Variety (May 1909)

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VARIETY 15 VARIETY ARTISTS' ROUTES FOR WEEK MAY 10 WHEN NOT OTHERWISE INDICATED. (The routei here given, bearing no date*, are from MAT 9 to MAT 16, inclusive, de- pendent upon the opening and doling day* of engagement* in different parts of the country. Ail addresses below are furnished VARIETY by artists. Addresses care managers or agents will not bo printed.) "C. R,," "CIRCUS ROUTES." R0UTE8 FOR THE FOLLOWING WEEK MUST REACH THIS OFFICE MOT LATER TKAM TUESDAY MORNING TO ENSURE PUBLICATION. A B 0 D wlrla, S2g W. 86. N. T. Aballos, Hllarlon A Rosalie. 779 Stato, Bridgeport. Abdallah Bros., Three, 1286 Golden Gate. Frisco. Adair, Art Ideal, Cripple Creek, Colo.; 17, Lyric, Laramis, Colo. Adams * Mack, Keeney's, N. Y. Adams, Edwsrd B., 41S strand, W. C London, England. Adams A Alden. Majestic, Chicago. Adams, Billy, Broadway, So. Boston; 17, Union Square, 8omerville. Ader Trio. 22S8 N. 8d, Phila. Adelyn, Box 246 Champaign, III. Adler, Flo, Orpbeum, Ios Angeles, Csl. Adler A Picks, Jesnette. Orpheum, Minneapolis. • Ahesrn, Cuss., 24, Keith's, Boston. Ahoarns, The, 290 Colo. A vs., Chicago. Ahl, Ed.. Bangor, Mo. Albanl, 1416 Broadway. N. Y. O. Albene A La Brant, Scenic, Westbrook, Me. Alburtus A Millar, 17, Empire, Hull, England. Aldrach, Blanche, Orpheum, Tampa, Fla. Alexandra A Bert lea, 41 Acre Lane, London, staff, ▲lexis A Schall. 827 E. 26th, N. Y. Allen, Chas. H., 481 8. Morgan, Chicago. Allen-Delnialn-Allen, Fulton, Brooklyn, N. Y. Allen, A. D., Co., 74 Pleasant, Montclalr, N. J. Allen, Violet, A Co., 222 E. 14th, N. Y. Allen A Francis, 611 Sbotwell, San Francisco. All, Hunter A All, Clsude PL and New York bto., Jamaica^ N. Y. All, Harry, Keiths. Philadelphia. Alpha Troupe, Bijou, Jackson, Mich.; 17, Majestic, Ann Arbor, Mich. Alpine Troupe, Cole Bros.' Shows, 0. B. AlTlne, Peter H., Majestic, Cincinnati, Ohio. Alvano A Co., West Middletown, O. Amatis Sisters, Four, Orpbeum, Oakland. American Trio, 66 Penn Are., Newark, N. J. Angell Sisters, 712 W. New York, Indianapolis. Apollo Bros.. 849 W. 4th, N. Y. Apollo Quartet, 89 No. State St., Chicago. Appleby, F. J., O. H., Rochester, N. Y. Araki's Troupe, O. H., Indianapolis, Ind.; 17, Robinson, Cincinnati, 0. Ardo A Eddo, 600 E. 84th, N. T. Arisona Troupe, 861 E. 18th, N. T. Arlington Four, Hammerateln'e. N. Y. Annond, Grace, 6, Forest Park Highlands, St. Louis; 16, Fountain Ferry Park, Louisville, Ky. Armstrong A Verne, Onion Hotel. Chicago. Armstrong A Clark, Orpheum. Minneapolis, Minn.; 16, Orpheum, Winnipeg, Ca. Armstrong, Geo., Alhambra, N. Y.; 17, Colonial, N. Y. Arnold A Felix, South A Henry Sts., Jamaica, N. Y. Arrllle, Dorothy. Rosslelgh Court. 