Variety (February 1909)

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VARIETY 25 LETTERS Where 0. 0. follows nam*, letter Is la Chicago Office. Advertising or circular letters of any description win sot be listed wbea known. Letters will be bold for ens month. P. 0. following name indicates postal card. Adam, Minnie M. (0. 0.) Andrews, Pearl (0. 0.) Avery, D. Anderson, Albert. Asberoft Ralph W. Arado, D. Aces, Tbe Three (0. 0.) Alpha Trio (0. 0.) Apollo Quartet (a 0.) Allen, Obss. If. (0. 0.) Angers, Tbe Avery, Welter. Allen * Delmsln. Adams, Mabel. Albert, O. Anderson, Al. Barry A Ungues (0. 0.) Barry, Welter H. (0. 0.) Bomp. Doan. Bnrdlck. Both. Ba lingers. The. Bragg, Archie (a 0.) Brlgnola. B. (a 0.) Beck, Carl B. (C. 0.) Belmont, Freda. Brahema, The (a 0.) Brltt. Freddie (a 0.) Barrett, Bertha L. Barrett, Patsy. Bertram, Helen (0. 0.) Bellvue, Bd. (0. 0.) Barton, Steve W. (0. 0.) Bevan, 0. Bates, Mr. Baggesen, Oerl. Barnold. Charles. Bersac, Cliff. Bllyck'a Seels. Boyd, Lillian (0. 0.) Brooks, Herbert. Black. James Bottler. M. J. Bell, Florence (C. 0.) Bncbanan, Lorraine (0. Bell, Floas (0. O.) Bell, Fanny B. (C. O.) Brnce-Carter A Calvert (C. 0.) Blonden, George. Brown, Nat. Butler, Mrs. Thos. (P. Braham. Michael. Bell, Alfred J. Barlowe, Nellie. Barlowe, Frederick. Carroll, Bene (0. O.) Coatee, Lola. Oepltalne, Alclde. Clifford A Lene (0. O.) Clayton, Webb A. Calvert, Albert (O. 0.) Close, Sydney (0. O.) Carroll, Tom (0. O.) Cook, Dick (O. O.) Oarr Trio (a O.) Connors, Belph (O. 0.) Clayton, Webb A. (a Campbell, Flossie. Cameron, Francis. Crosse, Dr. Margaret. Curtis. Bea (C. O.) Constantino, W. J. Connelly. Arthur. Clerk, Geo. Cole A Darts (C. O.) Crumbsker, Bdwln. Cogswell, Sarah L. Corbely, Mrs. Ireln. Collins. Dorothy. Oohb, Will D. Cross, John. Csrre A Carre. Caldwell, Jas. Coughlln. John X. Cole A Coleman. Cos tea, Charlotte (C. 0.) Carroll, Great (C. 0.) Dsrtn. Laura (O. O.) Douglas, Wm. (a O.) Darren A Bodges (C. ••> Darts. Bd. S\ (0. O.) DoLoeeh A rfflThoeei (O. "•# Dolan, James. De Lee, Lillian. Dornton. Harry. Daly, Flny. De Mnnd, Obas. (a O.) Desmond, Lilly. Dietrich. Mrs. (0. 0.) Derts. HsL Dunbar, James T. Desmond, Ida. Dooley, Francis. Devle, Bdward, A Co. Donald A Carson. Davis, Warren. Dresser, Louise. Darts, Warren (a 0.) Deaton, Obas. Daly A O'Brien. Dlo, De. Dunn, Laura Darts (P. C.) Rlectra. Esterbrook, Fred. Bills, Harry A. (0. O.) Emerson, Ida. Ellen. Mary Ann (a 0.) Earl A Curtis (P. 0.) Everett, Agnes. Eldrld, Gilbert. Field, Norman R. (0. O.) Foster, Ella (0. O.) Ferris, Hssel. Fltagersld A Wilson (0. O.) FacdattL Toss (a 0.) Fisher, Miss Minnie. Fraecosn, Meaottl (0. O.) Paccenda, Alebrts (0. 0.) Francis. Ruth. Ford, Pesrl. Fsgsn, Ben. Frosto A Weymsn (0. 