Variety (May 1909)

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VARIETY 21 ALEXANDER and SCOTT "FROM VIRGINIA" F*li-st New York. Appearance at Sth Avenue Theatre, This U/eek (April ^«5) MGR. R. IRVING Says: "The biggest hit in this house since EVA TANGUAY MAY 17th, 1909, STOLL TOUR. ENGLAND; Sail Mar 5th, S. S. Mauretania AUG. 1st, 1909, SPECIAL FEATURE, COHAN AND HARRIS MINSTRELS, WHOLE SEASON Farewell To All Friends Agent. H. B. MARINELLI Cobb's Corner NO. 168. lATroPAT. MAT 1, 1668, ■ ■•ply to Hmtreis Itqittto rs "YIP-I-ADDY- I-AYE If la restricted to the exelualve nee of BLANCHE RING BY WILL D. COBB 8QNG9M1TH BoUnd, J. W., Irwin's Majestic B. B. Boley, May, Port Waahlngton, L. I. Bonner, Cherry * Olrls, Rial to Roundere, B. B. Borden, Zeno, ft Haydn Bros., 002 Chase, Jollet, 1U. BOSANQUET Greet Suooees on tho Morris Olroult. May 8, Milos, Minneapolis. Bonlden 4 Qulnn, Toms River, N. J. Boutin ft Tllkon, Poll's. Wllkee-Barre. Bowers ft Bowers, 2 OllTer pi., Everett, lisss. Bower Comedy Quartet, Buneway Olrls, B. B. Bowen Bros., 1588 B'way, N. T. Bo7de, Two. 1260 So. Decatur, Montgomery, Ala. Boys In Blue, 240 B. 21, N. T. Bradley ft Davis, 217 E. La lock St., Pittsburg. Brady ft Maboney, Irwin's Big Sbow, B. B. Bradford*, The, 280 W. 41st. N. Y. Brandon's, Musical, Unique, Des Moines; 10, Ma- jestic, Waterloo, la. Bransby ft Williams, 110 Stockton, W. Pittsburg. Breakway Barlows, 201 E. 14th. N. Y. Breen, Harry, Shea's, Buffalo; 10, Shea's, Toronto. Can. Brenner, Samuel N., 2856 Tulip. Phlla. Brennon, Herbert, ft Dowilng, Helen, Washington, 8pokane, Wash. Broadway Boys, 4 Huntings Co. Bingham, Anna R., 28 Exchange, Blnghamton. Brlnkleys, Tbe, 424 W. 80th, N. Y. Brltton, Sadie, Coliseum, Burlington, la., Indef. Brixton ft Brixton, 708 Lexington, Brooklyn, N. Y. Brock, Temple ft Co., 28 W. 81st, N. Y. Brooks ft Denton, 670 6th, N. Y. Brooks ft Jesnnette. 20 E. 118tb, N. Y. Brown ft Sneftall. 840 W. 59th. N. Y. Browne, Botbwell, 407 We»t 123d, N. Y. Brunettes, Cycling, 281 Cross, Lowell, Mass. Buchanan ft Russell, Ontario Hotel, Chicago. Burke, John P., Memphis, Tenn. Burke ft Urllne, 636 Budd, W. Phlla. Buckley, John, 10, Empire, Calgary, Alberta, Can. Buhler, C. H., 1368 Putnam, Brooklyn, N. Y. Burgess, Harvey J., 627 Trenton, Wllklnsburg Sta., Pittsburg. Burns ft Emerson, 1 Piece Boledleu, Paris. Burt, Olen, City Sports, B. R. Burt ft Daughter, Mr. ft Mrs. Wm. P., Actors' Society, N. Y. Burton ft Burton, Al Beeves, B. B. Burton, Hughes ft Burton, 532 Stsnton, Nile*, O. Burton, H. B. Sherman House, Chicago. Buch Bros.. Edison St., Rldgefleld Pk.. N. J. Bush, Johnny, Trio, Vaudeville. Plttsfleld, Mass. Buxton, Chaa., Crystal, Menasha, Wla., indef. Byers ft Herman, 8640 Paxton rd., Cincinnati. Byron ft Langdon, Shea's, Toronto, Can. Caesar, Mysterious, ft