Variety (May 1909)

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16 VARIETY Cobb's Comer HO. IN. SATTJBDAT, MAT I, IMS. "Take Nwly if Sttt" By WILL D. OOBB. ▲ sunburned termer'* sunburned sod, Said. "Fstbsr. I realgo; This farm tklog 'runs for Sweeney.' And it's New York towo for mine." "New York, New York," the old men Mid, Hie voice grew eoft and kind. "I wee" there, gee, In eighty-three. Wbeo yon get there, yon'U And." ohobus. It'e a gread old town that New York town, Itfs the farai where the fortunes grow; All yon need to do la to pick yourself a few, And that feller Rockefeller won't hare any- thing on yon, When your feet slam down on that Amsterdam town. Yon can All your trunk with all the plunks yon choose; But It's a long roam, back home— Take plenty of shoes. I* Tallt IS TIME "UUPIBO'i SOT IT." WILL I. 0911, $• iftnltl 1416) MOADWAY Myth, Boss, SU W. Fleming. Allegheny. Pa. m, OudnnatL M. Y. a »»**»-»■ ■*—■ *"*■ Osta, M44 B'way. N. Y. Trio, Majestic, PI Elmore A Bay, See* State, BUfcvNi " tndef. BUts-Newlln Circus, Orphean, Spokane. sWftotts, The, O. H., S. 8.. Pittsburg, ladef. Eugene, A Edna Eartie, Llndon, Baa Diego, CaL •, Julian, American, Chicago. 1, Connie, 4} Holland Bd.. Brixton, Lou- A Baldwin, 50 Rupert, Coventry, Bag. A Lower, 419 Pine, Darby. Pa, Oracle A Co., Oook'a, Rochester; 16, Alhambra, N. Y. Baunett, Mr. A Mrs. Hugh J., Poll's. Scraatoa, Bmplre Comedy four, Orphenm, Banding, Pa. amgeL Low, 288a Obaaneey, Brooklyn. M. Y. smywfciilli. Oeo. W., 800 W. BthVOMkaatL 0. Bsfttsh Belie*. Pour. Orphenm, MlaanepoUs; IT, Grand, Fargo, N. D. BngUah, J. A., Lyceum, SMney, N. 8., Oaa. Badgmare lK SB Ittat, BRMhes, Bart A. l„ Bhoo to rer Ins., Haaafltoa, City, • ^ OaL Esmeralda Slatera, Palace, Bmsnsla, Belgium* Bngene Trio, 266 W. 86, N. Y. Brans A Lloyd, Orphenm, Dearer. Btnvatt, Sophie. A Co- cor. South and Bevy Jamaica, L I. B*en, Geo., Southern, Columbus, 0.; IT, Fair- banks, Springfield, O. Faden, MacBryde Trio, Proctor's, Cohoes. N. Y. Folk. BUly A.. 44 ADen, Bochastsr, N. Y. FalarSean. Doll bene. Hotel Bexford, Boston. Fantaa, Two, Majestle, Pittsburg, Ps. FarroU, BUly, Moss A BtnIL London. Bug. Farrell, Doc, Joe, San Sonal, Ybor City, Fla. Ferrell-Taylor Co., Dominion, Winnipeg, Can.; IT, Olympic, Chicago. Faust Bros., Family, Washington. Spokane, Wash. Fay* Anna Bra, Melrose, Highlands, Maaa. Fay, Frank A Gertrude, TT Walton pL, Chicago. Fmye, BIsle, A Miller A Weston, Orphenm, Salt Lake City. Faye, Kitty, A Co., Orphenm, Lima, O. Fee, May A Forbes. 