Variety (April 1909)

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VARIETY 37 SEND IN OPEN TIME FOR NEXT SEASON With Route Booked. Can Arrange Convenient Jumps WILLIAM MORRIS LEAVES FOR EUROPE APRIL Acts desiring immediate or later time abroad, forward particulars and photostat once. PARK MANAGERS, WILLIAM MORRIS, InC. Can furnish you with all the best acts you want 167 DEARBORN ST., CHICAGO 1440 BROADWAY, NEW YORK lomdon PAVL *» • STRAND, W. C. Mtniger. MERIT HAS ITS.REWARD Meritoriout work is like the magnet to the needle. Remits talk. Tho boot woman of the pro- fession are Becoming oar oastomors. They know how to open tho door when opportunity snooks. Bond for one <>• onr BOOKLETS of stage fashions for Indies end got WOLFF, FORDING & CO., 61-05 Eliot St., Boston, Mass. ^ gu ■ saw. ssjBj V still Get your RAILROAD TICKETS on the LEHIGH VALLEY A A W% W~ f I DELAWARE, LACKAWANNA A- WESTERN R. R. at the VAUDE- m I mm k ■ w ville steamship agent. ^a W^ 1*1 an aVI Write, call or telephone. My representative will deliver tbc S^P f^sW amen J AN tickets to you. I have si ways served you well. ^■^ ^^ ■ *■ ^^ wSrw.Sw o^jaj. to Europe? Tiokets on nil Steamship Lines. Lowest rates. PAUL TAUSIO, 104 E. 14th St, Vow York, German Saving-a Bank Building. Telephone 8099 Stuyvesant. LBADTMO BMOUSH TKXATBIOAL AMD VAUDEVILLE MBWSPAPXB. - THE STAGE Porelgn 0/104. par 1H East 14th at PAUL TAUKtv'03 •tnot, Vow York GUyj and at AOKMOY, OB7S, 0S-S4 Vow York PLAYING THE BEST IN VAUDEVILLE SULLIVAN and CONSIDINE CIRCUIT GENERAL BUSINESS OFFICE SULLIVAN AMD OONSTDLsTE BLDG., THIRD GENERAL BOOKING OFFICE BUTTS • AMD 10, ISM BROADWAY. NEW YORK CITT MET). LI/ICOLJi'. Con. Mgr. CHUI-T. O. B-ROW/f. Mgr. BRANCH BOOKING O FF1CEI tr So. Clark St, Ghioago, TJL PAUL OOUDRON. 1117 and lit* Market St., American Theatre Bid*., San Prano ts oo, Co L ARCHIE LEVY. Bow booking- Summer Parks and Vaaderille Theatres In California, Ariiona, Bow Mexico and Texas. Managers Write or Wire. 50 THCATRCS JO THAT INDEPENDENT VAUDEVILLE AGENT LEVEY tOM SUTTER STREET. INDEPENDENT VAUDEVILLE CIRCUIT. SAM FRANCISCO, OAL. I/PPH Don't grow rusty while waiting for the big time. I have a good B I Wr many acts playing that time who went along over my small cir- cuit work while waiting for the big opening. I am booking sets of merit Get busy. NORMAN JEFFERIES, 9th sad Arch Sts.. Philadelphia, Pa. GOING WANTED-BI8 COMEDY and NOVELTY FEATURE Aots to write or wire open time. Bow hooking; for North Avenue, Sohindler'a and Thalia Theatres, Chicago. Also other houses in Illinois, including Caatle, Blooming-ton; Grand, Joliet; Elite, Moline. CHICAGO BOOKING AOB 0HAA K. DOUTRICK, Boom 19, Of La NCY St, Onieago. OPERA HOUSE MANAGERS Let me book yonr theatres for the summer with Tauderille and motion pictures. Write for particulars. CASINO VAUDEVILLE BOOKING AGENCY Sepobiio Building, Boom 004, Ohieago, m. 'Phono Harrison 0000. CONEY HOLMES, Manager. ABTI8T6' REPRESENTATTVE. Booking Vaudeville Aots Everywhere. Can always arrange plenty of work for rood aots. Bond your open time. (BUTTE 111L1110) SCHILLER BUILDING (QARRICK THEATRE), CHICAGO. The Barrel Bumpers MAUDE CASWELL and ARNOLD ^•t«Aramlasg to AsnspYrloss AoK Bavnejr Myers HAMMERSTEINS VICTORIA AMERICAS MOST PAM0U8 VARIETY THEATRE. Open the Year Around VAUDEVILLE HEADLINES -GOOD STANDARD ACTS If you hSTe an open week you want to flu at short notice, write to W. L. DOCKBTADBB, Carries: Theatre, Wliming-ten. Del. Can close Saturday night and make any city east of Chicago to open Monday nlgbt. ERNEST EDELSTON VARIETY AMD DRAMATIC AGENT. 17 Grown Sf H Lelaawter Square, LONDON Solo Bepreae ntatire, John Tiller's Companies. Welter 0. Kelly. Little Tick. Pragson. Always Vacaacles for Good Acts Charles Horwltz always soared by Tho Ohadwlok Tile, Fred Bowers A Co., Harry Pint A Co., Oraaie Emmett A Co., Qulnlnn A Keek, Henry A Yean*, Baker A Lynn, Bummers A Storke, Oeomas A Stone, and orer one hundred others now —* 'h knookoute with Hor wlte S ketohee, Monologuee and Songs. CHAS. HOBWTTZ, Xniokerheoker Theatre Bldg., Boom 010, 1400 BBOADWAY, HEW YOJ Percy G. Williams CIRCUIT 3 The COLONIAL The ALHAMBRA The 0RPHEUM The CRESCENT NewTerK Harlem Brooklyn Broohlye The NOVELTY WUUaauberd The GOTHAM East New York The GREENP0INT Brooklyn Address sll PERSONAL letter* to PERCY 0. WILLIAMS, St Jsaes Sid*. 2»tb SL sod Brosdwsy, New Verk CHj "CHARLEY CASE'S FATIER" Written by Charley Caee. order for 25c. to Case Poblianing Co., N. Y. P. O. VAUDEVILLE ACTS OP AUL, KIND© WANTED LEO GIRGUIT JOSEPH J. LEO, Dewey Theatre, 14th St., New York 0HICA60 VAUDEVILLE MANNERS EXGHAME Big Comedy Otk PXOOB, MERCHANTS' BLDO., 101 WAS! Sketohee always la HTMOTOH ST.. OHTOASO. PBAMX 0. WaaNTplD GOOD ACTS at all times. Booking houses in New York, •^ ** ™ ■ •*■ " ■ Pennsylvania, Ohio, West VirginU, Maryland and Michigan. Addrc.s : ASSOCIATED B00KIN8 AGENCY, 404 Schmidt Bid f . t PinSBUia, Pa. HEADLINERS WANTED Also COMEDY ACTS of All Descriptions. For the New England Vaudeville Circuit. Address JOHN QUIGLEY, "'YuTUSe"" BOSTON, MASS. Variety's Chicago Office IS IN THE Chicago Opera House Block Advertisements and subscriptions received at regular rates. News items ma? be forwarded there, and will be promptly transmitted. PRANK WIESBERG, Representative. When answering advertisements kindly mention Variety.