Variety (May 1909)

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20 VARIETY i in In Vaudeville under direction of PAT CASEY • By kind permission Messrs. KLAW <EL ERLANGER and FLO ZIEGFELD, Jr. This Week (Max 3) Keith's Theatre. Cleveland SOS' It. I MWWyMMWMAAMWMAAMiAMlAMMAMI NIFTY NOTE6 "LET'S GET THE UMPIRE'S GOAT" The audiences cry for it like babies do for Mm. Wintlow's Soothing Syrup. IT CERTAINLY IS THERE The boot "Boll Bong" wo ever wrote. If you want a Ball Bono* rot a 1909 model. Don't fo eadilaoing around In one of tbooo old time runabout*. GRAB A REGULAR. Tbla is it. Wo require no answer. TOO, and "HARVEST BOON" alto. published by REMICK "Wore find we're married." Dreano, Josh. Dillon, William. Deano, Sydney. Dtirnton, Barry. Dunbar, James T. Drew, Lowell (a O.) Dietrich, Boy O. Dudley, Alice Cboolyn (0. O.) Damn, Goo. A. (0. O.) Dietrich, Mrs. (C. O.) Darrell * Hodges (0. 0.) Do Mund, Chas. (0. 0.) Dor ant. Paol (0. O.) Daris. Jack. Dunston, Oscar Desmond, Lily. Do Leo, Lillian. Do Verns. Thelms. Doberty Slaters. D'Arcy, D. Y.. Dlerlck, Arthur. Everett. Agnes. Barle, Edward. Ford, Max, Mrs. Foreman, Bobble. Fee, May A Forda. Flyn, Earl. Feathers, Leaalo (0. O.) Facclatrj, Tom <0. O.j Fraocona; Menotl (0. O.) Faccenda. Alberto (a O.) Fischer. Madalyn. Fltagerald A WUooa (C. 0.) Falrehlld, R. D. Fields, Vic. Fisher. Susie (0. O.) Flannery, W. L. (0. O.) Faatell, A. 8. Forreet, Harry. Fay, Join J. field. J. Roger. Flint, Douglaa A Co. French, Henri (0.0.) Florence Sisters. Fraucia, Adeline. Fields, Billy H. Fuller, Etbel, A Oo. Oanlea, F. H. (P. 0.) Oaffney, Belle. Qlrdeiler, Karl. Golden, Sam. Griffith, P. J. Genter A Gil more (C. O.) Gibson. Eatelle. Glllen, Edward. Gould. Jay <0. O.) Gamttt, B. Greenfield. Caroline. Gilbert, Blame, Gotch, Frank A. GUluiore, Low. GUlmore, Lew. Gllck, Loo (U, O.) Green, George. Green, Felix. Geer, Ed. Granger, Mollle. Oleaon, Stella. Gllllhan A Murray Uengler, May. Howard, Wilson. Hyde, Albert. Hanlon, Dlggs A Blerno (0. 0.) Harris, Dixie (0. 0.) Heald, Frank. Hutchinson, Patrice. liyues. Tom. Harrla, Will J. Heald, Henry D. Howard Holl Oo. Uondon, A. T. Hill. 0. W. Hayes, Harvey (O. 0.) *Hsrvey A Loo. Height, Dean A Oft, Hsverley, Bd. Harrla, W. H. Harrison, Charles. Hansel, Bmlle. Hammond, Chas. Harrey A Farrell (O. O.) Hart, Henry (0. O.) Hyde, Jlmmlo. Hales. 0. W. Harford, Sadie. Heurld. Uoppe, Guy. Hlgglna, B, D. Hooy * Loo. Huntley, J. H. Hodges, James (C. 0.) Hewitt, Harry. Hathaway A Selgol. Hutchinson A (0. O.) Hawkins, L. W. Hauituoud, Mrs. Horlsn, Ottis. Hoffman, Max. Hopkins, CoL J. D. Usmmer, Clara Mao. Henry, Arthur T. Haagen, Helen. Hoppe. Adela. Howard, George F. Huntington, Florence. Icaonoa PanacbiotL 0. H. Irwin, Mlao Jeno. Ishmaol, Prince P. F. (0. 