168 Chestnut. Pbila. Ferguson, Mr. A Mrs. Murray, Palace, Haaleton, Pa. Ferguson. Frank, 486 B. 46d, Chicago. Fernandas. May, Duo, SOT B. STtb, N. Y. Ferrard. Grace, 217 Warsaw, Gadeage, Ferry, Human Frog, New Bone Hotel, Plttsbunr. Fiddler and Bhelton, Mammersteln's Victoria, R. Y. Fields, W. 0. Colonial. N. Y. FUM Bros.. Young's Pier. Atlantic City, N. J. Fttds A Benson. Terrace, Belleville, N. J. Fields, W. H., Star, Chicago. Ftalay A Burke, Bos 166 Onset, Maaa. Finney, Chaa., 256 W. 26. N. Y. Finale. Jack. 1911 South Chadwlck, Phtla. limber. Harry A Bro., Anbury Park, N. J.; 24, Academy, Baltimore. Flake A McDonough, 2T2 W. lOTth, N. Y. Fleming, Mamie, Hotel Forteacue. Atlantle City. Fletcher, Chaa. Leonard, Orpbeum, Greenpotnt Fogarty, Frank, Orphenm, Oakland. Fouctt, Lounle, Howard. Boston, Maaa. Force A WUllama, Wonderland Park, Wichita. Kan., lndef. Ford, Chaa. L., 418 So. Frenklyn, Munde, Ind. Ford, Frank, A La Petite, 418 So. Franklin, Great Falls, Moot Fords, Famous, 891 Gates Are., Brooklyn, N. Y. Porreats, Musical, 508-59 Dearborn, Chicago. Forrester A Lloyd. 1558 B'way. N. Y. Fourtlott A Deris, SOT 8d Are., Minneapolis, Minn. Fox A Diamond, Bother, Plain well. Mich. Frederick, Helena, Orpbeum, Kansas City; IT, Orpbeum Dourer. Prey Trio, Alrdome, Jecksonrllle. Frey, Fred, 801 Grove, Scranton, Pa. Friend A Downing, 418 Strand, W. C, London, Franklin A Green, Keith's Pbila.; IT. K. A P-, 5th Are., N. Y. Freeman Brae., ST Anderson St., Boston. FrevoIL Frederick. 146 Mulberry, OndnnetL 0. Frobel A Bugs. 104 B. 14, N. Y. Froso Trio, Mapestlc, Dee Moines, la. FuUerton. Lew J.. Summer pi., Buffalo. Fulton. May, 646 Lenox, Fun In s Bosrdlog House, Colonial, N. Y.; 17, Proctor's, Newark, N. J. Furuam. Badlr. Tottenham Court rd.. Sag. tmcr pi., 'ft We Xa Gagnoux. Bijou, La Crosse. *W!s. Gale, Brule, 109 Eastern. Toronto. OallcU'a Meokeye, 604 Maplewood, Chicago. Oerdner A Lawaon. 1214 2d Are., N. Naahrflle. Gardner, West A Hunablne. 24 Blm, Bverett, Maaa. Gardlnera, Four, 1958 North 8th St., Phlla. Garrlty, Tom, 262 Academy, Newark, N. J. Gath. Carl A Bmma. 1558 B'way. N. Y. Qavla, Piatt A Peaches. 441T Third Are., N. Y. Oeylor A Oradr, 244 W. 16th, N. Y. Genaro Band, K. A P. 5th Are., N. Y.; 10. K. A P. 125th St., N. Y Georgia Campera, Plana Music Hall, N. Y. Geesler, Chss., 824 Green St., Indlananolla. Gibson, Fay. Standard, Davenport, la., lndef. Gllden Slatera, Bmplre, Atlanta, On., lndef. Gleeeona A Houlihan, 156 N. Willow, Trenton. N. J. Glendower A Manlon, Winnipeg, Man., Can.; IT, Family, Duluth, Minn. GUroy, Heroes A Montgomery. Majestic, Kale- masoo. Mich.; 17. Bijou, Battle Creek. Gloss. Augusta, 185 Adams St., Chicago. Glorer. Bdna May, Lyceum, Memphis, Tenn., lndef. Godfrey A Henderson. 