayety, Detroit; 1, Stsr and Garter, Chicago. Jolly Girls, 22, Stir, Milwaukee; 1, Dewey, Min- neapolis. Kentucky Belles, 22-24, Gayety, Scranton; 28-27, Get Busy—Don't Overlook It SELIC'S GREAT WHO WEST DRAMA "On The War Path" RELEASED FEB. 18, 1909. Code word, "Big Chief." Length 1,000 feet Order from aesrest Film Exchange, TheSELIG POLYSCOPECO., Inc. 45-47-49 E. Randolph St. Chicago, III. We have posters for your lobby, 10 cents. Send stamps. Luserne, Wilkes-Berre; 1-8, Electra*, Schenec- tsdy; 4-6, Gsyety, Scranton. Knickerbockers, 22, BIJou, Atlanta; 1, Gayety. Birmingham, Majesties, 22, Harlem Music Hell, N. Y.; 1, Westminster, Providence. Mardi Ores Beauties, 22, Gayety, Milwaukee; 1, Eusoo's, Chicago. Maequeradera, 22, Majestic, Kansas City; 1, Gsyety. St. Louis. Merry Msldens, 22, Trocsdero, Phlla.; 1, Empire, Brooklyn. Merry Mnkers, 22, Standard, St. Louis; 1, Folly, Chlcsgo. Miss New York, Jr.. 22, Bon Ton, Jersey City; 1-3, Luserne, Wilkes-Barre; 4-8, Gayety, Scran- ton. Morning G lor lea, 22, Empire, Cleveland; 1, Gar- den, Buffalo. Morning, Noon and Night, 22, Monumental, Balti- more; 1, Trocadero, Pbila. New York Stars, 22-24, Gil more, Springfield; 25-27, Empire, Albany; 1, Olympic, N. Y. Night Owls, 22, Star and Garter, Chicago; 1, Standard, Cincinnati. Parislau Widows, 22, Gayety, Phlla.; 1, Gayety, Baltimore. Pat White Gaiety Girls, 22, Empire, Indianapolis; 1, Buckingham, Louisville. Reeve's Beauty Show. 22, Gayety, Birmingham; 1, Greenwald, New Orleans. Rents Santley, 22, Gayety, Pittsburg; 1, Gayety, Columbus. Rice A Barton, 22, Gayety, Hoboken; 1, Harlem Music Hall, N. Y. Rice A Barton's Big Gaiety, 22, L. O.; 1, Majes- tic, Kansas City. Rialto Rounders, 22, Empire, Toledo; 1, Gayety, Detroit. Rolllckere, 22-24, Folly, Peterson; 25-27, Electra, Schenectady; 1-3, Gayety, Albany; 4-6, Lyceum, Troy. Rose Sydell, 22, Eusou's, Chicago; 1, Empire, Cleveland. Runaway Girls, 22, Greenwald, New Orleans; 1, L. O.; 8, Msjestlc, Kansas City. Sam Devere, 22, Empire, Brooklyn; 1-3, Gayety, Scranton; 4-6, Luzerne, Wllkes-Bsrre. Ssm T. Jsck. 22, London, N. Y.; 1-3, Folly, Fater- aon; 4-8, Electra, Schenectady. Scrlbner's Big Show, 22, Olympic, Brooklyn; 1, Murrsy Hill, N. Y. Serenaders. 22, Olympic, N. Y.; 1, Stsr. Brooklyn. mar Show Girls, 22-24, 1* O.; 2027, St. Joe; 1, Century, Kansas City. Strollers, 22, Howard, Boston; 1, Imperial, Prov- idence. Thoroughbreds, 22, Stsr, St. Paul; 1-3, Bmplre, Des Moines; 4-6, L. O. Tiger Lilies, 22, Elgbth Ave., N. Y.; 1, Empire, Newark. Travelers, 22, Royal, Montreal; 1, Star, Toronto. Trocsderos, 22, Standard, Cincinnati; 1, BIJou, At- lanta. Uncle Sam's Belles. 22, Lyceum, Wsshington; 1. Monumental, Baltimore. Vanity Fair, 22, Gayety, Toronto; 1, Princess, Montresl. Wsshington Society Girls, 22, Century, Ksnsss City; 1, Standard, 8t. Louis. Watson's Burlesquers, 22, Academy, Pittsburg; 1, Wheeling. World Beaters, 22, Garden, Buffalo; 1, Corinthian, Rochester. Ysnkee Doodle Girls, Wheeling; 1, Lyceum, Wash- ington. When onioerinff advertl—menU hindif mmtiorn Vaubt.