Variety (February 1909)

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VARIETY 27 New Act LILLIAN MURTHA To Managers and Agents THE EMPRESS OF GERMAN COMEDY WEEK FEB. 22, COLUMBIA, BROOKLYN Don't fail to look this act over Theatres Wanted Wo are in the market for Theatrea In oitioa of 40,000 population and upwards. Mutt bo of good repute, centrally located and In conformity with Stale and Municipal Building and Eire regulations. Giro fullest particulars, suoh «s location, capacity, term of lease obtainable, figure at whioh purchase option can be bad, amount of local lioense, character of recent book- lngs and on what basis of division of receipts, •etc, eto. Address THE ELROY AMUSEMENT & REALTY CO. 34V40 West 334 St., New York Phono 8099 Madison Square. 1 ELSA DAVIDSON DESIGNER of THEATRICAL COSTUME PLATES. Original Sketches for Burlesque Costumes a Specialty. 715 LrXINGTON AVE., NEW YOBK Tel. 3073 Plaza. Lewis Hooper Vaudeville Acts Arranged and Produced nrXCXEBBOCXER THEATRE BTJILDOIO, 715. Telephone 535o-88th. HEW YOBX. JOE WELCH says JAMBS MADISON—Dear Sir: I am de- lighted with the monologue you have written for me as Is the audience wherever I ap- pear. You could not have fitted me any better. I want you to write me another one Immediately.—(Signed) JOE WELCH. AUTHOR OF MADISON'S BUDGET High-class acts written to order. Hours 10 A. M. to Noon and by appointment. 1183 Broadway, H. T. (Phone 1823 Madison). James Madison, Crown Bar and Bridge WorK Gold Crown and Filling; OR. QOLDBERQ U. 8. A. 435 Strand, LONDON, W. C. <Next door to Oattis) Telephone, Gerard 4648. Topmounter and Acrobat Wants Partner Understander or good ground tumbler for ucrobatio act. Address FRANK ALVERSO, 584 Baltic St.. Brooklyn, N. Y. WANTED BLACK FACE MUSICAL COMEDIAN To Join act of reputation. Write particulars or personal interview. Address MUSICAL, Proctor's Theatre, Newark. N. J. It Is not what I have done for others; It Is what I would do for you that oounts. Snuff. Oet wise. LEW BONNER Songs, Parodies,' Sketches and Monologues. 13 CHAMPLAIN ST., ROCHESTER, N. T. FOR LEASE—A new Star Play, "THE DETEC- TIVES HONOR." 7 in Cast. Many other Plays. Write W. E. Dentinger, 808 10th St., S. W., Washington, D. C. for particulars. NOTICE.—After March 1st, Mrs. J. Laird, for- merly of Quincy, 111., will be located at 889 Superior St., Chicago. SHORT VAMP SHOES (Exclusively for Women). For Stage, Street and Evening Wear. Great Variety, Exclusive Models. Creator of Short Vamp Shoes. 607 Sixth Ave., New York. Bet. 80th and Slot Sta. Send for Illustrated Catalogue. One Flight Up. Tel. 1058 Madison Sq. O HANA SAN ZpZ "VISIONS COLISEUM, LONDON. OF JAPAN" ~~ STOLL TOUR. NOTICE TO ARTISTS Artlatf desiring to purchase diamonds are now In a position to buy them of me on time at cash prices. Have no traveling agents, thereby giving the artists the benefit of the expenee. Will cheerfully id goods for Inspection or will call and exhibit goods to select from. Write for terms end particulars; T*T?~ 1 *' JULIUS BOASBERG "■JSJ? fSTr^! 1 *' Formerly H. 4W. Boaaberg. JMO. #. UUfll. „ ## sg4 HmJM STREET. BUFFALO, H. T. Doyle).—Armeemeyer and Co., Chaa. A. Bonny, Sefton and Deagle, Herbert O'Connor and Co., Mile. Fay's Trained Leopards, Prof. Frank Mur- phy's Trained Llona. SCHINDLBR'S (L. Schlndler, mgr.; agent, Chaa. H. Doutrick).—Allen, Delmaine and Har- rold, Grey and Peters, Tommy's Pal, The Three De Monleos, De Chantal Sisters, La Pine end Dries. NORTH AVE. (P. 81ttner, mgr.; agent, Ohss. H. Dou trick).—Meehsn's Trained Dogs, Win- decker's Bsnd, Josephine Turner and The Dun- bars, Stephen Fltspatrick and Co., Spauldlng and Dupuee, Prof. Dalton. THALlA (Thos. Murray, mgr.; agent, Chaa. H. Doutrick).