1558 B'way. N. Y. Goldberg, Joseph, Mgr., Harris, Braddoek, Pa. GoldSnger, Louie, 602 E. 168th. N. Y. Golden A Hughes, P. O.. Mllford, Mean. GoMlo. Bubo, 118 Prince, Newark. N. J. Goldsmith A Hoppe, Orpbeum, Omaha. Gordon, Belle, P. O. Box 40. N. Y. C. Gordon A Marx, Orphenm. Loo Angelee. Gordon A Henry, 1777 Atlantic Are., Brooklyn. Gorman, Job., Caalno, Plttaburg, lndef. Gould A Bice, 826 Smith, Providence. Goeimans, Musical, 8 Matthewa, Blnghamton. Gosssns, Bobby, 400 So. 6th, Columbus, O. Gottleb. Amy. 446 North St Lewis, Chicago. Goyt Trio, Lyric. Terra Haute, Ind.; 17, Lakealde Park, Akron, O. Graces, The, 418 Grand, Brooklyn. Graham, B. A., Dime, WeBa Walla, Wash., lndef. Grannon, Ha, Orpbeum, Brooklyn; 17, Alhambra, N. Y. Grant, Bert A Bertha, 2956 Dearborn, Obicago. Grant, Sydney. 269 W. 261et. N. Y. Graham, Geo. W., Scenic, Providence, lndef. Gray A Graham, Orpbeum, St. Paul; 10, Majestic, Cedar Baplds. Gray A Van Lieu, Hippodrome. Huntington. W. Vs.; 17, Princess, Coshocton, Oblo. Griffith. Harry. 156 No. 9 St., Philadelphia. Grimes, Mr. A Mrs. Thomas, 8629 WUllama, Cam- den, N. J. Grimm A Batchell, Lyric, No Platte, Neb.; 17, Princess, Wlcbits, Kan. Orossmsn, Al, 582 North St. Rochester. Gnllfoyle, Joseph V.. 22 W. 128th, N. Y. Guild, Martin J., 160 Boerom pi., Brooklyn, Haggarty A Le Clair, 129 17th. Detroit Hsggerty, Larry, 817 Atlantic Are., McKi port. Pa. HaUlday A Cur ley. 1658 B'way, N. Y. Hole. Lillian A Co., 2010 N. Marrine, Phlla. Hamilton A Bonce, People'a, Cedar Baplds, Is. Hamilton. Betelle. 2641 No. 81st. Phils. Hamlin A Noyes, O. H., Greenville, O. Hamlin A Lyie, Caalno, Blklna, W. Fa.; 17, Odeon, Olarkiburg. W. Va. Hamlin, Hugo, Wflllam Ten Houea, Boston. Hamllna, The, Orphenm, Seattle. Handler. Louie, 1012 B'way, N. Y. Hanlon, Jr., George, 141 Charing Cross Road, London, England. Hannon, Dlgga A Burns, Majestic, Cedar Baplda, la.; 17, Bijou, Dubuque, la. Hanson. Mildred, 1848 Desn, Brooklyn, N. Y. Hanaon, Harry L., Colonial, Richmond, Ya. Hanvey A Bayllea, 247 Palisade Ave., Weat Ho- boken, N. J. Hara, Ayeaba, Wataon'a Circle Hotel, Oolumbua Circle, N. Y. Hardman, Joe A., Majeatlc, Ft. Worth, Texas. Hsrlsnd A Rolllnaon. Bmplre, Ban Francisco. Harrla, Harry L, 2252 Wabash, Chicago. Harrla, Chaa., 87 Llo, Fail River. Mass. Henry A Jones, 1818 Watta, Phlla. Harrla, Sam, Vogel's Minstrels. Harrla, Hattle, New