Co., Continental Hotel, Chicago. Cahlll, WUliam, 800 7tb. Brooklyn. Cain Sisters, Empire, Youngetown, O., Indef. Cameron ft Byrne, 01 Bartlette, Ban Francisco. Campbell ft Brady, Hastings' Big Sbow, B. E. Campbells, The, l2l W. 101, N. Y. Carbrey Bros., 6 Oxford St., Phlla. Carr Trio, Majestic, Dallas, Tex.; 10, Majestic, Hone ton, Tex. Carrlllo, Leo, c/o Variety, N. Y. Carraya, The, 10 Perry, Pittsburg. Carson ft Devereaux, Odeon, Lyric, ConnellsTllle, Pa. Carley, Hilda, ft Co., Blue Blbbons, B. R. Carof Bisters, 816 W. 140, N. Y. Carlln, Bose, 014 Lenox Ato., N. Y. CsrUn ft Otto. 147 W. 48, N. Y. - Carlisle's Dogs ft Ponies, Wigwam, San Fran- cisco. Carroll, Nettie, Trio, Barnum-Balley, 0. B. Caron ft Farnum, Q. O. H., Indianapolis. Carter, UUUn, Irwin's Majesties, B. B. Carters, Tbe, 84 8th St., La Salle, 111. Carey ft Stampe, 03 Ooort, Brooklyn, N. Y. Caaad ft Do Verne, 818 Valley. Dayton, 0. Castellane ft Bro., Anderson, Louisville. Ceulneld ft Driver, Knickerbocker, B. B. Callan ft Smith, MajesUc, Denver. Celest, 74 Qrove rd., Clapham Park, London. Chameroys, The, 1801 48d, Boroogh Pk., Brooklyn. Chase. J. Percy, Bijou, Oahkoah, Wis., Indef. Chatham, Jim, Irwin's Majesties, B. B. Chapman 8iaters, Avenue Olrls. B. B. Cherle. Doris, 28 B. 00th, N. Y. 0. Chevalier, Louie, ft Co., 1008 B'way, N. Y. Chick ft Ohlckleta, Miner's Americans, B. B. Chlnko, Orpbeum, Ban Francisco. Church City Four, Strolling Players, B. B. Clarence Sisters, 860 West 40th St., N. Y. Clark ft Duncan, Main St., Peoria, 111.; 10, Lyric, Terre Haute, Ind. Clark ft Turner, 146 W. 64th. N. Y. Clarke, Wilfred, 180 W. 44, N. Y. Clay, Geo., Bijou, Erie, Pa.; 10, Grand. Oil City, Pa. Clayton ft Drew, O. H.. Chattanooga, Tenn. Clermont as, O. H. t Philadelphia. Cleveland, Claude ft Marlon, 01 Beacbland, Se- vere Beach, Mass. Clifford & . Almes, San Carlos. Key West, Fla. Clipper Comedy Four, Keeney's, New Britain, Conn. Clyo ft Bochelle, 87 Park, Attleboro. Mass. Cody ft Lynn, Colonial Belles, B. R. Cogan ft Bancroft, 1008 B'way, N. Y. Cohen, Ttllle, Gayety, Cleveland. Colby. Mr. A Mrs. Franklyn, 2084 West Lake, Chicago. Colbye. The, 77 Walton PI., Chicago. Cole, Will. 10 4th. Brooklyn, N. Y. Cole ft Clements. Saymore Hotel, Phlla. Colonial Septet, Cardiff, Wales. Colonial Quartet, 1862 Page, San Francisco. Columbia Musical Trio, De Bue Bros.' Minstrels. Columbians, Five, 126 Midland, Findlay, 0. Comrades, Four. 884 Trinity, N. Y. C. Cooper. John W., 119 Wyckoff, Brooklyn, N. Y. Cooper, J amos ft Lucia, Howard, Boston; 10, Empire, Plttsfleld, Mass. Conroy. Le Maire ft Co., Shubert's. Utlca; 10, Al- hanibra, N. Y. Conway ft Lcland, Wlntergarten, Berlin, Ger- many. Cook, Frank, Austin ft Stones, Boston, indef. Cook ft Msrilson. Casino, N. Y.. indef. Cook. Joe. & Bro., Olympic, Chlcugo; 