0.) Jamison, J Jourdeon. O.) Johns, Harry (0. O.) Jarrow, Bmll (O. O.) Johnstone. Gordon. Johnson. Otto. J en son. Otto. Jones, Miss Gwyn. Johusou. Mark. Jackson, Carl J. Jolaon, Al. Johnstone, Ralph. Klrkwood, Jessie (O. 0.) kllebe, Elalo (0. O.) Kelso. Mrs. John. Kramer A Beheek. KlnseUa. Kathleen. Klngaloy. Julia. Ketler, Joseph. Kenney, Man*! Keown. J. «C. O.) King. Violet. Kelly A Adams. Knowlcs. It. O. I.ane. Chris. (C. O.) Lllllsn. Grade. Lee, Irene, Miss. "Louis King." IIN/I VAUDEVILLE ACTS, TAKE NOTICE The International Theatre and Lumberg'a New Vaudeville House at NIAGARA FALLS, NEW YORK, are both playing VAUDEVILLE for the summer. If you are In tbla vicinity and have any open time please write. Only First-Class Acts Wanted Address HABBIB LUKBEBO, Lessee and Manager International Theatre; also Proprietor Lumberg'a Vaudeville Theatre, BIAOARA FALLS, H. Y. WE'VE GOT A NEW TRUNK Were not going to spring It until next season, but lt'a too good to keep. Wo call It the BAL "HABDT SIZE" trunk, and, Judging from tbe way It baa sold from the sample in our 42d St. Store, It Alio a long felt want. We ore making It In 86" else for men and 40" for women and the tray arrangement, length and width are the aame aa our regular XX trunks of those sloes, BUT It Is only 18" high Inside, Just half way between tbe regular trunk and the ateamer, and It makeo tbe bandleat trunk to pack, move, handle and have around the room or dressing room one could wish for. Ron In at No. 210 West 48d Bt. and look one over. WILLIAM BAL. Inc. SEHE FOX CATALOQim T. BTTILDBBS OF 210 West 42nd Street. New York "J24/ fcmssB " MU/ Tram Leo, H. Linton, Harry B. (0. O.) LeCall, Ed. (O. 0.) LaMont, Grace (a 0.) Low, Oilman. La Frenlere. Arthmr. Letelle, Edward. Lord, Elanor. Levitt Co., J. M. Llnne, Hans (fj. O.) Lenon, Ted. Lelbert, Alex. Lloyd, J. D. La Belle. Miss, Leffler, Bonnie. Llnd. Luther, M. H. (a 0.) Laurie. La Petite (CO.) Lyons A Parka. Levy, Jules. Lee, Juan. La Thar, Dora (a 0.) McMahon, Tom (C. 0.) Mexican Trio (C. O.) McKay, Geo. (McKay A Cantwell). McCall, Billy. Mesaler, Sadie, Miss. Marseho, H. Merl. Gullla. McKlm, Edward. Martin, B. J. Mueller. Albert. Moore. H. L. Mullen, Dennla. Metcbao, Arthur. Mitchell, HaseL Merlin, Helen. Mauran, Stella. Morrle, IJonal. McLaughlin. H. Manning A Murray (0. 0.1 Morris Three (C. 0.) McDonald, W. (0. 0.) McCarthy, W. T. (C. O.) Marola. May (0. O.) McGlbney, Viola (C. O.) Metcalf. Ken (C. 0.) Moore. Herbert (C. O.) Mluton (C. O.) Murrsy. nelen (0. 0.) Morgan. Rlsh. McVay. William. Marr, Lillian (C. O.) Mancdell. Richard (C. O.) Marsh, Byro. Manlon, Lucille. Murray. Joe (0. O.) Montague. Harry (Mon- tague A Duncan). Mallla. Harry (Mellia A Bart). Morey Bros. Maatero, Clara. Mason. H. Morton, Jaa. J. McGlll, Flora. Moncrey, Lena. Montgomery, Marshall. Mills, Cbaa., A Co. Maynard, Grace, Miss. Nlblo, Victor. Nenmann, Frani (The Vlndobouo). Nelson, K., Mlao. North, Happy. Nlles, Virginia. Noal, George. Nelson. Artie (C. 0.) Norton. Jock (C. O.) Neuoa. Gua. Mchols, Wm. Onettl Sisters? (P. 0.) Odell, Bert, Mlaa. Owley A Randall. Overlng Trio. Porter, Lone, Peon, Jennie. Page, John. Page. D. B. Prentice, Mlao (0. O.) Plankleb, Harry (0. 0.) Pearl A Yooer. Peters. Jack J. (C. 0.) Porto Rlcan Quartet (C O.) Perry A Gannon. Phillips Bros. Plsalutoa, Tbe. Quinlan, Gertrude. Qoentln, Reddle, May (C. O.) Renshaw, Bert (C. O.) Reeves, Jamea B. Rivera A Rochester. Richards, Great. Richards, Elenor. Russell, Bertha Nona. Robins, A. D. Rlcharda, Chris. Ryan, Dan. Richmond, Mario. Rodrlgues. L. J. Rundy. H. A. Ruggold, I sols. Roeanl, Mrs. Wm. Raymond, Melville B. (C. O.) Relnhardt. Cyrus (C. 0.) Bay, Elisabeth (C. O.) Reynolds, Max (0. 