Home Hotel, Pittsburg. Hsrrtngton, Giles W., 624 Acklln, Toledo. Harrington, Alfred A.. 825 B. 14th. N. Y. Harmonious Four, Gem, St. Loula, lndef. Harvey Elsie, A Boys, 188 B. 14th, N. Y. Haskell, Looey, Orphenm. Denver, Colo. Haatlnga A Wilson, Poll's, Hartford; 17, Poll's, New Hsven. Hatches, The, 804 W. 88th, N. Y. Hstben, Lakeside Perk. Denver, lndef. Hawkins. Jack, Temple, Alton; 28, Pantagea', Spokane. Hawthorne, Hilda, Maryland, Baltimore. Hawley, B. F., A Co.. 55 11th, Detroit Hayden, Virginia. Dempeey, Peoria, Dl„ ladef. Hayden Family, 11 8tate, Oahkoah, Wla. Hayes. Brent, Palace, Oldham, Bug. Haynes, Jessie, J., 21 B. Robinson. Allegbeny, Pa. Haya, Unlcydlne. 489 W. 6th. Cincinnati, O. Hayman A Franklin, Gibbons Tour, London, Eng. Hasard, Grace, Music Hall. Chicago. Hasasrd, Lynne A Bonnie, 251 B. 81st, Chicago. Heseton, BUly, Chsrlerol, Pa., lndef. Hedge A Ponies, John, Bmplre. Sen Frsndsco, lndef. Helm Children, Bennett's, Montreal, Can.; 17, Poll's, Hartford. Helaton. Wholly A Lottie, 1908 Columbia, Phlla. Hemingway A Morreselle, 88 B. 8d St, Coving- ton, Ky. Henahaw, Edward. 80 B. 116th. N. Y. Henry A Young, 270 W. 89th, N. Y. Henry, Jack, 41 Lisle, Leicester so,., Toodon, Herbert A Brown, fields' Minstrels. Herbert, Bert, Hsrt's Bathing Glrla Co., lndef. Herbert Broc. 285 B. 24th. N. Y. Herbert A Vance, 1845 John, Cincinnati. Hern A Rntter, Crystal Denver, Colo. Herrman, The Great 108 Roe Folio, Mericourt Paris. Herrmann, Adelaide. GUaey House, N. Y. Henmsn's, Four, Elgin, 111. llewlettes, The, Empire, Springfield, 111., lndef. Hlbbert A Wsrren, Majeatlc, MUwaukee. Ulckniaa Bros. A Co., Pearl River, N. Y. HIU. Cherry A BUI, 189 B. 16th, N. Y. Hill A Whltaker. Empire. .Leicester, Bug.; 17. Bmplre, Msnrbester, Eng. HIU, Arthur, eKlth'a, Philadelphia. HlUmsn A Roberta, 889 So. 13th St., Saginaw, Mlcb. Hlllyera, Three, Wonderland, Newport News, Vs. Hodges, Musical, Orpbeum, Atlanta. HoJman, Harry, Olympla, Lynn; 17, Scenic Temple, Cbelaea, Maaa. Bolmee A Holllston, 218 Elm, W. SomerrlUa, Maaa. Hodgea A Lannchmere, Crystal, St. Joe. Hodgln, Delay, Rlngllng Bros., C. B. Boerleln, Lillian, 418 Strand, W. C. London, England. Hoffmana. Cycling, Stanley Hotel, 8 North Clark, Chicago, Holden A Hsrron, Hopkins, Psducsh, Ky. Holland, Webb A Co., Hippodrome, Utlcs, N. Y.; 17, Lyric, Blngbsmton. HARRY HOLMAN MOaTOLOGTTB ABB BOMS*. Holt. Aif, 41 Lisle. London. W. B.. Bug. Hopkins A Vogt, Lyceum. Sault Ste. Marie, Can. Horan, Eddie, 1688 B'way. N. Y. Horton A Le Trtaka, Shnbert, Utlca, N. Y. Hotollna, Edward