Variety (April 1909)

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36 VARIETY —■ — REPRESENTATIVE ARTIST© REPRESENTATIVE ARTISTS m fEETBILOSVlST WITH A PRODUCTION ED. F. REYNARD »» •a morhiho nr mi< Dirootlaa JACK LETT. Tha Champion Slagors of Yao.aTtUa HARRY FOX * - Oe. BERT COOTE Oat, W. 47th •L, Mew York, It* Oxford it, W. WORLD'S FAMOUS Msrveloas Artists taid Acrobatic Cyclists USE HAETFOED TIBER. For skill and dariag they begia where all others leave off. VOW TOURING AMERICA. WMk April M, Grand, Pittsburg. JAMES E. PONCOAN. Mgr. MAX GRACE Ritter and Foster AOEOM THE FOED. Addrooa earo VAUDEVILLE CLUB, 08 Charing Orooa Bead, London, Eng. Felix Adler It last the aame that If a the aot that ro or JAMES B. DONOVAN an NINA ARNOLD QUEEN OF VAUDEVILLE, DOING WELL, THANH TOE. SSS W. 76th I IT, HEW TOEX Cm. •» GRIFF THE FACETIOUS . JUGGLES, "He briafa the English Maale Ball aot OF THE SUPERIOR BOAT tight boforo us."—"Columbus Dispatch." Paid forty dollars to get to Columbus; but got forty dollars' worth ef beautiful aoaaery en route. DAYTON, OHIO. Friiciii Olloms Vaitai Week April SS, Olympic Brooklyn. SEYMOUR and NESTOR . NOVELTY SINGING AOT. Addreai Ml Watt 17tth St, Hew York. 'Phone STSS Aadaboa. WIGGfiv'sTPARfl Apply to THE OHADWICE TEIO. 3TUART BARNES FLYING WEAVERS Direetiea OEO. HOMANS. GartelleBros. Introdueiag Staging, Daadag and •KATORIALISm Direction, EEIOH A FUnfEETT. MAROUERITE Mason! Keelcr Direotioa MORT H. SIVOEE. GAVIN, PLATT and PEACHES iting "THE STOLEN HTD Address 4417 trd Ave. ( ), Hew York. How playing a return date at the Fount ain In n, Milwaukee, Wis. Address oare of VARIETY. SamJ.Curtisr; la "A 8E88I0N AT SCHOOL." By OEO. W. DAY. Week April 16, Proctor's, Albany. Booked solid for season. Care WHITE EATS. Week April 26, Bennett's, Ottawa, Permanent address—110 West 06th St, Bow York. Albert Weston "THE DRUNK." "A Night in an English Mvsio Hell." Next Week (April 86), American Musio Hall, Hew York. Morris Time. RUBY RAYMOND S Booked Solid Through United Booking Offloes. MAY S. CHASE'S, WASHINGTON. 2 6 "FOLLIES OF USS." MB. F. STEOFELD, JB,, 'SS-'OO, Mm" la "The Bands* BewL" withia tka eldest MAEIOH TIOTOEIA Direetiea AL STJTHBELAHE. Barry-Wolford The Typioal Toploal Tlekle Booked Solid aatU Jul y 1, 1 SSS. THIS WEEK, SHEA'S BUFFALO. Week April 16, Shears, Toronto, OH^fc^LUBXETI^SaiartAfenta, MYERS AND ROSA "THE COWBOY AND THE GIRL." Western Whirlwinds. Originators of the double bow-knot. Week April 86, Poll's, How Haven. Wm. 8. Henneasy, Agt. THE fmous HEM CHILDREN Touring HIITH Circuit Booked solid aatfl 101L HOEMAH ALLNAN ^ NcFARLAND Baa-Me-Taaf A Blaak aad Tea Oddity. All road* lead to <i Hickory Grossing »» BOTHWELL In -CLEOPATRA and THE SNAKE DANCE •» Rotliwcll Hrnwno run Justly Ik> titled tin- "Mule Mnud Allen." —Telegraph. Browne's dunclng held the audience l"i" foil'- K/illd mlnutt'H without n murmur. —VARIETY. Hotlnvell Ilpiw n*'s <lco|iHtrn dnnre l~ 'i wonder. —Clipper, BothweM Itrowne Is the greatest of Mum all. — Billboard. ADDOtISS CAR! "VANITY" When answering advertuementt kindly mention Variety.