Variety (Feb 1942)

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^^ednesdaj, Febniary 2S, 1942 47 Bills Next Week -Contlnned from pace 4u- CfQCO Gordon Vlo Hallon Carrullo^l**" <'*> Colles* Ida Connio Jlonaon yarlo Hoix Hf>Qry Gnvin ^uth Templet.-1 jorry Uelmftr Oro (jeo Clifford Oabrlelle Kinlly Arden Arlene ThompiOD - Uilly Hey IJlennor Teeman PDt Sherlln pro : (n Walton Boon QuH Van ilnilolyo Whlto j-RUl Uuko H'wood Blondes (3) Cnelane & Darry Glnmour Glfl nolon HeolU Eddie Ue Luca Ore Jam 8«tfk)B Billy ICretcliinor GcorRe Lutz JfopklDR'lliaiUkAUoi Cy White l>Ave Cold Oro Toot Somll CIoo Valentin* Lloyd Mnnn Marrle Drummond BiibB Roth Janice Rlece Lejclnrttto Cnaloo Mnda Uef Norma Krleiter Jackie Wbalen Yvonne Tork Db Lloyd McKay Garvin Duichell O Lido Vevlco Joan Maurle Cnrnit^n Torrento Bill Joy Ullly Kelly ThelniQS KOdIo Uluin Oro I.lttle Ratlmkoller Hoi £ Honoy Bee Peters 8lB Hence Villon Jxton Fields Elaine B Barrymore Victor Huco'b Oro I^o'a Cluinccllor Bar Mlokcy HouH Don Honolda (4) Mayoa Bonnie Jncol)8 Ilarrv McKay Johnny Jason I*a Vonne Louis Wright Oro Minstrel Tttfon Harry Comlsh Ed UcQoldrlck. Jr. Joe LonoEan Anita Marglo March Snlly Poy Sissy GInnle Loftui Ed McGoldrtck. Sr Uoravlnn Bar DIcU Wndn Ctirt Wcller (4) Slumiy Rhythm Bur Kay It ay BPtty Behrle Mickey l>o Luca I'eny Pan Ion Itonny Curr Ifary Lovo Edna Robinson Vomie 1^0 Dotty King Ore Frod Thompaoit (3 Nell DteRhtin'e Halo Hamilton « J^onard Cooke Mago Si ICnrr Varr^n Dodcn Rhythm Manlnca Gunrdsincn ft Mnr* Geo .Miirclietil iirr Old Hills TAveni Jano Lynd Al KIrkbi-ldo Valdcr St reggy Ray O'Day Billy Bayeg* Oro Open Door Cafe Joan Mnrtlno JaannotleK (10) Gr^ce O'llara Frnnkle Schiuth Don & Dorese VJola. Klolos Oro raiombo'a TTonettea Kayo 4 Qreye Cordello'a Cojilnea Henry Patrick Johnny Cablll ~ Pepper* rhlladelphln Hotel Mordn Lloyd Cliff & Carmody Xeabelle Johnson Dick Wharton Ore BUa Carlton Howard Lanln Oro Bonuus Grills Al Capron Ore Merrill ft Mllvan Sammy VTeston Betty Frederickfl Qlorla Dale Bentfcxvoaa <Botol Senator) Internationals (3) Beale St Boys Snm'e Cafe Dave Stelner Victor Benak Joe McPaddon Btaok-£yed Peas Nadlne Watz Kln^a Bbytbro SUver I^ke Inn Col Geo Reed Mooya Alba Alice Luciiy Ducheas 4k ■ Herman Carios ft Comenclta Frank Haasel Uro Btemp's Cbaoff Jack Spongier Dolly RaoiU Ola Lonnlo Vale Helen Jerrico Continentals (4) Boa Boy Oordens Dorothy ft Beatrice Shtolla Stan- Ad Lib Bond Bros ' Agnes WUlls Don Anton Oro e»th et. BaUuhdler Jack Owynne Don Ostro Oro Sandra Judy Ellington Barry, Prince ft C Shirley Heller Bky-Vne Tommy Carlyn Oro Bette Smiley Union UrlU Sammy Walters Roy Stevens Billy Adams Bill Atkinson Elwod Joster Lillian Clair Phlllpls Elton Brown