C. Grand, Big Rapids; 17, Temple. Heatings, Mlcb. Howard, Sam, 87 Springfield, Newark, N. J. Howard ft Co., Bemice, 6007 Calumet. Obi< Howard Bros., Moss A Stoll, Tour, Eng. Howard A Howard, Kelth'a, Boa too; 17, Kelth'e, Portland, Me. Howard, Ed., 1026 E. Berka St, Philadelphia. Howard A St Clair, Vaudeville Giub, London. Howard's. Ponlea A Doge, Shea'a, Toronto, Can.; 17, Shea'a, Buffalo. Howe. Laura, 298 Harvard, BrookUae, Maaa. Howell A Scott Moan A Stoll Tour, Bug. goyt A McDonald, National Hotel, Chicago, aegel Bros., 118 B. 24th. Brie, Pa. Hugbes, Johnnie A Maate. Orphenm, Spokane. Hugbea Muelcal Trio, Columbia, St. Loula. Hurley, Musical, 152 Magnolia, Elisabeth. Hurst, Mlnoln Marda, Cardinal, Basel, Suisse. Gar. Hurwood, W. O., Lyric, Paris, Texas, ladef. Hystt Larry H., Lyric, Greenwood, S. C, tndef. Hyde, Bob A Bertha, Camp Beat Clifton, Me. Hylsnds, Three, 22 Cherry, Danbury, Conn. Hymer A Kent, Empire, Peterson. Imperial Mnslcsl Trio, Majeatlc, Gslrsston. Ince, Thoa. A Co., Orphenm, Portland. Ingram A Hyatt 1814 Edmondson, Ingrama, Two, Box 828, Ames, Is. Inneas A Byan, Family, Bock Island, DL Irving, Thomss B., Palm, Syracuse, lndef. Irving, Musical, 80 Boston, Newnrk, N. J. Irving. Cliff W.. 808 W. 146. N. Y. Italian Opera Trio, Poll's, Scrsnton; 10, Bead- ing, Pa. Jackson Family, Rlngllng Bros., C. B. Jsckaon, Alfred, 220 fifth Ave., N. Y. Jack, Tom, Trio, 1586 B'way, N. Y. Jacobs A West, Csslno, Grafton, W. Vs.; 18, Vsudevllle. Blklna. W. Vs. Jscobs A Sardel, Cole Brae.' Sbowa, O. R. Jscobs. Theresa, 5616 Prairie Ave.. Chicago. James A Jsmes, 17, Fsmlly, Marlon, Ohio. James A Prior, 910 2d Ave.. Seattle, Waah. James, Byron, BIJon, Flint Mich., lndef. Jsrrell Co., Family Grand, Fargo, N. D. Jenka A Clifford, Rlngllng Bros., 0. B. Jennings A Jewell, 8862 Arlington, St. Louis. Jennings A Renfrew, Poll's, Worcester; 17, Proctor'a, Albany. Jerge, Aleene. A Hamilton, 892 Maaaachusetta Are., Buffalo. Johnson, R. Motrin, Johnson Hotel, Lafayette, Ind. Johnson, Carroll, Proctor'a, Troy; 17, Kelth'a, Portland. Jobnaon, Musical, 870 8th Ave., N. Y. Johnson A Pelham, Moulin Rouge, Rio de Janeiro, S. A. Jobnaon A Wella, Orpbeum, Portland. Johnson Bros. A Johnson, Glsse Bsy, C. B. Johnstone. Lorlmer. Ontario Hotel, Chicago. Jones A Msyo, Poll's, Scrsnton, Ps. Jones, Florrle, 221 W. 42, N. Y. Jones A Sutton, 224 W. 17th, N. Y. Jones, John, 400 Sixth Ave., N. Y. Jordan, Brauneck A Chullta, Alpha, Erie, Ps. Jordens, Five, 4808 Ashland, Chicago. Josselyn, Wm. H. A B. B., Unlonvllle, Conn. Jules A