86th. N. Y. Astalres, The, 42 Eldorado PI., Highland Pk., N. J. Auberts, Lee, 14 Frobel Str., III., Hamburg, Ger. Auburna. Three, 835 Beacon. Sommervllle, Mass. Auers, The, 87 Heygate, South End-on-Sea, Eng. Anger, Capt. Geo., 12 Lawrence Rd., So. Baling. London, Eng. Austins, The. 10 Bakers Lane. Rockrlllo, Conn. Avery, W. E.. 6006 Forrestville. Chicago. Ayres, Howard. 919 Rltner St., Phila., Pa. Atards. The, 229 W 88th, N. Y. Baader, La Valle. Trio, Orpheum, Portland, Ore. Bsraban Russian Troupe, 109 E. 116th, N. Y. Bscbman, Marie, Grand, Los Angeles, lndef. Bernstein. Harry. Bijou. Racine. Wia., lndef. Ballats. The, 819 E. 14th, N. Y. Ball A Marshall. Grand, Peru, Ind.; 9, Grand, Huntington, Ind. Barry A Wolford, Proctor's, Albany: 17, Victo- ria, N. I Barry A Hennessey, Star, Wonlssen, Po. Barnes. T. Roy, & Bessie Crawford, 224 Horton Ave., Detroit. Barnes, Renilng A Co., Bijou, Duluth; 17, Unique, Minneapolis, Minn. Barnes A Levlna, Grand, Augusta, Oa.; 10, iirand, Montgomery, Ala. Barron, Rube, 20 E. 88th. N. Y. Barrett 8lsters. 1964 N. 81st, Phils. Barrett. Marjorie, 4609 Fllmore. Pittsburg. Bates A Melville. 76 Gregory St., New Haven. Batro A McCue. 819 North Second, Reading. Baxter A La Conda, 1703 Carson St., Pittsburg. Baxter A Co..'Sidney. Poll's. Hartford. Beam. Will. 1*53 B'way. N Y. Benn, Win. C, 8 Haddon Ave., Atlantic City, M. J. Be Anos, The, 8442 Charlton, Cblcsgo. Beard. Blllv. 1401 Dayton, Savannah. Oa. Beauvls, Marldor, A Co., Roof Garden, Savan- nah. Ga. Beeches A Maye. 1553 B'way, N. Y. Beeson, Lulu, 17, Orpbeum, San Francisco. Beimel. Musical, 840 B. 87th. N. T. Bell, Chas. H., Majestic, Galveston. Bell. Arthur IL. 488 12th. Newark. N. J. Bellmonte, Harry A Pearl, 20 W. Missouri. Kan- «s* City. Bennett. Laura, 118 W. 76, N. Y. Bennetta Brov. 206 W. 67th. N. Y.. e/o Williams, iBergere. Valerie. Keith's, Portland; 10, Keith's, Boston. Berlinger, Vers, IS, Orpheum, Butte. Bernard A Slefert, 956 S. High, Columbus O. Bernlce A Howard. 8007 Calumet, Chicago. Bernler A Stella. 22 Haywood, Providence. Berol, William, cars Lehman, 644 Ralph, Rldge- wood. Brooklyn. Beyer, Ben, A Bro., Keith's, Boston. Bebrend, Musical. 62 Springfield, Newark. Bellclalr Bros., Proctor's, Albany; 17, 5th At*., N. Y. Bertins A Brockway, 811 Third, N. Y. Beverley A Wise, Crystal, Nelsonvllle, O. Biff A Bang, 178 Bruce, Newark. Big City Quartet, K. A P., 126th St., N. Y. Black A Co., Violet, Majestic, Milwaukee. Blaney A Wolfe, 267 W. 44th, N. Y. Bimbos, The, Appleton, Wis. Blngbsm, 886 Bealm St., Sotnervllle, Mass. Black A White Trio, 408 Columbus, N. Y. Blsck A Jones, 118 W. 80th. N. Y. Blamphln A Hehr, Lubln's, Phils. Blessings, The, Orpheum, Minneapolis. Blondell, Mysterious. * Co., 25 