0.) Fischer, Medalyn. Farnum. Richard. Florence, Genevieve. Parleys, The. Ford, Miss Mabel. Green, Sam. Gibson, Estelle. Glrard, F. Gibson, Obss. T. «JL O.) Gibson, Obas, T. (O. O.) Glllen, Bdward. Gould. Jay (C. O.) Grant, Lawrence. Garrett, B. Greenfield, Caroline. GUI. Flora L. docker, Cbas. Geban A Spencer. Gilbert, Elame. Griffith, Harry. Gerard A Gardiner (P. C) George, Dandy. Herbert, The Frogmen. Hill, Annl. Hoag, Evelyn. Harford, 8adle. Heverley, Ed. Haggerty, Harry. Hayes, Lew. Herrle, W. H. Hynee, Tom. Harris, Will J. Hleka, Leonard. Hsrrlson, Charles. Hutchinson • Lasky Co. (O. O.) Hansel, senile. Hammond, Obas. Honnlngbam, Albert (0. O.) Hamlin, Paul (a 0.) Harvey A FarreO <0« O.) FURNISHED FLATS 4-6 Rooms and Bath—Hot Water, Steam Heat. Rates: $10 and upwards. 606 6th AVE., BEAR Otth IT. 764 6th ATS., BEAR 46th ST. 716 6th AYR., REAR 47th ST. One Bleak to So. to: Rational Rotel EUROPEAN FLAJT. B» R. Oor, Van Buren and Wabash Ave. la Vicinity of all Theatres. THEATRICAL HEADQUARTERS D. A. DOOLEY. Fron. HOTEL PROVENCE Leicester Square, LONDON J. T. DAVIS, Prop. Headquarters of lA/hlte Rente ZV NEW YORK CITY "66 Beoonda from Broadway*" THE . Kl 163 Wast 34th Straat Furnished Rooms only. Baths Tslsph Rleotrio Light ('Phone 6446—66th St) Terms Reasonable Under Management Misses COOKE and CUBTOR. Wo are at the old stand better than ever. ™ MILLER HOTEL MISS EMMA WOOD, Mar. H. 0. MILLER, Fron. B. E, Oor. 10th and Race Sts., Philadelphia. AMERIOAR ARD EUROFEAR FLAB. "THE ACTORS' HOME." Cafe attaohed. Baths and Steam Heat on all floors. PROFESSIONAL RATES—67 double, 66 single. Hodges, James (a 0.) Hart, Henry (0. O.) Hyde, Jlmmle. Hammer, Frank A. Hales, 0. W. Huntington. Yal. Hesld, Henry D. Hays, Harry D. (0. O.) Howerd Hall Co. Hendon, A. T. Howard A Harris. Howard A Co., Bernlce. Hill, 0. W. Hoff, James. HsTerley. Tom (0. 0.) Hayea, Harvey (C. 0.) Hill, Rose Locler. Hsroey. Arthur R. Holman, Harry. Hamlin, Hugo. Hoppe, Ony. Harvey A Lee. Hanlon, Jack (C. 0.) Hanley A Jarls. Honston, Arthur. Hlgglns, R. D. Innes Bend Mgr. (0. O.) Irwin, C. Iosnnou, Psnachlotl. Irwlno, J. M. (a 0.) Johns. Hsrry (O. O.) Jsrrow, Emll (C. 0.) Johnstone, Gordon. Johnson. Otto. Jeneon, Otto. Jennings, P. O'Melley (C. O.) Jonee, Owyn. Jarvls A Msrstyn. Kane, Genevieve (a O.) Klrkwood, Jeesle 0. O.) Klebs, Elsie (O. O.) Kelly, Jsmes F. Kelss. Mrs. John. Kingsbury, Geo. (C. O.) Kusell. Jules. Kepner, Cspt. Fred. Kyle A Conway (0. 0.). Kramer A Scheck. Kenna. Cbas. Lee. H. Lertlle A Slnclnlr (0. O.) Linton, Harry B. (C O.) LeCell. Ed. (0. O.) LaMont. Grace (0. 0.) Lee, Sam. Low, Oilman. Le Frenlere, Arthur. La telle. Edward. Lee. Lllllsn. Lord, Elsnor. Lewis, Jack (C. 0.) Lasro, Duncan (0. O.) Leonard, Cbas. F. (C. O.) Lewis A Harr. Lamnnt, Grace (C. O.) Leonard A Ward (P. C.) Lewla, Henry (P. C.) Lenon, Ted. Laskul. Adolpb (P. 0.) Lelbert. Alex. Lam pert A Pierce. Lena. Miss Lily. Lewis, Jack C. Miller, Dick (0. 0.) Florenz House (Mrs. F. Florons, Prop.) The Home of the Profession, 170 West 47th Street Rear Broadway Row York First-class Rooms and Board. Reasonable Terms. Convenient to all Principal Thestres. 'Phone. 8011 Bryant CLINTON HOTEL BEST 6)2 DAT Hotel is* ROCHESTER, N. Y. Special rates to the profession. Two minutes' walk from all theatres. GEO. W. J0HR8OR, Prop. FURNISHED ROOMS REASONABLE. Rear Times Square and Broadway. 