Msrson, O. H., Sydney, N. 8. Jallsn A Dyer, Orpbeum, Rock ford. 111.; 17, Walker, Champaign, 111. Kalma A La Farlon, Grand, Homeatead, Pa.; 17, Variety, Alleghany, Pa. Kalmo, Chaa., A Ada, Rlngllng Broa.. C. R. Kane, Leonard Earl, Pueblo; 17, Empire, Colo- rado Sprlnga, Colo. Kartolloa, Joggling, Bijou, Warren, Pa. Kaufman Broa., 1558 B'way. N. Y. Kaufman A Kenllwortb, 82 W. 181, N. Y. Kaufmann A Sawtelle. 0. H., Saginaw, Mlcb. Keatea, John V.. 70 W. 100, N. Y. Keeley, Lillian. Columbia, Boston. Keeley Bros., Cook's, Rochester; 17, Shea's, Buf- falo. Keeley A Parka, O. H., Greenrllle, O. Kelfe. Zena, Novelty, VaUejo, Cal.; 17, Na- tional. San Frandaco. Kelfer A Chapman, 2480 8. 17th, Pbila. Keith A De Mont, 722 W. 14th PL, Chicago. Kelcey Slatera A Billy Cnmmlnga, Family, Brad- dock; 17, Caalno, Waablngton, Pa. Kellam. Lee J., Majestic, Bloux Falls, 8. D.; 18, Majeatlc. St. Psul. Kelly, Wsltsr C, May 24, Palace, London, Bug. Keller, Major, Poll'a, Weterbary, tndef. Keltner'a, Three, 817 Carllale, Dallaa, Tex. The Oast. I. Harris Pearler MISS ROSE FELMAR 8Ang "Nobody Knows, Nobody Cares" at a* LTIIC THE ATI E. Newark, N. j. Was sung to many encores and wga * tremendous hit. CM AS. »U HARRIS, SI WEST 81st ST., MEW TOBJL OOHKV, Manager, Obioago, Grand Opera Mouse Bldg. Kennedy A Kennedy, 211 B. 14th. N. T. Kennedy A Peltier, Orpbeum, Manafleld, O.; 18, Orpbeum, Newark, O. Keno, Joe, Globe, Boston, lndef. Kenton, Dorothy, Deutscbes, Munich, Oennany. Klefer A Kline, 2001 Mulberry St., Toledo, 0. Klmbell A Donovan, 118 Northampton, Boston. Kirk, H. Arthur, Bijou, La Croase, Wis.; 17, Majeatlc, gt. Paul. Kulgbt Broa. ft 8awtelle, Orpbeum, Oakland. Knlgbt, llarlan A Co., 10 Delaware St., Albany. Kobers, Three, 66 18tb, Wheeling, W. Va. KoUlns A KUfton, BUou, Vslley City, N. D. Koppes, The, 117 W. 23d, N. Y. Kohl, Qns A Marlon. Oil Fourth, Milwaukee; Bi- jou, Helena, Mont. Kolb A MUler. Dayton, Ky. Kolfage. Doke, Cryatal, Elk wood, Ind., Indsf. Kooper, Harry J., Buster Brown Co. Kramer, Bruno, 104 E. 14th 8t., c/o Jsnslg, N. Y. Kraton, John, 148 Schenectady, Brooklyn. Krsntons, The, Bmplre, Newcross, England; 17, Empire, Mancbeater, Eng. Kretacbman, 1110^ Broadway, Camden, N. J. Kretore, Bennett'a, Montreal, Can.; 17, Scenic, Hartford, Conn. Kurtla-Buaae Dogs, Bmplre, Cslgsry, Can. Kyaayas, The, O. O. Performer, London, Eng. Kyle, Ingrsm * Co., Electric Elagna A Nor- walk, Oblo. Kyle, Tom E., Qourney, Vaud., Owen Sound, Out, Can., lndef. Lacey. Will, 620 Que., N. W., Waah., D. 0. Lakola A Lorain, Palace