ttei-ond 8t.. N. Y. Hi mm, Bomm. Brrr, Keith's, Philadelphia; 17, Proctor's, Albany. Blockson A Burns, Olympic, Chicago. Booth, Gordon A Booth, 1558 B'way, N. Y. Boley. May, Port Washington, L. I. Borden, Zeno. A Haydn Bros., Pantages', Spo- kane; 17, Pantages', Seattle. Bosanquet, Empire, Grand Forks, 8. D. Bouldeu A (juluu, Toms River, N. J. Boutin A Tllkon. Poll's. Wilkes Barre. Bowers A Bowers, 2 Oliver pi., Everett, Mans. Bowers, Walter A Crooker, Temple, Grand Rapids; 17, Temple, Ft. Wayne, Ind. Bowen Bros., 1558 B'way. N. Y. Boyda. Two. 1260 So. Decatur, Montgomery, Ala. Boys In Blue, 240 E. 21, N. Y. Bradley A Davis, 217 E. Lalock St.. Pittsburg. Bradfords, The. 280 W. 41st. N. Y. Brandon's Musical, Majestic, Waterloo, la. Bransby A Williams, 110 Stockton, W. Pittsburg. Breskwsy Barlows, 201 E. 14th. N. Y. Breen. Harry, Shea's, Toronto, Can.; 17, Keith's, Cleveland. Brenner, Samuel N., 2866 Tulip. PhUa. Brennon, Herbert, A Bowling, Helen, Star, Seattle. Broadway Boys, 4 Huntings Co. Bingham. Anna R., 28 Exchange. Blnghamton, Brlnkleys, The, 424 W. 89th, N. Y. Brltton, Sadie, Coliseum, Burlington, la., lndef. Brixton A Brixton, 708 Lexington, Brooklyn, M. T. Brock, Temple A Co., 28 W. 81st, N. T. Brooks A Denton, 670 6th, N. Y. i Brooks A Jeannette, 20 B. 118th, N. Y. Brown A Sheftall. 848 W. 59th. N. Y Browne, Bothwell, 407 West 123d, N. Y Brunettes, Cycling, 281 Cross, Lowell, Msss. Bucbsnsn A Russell, Ontsrlo Hotel, Chicago. Burke, John P., Memphis, Tenn. Burke A Urllne, 636 Budd, W. Phila. Buckley, John, Empire, Calgary, Alberta, Can. Bubler. C. H., 13«3 Putnam, Brooklyn, N. Y. Buncbu A Alger, 2319 N. Main, Louisville, Ky. Burgess, Harvey J., 627 Trenton, Wilklnsburg Sta., Pittsburg. Burns A Emerson, 1 Pisco Botedleu. Pari*. Burt A Daughter, Mr. A Mrs. Win. P., Actors' Society, N. Y. Burton, Hughes A Burton, 532 Stsnton, NUee, O. Burton, H. B. Shermsn House, Chicago. Bucb Bros., Edison St., Rldgefield Pk.. N. J. Bush, Johnny, Trio, Vaudeville. Plttsfleld. Mass. Buxton. Chas., Crystal, Menasha, Wis., lndef. Byers A Herman, 8649 Paxton rd., Cincinnati. Byron A Langdon, Sbea'a, Toronto, Can. Caesar, Mysterious, A Co., Continental Hotel, Cblcsgo. Cshlll. William, 805 7th. Brooklyn. Cain Sisters. Empire. Yoongstown, O., lndef. Cameron A Byrne. 91 Bartlette, San Frsndsco. Campbell, Emerln A Aubrey Yates, Colonial, Law- rence, Mass. Campbells. The. 121 W. 101, N. Y. Carhrey Bros., fl Oxford 8t.. Phils. Cardownie Sisters. 153 W 45th. N. Y. Carr Trio, Majestic. Houston, Tex.; 17, Majestic. Carle. Hilda. 12 W. Milwaukee. Detroit, Mich. Galveston, Tex. Csrrlllff, Leo. e/o Variety, N. Y. Carrays. The. 19 Perry, Pittsburg. Carson A Dcvereaux, 410 Sine St., Evansvllle, Ind. Camf Sisters. 