Variety (February 1909)

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VAttlBTY 3> WIL-L-IAIVI MORRIS, Inc. 1440 BROADWAY, NEW YORK 167 DEARBORN ST., CHICAGO 413 WASHINGTON ST., BOSTON LONDON OFFICE. 418 STRAND. W. C. PAUL MURRAY, Manager ARE YOU WILLING TO LEARN P If to, Juat send us your route or permanent addrees and we will tend yon oar BOOKLET of Stage fashions for Ladies that contains fifty paces of illnstratloni and valuable information that yon oannot afford to let pass by. WOLFF, FORDING & CO., 61-65 Eliot Street, Boston, Mass. I'M THE MAN Who can get yon the loweat prleea and the beat accommodations If you are folng to EUROPE References: Harry Alllster, Barney Armstrong, George Alii, The Aldos, The Aldeans, Bedouin Arabs, The Balsers, The Boganny Troupe, Battj'a Bears, Oo t e alal Septet. PAUL T /% U SB I O. Vaude>ulllo> Steamahlp Agont IN Bast lath ft Wow Tork. Oarman U a Tines Bank Building. THE LEADIHO EEOLISH THEATEIOAL AHD VAUDEVILLE NEWSPAPER. Established 1880. THE STAGE Foreign Subscription, 8/lOd. par Quarter. Vow oa sale at PAUL TAT/BIO'S STEAMSHIP TICKET AOEHOT, German Savingu Bank Building, 1M East 14th Street, Vow Tork Oityj and at BAHTJEL PEBHOHS, tS-M West ttd Street, Eew York Otty. MAYING TTHI IN VAUDBVILLI SULLIVAN and CONSIDINE CIRCUIT oinbhaj. bubisjbsb orrm •t QINIRAL BOOKING OPT I OB SUITE t AMD IS, ISM BEOADWAT, NEW TORK CITT r*B1>. LI/*COLft. G«». Mgr, CH'sXl^T. O. -BUOW/f. Mgr. BRANCH BOOKING O WJT ICES EDWAHD MOZART, Eastern Rep r ese nta tive, Lancaster, Pa, THAT DfDEPEBDEBT VAUDEVILLE AOEXT, ferala, Ariaona, WAHTED—Pirst-olaaa Acta at all times, to play the Independent Vaudeville Circuit, through Gall- ... ._» ^ Wf(W u #x { M| Texas. Oklahoma and Arkansas. __IS—If yen want the beat aota la Vaudeville write or wire. Complete shows furnished en t shows guaranteed weekly. S06S 8UTTEB STREET, BAH PBAHODJOO, OAL. KEEP Don't grow rusty while waiting for the big time. I have a good many acts playing that time who went along over my small circuit work while waiting for the big opening. I am booking acts of merit. Get busy. NORMAN JEFFER1ES, 9th and Arch Sts„ Philadelphia, Pa. Sale of "DOPE BONO,** sung by MATTHEWS AMD ASHLEY. Piano, orchestrations and Are verses up to date, with signed permit, fl.SO. Guaranteed will net be publlahed. Sketches and Stage Bongs to —- only. Exclusive Permit Parodies, BLOO each, aa per list. 804 Eighth Ave., Hew Tork City. CHICAGO VAUDEVILLE MANAGERS EXCHANGE Sth PLOOB, MEBOHAHTS' BLDO., 181 WASHZHOTOH ST., CHICAGO. Sketohes always la demand. PBAHK Q. DOYLE, Manager. mj^MTCfi GOOD ACTS at all times. Booking houses in New York, wwaP%l^ I SkmSkefa Pennsylvania, Ohio, West Virginia, Maryland and Michigan. Address: ASSOCIATED BOOKIMQ AQEMCY, 404 Schmidt Bldg., PITTSBUBa, Pa. WILLIAMSPORT, PA. FAMILY (Fred M. Lamade, mgr. Agent, I. B. 0.).—Parrnet and Russell; Around the World in an Airship, scenic novelty; Patrice and Co., sketch, fine; Nellie Burt, comedienne, dainty and artistic; Holmen Bros., high class; Deery and Francis, "The Wise Rube," good singing and cemedy; Doranto, musical novelty, clever. STARK. WORCESTER, MASS. P0LP3 (J. S. Griddle, mgr.; agent, D. B. 0.). —Mills and Morris, "Minstrel Maids," good; idgar Allen and Co., "A Fortune Hunter's Miss Fortune," several encores; Ed. Morton, singing comedian, took well: Mr. Hymack, chameleon •wnedlan, went well; Pakas' Hawaiian Trio, native Hinging and luntrumental and the "Hula Bula" dance, went big; Kllnore Sisters, In "It Was a Good Show—But," good; Mangean Troupe, •crobats extraordinary, took well. W. M. SHERMAN. Gllday and Fox, fair Hebrew team. NOTES Seven acts now instead of six.