Variety (May 1909)

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22 VARIETY REPRESENTATIVE ARTISTS REPRESENTATIVE ARTISTS JUST RETURNED f o r u °r m EUROPEAN TRIU Austria Germany South America France AMERICA'S PREMIER COMEDY ACROBATS PHS Week off May 10th Direction B. A. MYERS •American Music Hall, New York Knickerbocker Theatre Building, New York City THE BASEBALL FARCE. a Swat Milligan 55 BrBOZEMAN BULGER Sole Direction J A^lV LtV \ * w york* Phone 2164 Bryant Cable Address "Jaclev, New York." TO WHOM IT MAT O0V0XBX-- TBI* la to state taai Seattle, Weak., April tt, 1H9. Mr. ani Mrs. EDWARD H. LUCAS BAT* play** «*7 satire Olroeit with their Aot, "Scenes from Dickens" •ad have gtoea the batt satisfaction of any dramatio Artiataa that ever played say Circuit, or aay athar Oironit la tha Horthwest, barring none. Toura truly, ALEX. PANTAGI9 REMARKABLE HUMAN DUPLICATES BIG SUCCESS IN AMERICA Open on PANTAGES CIRCUIT May 16th at Pantages, Spokane. Be Ae MYERS, Agent .L—- nm OPENS SEASON at COLONIAL Theatre, LAWRENCE, Mass., Week MAY 17, 1909 "The Girl with the Ansel Voice'' HarrvinP" snep.ial srpnprv nnrl liVhts Carrying special scenery and lights Under sole direction of JACK LEVY, 140 W. 42nd St, New York. Phone 2164 Bryant Cable address "Jaclev, New York" «r\N PRftNGISGO ORPHEUM (Martin Beck, gen. mgr.; agent, direct).—It wan "Oh, yon Frank Fogerty," with the Orpheana gatherings this week, for "The Dublin Minstrel" In his second week easily estab- lished himself the prime favorite. Lillian Morti- mer and Co. were on the bill with a melodramatic sketch, "PC White Trash Jenny," with the players showing superior to the playlet. In fact In leaa capable hands the vehicle might bare fallen. The A mat is Sisters returned to ns once more with Utle change In their catalog of melody and music. They registered a hit. The Knight Bros, and Sawtelle In a singing and dancing specialty got a solid hsnd. The holdovers were Prank Fogerty. Qrlgolatls' Aerial Ballet, Margaret Moffat and Co., Sandor'a Miniature Circus, and Arcadia. NATIONAL (Hid Orauman, mgr.; Archie Levy; agent 8.-C).—Brlndamour occupied the topllne, beading a fair lineup; Mr. and Mrs. Robyns, capable play em In finished playlet which dragged considerably. Jack Burnett and Co. bad a lack- ing vehicle In "The Downfall of Mercury" and failed to gain much approval. Mme. Doherty's White Foodie Troupe proved an acceptable novelty, and Ira Donettl did well with some piccaninny melodies and the assistance of a clever canine. George Wilson, the minstrel man, passed over some taking material, and Joe Good- win proved a clever entertainer. AMERICAN (Abe Cohen, mgr.).—Week 25: A season of minstrelsy was Inaugurated at this down town bouse, 26, with a combination gathered under the styling "Wilkerson's Minstrels of To- day." Much to be regretted, only a first part was given. Instead of the usual olio and farce a merltless musical comedy tabloid filled the space. The seml-clrcle was small bnt made up In quality what was lacking In quantity, and an air of satisfaction pervaded the body of the house when the curtain fell on the first section, only to be heavily Jarred by what followed. On the ends at the opening half were Emlle Subers and Tod Bloom, who put some good matter quite handily, but the big noise came when Al Jolson and John King took their places in the corners. The reception afforded Jolson was of decided warmth, and bis specialty was the hit of the bill. King had a song with an unpronounceable title. It scored heavily. The bill opened with an old- time song and dance specialty offered by those two gallant members of the Coast Defence, Phil Trau and Joe Weston, tha team being pro- grammed as the Brothers Forbes. Weston has lost some of his one-time vigor, but Trau caused them to Bit up and take notice. Tell Taylor put forth bis melody "Someday" in taking form. Will Oakland, the contra tenor, was In aplendld form, bis "Silver Threads" securing five recalls. Matt Keefe offered several yodle selections shar- ing the vocal honors with Oakland. Prank Flgonl and Clinton Montgomery were also in evidence with selections that won approval. The musical comedy, "About Town," contained everything that was detrimental. A weak plot, a question- able cast and a chorus costumed In misfits. Lou Anger was In the cast and struggled hard to nave the piece with small results. Fair business prevailed throughout the week. WIGWAM (Ssm Harris, mgr.; Sullivan-Con- Hldlne- Western States, jointly).—"Little Hip," the baby elephant, headllner, proved a power as n drawing card. The Wurtemberg Bros., the most cspable team of foot Jugglers ever seen here, wss one of the strongest features of a Htrong bill. Ann Crewe and Co., In a dramatic playlet entitled "My Lady Baffles," went In fair fashion. The Atlantic City Four placed them- selves In good standing with some pleasing melo- dies. Mueller and Mueller also rendered a fair account of themselves in a vocal way. Tha Four Haydens, tight wire artists, and Tom Dugan completed. PANTAGES' (W. Z. Tiffany, mgr.; agent W. 8.. O. S. Burns).—The programme was one of excep- tional merit, with honors quite evenly divided. It la quite a time since we have had anything In the sketch line tbat equaled the Christine Hill and Co.'s production "Fate." Depleting Italian low life the characters were admirably handled, and In theme and situations the playlet Is decidedly original. The Orpheus Comedy Four, above the average. J. Aldrlch Libbey and Kathe- rlne Trayer bad a choice spot on the blU and Bhowed to good advantage. Some bright "ad lib" patter by Libbey won hearty langbs. The Morrises offered a musical sketch entitled "The Substitute." and PettroneffJ the violinist waa appreciated. James Keane, appearing for the first time in vaudeville (New Acts). Blake's Mule closed the show. DENVER By HARRY X. BEATTM0HT. Office, Crystal Theatre Building. ORPHBUM (Martin Beck, gen. mgr.; agent, direct).—Week 26: Jamea Nelll and Edith Chap- When answering odvertisementt kindly mention Vabiett.