Variety (May 1909)

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VARIETY 21 GOS EDWARDS is singing these songs at Hammerstein's this week. You should get them at once: "My Old Lady" "Schoolmates" Up In My Aeroplane" and My Cousin Caruso" (Restricted for Ziegfeld's "Follies of 1909" and "Miss Innocence.") i« • 1 UP-UP-UP-UP-UP-UP-UP-UP-UP Lyric by MATT WOODWARD Music by GUS EDWARDS PUBLISHED BY THE GUS EDWARDS MUSIC PUB. CO Astor Theatre Building, 1531 Broadway, New York CALL AND HAVE LEO EDWABDS, "THE HARMONY KID," HARMONIZE YOU. GENTLEMEN PIANISTS ALWAYS IN ATTENDANCE. WE DO NOT FOIST "BOOZLEWOG8," "CIGAROOTERS," UPON YOU. GDS EDWARDS Had his audience "Up in the Air" with this song* It's so catchy* Even Willie Hammer- stein was caught ham- ming it* He nearly got the melody right* Oh, you, Wiffle* Raima & La Farlon, 1337 E. 111th St., N. E., Cleveland. Kalmo, Caaa., 4 Ada, Rtnfllnf Broa., C. R. Kane, Leonard, Crystal, Denver, Colo. Karrell, The Magician, 112 Clark St., c. o. Rata. Chicago. Kaufman Broa., 1058 B'way. N. Y. Kaufman A Sawtelle, 4815 Calumet Ave., Chicago, III. Kaufman A Kenllwortb, 82 W. 181, N. Y. Keane, J. Warren, 1636 Broadway, N. Y. Keastl's Circus, 153 West Otb St., So. Boston, Mass. Kaataa, John V., 70 W. 109, N. Y. Keeley, Lillian, 134 Wadsworth St., B. Boston, Maxa. Keeley & Tarks, Arcade, Toledo; 31, Orpbeum, Lima, O. Keeley A Parka, Orpbeum, Foatorla; 23, Arcade, Toledo. O. Keeley Bros., Sbca's, Toronto, Can. Kelfe, Zena, National, San Francisco. Kelfer A Chapman, 2430 S. 17th, PbUa. Keith A De Mont. 722 W. 14tb PL, Chicago. Kelcey Slaters A Billy Cummlngs, Casino, Wash- ington, Pa. Kellam, Lee. J.. Majestic. St. Paul. Kellerman. Annette, Keith's, Pbila. Kelly, Harry, New York Roof, N. Y. Kelly, Walter C, Palace, London, Eng. Keller, Major, Poll'a, Waterbury, lndef. Keltner'a, Tbrre. 317 Carlisle, Dallas, Tex. Kennedy A PUtler. Family, Braddock, Pa.; 31, Orpbeum, Oil City, Pa. Kennedy A Kennedy, 211 E. 14th, N. Y. Keno, Joe, Globe, Boaton, lndef. Kenton, Dorothy, Deutsches. Munich, Germany. Klefer & Kline. Majestic, Galveston, Tex. Kimball A Donovan. 113 Northampton, Boatoa. Kirk, II. Arthur. HIJou, Superior, Wis.; 31, Lil- lian, Detroit, Minn. Klelst fit Co., Paul. Keith's. Phlla. Knight Bros. & Sawtelle. Orpbeum, Los Angeles. Knight, Harlan A Co., PoM'h, New Haven. Kobera. Three. 66 13th. Wheeling, W. Va. Koppes, The. 117 W. 23d, N. Y. Kobl. Gus A Marlon. 911 Fourth, Milwaukee; Bi- jou, Helena, Mont. Kohl it & Allium*. Cij>hil, Atlnntn, On. Kolb & Miller. Tantages', Portland. Ore. Kolfage, Duke, Crystal. Elk wood, Ind., lndef. Kooper, Harry J., Buster Brown Co. KrafTt & Myrtle. Gavety. Ashevllle. N. C; 31. Savaiuiuh, Savannah, Ua. Kramer. Bruno. 