10, Majestic, Chicago. Cooper, Harry L., Williams' Imperials, B. B. Cooper, Jeanette, Thalia. San Francisco, Indef. Coombs, Frank ft Stone, Muriel, Orpheum, Seattle. Corcoran & Dixon, 23, Truxton. Brooklyn, N. Y. Cossar, Mr. A Mrs. John. 306 W. 121st. N. Y. Coulter ft Wilson, 137 W. 40th. N. Y. Country Club, Colonial, N. Y.; 10, Orpheum, Brooklyn. Courtney ft Dunn. 232 E. 18th, N. Y. Cowles Family, Great, c/o Webster, Valley City, No. Dak. Cowper, Jimmle, 86 Carroll. Blnghamton. Crane, Flnlay Co.. Broadway, Middle ton; 10. Orpheum, Canton, O. Crane, Mr. ft Mrs. Gardner, Alhambra, N. Y. Crawford ft Manning, 115 Lawrence, Brooklyn. Crawford, Pat, HI Henry Minstrels. Cree. Jessica. 601 Klrbly Ave., Detroit. Cn>o ft Co., 1404 Borie. Phils. Cressy ft Dayne, Proctor's, Newark; 10, Keith's, Phlla. Crollus, Dick, ft Co.. Orpheum, Kansas City. Crlmmings ft Geary, 45 Charles St., Maiden, Mass. Cummlngs ft Colonna. 22 Flat 1, Cremoorth Gar- dens, Brixton. London, England. Cummlngs, Grace ft Co., Main. Peoria, 111. Cummlngs ft Merley, Unique, Los Angeles, Indef. Cunnlugham. Bob. Broadway Gaiety Girls. B. R. Cunningham & Marlon, Bennett's, Ottawa; 10, Bennett's, Montreal, Can. Curtis, Sam J.. A Co., Bennett's, Ottawa, Can.; 10, Bennett's, Montreal, Can. Curson Sisters, Rlngllng Bros., C. R. Cuttings, The, Lampasso. Tex. Cuttys, Musical, 3034 E. Baltimore St., Baltimore. Dagwell, Natalie, and Aurle. 108 W. 84th, N. Y. Dainty Four, 242 W. 4Sd, N. Y. D'Alvini, Rocky Point, B. I., indef. Dale ft Boyle, MajesUc, Johnstown. P.. Daly ft O'Brien, Family, WUllamsport. Daly's Country Choir, 1440 B'way. N. Y. Dance, Wm. H., Majestic, Stoox FaUs. Indef. Dandy George Duo, 221 W. 42. N. Y. Dare, Harry. 820 E. 14th, N. Y. Darrow, Stuart, Mr. ft Mrs.. Orpheum, AUentown; 10, Orpheum, Reading, Pa. Darnley, Grace, Lagos House, Fairfield Rd., Vic- toria, B. 0. Davenport, Ethel, 60 Irving PI., Brooklyn. Davey ft Moore. 182 B. 17, N. Y. Davis Imperial Three, Runaway Olrls Co., B. R. Davis, Mark ft Laura, Bijou, Superior, Wis.; 10, MajesUc, Sioux Falls, 8. D. Davis, 8am, 217 E. Lalock St.. Pittsburg. Davie, Edwards, Orson Boon Club, N. Y. Davie, Floyd, Temple, Boulder, ON., Indef. Davis Bros., Hi Henry Minstrels. Dawson ft Whitfield, 846 B. 58th, N. Y. Day, .Carita, 880 Gold St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Deagon. Bd ft Kitty. Griffith, Ind. Dens ft Dees, 888 W. 80th. N. Y. Dell ft MUler, Hippo., Buffalo, Indef. De Ootret ft Bego, Pantage's, Bellingham, Wash. De Fur ft Bates, 2810 Bellfontain. Indianapolis. De Hollls ft Valora, Orpheum, Butte. De Lueon, Zelle, Orpheum, Oakland. De Tricker Coy, Hunt'e Hotel, Chicago. De Veaux, Wells O., Crystal, Denver, Indef. Delmar ft Delmar, Boll Circus, Mexico, indef. Delmore, Mleeee, 418 W. Adams, Chicago. Delton, Al H., 088 18th, Milwaukee. Deltona, Three, 861 W. 88th, N. Y. Demacos, The, 118 North 8th, Phlla. Demlng, Joe. ft Co., Mlshler, Johnstown, Pa,; 10, Family, York, Pa. Dempeeys, The, Hotel Gray moot, Denver, Colo. Deamond Sisters, 600 Milton, San Diego, Oal. Denker, Boae, Behman Show, B. B. Doonao Broa., Mar., Hippo., London, Bng. Derenda ft Oreen, 887 Stark, Portland, Ore. Derr-Schadt. 