Variety (May 1909)

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VARIETY 29 BOOKS PROFESSIONALS HAVING To publish are Invited to communicate with us. We are SPECIALISTS In this line. Oar recent Issues include: "MY LADY VAUDEVILLE." By Geo. Fuller Ooldeu. 1st Edition 0,000 copies. (Issued for the White Rats of America.) "40 TEARS' OBSERVATIONS OF MTJBIO AND THE DRAMA." By Robert Orau. We offer terms, service and speed no others can match. Address: Broadway Publishing Company Publishers and Booksellers, 886 BROADWAY, NEW TORE. PHOTOS. CABINETS, 88.80 per 100. First Class. Eat. 20 yra. Have sittings or send photos. or negative. JOHNSON, 108 Wabssh Av.. Chicago. ALIOE'LA DANCING CLOGS Ladies' or Men's Sizes Price, all wood sole,8400. Leather shank, $0.00, delivered free. Patent > fastening never rlpa. ALBERT H. RIEMfc.ii anoK CO., Milwaukee.Wis. JAMES MADISON Publisher of Madison's Budget; price $1. VAUDEVILLE AUTHOR Writes for Joe Welch, Ben Welch, Al Carleton, etc. 1493 BROADWAY Room 617 Long Acre Bldg., 44th to 46th St. Hours 10 a. m. to noon and by appointment. FOR RENT Candy Stands, Balloon Any Similar PRIVILEGES with the BAY STATE SHOWS Address OSCAR LOWANDt, Ro>»dlr*rf, Mass. WANTED A-1 TRICK RIDER -to do straight In a well-known vaudeville team. -Apply at once. BURKE A HAYES Vaudeville Agents, 1481 BROADWAT, V. T. DEPARTMENT OP THE INTERIOR. WASH- INGTON, D. C, APRIL 1, 1900. Sealed proposala In duplicate will be received -st the Department until 2 o'clock P. M., Wed- nesday, May S, 1000, and there opened In the presence of such persons as may attend, for sup- plying stage fixtures and hardware, seating, fur- niture, electric light fixtures, and miscellaneous ■furnishings, for the Assembly Hall at the Govern- ment Hospital for the Insane, in accordance with -epedflcatlona to be had upon application at the Department. All bids must be accompanied by a certified check equal to twenty per cent. (20%) of the amount of the bid, payable to the Secre- tary of the Interior. The right Is reserved to re- ject any or all bids or waive technical defects, "to accept one part and reject the other, as the Interests of the Government may require. Bidden are Invited to attend. Applicants for plans and sneclflcsMons will be required to submit with their application for same a certified check for *en dollars ($10.00). payable to the Secretary of the Interior, as a guarantee that they will return Ho good condition the rlans and speclflcatlona. Proposals must be marked "Proposals for Fur- nishing Assembly Hall. Government Hospital for the Insane." JESSE B. WILSON, Assistant Secretary. seems to have become rather popular. In view of the "song boosting" the American has been burdened with. Nlcholl, a magician, with a pleas- ing personality and a good sense of humor, opened. The newest thing possibly shown by him and his three nssintants Is a cabinet trick. He secures a female assistant In the cabinet. Open- ing it after a few moments, she Is In the same -secured position, bead downwsrd. It is striking- ly good. George W. Day's nonsensical patter, tbe audience heartily relished. Halllday and Cur- - ley In "The Battle of Too Soon," ably presented, and wss liked. The first part of tbe show. In 'fact the entire performance, would have been In- comphte without Julian Eltlnge, who occupies foremost place In the estimation of those who came to see him and those who saw blm. He bas an entirely new act In sdltion to his fetching "Bathing Girl" Impersonation. The full stage setting. In which he Introduces an Oriental dance he calls "The Goddess of Incense," Is most elab- orate. His success was not only tremendous, but sensational. The Kohler Operatic Trio ap- peared recently ss the Italian Trio, and the ssme songs are given. Edward Blondell and Co. burnished comedy In "Tbe Lost Boy." here earlier SHORT VAMP SHOES (Exclusively for Women). For Stage, Street and Evening Wear. Great Variety. Exclusive Models. Creator of Short Vamp Shoes. 