316 W. 140. N. Y. Carlln. Bose. 514 Lenox Ave.. N. Y. Carlln A Otto. 147 W. 43. N. Y. Carlisle's Dogs A Ponies, Empire, Los Angeles, Cal. Carroll. Nettle. Trio. Barnum-Balley. C. B. Caron A Far num. 235 E. 24th, N. Y. Carters. The. 94 9tb St.. La Salle. 111. Carey A Stampe. 52 Court. Brooklyn, N. Y. Casad A De Verne, 812 Valley. Dayton, O. Ciatellane A Bro.. Anderson, Louisville. Callan A Smltb, Majestic, Denver. Celest, 74 Grove rd.. Clapham Park. London. Chameroys, The. 1851 43d. Borough Pk., Brooklyn. Chase. J. Percy, Bijou. Osbkosh. Wis., lndef. Chase A Carma, 2516 So. Halstead St., Chicago. Chsrle, Doris, 28 B. 99th, N. Y. C. Chevalier. Louis. A Co.. 1668 B'way, N. Y. Chlnko, Orpbeum, Oakland. Christy A Willis, Shea's, Toronto, Canada. Clarence Sisters, 860 West 45th St., N. Y. Clare's Animals, Orpbeum, Oil City, Pa. Clark A Duncan, Lyric, Terre Haute, Ind.; 17, Temple, Ft. Wayne, Ind. Clark A Turner, 146 W. 64th. N. Y. Clarke, Wilfred. 130 W. 44. N. Y. Clay, Geo., Grand, Oil City, Pa.; 17, Dream- land, Olean, N. Y. Clayton, Carlos, Surprlae, Washington, D. 0. Clayton A Drew, U. H., Chattanooga, Tenn. Clermontas, 450 6th Ave., N. Y. Cleveland, Claude A Marlon, 91 Beacbland, Ro- ver© Beach, Mass. Clifford A Almes, San Carlos, Key West, lis. Clifford, Dsve B., Crystal Air Dome, Sedalla, Mo. Clifford, Ksthleen, Keith's, Philadelphia. Clipper Comedy Four, Trent, Trenton, N. J.; 17, O. H. Passaic, N. J. Clipper Comedy Quartet, Forest Park Highlands, St. Louis. CUve, Henry, eKith's, Philsdelphls. Clyo A Bochelle, 87 Park. Attleboro, Mass. Cogsn A Bancroft. 1658 B'way, N. Y. Cohen, Til lie. Gayety, Cleveland. Colby, Mr. A Mrs. Franklyn. 2084 West Lake, Cblcsgo. Colbys. The, 77 Walton Pi., Chicago. Colo, Will, 15 4th. Brooklyn, N. Y. Cole A Clements, Say more Hotel, PhUa. Collins A Brown, Orpheum, Kansaa City, Mo. Colonial Septet, Leeds, England; 17, Hull, Eng- land. Colonial Quartet, 1862 Pago. Ssn Francisco. Columbia Musical Trio, De Ruo Bros.' Minstrels. Columbians, Five, 126 Midland. Flndlay, 0. Comradea, Four, 884 Trinity, N. Y. C. Cooper, John W., 119 Wyckoff, Brooklyn, N. Y. Cooper, Geo. W., 47 Douglas Place, Chicago, 111. Cooper. Jamea A Lucia, Howard, Boston; 10, Empire. Plttsfleld. Msss. Conroy, Le Malre A Co., Alhambra, N. Y.; 17, Orpheum, Brooklyn. Conway A Leland, Wintergarten, Berlin, Oer> many. Cook. Frank. Austin A Stones. Boston, tndef. Cook A Madison. Casino, N. Y., lndef. Cook, Joe A Bro., Majestic, Cblcsgo; 17, Or- pbeum, Ft. Wayne, Ind. Cooke A Meyers, Mlcbelson, Grand Island. Nob.; 17, Crystal, Alliance, Neb. Cooper, Jeanette, Thalia. San Francisco, lndof. Coombs u Frank A Stone, Muriel, Orpheum, Port* land, Ore. Coote, Bert, Keith's, Philsdelphls. Corcoran A Dixon, 23. Truxton, Brooklyn, N. Y. Cossar, Mr. A Mrs. John, 806 W. 121st. N. T. Coulter A Wilson. 