Variety (March 1909)

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VARIETY 23 Blf Review. 8, Star, Tbronto; 15, Lafayette, Buf- falo. Blue Ribbon Girls, 8, Gayety, Columbus; 15, Empire, Toledo. Bohemians, 8, Folly, Chicago; 15, Star, Milwau- kee. Bon Tons, 8, Olympic, Brooklyn; 15, Murray Hill. New York. Bowery Burlesquers, 8, Gayety, Boston; 15, Olym- pic, Brooklyn. Brigadiers, 8-10, Lycenm, Troy; 11-18, Oayaty, Albany; 15, Columbia, Boston. Broadway Gaiety Girls, 8, Avenue, Detroit; 15. Empire, Chicago. Bryant's Extrevagansa, 8, Gayety, MUwaukss; 15, Euson's, Chicago. Casino Girls, 8, Gayety, Detroit; 15, Star and Garter, Chicago. Century Maids, 8, Academy, Pittsburg; 15, Apol- lo, Wheeling. Champagne Girls, 8-10, Bijou, Peterson; 11-18, Blectra, Schenectady; 15-17, Gayety. Albany: 18-20, Lyceum, Troy. —'—/, Cherry Blossoms, 8, Howard, Boston; 15, Im- perial, Providence. City Sports, 8, Gayety, Pittsburg; 15, Gayety, Columbus. Colonial Belles, 8, Eighth Avenue, N. Y.; 15, Empire, Newark. Cosy Corner Girls, 8, Apollo, Wheeling; 15, Lyceum, Washington. Cracker Jacks, 8, Murray Hill, N. Y.; 15, Casino. Philadelphia. Dainty Duchess, 8, Princess, Montreal; 15-17, Empire, Albany; 18-20, Empire, Holyoke. Dreamlands, 8, Imperial, Providence; 15, How- ard, Boston. Ducklings, S-10, Empire, Dee Moines; 11-13, L. O.: 15-17, L. O.; 18-20, St. Joe. Empire Burlesquers, 8, Dewey, Minneapolis; 15, 8tar, St. Paul. Pads and Pollles, 8, Music Hall, N. Y.; 15, West- minster, Providence. Fashion Plites, 8, Empire, Newsrk; 15, Bijou, Philadelphia. Fay Foster. 8-10, Luserne, Wilkes Bsrre; 11-18, Gayety, Reran ton; 15, Bowery, N. Y. Follles-of-tbe-Day, 8, Star, Milwaukee; 15, Dewey, Minneapolis. Frolicsome Lambs, 8, Star, Cleveland; 15, Acad- emy, Pittsburg. Girls of the Moulin Rouge, 8, Olympic, N. Y.; 15, Stsr, Brooklyn. Golden Crook, 8, Waldraan's, Newark; 15, Gayety, Hoboken. Happyland. 8, Gayety, Philadelphia; 15, Gayety, Baltimore. Hastings' Show, 8, Gsyety, Baltimore; 15, Gayety, Washington. High Rollers, 8, Gayety, Hoboken; 15, Music Hall, New York. Imperials, 8, Bon Ton, Jersey City; 15-17, Lu- Berne, Wilkes Barre; 18-20, Gayety, Scranton. Irwin's Big Show, 8-10, Gil more, Springfield; 11-13, Empire, Albany; 15, Olympic, N. Y. Jersey Lilies, R, Standard, Cincinnati; 15, L. O.; 22. Gayety, Birmingham. Jolly Girls, 8, Star, St. Paul; 15-17, Empire, De» Moines; 18-20, L. O. Kentucky Belles, 8, Bowery, N. Y.; 15-17, Ly- ceum, Troy; 18-20. Gayety, Albany. Knickerbockers, 8, Greenwall, New Orleans; 15, L. 0.; 22, Majestic, Kansas City. Majesties, 8, Palace. Boston; 15-17, Gllmore, Springfield; 18-20, Empire, Albany. Mardl Gran Beauties, 8, Empire, Cleveland; 15, Garden, Buffalo. Masquerader*. S, Trocadero, Chicago; 15, Gayety, Milwaukee. Merry Maidens, 8, Empire. Brooklyn; 15-17, Em- pire, Schenectady; 18-20, Folly, Scranton. Merry Makers. 8, Empire, Indianapolis; 15, Buck- ingham. Louisville. Miss New York, Jr.. 8, London, N. Y.; 15-17, Polly, Peterson; 18-20, Empire, Schenectady. Morning Glories. 