Variety (May 1909)

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i V **. s VARIETY. 39 l\/1 rvji A SONG THAT IS ABSOLUTELY UNIQUE IN MELODY AND IDEA; THE CLASSIEST, CATCHIEST BIT OF STUFF YOU EVER HEARD. APPROPRIATE FOR ANYONE TO SING ANYWHERE, ANY TIME. AND ALSO , a YOU VE GOT ME GOIN 3 3 A BEAUTIFULLY SIMPLE AND SIMPLY BEAUTIFUL THING THAT YOU CAN'T FORGET AFTER YOU HAVE HEARD IT; AN EASY HIT THAT WILL SET A NEW STANDARD FOR NOVELTY SONGS. OTHER RATTLING GOOD ONES IN PREPARATION. ONCE I INTEND TO MAKE JUST AS SENSATIONAL A SUCCESS OF THE MUSIC publishing business as I have made of the Moving Picture Business. Nothing will do it but live staff, and I've got it. And if you've got anything better I'll pay you a rood, stiff price for your manuscript. I'm going to bring some entirely new ideas into the business and the people that get in with me at the start will have mighty good cause to be glad of it later on. 01 Course Yon Know Homer Howard! Well, He's Going to be Manager of the Music House of Laeramle and I am going to let him out looee with some of the good ideas he's got under his scalp. I have secured headquarters on the sixth floor of the Oneonta Building, corner of Randolph and Clark Streets, Chicago, and will probably have them ready when this ad. appears. This is your invitation to drop in and look around a bit and hear the new songs! PROFESSIONAL COPIES! SLIDES! ORCHESTRATIONS N RE CARL LAEMMLE, President I Don't Want Your 2 Cent Stamps or Late Programs 196-198 Lake St. cS^gT HOMER HOWARD, Manager CARL LAEMMLE, President e 196-198 Lake St Chicago. completed. WASHINGTON (Geo. Blakesley. mxr.; agent, S.-C.).—DeButs and Toesel, cyclists, bead; Saona, Impersonator, fairly good; Zay Hol- land, went well; Harry Burgoyne, character songs, the real hit; Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Forbes snd Co., In "A Wild Rose," fair; Sydney Grant, monolog, remaining number. R. B. M. Chester Blogett Johnson, cyclist, rery clever; Ma- Belle Slaters, Juvenile, excellent; R*. V. Murray, Hongs, good. HARRY KIRK. STAMFORD, CONN. LYCEUM (Anthony •Geronlmo. ingr.; agent, L. I>. Mayne).—Wlllar'g "Temple of Music," unique and arttatlc; Hopwood and Lee, a. and d., fair; TOLEDO, O. ARCADE (Will C. Bettls, mgr.; agent. Qua Sun). VALENTINE (Callle A Kunsky, mgrs.). —Vaudeville and pictures to fair business. The house began its new policy on Sunday with a very poor bill. CROWN (Charles Nassar, mgr.; agent, Toledo Booking Agency).—Fairly good bill headed by the Fulsoms, balancing act. The ROYAL, SUNBEAM, STAR, PRINCESS, VICTORY. SUPERBA, GEM, LION, CROWN, IDLEHOUR, CASINO snd FAMILY all doing well. NOTES.—Harry Clark and Floyd WUllama left on Tuesdsy to Join the Robinson show at Clrclevllle, O.—J. H. Hooley left to take the management of the High Street Theatre at Colum- bus.—Sam Pickens has arrived here to take bold of "White City."—Chester Sargent, formerly manager of the Arcade, will take the Lyric, Dayton, for the coming season. 8YDNEY WIRE. WORCESTER. POLI'S (J. C. Crlddle. mgr.).—Hastings and Wilson, lii "The Lunatics/' good; Center and Waters, "Excess Bsggsge," very good; Hal Mer- rltt, "The Poster Girl Monologlst," took well; The MnslcSl 'Johnsons, good; Clayton White and Marie Stuart and Co., "Cberle," went big; Jo* aephlne Davis, "The Dainty Ingenue," took well; Muller, Chunn and Muller, expert hoop rollers, very good. W. M. SHERMAN. it POINTS TO THINK OF • re sir* Two Se»li*'s> Birf Headllners Coming May 6, 1909 Chinatown Slavery" Code Word, CHOW. Length, 796 Feet. Order QUICK from Your Nearest Film Exchange. THE SELIG POLYSCOPE CO., Inc., "Adventures of a Keg" Code Word, XEO. Length, 200 Feet This Picture will be the Funniest Comedy Ever Staged. Released with "CHINATOWN SLAVERY'*—A Melodrama that will be the Talk of the Country. Don't Forget to Order our Posters. Price 10 Cents. 45-47-49 Randolph Street. CHICAGO. U. S. A. II THE A BIG SUCCESS IN ENGLAND GALLAGER and BANNON opened at the Empress Theatre, Brixton, April 19, and were booked after the first performance for an indefinite run at the PALACE, London PAUL MURRAY, Agent English Copyright Secured