187 W. 49th. N. Y. Country Club, Orpheum, Brooklyn; 17, Alhambra, N. Y. Courtney A Dunn. 232 B. 18th, N. Y. Cowles Family, Great, c/o Webster, Valley City, No. Dak. Cowper, Jlmmle, 86 CarrolL Blnghamton. Crane, Flnlay Co., Broadway, Mlddleton; 10, Orpbeum, Canton, O. Crane, Mr. A Mrs. Gardner, Alhambra, N. Y. Crawford A Manning, 115 Lawrence, Brooklyn. Crawford, Pat, HI Henry Minstrels. Cree, Jessies. 501 Klrbly Ave., Detroit. Creo A Co., 1404 Borie. Phila. Creasy A Dayne, Keith's, Phila.; 17, 5th Are., N. Y. Crollus, Dick, A Co., O. H. Indisnspolls, Ind. Crimmlngs A Gesry, 45 Charles St., Maiden, Mass. Culver A Lynne, Idlehour, Atlanta. Ga. Cummlngs A Colonna, Empire, Middlesboro, Bug.; 17, King's, Manchester, Eng. Cummlngs, Grace A Co., Main. Peoria, 111. Cummlngs A Merley, Unique. Los Angeles, lndef. Cunningham A Msrlon, Bennett's, Montresl, Can. Curtis, Sam J., A Co., Bennett's, Montreal, Can.; 17. Proctor's. Newark. Curaon Sisters, Shea's, Toronto, Can.; 17, Keith's, Phila. Cuttings, The, Lampasso. Tex. Cuttys, Musical, 8034 B. Baltimore St., Baltimore. DagweU. Natalie, and Aurlo. 108 W. 84th, N. Y. Dainty Four. 242 W. 43d, N. Y. D'Alvlnl. Bocky Point. B. I., lndef. Dale A Boyle, Majestic, Johnstown, Pi. Dsly A O'Brien, Family, Hageratown, Md. Daly's Country Cbolr, 1440 B'way, N. Y. Dance, Wm. H.. Majestic. Sioux Falls, lndef. Dandy George Duo. 221 W. 42, N. Y. Dare. Harry. 825 E. 14th. N. Y. Darrow, Stuart. Mr. A Mrs.. Orpheum, Resdlng, Pa.; 17, Young's Pier, Atlantic City. Darnloy, Grace, Lagos House, Fairfield Rd., Vic- toria, B. C. Davenport, Ethel, 66 Irving PL, Brooklyn. Davenport Troupe, Barnum A Bailey, C. R. Davey A Moore. 182 E. 17. N. Y. Davis. Sam. 217 E. Lalock St.. Pittsburg. Davis. Edwards, Green Room Club, N. Y. Dsvls, Floyd. Temple, Boulder. Col., lndef. Davis Bros.. HI Henry Minstrels. Dsvls, Mark A Laura. Orpbeum, Miles City, Mont.; 17, Psrk, Livingston, Mont. Dawson A Whitfield, 846 E. 68th. N. Y. Day, Carlta. 895 Gold St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Dayne. Dorothy. Majeatic, Dallas; 17, Majestic. Houston, Tex. Deagon, Ed A Kitty, Griffith. Ind. Deaa A Dees. 208 W. 80th. N. Y. • Dell A Miller, Hippo.. Buffalo, lndef. De Cotret A Rego, Pantages'. Victoria, B. 0. De Fur A Estee. 2819 BeUfontain. IndlananoMe. De Hollls A Valora, Orpheum, Spokane. De Luson, Zelle, Orpheum, Oakland. De Trlcker Coy, Hunt's Hotel, Chicago. De Veaux. Wells G., Crystal, Denver, lndef. . Dfcaton, Chas. W., Poll's, New Haven. Detvesf Bergen Besch. Brooklyn. N. Y. Delmsr A Delmsr, Clrco Bell, Mexico City, Max., lndef. Deimore, Misses. 