8, Corinthian, Rochester; 15, Gayety, Toronto. Morning, Noon and Night, 8, Empire, Brooklyn; 15-17, Onyety, Scranton; 18-20, Luserne, Wilkes Barre. New York Stars, 3, Star, Brooklyn; 15, Gayety, Brooklyn. Night Owls. 8, L. O.; 15, Gayety. Birmingham. Parisian Widows. 8. Gayety, Washington; 15, Gayety, Pittsburg. Pat White's Gaiety Girls, 8, People's, Cincin- nati; in. Star, Cleveland. Rents-Santloy, 8, Empire, Toledo; 15, Gayety, Detroit. Rice A Barton. 8, Westminster, Providence; 15, Palace. Boston. Bice A Barton's Big Gaiety, 8, Gayety, St. Louis; 15, Trocadero, Chicago. Bialto Rounders. 8. Star and Garter, Chicago; 15, Standard. Cincinnati. Sollickers. 8, Royal. Montreal; 15, Star, Toronto. Boss Sydell, 8, Garden, Buffalo; 16, Corinthian, Rochester. FURNISHED FLATS 4-5 Boom s sad Bath—Hot Water, Steam Host. Rates: 910 sad upwards, *M 8th AYS., HEAR Sttfc ST. TM 8th AVE., HEAR fifth ST. TM 8th AVE., HEAR fifth ST. One Blook to Tlssss Sa> BEW YORK CITY. JSational fiotel ETJROPEAH PLAH. S* X. Oor. Van Bursa and Wabash Am CHICAGO la Vicinity of all Theatres. THEATRICAL HEADQUARTERS. D. A. DOOLEY. Fit* HOTEL PROVENCE Leicester Square, LONDON J. T. DAVIS, Prop. Henaclquesrtenrss of White* Rest** Florenz House (Mrs. Y. fletnua, Prep.) The Home of the Profession, 170 Wast 47th Street, Year Broadway Hew York First-class Rooms and Board. Reasonable Terms. Convenient to all Principal Theatrea. 'Phone. 8911 Bryant. CLINTON HOTEL BEST S& DAT Hotel tea ROCHESTER, N. Y. Spssfal rates to the profession. TwS minutes' walk from all theatrea. GEO. W. JOHBtOH, Prep. FTJRNI8HED ROOMS REASONABLE. Hear Times Square and Broadway. 242 W. 43rd ST., NEW YORK NEW YORK CITY "SS Seooads from Broadway." THE ST. KIL 183 West 34th Street Punished Rooms only. Baths—Tslophc YJsotris Ltfat trader (Those Mi*—Sits St) Terns** ResMOASablej Misses 00OKB sad OXJYTOY. Ws are at the old staad bettor thaa ever. T,tt MILLER HOTEL MISS EMMA WOOD, Mat. H. a Mn.T.YB, Prop. S. E, Oor. 10th and Baoa St a, Philadelphia. AMZRIOAM AMD ETJROPEAH PLAH. "THE ACTORS' BOMB." Cafe attaehed. Baths and Steam Heat oa all floors. PBOFESBZOHAX BATES—17 doable, $• slaaie. KATHERINE McCARTNEY •Sfl WEST 46th STREET. Furnished Rooms Seasonable. Hot Water, Heat and Bath. Board If desired. Just Wast of Eighth Avenue. MsfS. HANNAH KEUPCR Established Theatrical Boarding Haass, With Hot Water, Heat and Bath, One Block from Trent Theatre Stage Entrance. Ill Chancery 8treet, TREHTOH, Hew Jersey. LONDON, ENGLAND. The BATH HOUSE H0TEL 9 M Dean St, Oxford St, W. Mr. and Mrs, Jack Ashby, of Kelly A Asbby, plessed to see sll old sad new friends. Luncheons from 12 to 8. Wines sad spirits of the finest quality. Muenchner Beer on draught. One minute from Oxford Music Hall, two minutes fmm Palace Music Hsll, three minutes from Bmplre snd Al- bambra. Largs Club Boom for Bsbearsals, Professional Headquarters TOTO SIEGRIST, Proprietor AND HOTEL Modem Improvements. BOOM AMD BOARD |LM A DAY. Hot aad Cold Water aad Eleotrlo Light la Every Room. 44 W. 114 Stmt. (Bet 5th sa d tth At.), 'Phono sASS Orameroy. HEW YOBS OXTY. MONTREAL When Playing ..