Hotel, Chicago. Lamps Broa.. 1068 B'way. N. T. LancsHter, Tom. New Caatle, Delaware. Lane, Eddie, 805 B. 73d St., N. Y. Lane A Adell, 882 Oenesee, Bocbestsr. Lane A O'Donnell, Family, Lafayette. La Bettlna, Vaudeville, E. Liverpool, O. A Lyric, Connellsvllle, Ps. La Blsnchs. Orest, 723 3d, Bsltlmore, Md. Ls Clsir A Weat, Ruby, Mempbla, Tenn. La Centra A Ls Rne. 2461 2d Ave., N. T. La Dellea, Fsntsstlc Family, Lafayette, Ind.; 17, Majeatlc, EranavlUe. La BateUta, 1S68 B'way, N. T. La Fayette, Lemont Co., 2000 Cortnany, Cincin- nati. La Marr, Harry, Wm. Tell House, Boston. Ls Msse Broa., Moulin Rouge, Bio de Jsnelro, BraalL Ls Moines, Musical, Majeatlc, Dea Molnea. La Porta, Aerial Park, Pulladelpbla; 17, Palace. Haseltown, Pa. La Boss Bros., 107 B. 81, N. T. Ls Tins, Mile., Orpbeum, Spokane. Ls Tosks, Pbil, Pantagea, San Francisco, lndef. La Tour, Irene, 78 Biuret 8t., Newark. La Toy Broa., Van Buren Hotel, Chicago. Lamb'a Manlklna, 1568 B'way, N. T. Larrlvee A Lee, O. H., Blddeford, Me. Laat of tbe Regiment Co., Star, Seattle. Levall Slatera, 148 Golden Gate, Sen Francisco. Landln. Edward, Majeatlc, Little Bock, lndef. Long, George, Cryatal, Bedford, Ind., lndef. La Van A La Valette, Majeatlc. Plttaburg, lndef. La Bex, Wonderful. Clara Turner Stock Oo. Lanet A Ardell, 882 Geneeee, Rocheater, N. T. Laurie, La Petite, Majeatlc, Houston; 17, Ma- jestic, Qalveaton. Lawrence A Healy, Sherman House, Chicago. Lawrence A Dale. 2 New Osstls Court, Boston. La Fleur, Joe, 07 Hanover St., Providence, R. I. Ls Grsy, Dollle, Bijou, Bsclne, Wis., lndef. Le Hlrt, Moos.. 760 Clifford Ave., Rochester. Le Petite Revue. Poll'a, Scranton. La Raub A Scottle. 888 Locust, Johnstown, Ps. La Vine. Clmeron, Trio, 1688 B'way, N. T. Le Clair, Harry, Grand, Tacoma. Le Clslrs, Two, Lyric, Wstertown, N. Y.; 17, Orpbeum, Oawego, N. Y. Le Dent, Frank, Orphenm, Butte. Lee, 8allle. 625 Eighth Ave., N. Y. La Zar A La Zar, 168 Dearborn Ave^, Chicago. Le Fevre A St. John, Majestic, Waxacbacble; 13, Majestic, Wsco, Tex. Le Witt A Asbmore Co. 206 No. State, Chicago. Leahy Broa., De Rue Bros. Mlnatrsls. Leigh, Llale, 140 Arnold, River Side, B. I. Leightona. Three, Orphenm, Salt Lake City. Lee, Jemea P., Unique, Loe Angelee. lndef. Leeds A Ls Msr. 1558 B'wsy. N. Y. Lena, Lilly, 0. H., Cincinnati, O.; 24, Orpbeum, Minneapolis. Lennon, Herbert, Majeatlc, Dallaa; 17, Majestic, Houston. Leonard A Anderson, Forrest Psrk Hlghlsnds, St. Louis. Leonard A Phillips, 701 W. Brie, Obicago. Leonard, Grace, Bt Paul Hotel. N. Y. Leonard A Drake. 1008 Park PL, Brooklyn.