607 Sixth Ave., New York. Bet. 80th and Slat Stn. Send for Illustrated Catalogue. One Flight Up. Tel. 1066 Madison Sq. NOTICE TO ARTISTS Artists desiring to purchase diamonds are now in s position to buy them of me on time st cash prices. Have no traveling agents, thereby giving the artists the benefit of tbe expense. Will cheerfully send goods for Inspection or will call and exhibit goods to select from. Write for terms and particulars; ^TITZZIT"' JULIUS BOASBERG JEO. J. MALLOY, ^ Jg4 MAJJ| 1T11ETf BUFFALO. S. T. In the season. James J. Morton provided merri- ment with his peculiarly droll talk. He was given an ovation. One of tbe best acrobatic and gymnastic acta Is shown by the Brothers Ds Wynne. FRANKLIN (Frank Howard, mgr.; agent, Will- iam Morris).—George Adams, Melroy Trio, En- nice Boyley, Newsboy Quartet, Davis and Merrill, Billy Conklln, Hellman and Co., Chas. Allen and Leon and Bertie Allen. KEDZ1E (Wm. Dougherty, mgr.; agent, Will- iam Morris).—Walter Ross, Hellman and Co., Dickson and David, Geo. Adams, Leon and Bertie Allen, Melroy Trio. BNGLEWOOD (W. Brandom, mgr.; agent, William Morris).—The Two Snllns, Orlan and Scheafer. John Green, Walter Ross, The Three Zieglers, Bmnlce Boyley and Hank Adams. BOULEVARD (Julius Welngarten, mgr.; agent, William Morris).—Grant Owens, The Two Sher- mans, Howard and Orlan and Scheafer. PALACE (Donlan A Carlas, tngrs.; agent, Will- iam Morris).—Great Simmons, Hall and O'Brien, Bade Mack, Eary and Landore. OGDEN (W. F. Welnrlcb, mgr.; agent, William Morris).—Fred Jackson, Myrtle Maloln, Grant Owens, Joe Hellnea. ROTH-COHEN (Roth 4 Cohen, nigra.; sgent, William Morris).—Babe Mack, Loe Hellene, Two Thompsons, Helster Sisters, Newsboy Quar- tet. DOUGLAS (Clyde Moore, mgr.; agent William Morris).—Sweeney and Rooney, Chas. Allen, Geo. Crotty, Bannister Sisters, Beatrice Leonard, Fraak Montors. OLYMPIC (Fred Ackerman, mgr.; agent, W. V A.).— Flske O'Hara and Co., Tom Waters. Tbe Bonessettls, Julie Heme end Co., Lew Bloom, Tbe Wortheys, Marqula and Lynn, Sisters Cam- eron. HAYMARKBT (W. V. Newklrk, mgr.; agent, W. V. A.).—Jack Johnson, Howard and Lawrence, Doherty Slaters, Csrtmell snd Harris, Caron and Farnum, Sam Stern, White and Adama, Edwarda and Glenwood, Elsie Tuell, Stanton and Baker, Claude Bnnmeyer. STAR (Tom Carmody, mgr.; agent, W. V. A.). —Morrow, Schellberg and Co., Marvelous Hlltona, Devoy and Dayton Sisters, Buckley Martin and Co., Georgia and Georgia, Burke and Farlow, Swain and Oatman. STAR AND GARTER (D. J. Herrmann, mgr.). —"Girls from Happyland." return engagement. First time on west aide. Billy Watson, the German comedian, la advertised aa the "original" "Billy." The original W. B. (Billy) Watson was here the early part of the season, playing at the Empire, where he broke the record of the bouse. The 8tar and Garter played to capacity at both performances Sunday. FOLLY (John A. Fennessey, mgr.).—"Follies of the Day." EUSON'8 (Sid J. Euson, mgr.) .—"Jersey Lilies." EMPIRE (I. H. Herk, mgr.).—"Miss New York. Jr." SCHINDLER'S (L. Scblndler, mgr.; agent, Chas. H. Doutrlck).—Mexican Zamora Family, Hutchlnson-Lusby Co., Howley and Lealle, Shaw and Robinson, E. 8. Norton and Co., Fern Mel- rose. NORTH AVENUE (Psol Slttner, mgr.; agent, Chas. H. Doutrlck).