0.) Rice, Felix (C. 0.) Redell, Ed. Rosen. B. 0. (0. 0.) Renarda, The. Rants, George (0. 0.) Roberta, J. J., A Co. Rogera, J. P. Sharp, Jeaae. Shardo, Claude (C. 0.) Schols. Mr. Schultse, Henry. Sniarl, Mlaa. Smith, 0. F. Strouse. Jack. Stephens, Thos. F. Stone, Fred A. Silver, Morris. Sdhenk (Crandall A Schenk). Stolta, Melville. Baooa, Herr (0. 0.) Slater, F. A. (0. O.) SaJlna. Mile. (C. 0.) Batter lee. Gale (0. 0.) Bulllvan, James F. (0. 0.) Butherlsnd A Curtla (0. O.) Stlnaon, J. B. (0. 0.) Slegel, Emma. Smith, Richard H. Stooer, Grace. San tell. Great (C. 0.) St. Clair, Harry (C 0.) Stevens, Leo Tenlll. Sherman. Daniel (C O.) Stone. Beth. Street. Mlaa Rose. Stlckney, Louise. Beaton, Blllle. Sterling A Chapman. Stanley A Scanlon (C. O.) Shelvey Broo. (C. O.) Scott, Grace, A Co. Tanner A Gilbert (C. O.) Thompson, William. Trimble. Maud. Tate, Harry. Thurston, May Header- Thomas A Payne (0. 0.) Tlvoll Quartet (0. 0.) Tenlll. Frank. Travera, Bella, Mlas. Tlgbe. Harry L. Trovollo. Uhoua, Mrs. OarL Valln. W. Vor (0. O.) Vivian, Annie. Vincent Slaters. Will Marion Cook TEE ORIGINATOR. Former acts—"Clorindy and Memphis Stu- dents." New acts—Original, Sensational, Melodious. "ROSE LAND" Negro Sketch — 86 People. "HAWAIIAN ROMANCE" Musical Drama of the South Sea Islands. ABBY MITCHELL IN COOK BONOS. NEW YORK CHICAGO 134 West 37th Street 67 CiarB Street Wbltehouse, Gracelyn (C. O.) Wilson A Wilson. Williams, Dot. Williams, Frank. Walton, Orvsl. Weston, Willie. Winchester, B. L. Wlttscblrk, Frits. Wilson. Leslie. Williams, Leon. Woodruff, Henry. Wooley, Frank. Walker, Thomas. WhaUen, Mlko. Wiseman, Geo. H. White A Stuart. Wilson, Goo. W. Wolff, Lulu. Wardell. Edith. Wilkinson, Mrs. O. J. Warren, Day A Warren (0. O.) Williams. Male (C. 0.» Williams, Arthur (a 0.) Walters, Ada (0. O.) Wardell. Harry (0. 0.) Wilfred A Lottie. Wetberall, Harry. West, Ethel (C. 0.) Wales, Blale. Welxelbaum, K. Wilson, Mrs. Ada Lane. Werner, Harry. WlUa. Nat. Young, Florian. Youngson, William. Young, James. Young, William (0. O.) Young, Mrs. Wm. (C. O.) Zarrow, George. Zarrow, Bd. Zlnk. Adolpb. Zaleaka. Mlaa B. CORRESPONDENCE Unless otherwise noted, the following re- ports are for the current week: GHICAGO By FRANK WTBSBEBG. VARIETY'S Chicago Office, Chicago Opera House Block. AMERICAN (Wm. Morris, mgr.; agent direct). —"Billy's Tombstones." not new to Chicago, neither Is Sydney Drew. It la still a valuable laugh provoker. The feature Is verily Julian El tinge (second week). He shares tbe top lino with Drew, or ratber the latter enjoys the hesdllne caption with Eltlnge. There waa some shifting at the Monday night performance. The Tora Japs opened with eqnllibrlsm and magic. Memora, who claims to have a faculty for re- membering historical events, answered questions by the audience. Henry Lee gave his remark- able lmpersonatlona of great men, aame aa aeen before. Tbla la bla first local advent for the op- position, bavlng played tbe Majestic here re- cently. Jamea J. Morton dealt a different line MAURICE HAROLD ROSE. THEATRICAL LAWYER 140 Nassau Bt., Vow York. When answering advertietmentt kindly mention Variety.