828 8. 9th, AUentown. Pa. Deamond Trio, Orpheum, Lima, O.; 10, Philllpp's, Richmond, Ind. De Mont ft Co., Robt.. Orpbeum, Reading; 10, Orpheum, Harrlsburg, Pa. De Tellni ft Co.. 410 Best 8t.. Buffalo. N. Y. De Veau, Herbert, Lyric, Blnghamton, N. Y. De Verne, Tbelma, ft Co., Family. Helena. Mont.; 0, Family, Missoula, Mont. De Young, Tom. 106 E. 118th, N. Y. Diamond Jim, Kentucky Belles, B. R. Dickinson, Rube, 2010 Vine 8t., Lincoln, Neb. Dlerlckx Bros., Orpheum, Portland, Ore. Dilla ft Templeton, Niagara, Niagara Falls, N. Y. Dixie, Harris ft Francis, 242 Jefferson, Decatur, 111. Dixon, Bowers ft Dixon, 756 8th Ave., N. Y. Donnelly ft Rotall, New York Stars, B. B. Doherty ft Harlowe. 296 Broad, Brooklyn, N. Y. Doherty Sisters, Poll's. Wilkes-Barre; 10, Shea's. Buffalo. Dolores, Angela, ft Co., San Francisco, Cal. Dooley, Jed.. 9081 Charles, Chicago. Donald & Carson, Orpheum, Oakland. Too Chat. I. Harris Courier By Special Request JACK DRISGOLL sang If "Nobody Knows, Nobody Cares at the 14th St. Theatre which was a big hit and sung to many encores CHAbV K. HARRIS, 81 WEST 81st ST., NEW TOBJL COHEN, Manager, Cbioage, Grand Opera House Donigan. John, 2588 Cedar, Phlla. Donovan ft Mackln, 806 W 48, N. Y. Dora, Queen, Crown, Sidney Mines, N. S., Oa. Dorsch ft Russell, Templt, Ft. Wayne; 10, Bijou, Decatur, 111. Dotson, Howard, 1558 B'way. N. Y. Douglas ft Van. 76 Pacific. Brooklyn, N. Y. Dove ft Lee, Imperial, B. B. Dow ft Dow, 1021 South 4th, Phlla. Downey ft Willard, 41 Lin wood Ave., Detroit. Dragoons, Black, 120 W. 27th, N. Y. Drew, Dorothy, Orpheum, Seattle. Drew, Lowell B., 4220 Pecbln, Boxborough. Phlla. Du Bols. Great, Co., Hathaway'a Brockton; 10, Hub, Boston. Duffy, Dan J., Lincoln Apta., Atlantic City. Dumltreeen-Vermette Troupe, 46 W. 88, N. T. Donbera, Tbe, Happy Hour, San Antonio, Texan, Indef. Dunbar ft Fisher. 233 Warren Ave., Chicago. Dunbars, Four Casting, Orpheum, Loo Angeles. Duncan, Harry, Hunt's Hotel, Chicago. Duncan, A. O., Poll's, Worcester. Mass.; 10. Cook's. Rochester. Dunham, Jsck, City Sports, B. R. Dunedln Troupe, Temple, Detroit. Dunlap, McCormack ft Co., Orpbeum, Loo An* geles. Dunn, Harvey, De Rue Broa.' Minstrels. Dunn, J. Lee, 201 E. 14th St.. N. Y. Dupres, Fred, 150 Albany. Brooklyn. Eerie, Chick, 501 North Capt., IndlanapoUa. Eerie, Chaa. Henry. Bijou. Newerk, N. J., indef. Burly ft Late, Century Girls, B. B. USE THIS FORM IF YOU HAVE NO ROUTE CARDS CARDS WILL BE MAILED UPON RI:Oli:s;