••i KASTEL'S EIOH 0LAS3. POPULAR PRICED. RESTAURANT 344-848 St. Catherine St, West Runsway Girls, ?, Majestic, Kansas City; 15, Gayety, St. Louis. Sam Devcre, 8-10, Empire, Schenectady; 11-13, Folly, Peterson: 15. London. N. Y. Sam T. Jack, 8-10, Gayety. Albany; 11-13, Ly- ceum, Troy; 15, Royal, Montreal. Scrlbner's nig Show, 8, Casino, Philadelphia; 15, Waldman's, Newark. Serenade™. 8, Gayety, Brooklyn; 15, Gayety, Philadelphia. Star Show Girls, 8, Standard, St. Louis; 15, Folly, Chicago. Strollers, 8, Columbia, Boston; 15, Eighth Avenue, New York. Thoroughbreds. 8-10. L. 0.; 11-13, St. Joe; 15, Century, 'Kansas City. Tiger Lilies. 8. Trocadero, Philadelphia; 15, Bon Ton. Jersey City. Travelers, 8, Lafayette, Buffalo; 15, Avenue, Detroit. Trocadero*. 8. Gayety, Birmingham; 15, Green- wald, New Orleans. Uncle Sam's BelleR, 8, Bijou, Philadelphia; 15, Empire. Brooklyn Vanity Fair, 8 10. Empire. Albany; 11-13, Em- pire, Holyoke: 15. Gnyety. Bout on. Washington Society Girl*, 8. Empire, Chicago; 15,- Empire. Indlnnnpolls. Watson's Biirlesqne/s, H, Lyceum, Washington; 15. Monumental, Bnltimore. World Bentern, 8. Gnyety, Toronto; 15, Princess, Montreal. Yankee Doodle Girls, P. Monumental, Bnltimore; 15, Trocadero, Phllndelphla. LETTERS Where 0. O. follows name, letter la to Chicago Office. Advertising or circular letters of aay deecrlptloo will not be listed wbea knows. Letters will bo held for oas moatb. P. O. following name Indicates postal eard. Brahsm, Michael. Bell, Alfred J. Bernard, Nat (0. O.) Bogley, Charlie (0. O.) Brown, Billy. . Brennen, Joe (0. O.) Brockman-Mack A Bsl- moot Bush, Prank. Beattle, Joe. Baldwin, Kitty. Blockson A Burns. Barnes, Thomas. Best, Louis P. __ Blssett, Joe William (C. O.) Best, Louis P. Carroll, Joa D. Carroll, Bans (0. ©.) Capltalne. Alclde. Clifford A Lane (0. 0.) Clayton, Webb A. Calvert, Albert (a O.) Close. Sydney (O. O.) Carroll. Toss (C. O.) Cook. Diek (0. O.) Oarr Trio (a O.) Connors. Ralph (a O.) Campbell. Fleuste. Cameron, Frauds. Croene, Dr. Margaret. Curtis. Bes (C. O.) Con »i an tine, W. J. Connelly. Arthur. Clark, Geo. Cole A Davis (0. O.) Crumbs ker, Edwin. Cross, John. Csrre A Carre. Coughlin. John X. Cole A Coleman. Collins, Will F. Crsmer, Grace. Camp, Sbeppard. Cunningham, Al. Cos, C. D. (C. O.) Crewe, Anna (0. O.) Coggsball, Sarah Louise. Crawford, Edward (P. C.) Davto. Laara (O. O.) Douglas, Was. (01 O.) DarraU A Btoifas (0. CI Davto, Bd. 9*. (0. 0.) Dolaash A flHliaaat (O. O.) Dolsn, Jsmes. Do Lea, Lillian. Dorntoa. Harry. Daly, Play. Do Mund, Chaa. (0. O.) Deamood, Lilly. Dietrich, Mrs. (0. O.) Dunbar, James T. Dooley, Frande. Dresser, Louise, Dsvls, Wsrron (0. O.) Deston, Obas. Donovan A Arnold. Drew, Lowell (C. 0.) Dell, Bert (C. O.) Dean, Lew (P. C.) Dunlay, Myron (P. 0.) Eatelle, Bertie D. Ellmore Sisters. Esgle, Den Bed. Ester brook, Fred. Bills, Harry A. (0. O.) Ellen. Mary Ana (0. 