—Willlard and Bond Co- Jack Harlowe and Co., Espe Bros., Fat and Hattls Cooley, Olga Lorraine, Roslnl and Roslnl. THALIA (Thos. Murray, mgr.; agent, Chas. H. Doutrlck).—Inness and Ryan, Lillian Le Roy and Co., Kelt and De Mont, Smith, Evans and Williams. NOTES.—A vaudeville performance for the ben- efit of the Chicago Lodge of Elks was given st the Garrlck Friday. It was the thirty-second event. Tbe proceeds will be devoted to charity. The lengthy program consisted of Cliff Gordon, Tom Waters, Loney Haskell, Dave Rose, Winona Winter and chorus from "The Golden Girl." Vio- let Dale, from "The Girl from Rector's," Richard Carroll and Lora Lieb, from "Tbe Alaskan," and several others.—Harry W. Fields will retire from Jake Sternad's (No. 1) "Redpath's Napanees" at tbe end of the season and take up quarters In tbe Majestic Theatre Building, to produce sketches for Mr. Sternad, who will have a dozen or more new productions next season.—Cecil Lean and Florence Hoi brook bave signed with tbe Sbuberts to appear in a new musical comedy to be pro- duced In New York early In the fall.—Zlska and Florence Saunders have added several new Illu- sions to their versatile act, and will remain in this section all summer, playing theatres and parks.—Dave Rose will do a single turn in vaude- ville this summer. He lias in preparation a dra- matic sketch and his Italian character will be featured. NOTES.—Harry W. Tlghe has retired from the La Salle Theatre Stock Co. The vacancy Is filled by Harry Stone. Tight' will return to vaudeville.—Winona Winter will, at the end of the season, go Into vaudeville as a single art. She Is one of the prim Ipal members of the Iji Salle Co.—Ellta Proctor Otis and Wm. Burress, former members of "The Girl from Rector's" Co.. which ended Its curtailed run at the In- ternational last week on account of the closing of the theatre by the authorities, will appear jointly as headline™ at the Majestic next week. —Dollle Toye, the singer, will not open at tbe American In New York next Monday on account of a severe cold. Her eastern debut will be postponed until the week after next or longer.— There bas been some talk about building a new theatre In tbe vicinity of Wabash Avenue and Hubbard Court, directly opposite tbe International, and within a half block of the American. It appears that the south part of the city Is be- coming a theatrical centre. ' The rental la con- sidered about $40,000 a year, a figure considered somewhat steep for that locality. SfKN rRAINGISGO ORPHEUM (Martin Beck, gen. mgr.; agent direct).—Week 10: If we disqualify Manager John Morrlsey's brief yet breesy introductory monolog the honor of being tbe first number upon the new Orpheum stage belongs to Mile. Zelle de Lussan, who sang the national air to a standing house. Fred Ray Players again well liked. Paul Sawdor's Circus, one of tbe prime numbers. Margaret Moffat and Co. offered "Awake at the Switch." To Frank Fogerty fell the honors of the first bill judged by tbe length and volume of applause. There was a decided freshness to his material and bis delivery of It waa model., Arcadia, vocalist, made her way In eaay style. Grlgolatl's Aerial Ballet, the closing number. The reel of pictures showing San Francisco before the fire came In for Its share of approval. The holdovers were Fsye, Miller and Weston, The Sandwinas. NATIONAL (Sid Grauman, mgr.; agent, 8.C., Archie Lens).