104 E. 14th St., c/o Janslg, N. Y. Kraton, John, 149 Schenectady, Brooklyn. Krantons. The. Empire, Bradford, Eng.; 1, Em- pire, Hull, England. Kretschman, 1110Vb Broadway, Camden, N. J. Kurtls Busse A Dogs, Empire, Edmonton, Can.; 31, Pantages, Seattle, Wash. Kyaeyaa, The. C. O. Performer, London, Bag. Kyle, I., Majestic, Cleveland. Kyle, Tom E., Gourney, Vaud., Owen Sound, Ont, Can., lndef. Lacey, Will, 629 Que., N. W., Waah., D. C. La kola A Lorain, Palace Hotel, Chicago. Lamblottes, The, Vaudeville, Mt. Pleasant, Mich. Lampe Broa., 1008 B'way, N. Y. Lane, Bddle, 805 B. 73d St., N. Y. Lane A Adell, 882 Geneaee, Rocheeter. Lane A O'Donnell, Theatre, New Brunswick; 31, Lyceum, Wilmington, Del. La Blanche. Great. 728 3d, Baltimore. Md. La Centra A La Rue. 2461 2d Ave., N. Y. La Batellta, 1008 B'way, N. Y. La Fayette, Lamont Co., 2909 Cormany, Cladn- natl. La Marr, Harry, Wm. Tel) House, Boaton. I.a Ports, Aerial, O. H., Chester, Pa. La Roee Broa., 107 E. 81, N. Y. I.a Tina, Mile., Orpbeum, Portland, Ore. La Toska, Phil, Pentagon, San Franclaco, lndef. La Tour, Irene, 78 Burret St., Newark. La Toy Broa., Van Bnren Hotel, Chicago. La Velle A Grant, Congress, Portland; 31, Majes- tic, Lewlston, Me. Lamb's Manikins. 1658 B'way, N. Y. La vail Sisters, 148 Golden Gate, San Franclaco. Landln. Edward. Majestic, Little Rock, lndef. Lang, George, Crystal, Bedford, Ind., lndef. La Van A La Valette, Majestic. Pittsburg, lndef. La Rex, Wonderful. Clara Turner Stock Co. Lanet A Ardell. 382 Geneaee, Rocheeter, N. Y. Lawrence A Healy, Sherman Houae, Chicago. Lawrence A Dale. 2 New Castle Court, Boaton. I.a Clair & West. Star. Paducab. Ky. La Kleur. Joe. B7 Hanover St., Providence, R. I. I.aFord, Chas., 327 E. Jackson St., Muncle, Ind. La Gray, Dollle, Bijou. Racine. Wla.. lndef. I* Hlrt, Mons., 760 Clifford Ave., Rochester. I.a Ix>Ie, Helene. Seattle. Washington. La Mar & Gabriel, Hotel Normandle, N. Y. I>a Raub A Scottle. 333 Locust. Johnstown, Pa. I.a Snlle A Llnd, Pantages, San Francisco. La Vine, Clmeron Trio. EaHtctiester "Rd. A Rlilnelander Ave., N. Y. I.c Clair, Harry, 1, National, San Francisco. Le Dent, Frank. Orpheum. Spoknnc. Wash. L<> I'e\re & St. John, Lyric, Houston, Tex.; 31. I.vrlc. Benumont. Tex. Lee. Sallle. 025 Eighth Ave., N. Y. La Zar A La Zar, 168 Dearborn Ave., Chicago. Le Witt A A.shmore Co.. 206 No. State, Chicago. I/eahy Bro*.. De Rue Bros. Minstrels. Leathers. (Iludys, Novelty, Fresno. Cal., lndef. Leigh, Lisle, 140 Arnold, River Side, R. I. Leigh, Grace, New York Roof, N. Y. Leigbtous, Three, Orpheum, Butte. Lee, James P., Unique, Los Angeles, lndef. Leeda A La Mar. 1508 B'way, N. Y. Lena, Lilly, Orpheum, Minneapolis. Lennon, Herbert, Majestic, Galveaton. Leonard A Phillips. 