Variety (May 1909)

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VARIETY 41 SEND IN OPEN TIME FOR NEXT SEASON With Route Booked. Can Arrange Convenient Jumps WILLIAM MORRIS, Inc. Acts desiring immediate or later time abroad, forward particulars and photos at once. PARK MANAGERS, WILLIAM MORRIS, InC. Can furnish you with all the best acts you want MtKCMJtVtK Ml W yil»W6. NEW YORK LONDON OFFICE. 41 • STRAND. W. C. rrr~K~~ WEST 42nd STREET. 167 DEARBORN ST., CHICAGO ONLY A POST CARD DEMOND &- DIN8M0RE believe In brevity. Short and sweet la their motto. Their poet card reada: "Character dress received; very moch pleased with It." Have you bad one of our FREE BOOKLETS of stage fashions for lsdlee? If not, why not! WOLFF, FORDING ft GO., 61-65 Ella, St., Bsston, Mats. M m kk ■■ BBBk BBSS. I/All 0«t your RAILROAD TICKETS on the LEHIGH VALLEY * W% WJk ^™ f I DELAWARE, LACKAWANNA ft WESTERN R. R. at the VAUDE- m MM mm ■ w ville steamship agent. m J™ A11I Write, call or telephone. My representetlve will deliver the %M f^sw BBH 11 AN tickets to yon. I have always served you well. ^■^ ^** m ■ mmm waTw-SB Going to Europe 1 Tickets on all Steamship Lines. Lowest rates. PAUL TAUSIO, 104 E. 14th St., Hew York, German Savings Bank Buildinc. Telephone 8099 Btuyvesant. THE ENGLISH PROFESSIONAL JOURNAL Circulation guaranteed to be larger than that of any English journal devoted to the Dramatio or Vaudeville Professions. Foreign subscription, 17s. 4d. per annum. Sons, 14-SO MEW YORK AGENTS—Paul Tauaig, 88-84 West 88d Street, and Samuel Iteaeh ft West 88nd Street. Artists visiting England are invited to send particulars of their not and date of STAGE Letter Box is open for the reception of their mail. 10 YORK STREET, COVENT GARDEN, LONDON, W. 0. PLAYING TH BEST IN VAUDBVILLB SULLIVAN and C0NSIDINE CIRCUIT GENERAL BUSINESS OFFICE SULLIVAN AJTB OONSTDIME BLDO.. THIRB AND MADISON ITREZTS. GENERAL BOOKING OFFICE SUITE • AND If. ISM BROADWAY. NCW YORK CITT r-RE-D. Li/tCOLft. Gt*. Mgr. CHTLl-T. O. WROW/r. Mgr.\ BRANCH BOOKING O F FICJDS} 07 So. Clark St, Chicago. TIL PAUL O0UDR0N. Third and Madison Sta., Seattle, Wash. HARRY LEAVTTT. 1117 and 11S0 Market SL, American Theatre Bldg., Saa Franclsoo, CaL New booking Summer Parks and Vaudeville Theatres in California, Arisona, New Mexico Managers Write or Wire. 50 THatATRCS JO THAT INDEPENDENT VAUDEVILLE AGENT and T VEY 8050 BUTTER STREET. INDEPENDENT VAUDEVILLE CIRCUIT. SAM FRANCISCO, CAL WANTED-BIG COMEDY and NOVELTY FEATURE Acts to write or wire open time. Mow booking for North Avenue, Sohlndler's and Thalia Theatres, Chicago. Also other houses in Illinois, including Castle, Bloomington; Grand, Joliet; Elite, Molina. CHICAGO BOOKING AGENCY OHAS. H DOUTRICK, Manager. Room 89, 08 La Salle St., Chioago. OPERA HOUSE MANAGERS Let me book your theatres for the summer with vaudeville and motion pictures. Write for particulars. CASINO VAUDEVILLE BOOKING AGENCY lepublio Building, Room 084, Chioago, HI. 'Phone Harrison 8960. CONEY HOLMES, Manager. ARTISTS' REPRESENTATIVE. Booking Vaudeville Acts Everywhere. Can always arrange plenty of work for good acta. Bend your open time. (SUITE 1111-1118) SCHILLER BUILDING (OARRICK THEATRE), CHICAGO. WANTED GOOD ACTS at all times. Booking houses in New York, •• ^"^ ' ™ "■ Pennsylvania, Ohio, West Virginia, Maryland and Michigan. AddrcsB; ASSOCIATED BOOKING AQEHCY, m Schmidt Bldg., PIT TSBURG, Pa. PLAY THIS ACT ACROSS THE BOARD BTRAIOHT, PLACE AMD SHOW. -Du Ball Bros.- America's Unsurpassed Dancers, running at the Colonial Theatre this w< Starter, [AL. SUTHERLAND (April 84). HAMMERSTEINS AMERICA'S MOST FAMOUS VARIETY VICTORIA Open the Year Around VAUDEVILLE HEADLINERS - GOOD STANDARD ACTS If poo have an open week yoa wsnt to SH at Short notice, write to W. L DOCKSTADBR. Gar rick Theatre, Wilmington. DeL Can dose Saturday night and make any dtp east of Chicago to open Monday night. ERNEST EDELSTON VARIETY AMD DRAMATIC AGENT. 1 7 Green St., Leleeater Sejuare, LONDON Sato Representative, John Tiller's Companies. Walter O. Kelly. Little Tick. Frageon. Always VbobbcIbb ter Good Acts Charles Horwitz Suooeaa always aoored by The Chadwiok Trie, Fred Bowers a Co., Harry First a Co., Oracle Emmett A Co., Quinlan a Mack, Henry A Tonne, Baker a Lynn, Summers a Starke, Coombs ft Stone, and over one hundred others now eooring knockouts with Hor vrlta S ketohea, Monologues ana Songa. OHAS. HORWITZ, Xniokerbooker Theatre Bldg., Boom 815, 1408 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. Percy G. CIRCUIT The COLONIAL The ALHAMBRA The ORPHEUM The CRESCENT New York Harlem Brooklyn Brooklyn The NOVELTY Williamsborg The GOTHAM East New York The GREENP0INT Brooklyn Address all PERSONAL Istttrs ts PERCY 0. WILLIAMS, St James Bldg.. 2eth St sad Broadway, Nsw York Clt> 01 CHARLEY CASE'S FATHER ft Written by Charley Case, aesaadlaa. Bead P O order for 88c. to Case Publishing Co., Lack sort N. Y. THE COLUMBIA • It KLYN, N. Y. VAUDEVILLE M. S. CPSTIN, Manager. One place where all managers either see acts personally or get reports. Booked Through United Booking Offices. VAUDEVILLE ACT8 OF ftLL KINDS WANTED LBO GIRGUIT JOSEPH J. LEO, Daway Theatre, 14th St., New York CHICAGO VAUDEVILLE NANABERS EXOHANf E Bit fib IXOOB, Skstobaa ahraja la bum., ui WAsmnreroM sr.. onoaee. rmAjrao. mylb. Variety's Chicago Office IS IN THE Chicago Opera House Block Advertisements and subscriptions received at regular rates. News items may be forwarded there, and will be promptly transmitted. PRANK WIESBERG, Representative. Wkm ematPeWftf • d pmr ti fmmis ***«% m—tion V