—One thousand turned away Lincoln night.—Manager Harry Leonhardt big man at local Oiks' ball, first since he came to town.—Fred Niblo waa at Blaney's Tuesday night, lecturing on Italy to 200 In mis crable weather, and renewed vaudeville ac- quaintance here.—Blaney has been released from his contract with the owners of the theatre he has leased the past two years, and the owners, local men, say they will run the place as the Warburton for high-class plays.—The Berger Amusement Co. had the house for Feb. 18th. 19th and 20th. putting on vaudeville for the benefit of the Firemen's Monument. YOVXERS, N. T. ORPHBUM—Dohind and Lenharr, well ap- plauded; Nellson's Flying Ballet, surprise; Foster •Ad Foster, comedy took well; Splssel, Meyers and •dolph, fine acrobatic comedy; Rlngllng, novel- ist in gymnastics; Carney and Wagner, dancing; HAMMERSTEINS VICTORIA AMERICA'S M08T FAMOUS VARIETY THEATRE. Opon the Year Around EMPIRE THEATRES PATERSON and HOBOKEN, N. J. PLAT ALL EHBOPBAH AMD AMEBIOAH 8TAMDABD VAUDEVILLE ACTS. Address all communication! te A. M BRUOOEMAHB, HOBOHEH. VAUDEVILLE HIADUIIERS dOOD STANDARD ACTS If you have an open week yea want to S1I at short notice, write to W. L. DOCK8TADER, CarrieS Theatre. Wilmington. SeL Can close Saturday night and make any city east of Chicago to open Monday night. Percy O. CIRCUIT The COLONIAL New Tork The ALHANBSA Harlem The ORPHEUM Broohlya The CRESCENT Brooklyn The NOVELTY Williamsburg The GOTHAM East New York And The NEW GREENPOINT THEATRE Brooklyn Address all PERSONAL IsMsrs te PERCY 0. WILLIAMS. Si James Bldg., 26th SL sad Broadway, New York City ERNEST EDELSTON VARIETY AND DRAMATIC AOEHT. 1 7 Crean St., Leleeafer Square, LONDON Sole Representative, John Tiller's Companies. Walter 0. Kelly. Little Tioh. Fragson. Always Vacancies for Oood Ac ts Charles Horwitz Suoeeas always scored by The Ohadwiak Trio, Fred Bowers A Co., Harry First k Co., Oracle Emmett At Co.. Quintan At Mack, Hentjy At Toung, Baker A Lynn, Bummera At Storke, Coombs A Stone, and over one hundred others now scoring knockoute with Hor witn Sketohes, Monologue* and Songs. CHA8. HORWITZ. Kniokerbooker Theatre Bldg., Boom t!5, 1403 BBOADWAT, HEW YOBJL "CHARLEY CASE'S FATHER" Written by Charley Caee, comedian. Send P. O. order for 26c. to Case Publishing Co., Lockport, N. Y PICTURE AGENTS.—Pillow tope, 85c; bro- mide*. 25c.; albumens, SOo.; crayons, 60o.; pan* tels, 75o.: new 16 x 20 4 in. frame, 19c.; prompt shipments; catalogue and samples free. BERUH ART ASSOCIATION. Dept. 91, Chioago. WANTED-Bie C01EDY and NOVELTY FEATURE Acta te write er wire open time. Bow booking for Eorth Avenue and Sehiadler'e Theatres, Chicago. Also other houaea la Hllnoia. CHICAGO BOOKING AGENCY OHAS. H DOUTBIOK, Manager. Beam SS, St La Salle St., Chicago. WIGS WILLIAM HEPNER WIG CO. LEADIVO WIG Largest stook in America. Wigs made to order. Pull line powders and oold cream. Send for Catalogue D te either plaoe, ISA WEST 16th ST., B. T.; Chicago Opera House Bleak, Chicago. of paiata, Variety's Chicago Office IS IN THE e Chicago Opera House BlocK Advertisements and subscriptions received at regular rates. News items may be forwarded there, and will be promptly transmitted. PRANK WIESBERG, Representative. of L»l ■ IM GREATER l\IE\Af YORK Book Your Y/audevllle Acta Through th I CUI 99 Bow booking every Picture Theatre in Oreater Bew York with over 600 capacity. Acts that wiU make goad can ha had at a moment's notice. II secotiTe weeks in Bew Tork after Jan. 1. 'Phone, ©ell or write. a SB SassS: JOSEPH J. LEO, Dewey Theatre, East 14th St., New Yerk When answering advertisements kindly mention Vardett.