242 W. 43rd ST.. NEW YORK MRS. HANNAH KEUPER Establiahed Theatrical Boarding House, With Hot Water, Heat and Bath. One Block from Trent Theatre Stage Entrance. 160 Chancery 8treet, TRENTON, Hew Jersey. PROFESSIONALS COMING To LONDON WW And every COMFORT and CONVENIENCE awaiting them at The BATH HOUSE HOTEL, Dean St, Oxford St W. (One minute from the Oxford.) Proprietors, MR. A MRS. JACK ASHBY (of Kelly A Ashby). Large Club Rooms for Re- hearsal. Luncheons 16 till 6. Munshnor Lager Beer on draft Give us a call. KATHERINE McCARTNEY 822 WEST 46th STREET. Furnished Rooms Reasonable. Hot Water, Heat and Bath. Board if desired. Just West of Eighth • Avenue. Professional Headquarters TOTO SIEGRIST, Proprietor Cf\T*E. AND HOTEL All Modern Improvements. ROOM ARD ROARD $1.00 A DAT. Hot and Cold Water and Eleotrio Light In Every Room. 443 W. 2xs Street, (Ret 6th and Oth Av.), 'Phone 46S8 Grameroy. REW TORZ CITY. McLaren, Hugh (CO.) McDonald, William (C. O.) McGlbney. Viola (a O.) McClelland (O. O.) Merda, May (C. O.) Moore, Herbert (0. O.) Mlnton (C. O.) Morris* Three (O. O.) Meyers, Ross (O. O.) Murry, Helen (C. O.) Msddox A Melvln. Msrtln. Felix. McClsry, Mr. Miller, Joe. Merl. Quills. Mario, Mabel. Msck. J. C. McCarty. F. T. (C. O.) Mlscos, Steve A AI. Mallla A Bart. McCary, May. McKlm, Edward. Martin, E. J. Mlnton. Lavlne (C. O.) Mneller. Albert. McWUIlams, G. R. Madlgan, Frances. Marquis A Lynn. Moore, Pony. Mnrtyn. V. Mlley. Katbryn. Moore, H. L. Martyne. Clarence B. Morgan & Lynn. May. Jnlla F. Morley, Blanche. Mullen. Dennis. Meredith Sinters. Martin, Frank. Metcbal, Arthur. Morton, Jewell, Troupe. Mierkoff Troupe (P. 0.) McNaughton, Tom. Norton, Jack (0. O.) Newell, Wllliard (0. CO Nelson, Jr., Artie (O. O.) NsHh, Ed. (C. 0.) Nlblo, Victor. O'Brien Troops. Overlng Trio. O'Kura Japs (C. 0.) O'Nell, George. O'Brien, Smith. Penn, Jennie. Planked, Harry (0. O.) Prldeau, Steve (O. O > Palace Girls (8) (0. O.) Presscott. J. B. Psge, John. Plxley, Lulu. Powers. John A Jessie (C. O.) Primrose, Anita. Price, Jack. Prevosta, Four. Page. D. R. Prltzkow, Louis. Purcells. W. Plccalo Midgets (P. C.) Qulnlan, Gertrude. Itflff. Mrs. Jules. Rowland. James. Remington. Minnie A. Rice, Felix (0. O.) Raymond, Melville R. fix O.) Relnbardt Cyme (O. O.) Runkel, David. Robins, A. D. Richards, Crls. Reynolds, Max (0. O.) Ray, Elisabeth (0. O.) Redwood A Gordon (0. O.) Roberts, Prof. O. B. (a O.) Rivers, Walter (C. O.) Rice, Felix (0. O.) Rivera A Rochester (O. O.) Rivera A Rochester. Ryen, Dan. Richmond, Marie. Romoff, Mrs. A. Rogee, Leon. Seeley. Blossom (a O.) 8yWester, Joe (0. O.) Sheldon A Co., (a O.) Btatsr, F. A. IQ. O.) Swor. Bert (0. O.) Sutherland A OnrtM (a O.) Bylveeter, Geo. (O. O.) Scsiinn, Frank (O. O.) Stewart Wlnnefred (0. O.) Shaw, Allen (a O.) Satterlee, Gale (0. O.) Sullivan, James F. 'a O.) Stenhope, Joseph. Schols, Mr. Silver, Joe (O. 0.) Smsrl, Miss. St George, Jimmy. 