701 W. Brie. Chicago, Leonard, Grace, Bt. Paul Hotel, N. Y. Leonard A Drake, 1099 Park PL, Brooklyn. Leonard, Gus, Majeatic, Little Rock. Leonard A Louie, 810 No. Park Ave., Chicago. Leo, Arthur, 1688 Richland. Baltimore. Leo. Jolly, 786 Carmen, Camden, N. J. Laalle, George W., 180 W. 44th, N. Y. l*alle, Bert, Victoria. N. Y.; 1, Keith's, Boaton. Lester, The Great, Colonial, N. Y. Lester, Nina, Star, Lowell, Mass.; 31, O. H., Nashua, N. H. Lester, Nina. O. H. Gardiner, Me. Levitt A Faila, 716 Orange, Syracuse. N. Y. I>ewls A Young, Wigwam, San Francisco. Lewis Walter A Co., 877 Waablngton 8t., Brook- line, Maes. Lewis, Harr A Co., 181 W. 16th, N. Y. Lewla A Lake, 2411 Norton, Kanaaa City. Mo. Lewla A Manson, 74 Orchard. N. Y. Llndasy, SUlllng A Wllber, Polnter'a Cafe, Ban Franclaco, Cal. Linton, Tom, A Jungle Girls, 410 E. 20th Ave.. Denver, Colo. Llsla A Adama. Gem, Meridian, Mian., lndef. Llttrlnger-Lucaa Co., 24, Pantages' 8acramento, Cal. Livingston, Murray, 880 B. 163d, N. Y. Livingston, David, A Co., Cambridge Hotel Chicago. Llvlngaten Comedy Trio, Rlngllng Bros., C. R. Logan, Bruce, 89 No. 8tate St., Chicago. Loose A Sterling, 89ft Lowell, Rochester. Lola, 1586 Broadway, N. Y. Lloyd, Alice, Bennett'a, Montreal. Lloyd, Herbert, 86 Great Wilson, Leeds, Bag. Long, John, Family, Brie, Pa., lndef. Loraine, Oscar, Bmplre, London, Bag., lndef. Lnblna, Dancing, 931 North Warnock, Phlla, Pa. Lucas, Mr. A Mra. Edward, Pantages, Ban Fraa- clsco. Luco A Luce, Orpheum, Allentown, Pa. Lncler. Marguerite, Hana A Nlxe On. Lnclera, Pour Musical, Box 00, Onset, Maes* Luc kens, Four, N. Y. Hippodrome, N. Y. Lynne A Hansard, Empire, Butte. Lynotte 81aters. SOS State, Chicago. Luttrlnger Lucaa Co., Pantages', San Franclaco. Mab, Queen, A Mr. Wales, Lit. Bldg., Phlla., Pav Mack A Phelps, Young's Pier, Atlantic City. N. J. MacDonald. Chas. A Sadie, 18 W. 109th, N. T. MacDonough, Ethel, London Pavlllion, London, England. Makarenko Russian Troupe, 8tar, Seattle, Waah. Makhow, Geo. F., Bmplre, Milwaukee, lndef. Mallla A Bart, 128 Bennington Bond, Bag. Malteae, Frank A Co., 289 W. 147th St., N. Y. Mandel, Bra., 208 State, Chicago. Manley A Sterling, 111 Scbeller Bldg., Chicago. Manning Slaters, 67 So. Clark 8t., Chicago. 111. Mantell'a Marionettes, Bijou. Valley City, N. D. Manning A Dixon, 41 W. 117tb. N. Y. Manning Trio, O. H., Huntingdon, Pa. Marcbl A Baab, 289 Franklin, Johnstown, Pa. Marchanda, Ths. 169 B. 89th, N. Y. O. Marcua, Harold M., 118 W. 114. N. Y. Mardo Trio, Rlngllng Bros., 0. B. Marlowe, Plunkett A Weston, Grand, Hamilton, Can. Tossing Austins SAIL from Liverpool MAY 21st on the S.S. Celtic. Expect to arrive in NEW YORK CITY about MAY 27th, after two years of success in England and the continent. A few weeks at the old homestead, Dayton, O., and then will start on our American tour. The at home: PUCKS ic (The FIRST act doing HARRY LAUDER in AMERICA. AsR Sime.) My, How They Have Grown" PERMANENT ADDRESS, 166 E. (Otb ST., NEW YORK CITY. tt T MAKES IVIE SO IN/IAD 39 I take this means of informing the profession that the above phrase was coined by me for theatrical use and has stood me i*i good stead. I intend to continue its use, and would kindly ask all good comedians (Germans, especially) to respect my rights. SAM OMAN When answering advertisements kindly mention Variety.