Variety (May 1909)

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32 VARIETY REPRESENTATIVE ARTISTS REPRESENTATIVE ARTISTS You have seen the COPY ACTS, YOU WILL SOON SEE THE ORIGINALS. We have added some new ideas to our act. Pirates, get out your glasses, may help your new act. Address care WHITE RATS, 1553 BROADWAY, NEW YORK GUY RAWSON AID rRANGES GLARE BO V TONS. 'JVST KIDS •• Address VARIETY. MELVILLE ELLIS IN VAUDEVILLE. DICK « ALICE McAVOY "Herald Square Jimmy Blot of ths Newsboys. Address osre VARIETY. VELDE TRIO la Bareness Eqeilibriel Aorobatlo Oemhtaatioa, Including the "LOOF-THK-LOOF" DOGS (The original, set a espy). Fer Perks sad Fairs address Miss Bthel Behlaeoa, Westers Vaudeville Association, Ohloate* Permanent address, oars YABTBTY, CBdeage Oflee. Valerie Bergere ABD HER OWN COMPANY. Presenting a repertoire of Playlets as TIME ALL PILLED 99 In her ORIGINAL HULA-HULA-DANCE 4$ BOOBED SOLID 99 HAWAIIAN TRIO BY UBITBD BOOKING OFFICE. HIS D RR! -- Ml ! « i i "THOSE" Laugh ma ken, Surrounded by "THAT" Laughing Act— EUGENE ELLSWORTH and EDNA EARLIE LINDON WEEK MAY St, MAJESTIC THEATRE, DENVER, COLO. HIS DAY O ! — MIS TH« Onlr Act Of Kind las Vatadevill* The World's Greatest Fortrsyer ef Yaahee Femsle Characters. HARRY LaMARR Bow la Vaudeville. "THAT FUBBY OLD MAID." As tbe Booky Mountain Sonbrette. Playing United Time. IT I » Halliday and Curley "AT THE NORTH POLE" A Scenic Production, with Novel Mechanical and Electrical Effects Particulars later JIMO.ZOUBOiJI.AKI THE VELOCIOTJB CLAY CARTOONIST The aeaith of quiok clay modeling. MANAGERS and AGENTS This sot wUl appear at the COLUMBIA. BIOOKLYN. WEEK 17th, and we iarite yon to CALL AND SEE PEARL TANGLEY "WSSB&* Her blackboard tests sre unequalled. She answers all questions (which may be written at home and sealed) while seated over the orchestra pit. blindfolded, with committee on stage. All settlDgs open for Investigation. BUTTE 401, 67 B. CLARK ST. CHA9. at. WELCH, Mgr. CHICAGO, ILL. Special Scenery, Special Paper, New Settings and Costumes, Now Under Constmotion. ftKIETY IMS BBOADWAY, BBW YORK CITY. CARDS OF ARTISTS UNDER THE SHEADING OF <r " REPRESENTATIVE ARTISTS " AT FOLLOWING RATES: 1*1 Inch single ool., $4.00 monthly, net 1 Inert •• 7.00 1-2 Inch double ool., 0.60 I tnoh 12.60 ti i« 2 Inohee double ool., B22.S0 monthly, not 1-21 oh •oroee page, 1 S.00 1 Inoh ,r 26.00 " 2 Inches M 60.00 " LrO>s>a«r ^psce Pro Ratav Bo advertisement under this heading accepted for less than on« month and no preferred position given. Remittance must accompany advertisements forwarded by mail. Cash discount for 6 and 12 months. BILLY AND JESSIE Working ear Doable Aot again. Classy Duets sad rFAdft variety. A "Live" Aaeat reealred. m iv m t toemmU kindlp wimHon V,