Variety (April 1909)

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VARIETY 33 9tK#MK* a wnmmHK ■ \ }* - A ♦' w'i'i ti.n • t.y.t ».m -i:ii i 7.*i jr.m»F j I RfLrASCD APRIL 261b "WHY THE MAIL WAS LATE'* A thrilling story of an Indian mail carrier who delivered hla mall ao mor- tally wounded. LENGTH, 610 FEET. "INVENTIONS OF AN IDIOT" Whoever would have thought that we aee realised the Invention* of a human Incubator, a flying automobile and the solution of a Jig saw puaaleT LENGTH, 295 FEET. RELEASED APRIL 29th it Equipped with improved Fire Maga- zines, Automatic Fire Shatter and Au- tomatic Fire Shield (Lubin'i patent), Asbestos Covered Wire Connections, new improved Lamp House, new style Fireproof Rheostat, improved Electric Lamp. Complete with everything seen in the cut, including polished carrying case for Mechanism, including Adjust- able Bicycle-steel Legs to «** i £T ■*"■ extend over 5 feet high. api^U BOYS WILL BE BOYS »1 A comedy fllm full of laughter making quality. LENGTH, 605 FEET. "THE HOUSE OF TERROR" When the country folks broke Into the bouae they thought they would prevent a murder, but tbe only thing that was murdered was the music of an opera pre- sented by an amateur opera company. LENGTH, 280 FEET. LUBIN MANUFACTURING COMPANY •20-020 Market St., Philadelphia, Pa. EVANSVTLLE, IND. MAJESTIC (Edwin Raymond, mgr.; agent. West- ern Vaudeville Assn.).—Good show. Including E. A. Martin and Co., good sketch. "The Msn From Out There"; Johnson and Payne, good musical team; Cheater and Grace, good juveniles; Jack Hawkins, athlete. ORPHBDM (Chas. Sweeton. mgr.; agent, Southern VaudevlUe Assn.).—Noo- dles Fagan won out with his singing; Armand Melnotte, wonderful double voiced vocalists; Jug- gling Matheuls, striking feats In juggling. OBERDORFER. NEXT ISSUE ORDER QUICK OUR NEXT RELEASE "Old Heidelberg" (LOTH. APPROX. 1,000 FT.) Ready Wednesday, April 28th Watch for our Western Sensational Feature Subject Soon to be Released ESSANA5T FILM MFCGDt 501 wtus St. Ghigagq Ills DAYTON, 0. LYRIC (Max Hurtig. mgr.; agent, U. B. O.) —Aerial Buds, good; Lillian Ashley, fair; Griff pleasing; Gaston and Green, big hit; Clemenso Brothers, laughing hit; Smith and Campbell, very good; Clermont's Circus, good. Lyric dark Opens 26 with pictures. LAKESIDE PARK (J. Kirk, mgr.; agent, Gus Sun).—Bufford and Chain, fair; Ollle Jackson, good; Harry Spencer big npplhuse; Conner* Troupe, very good. R. U. MYERS. FT. WATTC, DTD. . 7 KM J£P i P 'J** 8t «*« r . "aT-; agent. W. V. A.).—Will Bradley and Co., "The Gypsy Way- farers," singing, hit; Mabelle B. Brslnger, come- dienne, pleased; The Four Masons and Corlnne Frances, "A Country School," went big; Billy Mann, blackface, good; Buckeye Trio, acrobats, fair; Pitching Bros., musical, excellent; Hda Seniles, HI. songs, line. H. J. REED. FOBT WORTH, TEX. MAJESTIC (T. W. Mullsly, mgr.; Inter-State direct).—Week 12: Adonis and Dog, clever; AI H. Tyrrell, blackface, very good; Ellery and Rain- ford, playlet; Hallen and Hays, good dancer*; De Witt Young and 8ister, novel juggling; Cbas. Sharp, uionolog. and Svlngall, the hypnotist. F. OAXVESTON, TEX. MAJESTIC (Tom Boyle, mgr.).—Week 12: Swot Brothers, besdllners, fsir Impression; Wolff Bros., acrobats, passable; Chevalier Albert L. Gullle, tenor, excellent; Dean and Price, hit of bill; Minnie St. Clair, comedienne, and Ted Le- nore, parodist. KNOX. EOBOKEV, V. J. EMPIRE (A. M. Bruggemann, mgr.; agent. U. B. O.).—Good show, headed by Nat Wills, big hit; Mr. and Mrs. Jlmmle Barry, capital rural skit; Melville and Hlgglns, old favorites; Walter Lewis and Co., good sketcb, "A Baby Grand"; Walter Daniels and Co., protean offer- ing, clever; Morrlaaey and Ayer, songs and piano- log, pleased; Splssel, Meers snd Adolph, comedy scrobats, good. GAYETY (Cbas. Francklyn, mgr.).—Vanity Fair Burlesquere lu "Bohemia," good show. LYRIC (N. M. 8cbenck, mgr.).— Wilson Francklyn and Co., funny sketch, "My Wife Wont Let Me," and others. JOHN KAY. MILWAUKEE, WIS. MAJESTIC (James A. Hlgler, mgr.; sgent. U. B. O.).—Edna Aug, neadllner, original mono- log; Mazie King and four dancers, novel act; Temle Quartet, pleasing; Slstera Athletas, won- derful gymnastics; "23 23d St.," by Carlton and Thorn, entertaining; "Turning tbe Tables," live- ly Western act, by Evens and Lloyd; Qulnn and Mitchell, very good; Msbel Lynn and Win. Mar- quis appear In mandolin and violin numbers. CRYSTAL (F. B. Winters, mgr.).—Three Ort mans, fine acrobatics; Fred and May Waddell, comedy juggling; John and May Burke, clever. GAYETY (S. R. Simmons, mgr.).—"Tbe Tro- cadero BurleKquers." STAR (F. Trottmnu, mgr.).— "Sam T. Jack's." HERBERT MORTON. MONROE, LA. r.RAND STREET (J. A. Lamon. mgr.).— Ilnstiv and Williams, comedy sketch, 11 14. good; Wll burn snd Harrington, "Fun In a Kitchen," 15-17, good; Jennie Davis, ill. songs, good. JAS. B. GRAMBLING. f Gaumont £Ga(in)or)t5 Films LICENSED BY MOTION PICTURE PATENTS CO. Release, Tuesday, April 27th, 1909 "The "How They Automatic | Propose" Monkey" Comedy, Approz. Length, 324 ft. a Comedy, Approz. Length, 357 ft. Comedy, Approz. Length, 29a ft. - — ■ ■ ■ — — ■ — — Rebate, Saturday, Ma, 1st, 1909 "Two Ladies Before and After" and a Beggar" Approz. Length, 690 ft. "An Unwritten Letter" Drama Approz. Length, 1,060 ft. Urban Films LICENSED BY MOTION PICTURE PATENTS CO. NOTICE Owing to a delay in the receipt of foreign ship- ' ments of Urban-Eclipse film we will this week re- lease three reels of Gaumont subjects, but during some subsequent week we will release two reels of Urban-Eclipse and but one reel of Gaumont subjects. Write for Advance Descriptions Importer Gaumont and Urban-Eclipse Films 52 State St.. Chicago 662 Sixth Ave., New York mn$ w m4 ng o4verti»ement§ kindly mention Vaurt.