—Mme. Gertrude, Edgar Foreman and Co., Perrtn and Crosby, Chauncey Herbert. —Cecil Lean and Florence Holbrook, late stars of the La Salle Stock Co.. will make their vaude- ville bow at the Majestic next Monday. They will present a new sketch by Mr. Lean.—The bllssard Sunday Interfered with many of the thea- tres, and as a result the attendance at the various houses was decreased markedly In comparison with the usual Sunday business.—Davis Drtsdall, father of the Drlsdafl Sisters, with Relnfelds Lady Minstrels, died at the Protestant Hospital, St. Louis, Feb. 2. The girls were In the south at the time.—D. J. Block, father of Will J. Block, the thetrical manager, died at Springfield, 111., last week. He was well known In the show business snd for many years conducted a hotel In the capital city.—August Flalg and George Grins- more, of the "Lonesome Trail" Co., closed with that organization and were Joined by Miss Dude Beebe In a sketch for vaudeville. NOTES.—Halley and McKlnnon left the "Duck- lings." They were replaced by Murphy and Magee. Fraukle La Marche also joined the show as soubrct.—Klein. Ott Brothers and Nicholson have joined the "Frolicsome Lambs" for the bal- ance of the season. The show has been strength- ened materially since the first week It played here. SAN FRANGISGO By W. ALFRED WILSON. VARIETY'S Ban Francisco Office. 1115 Vsn Ness Ave. OBPHEUM (Martin Beck, gen. mgr., agent di- rect).—Week 7: "The Never, Never Land" was put forth as the feature of the week, but the Ellis street gathering balked at accepting the weird and gloomy offering, treating with the after-life, as their choice; The Farrell-Taylor Co., well liked, receiving several encores; Dick Oro- Uus, first met ss the "slangy one" of "Peaches," comes this week with s sketch entitled Shorty, Crollus got the noise; Leon Rogers, Imitations of musical Instruments, sdded variety; Byron and Langdon snd "College Girls" held over. NATIONAL (Sid Grauman, mgr.; agent, 8.-0., Ttrchle Levy).—Halllday and Curley offering "The Battle of Too Soon," atrongeet on the bill, com- paring quite favorably with the original produc- tion as offered here by the Native Sous; Connolly, Wenrlch and Connolly, sadly handicapped, placed In "one" street set with the piano anchored al- most on the footlights; despite this they made their way happily, the girl scoring heavily with several likable songs. Caron and Herbert, com- edy acrobats, real comedy, something unusual In thla territory; the number won a warm response. Cbas. Willlama, ventriloquist, had a good collec- tion of figures, but his material was rather shop worn. Margaret Severance, In a farcical effort, entitled "Now-a-days"; Earl Olrdeller and Co., snd George and Lizzie Bird completed. WIGWAM (Sam Harris, mgr.; agent, 8.-C, and W. S. Jointly).—Creo. illusion, feature; The Allen sketch, "Four In a Pullman Car," scored; Gus CORRESPONDENTS Have been previously advised that when a holiday occurs on Thursday, Friday or Saturday, all matter from towns within twelve hours of New York must be in this office on Tuesday. Otherwise it will not be printed. In weeks where no holiday occurs, matter from these towns may arrive on Wednesday. Correspondents in cities between 20 and 40 hours of New York may mail to reach this office on Thursday before noon. In a holiday week as above, unless the correspondent can have his matter from within the 20-40-hour points arrive here by noon Wednesday, it is useless to mail. —Chas. J. Ross mwl Mnltol Fcntnn. who plnyert Iholr first vaudeville encasement tliln season at the Amerlcnn Inst week, will continue In the same skMch Jointly three weeks more, nfter which Mr. Row will tippenr In n single act called "Chuckles," written by Miss Kenton. It will consist of mim- icry. At the conclusion of this ln> R»<d Miss Ken- ton will produce n sntlre on "The Third Degree." They nre under contract with Wlllinm Morris.