0.) Everett, Agnes. Eldrld, Gilbert. Eugene Trio. Edwards, Lawrence. Fresh A Rogers. Fleber, P. Freemen Bros. (0. O.) Fernandas. May Duo (0* O.) Gllncerlth, Dan. Gordon, Paul. Gibson, Bstolle. Glrard, F. Obss. T. (0 £V Adam, Minnie M. (C. 0.) Andrews, Peart (C. O.) Avery, D. Anderson, Albert. Asbcroft, Bslpb W. Arsdo, D. Aces. The Three (C. O.) Alphs Trio (C. O.) Apollo Qnartet (0. 0.) Allen. Chas. M. (C. O.) Augers, The Adams, Mabel. Ardell. Llllle (P. C.) Barry A Flugheo (C. (i.i Barry, Walter H. (C. 0.) Romp. Doan. Riirdlck. Ruth. Bragg, Archie (C. O.) Rrlgnols, B. (0. O.) Beck. Carl B. (0. O.) Belmont, Freda. Brahams, The (0. O.) Brltt. Freddie (a O.) Barrett, Bertha L. Bertram, Helen (C. O.) Bellvue, Bd. (C. O.) Burton, Steve W. (C. O.) Bevan, 0. Bates, Mr. Baggesen. Carl. n^rnoid. Diaries. Berssc, Cliff. Rllyck'e Reals. Boyd. Lillian (C. O.) Mrooks. Ilerltert. Battler. M. J. Bell, Florence (C. O.) M-ll. Floss (C. O.) Bell, Fanny B. (C. O.) Foster, Ella (0. 0.) Ferris, Hssel. Fltagerald A Wilson (0. O.) Facelattl, Toss (0. 0.) Fisher. Miss MlnnU. Frsseons. htenottt (0. O.) Fsccsnds, Alebrto (0. O.) Francis. Rnth. Ford, Pearl. Fsgsn. Ben. Frosto A Weyman (C. O.) Fischer, Madalyn. Fa run m. Richard. Florence. Genevieve. Ford, Ml rum. Fowler it Co., Ayell May. Glbeon, O.) Gillen, Gould. Jay (a O.) Grant, Lawrence. Garrett. B. Greenfield, Caroline. QUI. Flora L. Gilbert, Elame. Grlffltb, Barry. Glocker, Chas. A Anna. Goldsmith A Hoppe. Hill, Annl. Harford. Sadie. Haverley, Bd. Haggerty. Harry. Hayes, Low. Bsrrls, W. H. Harrison. Ohsrt SS Hutchinson • Loaky OSV (C. O.) Hsusel. Senile, Hammond. Chas. Honnlngham, Albert fO> O.) __.. M Harvey A fBftSJI CO* Hodges, James (a O.) Hart. Henry (0. O.) Hyde. Jlmmie, Hammer. Frank A. Belea, O. W. Huntington. Tal. Beald, Henry D. Hays. Harry D. (0.0.p Howard Hsll Co. Hendon, A. T. Howard A Harris. Howard A Co., Bernlce. Hill, 0. W Hon*. Jsmes. Haverley. Tom (O. 0.> Hares. Harvey (O. O.) Hill, Bone Locier. Harosy. Arthur B, Hoppe, Guy. Harvey A Las. Hani on, Jsck (O. 0.) Height, Desn A Co. Hlckey, Tom. Hutch Ins, Mlas Msry. lanes Bsnd sfgr. «H ©> Irwin, O. loonnou, Panaehtod. Irwlno, J. sf. (a 0.) Jourdeon, Annette (0. Jobne, Barry (0. O.) Jarrow, Bmll (C. 0.) Johnatsoa, Qindna. Johnson. Otto. Jeneon, Otto. Jones, Owyn. Jarvls A Msrstyn. Jones, Florrle. Jameson, Edwsrd (P. C.) Kens, Oonsvtora (0. 0.>- Klrkwoed, Jeeele 0. 0*V Klebs, Elsie CO. O.) Kelly, James F. Kelso. Mrs. John. Kingsbury* Geo. (G. O.V Kyle A Conwsy (0. 0.). Kramer A Scheck. Kenna. Chas. Klnaella, Ketbleen. Xag H Leville' A Sinclair (0. 0.) Linton. Barry B. (0. O.) LeCall. Bd. (0. O.) LaMont. Grace (0. O.) Lee, Bam. Low, Oilman. La Frenlere. Arthur. Latelle. Edward. Lee. Lillian. T<ord. Elanor. Lewis, Jack (C. O.) Lairo, Doncan (0. 0.) Lamont, Grace (0. 0.)» When anaiccring advertisements kindly mention Variety.