418 W. Adams, Chicago. SDelton, Al H.. 688 19th. Milwaukee. Del tone. Three, 261 W. 88th, N. Y. emacoa. The. 112 North 9th, Phila. emlng, Joe, A Co., Family, York, Pa.; IT, Sa- voy, Atlantic City. Dempaeya, The, Hotel Graymount, Denver, 00*0. Deamond 81stera, 606 Milton, San Diego. Oal. Derenda A Green, 287 Stark, Portland. Ore. Derr Scbadt. 928 8. 9th. Allentown, Pa. Desmon Trio, Philllpp's, Richmond, Ind. De Mont A Co., Root., Orpheum, Reading; It, Orpbeum, Harrlaborg Pa. De Tellem A Co.. Orpbeum. Xenla, Ohio. De Veau, Herbert, 864 Prospect PL, Brooklyn. De Verne, Tbelma, A Co.. Family, Missoula. Mont.; 16, Pantages', Spokane. De Young, Tom, 166 E. 113th. N. Y. Dlavolino, Idle Hour. New Bedford, Maes., lndef. Dickinson. Bubo. 2910 Vine St.. Lincoln. Neb. Diericka Bros., 16, Orpbeum, Denver. Dills A Templeton, Keith's, Pawtucket, B. I.; 17, Keith'a, Providence. D|xle. Harris A Francis, 242 Jefferson, Decatur, 1 lie Dixon. Bowers A Dixon. 756 8th Are., N. Y. Doherty A Harlowe. 296 Broad. Brooklyn, N. Y. Doherty Sisters, Shea's, Buffalo; 17, Sbea'a, Toronto, Can. Dolores, Angela, A Co., Orpbeum, San Francisco. Dooley. Jed., 9961 Charles, Chicago. Donald A Carson. Orpbeum. Oakland. Donlgan. John. 2688 Cedar, PhUa. Donovan A Mackln. 806 W. 48. N. Y. Dora, Queen, Lyceum, Sidney, N. 8., Can. Dorsch A Russell, Bijou. Decatur, 111.; 17, Mala, Peoria, 111. Dotson, Howard, 1658 B'way, N. Y. Douglas A Vsn, 76 Pacific, Brooklyn, N. Y. Dow A Dow. 1921 South 4th, Phils. Downey A Wlllard. 41 Lin wood Ave., Detroit. Dragoona. Black, 129 W. 27tb, N. Y. Drew, Dorothy, Orpheum, Portland. Drew. Lowell B., 4229 Pechin. Roxborough. Phila. Du Bols, Great, Co., Hub, Boston. Dudley, Gertrude A Co., 248 Madison St., Brook- lyn, N. Y Duffy. Thomas H., 4926 Nargaretta Ave., 8t. Louis, Mo. Duffy. Dan J., Lincoln Apts., Atlantic City. Dumltreeen-Vermctte Troupe, 40 W. 28, N. T. Dunbsrs, The, Hsppy Hour. Ssn Antonio, Texan, lndef. Dunbar A Fisher, 286 Warren Ave., Chicago. Dunbars, Four Casting, Orpbeum, Salt Lake City. Duncan, Harry. Hunt's Hotel, Cblcsgo. Duncan, A. O., Cook's, Rochester; 17, Temple, Detroit. Dunedin Troupe, 17, Maryland, Baltimore. Dunlap. McCormack A Co., 24, Majeatic, Chicago. Dunn. Harvey, De Roe Brae.' Minstrels. Dunn. J. Lee. 201 E. 14th St.. N. Y. Dupllle, Ernest A., Richmond, Richmond. Ya.| 17, Vaudeville, Newport News, Vs. Dupres, Fred, 159 Albany, Brooklyn. Eerie. Chick. 601 North Capt., Indianapolis. Earle. Chas. Henry, Bljon, Newark, N. J., lndef. Eckert A Berg, Majestic, Ann Arbor, Mich. Bckhoff A Gordon, Bijou, Jackson, Mich. Rdlnger Sisters, R. F. D.. No. 1, Trenton. N. J. Edwards, Fred R., Buckingham Hotel, Elkhart, Ind. USE THIS FORM IF YOU HAVE NO ROUTE CARDS CARDS WILL BE MAILED UPON REOUFST