— Mr. end Mrs. Frederick Itncon nre under the man- agement of .Take Sternnd. who gave them contracts that will ke»p them busy all season. — A baby girl was born t.T Mr. .and Mrs. Arthur Stuart (Stuart anil Keelev).—Julia Taylor (Mrs. John Weber), who Is known as the "second edition of Kay Tem- pleton." hn« been bonked over the Itijou circuit In Michigan. --"The Kolllcs of lOOA," ,„>«• playing at the Auditorium Theatre. Is duplicating last sea- son's record In receipts. The big show will re- main at the mammoth playhouse three weeks more. Ed. Rosenbaum. Jr., who does the advance work for the troupe, has accomplished some noteworthy stunts In the way of advertising the show preced- ing and during Its present engagement. r.iiino. monnloglst, did well; Waltlium Trio, credit- able bicycling routine; Stephen OJrattan and Co. in "Ixxked Out After :$ A. M."; Sabine and Vera; Morse and Itrnwn completed. l'ANTACKS" (Mel- vln Men-tock. mgr.; agent. Western States; <>. S. r.nrnp). I'.eggs and Co. In a pb>»-dii£ rural playlet; Clara l>.igm>j|ii nml Roys, an act of good standard; Ross and Adams, (ionium, comedians, and Kranciji-o M>ir:i<ri, drew their ratio of ap- plause; Marjorle Lake and a company of twenty- five people onVrlnsj a mu-dcnl extravaganza. On Friday Jas. J. Jeffries was added to the bill. OAYMTY (T. Clayton, m^r.; agent, Hert Levy).— I.. R. Stock well in "The i'.lind Organist," big numlH'i' of olio; Rerr> . Nelson and ib-rry opened a pleasing routine of acrobatic, fnun which some uninteresting attempts i:s comedy (nild be cut lo advantage; I'ranklc l-'rankell. vocalist, vrorrri n ],|{ with her closing song; "A Day at Santa Cms," the |K>st production, contained more plot than usual, and was the Is-st offered hy the company *lnce Its opening at 1W* house; Kol.t. Kulin. the younger, made his vaudeville debut In a rural character. I. MILLER, Manufacturer 202 W.23SST of Theatrical Boots A Sboss, CLOG. Ballet and Acrobatic Shoes • specialty. AH work made art short notice. CHAS. LELLI Maker of Flat Slag* Footwear Guaranteed auperlor to all others. 131 W. 424 Street , MEW YORK CITY. Mme. Belmont American MUllaor to Alice Lloyd 134 W. 116th St. Phone 6880. Morning. MEW YOIK KE •107 MJOHIOAM ATS., I CZ> >*X Q CD TUMER EXCLUSIVE DE8IOHB. Costuner for the Lending: Since Oelebrltlaa. 'Phone. Calumet 2402. GOWNS 867 8. STATE ST., OHIO AGO. 'Phone Harrison 36(6. Full line of slightly used Evening Gowns, Open Ooats and Street Gowns, ell suitable for star* wear. Boubretto Dresses made to order, nil colors and styles. Special prioee and attention given to theatrical profession. Sealskin Ooats and Furs of nil descriptions. Anglo- mencan uthors gency. •M Mnrbrldge Bid*., 18S8 Broadway, V. Y. Olty. Phone, 4164 8Stb St. ALL AUTHOIS■ BUSINESS TRANSACTED All klnde o f aketcbee for dis- posal In America. Large demand for on roe for England and Europe. Writs for circular. Amerionn BepresentntlTS, TH0MSOS. FOR SCENERY 00 TO Formerly with Tony Pastor 14 years. FlreprooOng and Asbestos Curtains at the lowest prices. FAIR BUILDING. 122 E. 14th St., N. Y. ACTS—WAMTED—ACTS THE GRIFFIN'VAUDEVILLE CIRCUIT Offices, 96 Queen 8t.. West. TORONTO. Cn». Sister Acts. Single Women Acts. Sketch Toams. Novelty Acta. HOUSE MANAGERS Wanting attractions that bring In the money, writs for our li»t. '1I18T01" "XMPOBTED" "BOYAL KIOTOB" Qrtt'ii Label, sso. ' The Original Egyptian " When ann\rrring advertisements kindly mention Variety.