Variety (May 1909)

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VARIETY AIN'T I RIGHT, BOYS? • . . • FRANK FOGERTY cc THE DUBLIN MINSTRE 99 TTf "OnOVXCLS," April IT. ORPHEOM OFFERS HIGH GLASS BILL Frank! Fogerty and Other* are More Than Usually Entertaining. By wiLimram yotjhs, Frank Fo g ert y —the nam* doesn't sound Dutch* sorely! Mot In your Uttls Kerry flan, doss It! Kolb and Dm srs fanny In thsir way—bnt Frank Fogerty I Well. Its sixty or seventy other stories. The Orphenm programme, dignified as always, OOStrthea Ha lllamlnatlrely as "The Dnblln Minstrel." The description Is almost sdeqosto. It fires yon s Lint of bis nationality. It says be is a minstrel. Bnt it doesn't eonrey, by eight si iteenths. all the things frank Fogerty perpetratea. It doesn't glre the slightest hint of his rapid-fire story-telling, his anecdotal surety, his hinging aud hinging from laogh to laugh, without anything sren slightly resembling g panse. Frank Fogerty Is s gatllng gun of fun. Hs hits yon broadside with one laugh and follows It np so swiftly with another that yon bare to be smart and actlre to get all that be la giving you. Hs dsres yon to do It! And yon do—If you are alert and alive—or •mart and sctlve. There Is no rest with Frank Fogerty. His allotted twenty mlnotss are all too short. Hs can't tell yon everything In that time, so be hurries. One or two of hla stories bear the Imprint of former usage, but not mors than Oos or two. The others, so far as vaudeville are concerned, are as new to the audience and ss delightfully Imported as is Frank Fogerty himself, just from Dublin. That "Finney" has abandoned hla back for an automobile Is no funnier then Frank Fogerty. He cornea late In the bill. He comes so late. Indeed, that you Ilka him all the better for It. He Is something to wslt for. That Is the essence of vaudeville—something to wslt for. Don't make the mistake of missing him. After yestsrdsy's matinee the audience went out talk- ing about him and only him, even though there are other acta on the Mil worthy of comment. "GLOBS." April ltth. Frank Fogerty. "The Dublin Minstrel," Is the other big hit of the bill. This attenuated young man simply pours s wealth of humor upon the audience with Ostllng rapidity, and If one ever gets behind it Is no use trying to catch np with htm. Hla broadsides srs Irresistible for those who srs aufflclently quick-witted to catch them on the fly. "EXAMUTEB," April ltth. FINE BILL FOR NEW VAUDEVILLE HOUSE Opens at Old Theatre Last Night, but Will be Shifted Down Town 1 By GRAHT kL OVEETOM. Frank Fogerty a Hit. Frank Fogerty la an irishman from Dublin with the hardest tssk of all—talking in front of a curtain. He made a wonderful hit yester- day, end no wonder. With pealing voice and appealing brogue be gets off bubbling stories. They are well-considered trifles sod utter fun. He sends 'em off as lightly aa you would Mow thistledown. "CALL," April ltth. "BULLETM," April tOth. Frank Fogerty was ths erenlng'a monologlst. He started hla hearers with a titter and finished them with s shriek. Hs accomplished the im- poaalble with the Incredible length to wMch he spun hla talk and still got away with it. of hla listeners are laughing yet. BID FAREWELL TO THE OLD 0RPHEUM Playgoers See Last Performances in Ellis Street Home of Vaudeville New Bill Is Clever, With Mono- logue Sketch the Best of All. By WALTEH ABTHOff T. One excellent skstch. "Awake at ths Switch," s monologue by Frank Fogerty, and Mils. Zelle de Lusssn were the best of the Mil. Frank Fogerty Alls In with a broad brogue monologue, snd his stories, mostly new, are funny. He wss given a reception so warm that he made a little speech yesterday. EVEKIBO POST, April ltth. Frank Fogerty received the gre ate st ovation erer given an artist In Ssn Francisco. UNDER DIRECTION ALBERT SUTHERLAND Wkm