8eeley, Blossom (C 0.) Ssons, Mr. (C. 0.) Ssllns, Mme. (0. O.) Sherman, Sadie (C. O.) 8antell, Mrs. L. (0. O.) Stevens, Helen (C. 0.) Shultse, Henry. Steinert, Thorn ss, Trio (P. O.) Smith A Arado. Smith, Thomas K. Somers A Storke. Thompson, Willie. Tyson, Mum Orsce. Touljee, Den. Turner, Fred. Trsinor, Jack (C. O.) Trimble. Mend. Tate, Harry. Tucker, Jack. Trainor A Dels (P. Q»> Turpln, Harry. Winters, Wiona. Wlttschlrk, Frits. West, Ford (O. O.) Wilson, Leslie. Wetherall, Harry. Wllllsms, Leon. Williams, Arthar (0. O.) Warren, Day A Wanes) (0. O.) Wheeler, Seises ML 0.> Williams. Male (0. 0.> Ward, B. V. (a O.) ' Woodruff, Henry. Wooley, Frank. Walker, Thomas. Winchester, F. h* Welch, Tint Whallen. Mike. Wiseman, Geo. H. Wilson, Mee. Wahland-Lelka Trio. Wardell, Harry (0. O.) Watson, Joseph R. (C. 0.) , Wolff, Lulu (P. 0.) Wood, Msurice. Wsrd, Jennie. Webb, Core Wilmot. White A Stuert Wslton, Bert A Lottie (P. C.) Walton, Fred. Wilson, Geo. W. Watson, Joseph K. Welters A Waltere. Young. Mrs. Was. (6L 0.) Tnma. Tllerom, Merry. Young, Florlan. Yunskel, Amy. Youngson. William. Young, William (0. 0.) Zimmermsn, Willie. Zlel, Aoulyib. CORRESPONDENCE Unless otherwise noted, the following re- ports sre for the current week: CM I GAG O By FRARR WTESRERO, VARIETY'S Chlcsgo Office, Cbicsgo Opers House Block. AMERICAN (Wm. Morrla, Inc , mgr.; egent direct).—The severest bllezsrd of tbe winter Mon- day evening did not greatly affect attendance at this newly established vsudevills bouse, and a good-alted audience appeared. It was not very enthuHlaatlc. This may have also ettrlbuted to- the weather. Are two holdovers tble week, Rosh and Fen ton and Grace Hazard. Tbe former give the same act ss last week. Miss HesardV brought with her a new version of "Five Feet of Comic Opera." She is as dslnty as ever end scored a huge hit. It is sn act thst deserves every success it attains. Brengk's "Bare Bronse Statnes," first time bere, ahowed artistic and well-devised groupings. 8yd ney Grsnt, with pleasing stories, imitations and songs, was roundly applauded. Bd. Blondell and Co. offer an absurd "kid" sketch "The Lost Boy." It pleased those Inclined to nonaenno of this sort. The Zanciga gave a remarkable performance of mental transmission. It is the beat set of Its kind' seen here and mystified more than any other simi- lar offering. Zay Holland Is a talented violinists and la blesaed with a very good soprano voice as well as pretty face and figure. Wert en burg Brothers showed their np-slde-down Juggling and other feats to advnntnge. ninke'H Clrcns die- closed only tbe trick mule, which several peo- ple attempted to mount. The ponies used could not be brought In on account of anow. MAJKSTIC (Lyman n. Olover. mgr.; egent, W. V. A.. Chicago aril New York).—Pleeslng program of popnlnr number* The bill is weir" nrranjjed. In Importance, on the billing, are Thome and ('arlotoii. Fadctte Orchestra and Henry I-ee. Thome and Carleton have not been- When antwering advertiiemenU kindly mention Variety.