—Ita diversity waa the recommen- dation of the bill, saving several acta somewhat below tbe standard. Delmore and Oneida, pole balancers, held close to tbe regular routine, offer- ing nothing of the sensational order. Cross and Co. bad an Insipid conglomeration of senseless bumor, brightened In spots by the Individual work of the combination. Manuel Roma in, "The Sweet Voiced Tenor," put In a reappearance, scoring de- cisively. Eva Westcott In her novel dramatic bit, "The Butterfly Wife," did quite well; and Rose Steven, vocalist, repeated tbe success of the pre- vious week. Joe Flynn, monologlst, got s ma- jority of the hands. WIGWAM (Sam Harris, mgr.; agents, 8.-C. and W. S.).—Comedy dominated, being tbe right sort. Marco Twins were underscored, but Joe Watson, s Hebrew comedian of an unusual brand, had a choice spot on the bill and got the honors. Raw- son and June, well-arranged novelty; Ellsworth and Llndon, warmly welcomed with tbe comedy sketch, "His Day Off." Helen Urma submitted a finished vocal number with character changes, and won a favorable verdict. Elmer Tenley, an entertainer of decided merit, royally received; Alice Davenport and Co., In a dramatic aketch, "Now," went In average fashion. EMPIRE (W. Z. Tiffany, mgr,; agent. West- ern States, O. S. Burns).—Mrs. Maud Evans, who sprang Into public notice through the divorce proceedings instituted against her by her husband, a prominent naval officer, was tbe feature of the week, and proved a strong drawing card. Tbe Armauls. a likeable Italian singing troupe, scored decided bit. Their special drop also won favorable comment. West and Mack, blackface comedians, showed as the right sort snd estab- lished themselves as fsvorltes. Wentworth, Vesta and Teddy, the latter one of the most Intelligent acrobatic dogs ever seen here were well received. Se-Hara shared In the top Hoe place, affording entertaining "thought transference." STAR (Sid Grauman, mgr.; agent, direct).— Rechrlstened the "Star.' 'the Globe, In tbe Mis- sion district opened 17 with "pop." vaudeville. The prices are 5-10, and tbe Missionltes seemed to bave taken kindly to this bargain in vaudeville, as capacity houses have prevailed since the open- aM/Mlf AT THE GARDEN, AlsTlAf llUfT Twice Daily, t and 8. IlLff Engagement Ends Saturday, May 16. AMERICA'S XnS ONLY Real Representative Exhibition Rich In Romance Picturesque and Patriotic Educating and Entertaining (OL. Wit f. (ODY "SS&aj! - WHO BUI Positively Appears st Every Performance. Admission 20c., 50c. Reserved, 70c., $1, $1.00. Box Seats, $2, $2.00. All according to location. I. MILLER., Manufacturer of Theatrical 202 ^sEe^% cB ^* 8b0 "' If.2358ST^ I*ell Ballet and N X.^M lall ■ Acrobatic Shoos s specialty. All work mads st short notice. KE •107 MICHIGAN AYE., TUM EXCLUSIVE DE8IGMS. Ooatnmer for the Loading Stage Celebritii •Phone, Calumet 2402. GOWNS $67 a STATE ST., CHICAGO. 'Phone Harrison 8686. Full line of slightly ased Evening Gowns, Opera Costs snd Street Gowns, all suitable for Stage Wear, foabrette Dresses mads to order, all seises and styles. Special prices and attention given te theatrical profession. Sealskin Coats and Furs ef all descriptions. Comedy Talking Acts. $ Monologues (anre its). Several First Parts and Burlesques, and Complete Musical Faros Comedies, Address F»/1UL QUINN (Quinn and Mitchell), $0 Bsy 86th St., Bensonhurst, Long Island, M. T. BARNETT SECOND HARD DRESS SHOP Street snd Evening Gowns. Also BOUBRBTTB DRESSES and FUR8. 828 STATE ST. CHICAGO, ILL. ELSIE FAYE > MILLER and WESTON "THE ACT DAINTY" HELD OVER the THIRD WEEK to open tho now Orpheum, Son Francisco. P.S.-Thlo means "succ 9 9 When answering advertitementt kindly mention Variety.