Variety (Jun 1940)

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I. dw-Ok Ifft Cue « Fa i tU9 ml rMlto ltd* mtth fMMir tntvrMi li art lor Thur*4»T >•• CW«r-o< ■Ht u prM»fi*«4 ta tlM MM tl tor A !■ Vm Bm Om^ W> IM M* Ka* I» t-f \ht tor wtucti tM »owM art nun. Motm* ••km tor iitx— l 4»r« - U. CmwWOR, N.Y. Ms TiM. WOI k« bultotiM. AwMMtU to atfrvty • Mto* •«« ^^^^^^^ I f f > •■•r «M m n 6 » r mtK*t M Uw raltog iM a alww a* tm CM «• Mt r to. MM7. M* *m4 ^nM-ii ■f>4 tlto to»Mr- lug romh'r»»tK»n <-f rrvMTCk •rilhine«M'. I" «>«• c** )o4iKt Um cab ra •II ED EAST ■MM with IK* am fh* NK' 'Ml Tha totol r»lin«« tor Uw C«Imm- kto «u>nto« <f— MJl «Mlt IM A%r«omr on IKc rv4 to ^ ON AM DEAL l^t-T'^il FOR NBC BUS • WEB TO HAVE OWN NBC I* gltorNMHlg ta« •( a i i pi nu mi at paltciM far Um Miw natw«>r%. Wliat llMM aCMKT MM MiM««t w thmt m Uma mm* ml tha rulaa whtck hava baati Mrtrtlr antorcarf mm Um tm4 —tlM* wtU rmi i nmM tocManto Om» t< ttia tkmimg ml TlM Fo« o' CoM' lr<Mn IM rr« «• Mm Mim and tha eUtrr Ka> u> do Bm tolTf-Tf ralaialton ol lha rula •gtoMt iMwcMMv tomabva lknM«li Um MMBlMHi tt MO M Um ftat m BH 'AataBi at ANk to tiM NicM- mutt Bm Clllf 1 aBira of CaMral Amiua- Moat Ca»» haiidltoc tha tfaal cm a ttoa aM • •ritian tpitttmm. Tka ' pafkaga haato. Prk« m IMM par ■Kh ordara4 mi Mgw rn t M iMU-bour prafffMR. P*0 »W 1^ HOUR SPAN Vrmi»-Hm<mm. harlMr •! TW Fat »ill bill analhar half-hour i« thai ahow. Tl m r i ity niaht |mi Mm Mm iMk. B MK »HI m- glflBttB Bm Mm a( 3 It pm. WMIa mo ion of laialtva M maM to Um Malay • MO ropy •< m aa*y to aaaiMM that li«ianar« won t miM out I Um to iwaral mI mm- roc mm4 (tkfc* to M* prior nO- la tact, tha retulatoti ara »U Utol Brvati-Moara wtU «• to tiM to aaa what Um I 8S7a MtaB Bm« Uia aMH W mttmm m mm OanimMi Ma uMmU. aMtaa* aAmittadiy thi tuml to ■tfmittadly tha i«- I Ml* of lha WPAY HIAB AlBl TO WKATn . » irconttoM ttoT Bob ^BmmmB MaM haa laA BMUwauB procaai oa tha air tor WLAP STAFF MEMBERS UiDMAUTOatASH itir Jun* 4 Four prr«»>n« »rrr killr<1 »r»<l \mm wara ui)ur«C whan Ihrtt aotoMatoto Ntoliato a «M»a BlMT MB MM aa Cmrt •I *• •( BsBlMky atwUtoa aatf WLAP. LamM^ton: Mr* Datoraa Dragoe Connar. r«gi»tar*d nur«* mn4 wito ml Cmmmmt: Chavlar Mariaa ml WlrlnlaiviHa Ky, mm. tt^WUAt. to M c«Mf SiijRj^irlUi WLAP. BMmv«I*» cor waa Noai LuM*. Lavtogtoa. and WUAP amptoT*. who Mill*r«4 ron- •MtoM ml Um brain aawara ihac h ruU aMi hraHM. toMldy M laat wi4a. aaw M iMt to ( WF1L PrBfTBIIBI Co Tb W8NJ. BfMgctom N. J. (Mi»plata4 a tiaiM iUl WINJ. Bridpatoo, N J. la •rMr to raarh thotiaandf of Phito- drlphiani who Uha tomporary f«at> la Sauth Jar a a y CWte la to to Ma4 to paliiical rMnpaigaa. Thu yaar WflL. will pump c»m- 4. ; MMrciaU and ruiUintag tlM«a to UM BrMpatoa oullal. work aBUiatton* WJW,Aknm,MustPay$4,S40In Wages; Seven $1-a-Week Sludent Spielers cvMHfiiftyM li raatfytoc a raanrdv »rfiaa Dannr K«v* It • to b« a half-hour orrklv xiup »ith Nat CMTtia aa4 EMia Formaa wnung tha la Um «n( tM^Ma^CMTby Um | !I!!^!!!!!jrvi!fk««^ I ZmmV hour divuioa ml tto tohor 4*- \ im. without rocMvtog aatra pay. WJW. mi4 by • par t MM t agaliut a radio italion. ' Savm itudaat aaaouacari rata t yad ! aad CWvalaad aparatori' oaly ra- il^ IM BMi ' K'vlara. Ft Lm. M. J. app a ara< ^mmM ml MapftMN* awcr CM iMl Hollywood. Juaa 4. PraMlara of Harry Daiid FiaMa' THa American Panorcma' at NBC nichl • 11 draw m *y (*<Mly Moda • 6r»\ »ilh WiUtoM O'ltod. praaidant of tha General Ttra A MMbbar Co. tor tha Utter to pM- Pua Ml Ubm lUii* Kanaa* CMy. J«M 4. Pm Ml Car*. tPim-M. i II li Aiaoag Um ftrat to pal a WJW. which, with WAOC. ABm T. : !• WDZ. TuacoU. Ill . noMMly l« ai^ Suamoni' Columbia outlat. haa aouncaments to be run oB milhia • baaa prutming lha Uuiaaca of a moath at tha rate of ihiea a d«y. JoMa bald thai once radto »«*»« »'« monthi panaN lot a third Akron rUlioa to | •f* put M tha air lhay { Grace C GUKutt. regional dirrc- BarMrd M. Bark. Akroa Uwyar and | Maraaa Maadetaoa. of AM^ny lor ol the waga-bour diviaton of tha Tli 'ijUlIi UuVLrtLiL!!^ ••"'Uy owning the B T B4.l*iU meat of lafeM. paMMMM IkM ^ . , . ^ _ , . "Cordia