Victoria Spevy Joan Olcott, Tony Bennett Ore Snan Clnb Chick Mullex7 3 Keys MItKl OrofT BalM) Cummlngs ^ Barl Denny Ore totto Cealnry S Peppers 'Kenny Shaffer (3) Sally La Mar Blanche Saunders A Strohman f3) Venice Grill Nick Varnllo Oro Joe Altoo Zola Gray Dolores I<auroll T*oggy Hon vena Warwick Hotel Roy Morton Ore Weber's Hot llniu Camden Qlnger Harris Sally, Jack & M Accordlonalreii Norma Radno Tomple City (4) Dave Plemon Pen Bannermnn jQlea KIncco's Oro Syd Golden Hathffr Klfloradtana Connio Nolan IVilfion's Joe Hough Art Mathues Betty Hcnnt Gerard Bonm <^rol Joyce Bort I-yn Catberino Woltr Gl:i Goo Banuei orv Vaclit Club Harry Holly Joan Ware Joan Corn-/. DIano Collier Victor Nelson Oro Al Gold Frank Katale Mike Sandreito Villa Madrid BtKl Covato Oro Mark Lane Michael Strange Texan Tommy Wondor Pony Sherry Marrh Bams & White Puriiell Dane BOSTOH Beachcomber Harry Morrlssey Oro. Chlco SImone Ore Dagmar Jaok ft Lorraine Beach-charmers (ft) UllBStmb'B Peier Bodge Ore Boyd Heathen Parke ft Clifford Dennis ft Dublns U&rtnellB Clnb Alnyfolr Ranny Weeks Ore Nlok Jerret Ore Erik Rhodes Dob Williams Red Dust Del KloH Claire Francis Boots McKeona Rev aab Vnnlty l^lr Jooy Masters Ore Madel'e Harrington Stella Ray Qlnnlo O'Keeto CocoHnnt Grore Mickey Alport Oro Don Rico Ore Buster Kelm Rev Billy Paine Marianne Francis Evelyn Martin Stapletons Sander Olanz Lou Perry (Blelody Lounge) Gertrude Woodsum Herb Lewis Copley Ploaa (ShemtoB Hoom) Ruby Newman Ore Dorothy I<«wIm <M erry-G o-Boaod) Mark Gilbert 9 - Copley Square Hotel Al DoForrcal Arthur Ward Cnin-foni House Freddy Rubin Ore Crawfordeties Sally Keith Vera Lament York & Tracy Bobby Bernard Marya Breep Fox ft Uoiuds Milton George Oro <Bhomba Casino Boom) Charles Wolk Oro Hl-llat Pete norman *Oro Terry Andre Frank Potty Hotel Bradford (Circus Room) JncU Dnvlfl Luelllo ft J Moloney Hotel Bninstrlolt (Uennuda Tervnce) Charlie Barnet Ore Hotel emex Ken Travcrn Oro Jack Manninc Ore Billy Kolly Ada Marova Uni Grotn VIn Daley Joan Monti Eleanor Dninnd Hotel Lenox Dob Hardy Ore Kay I vera FITTSBUBGH Anchorogo Moynnrd Dean Oro Arlington l^ge PbU CavoKza Oro Juno Gnrdnor Fran It ago Balconatlee MUlor Usllrh Oro Babs Jeffrey Bill Green's Baron Elltotl Ore Mory Krclg Jack MrCarthy Babe llhodos Dlek Mack Billy l)ou>;los Pee Wee JjOuIs Sonny Palgon Blue Rlilge Inn I.ou Lucky Oro Benny Austin Harry Manning t^ornell Cooper Sylvia Starr lloogie-Wooglo Club Boog Sherman Maxie SInton Harry Coinorada JJuddy Ulnino J Coniorada Club Petite riccolo Poto Orr l*atll Gene Goprglo Claire J ft L Marks Cork aud Itottlr •NolKon Maples Colontnl Art Parrnr Urc Eddie Peyton'i* Ktnny Clark Urc , . r>i Club i-yda liodnok >Iax Tarshls I'ftl MrC'aiiley Hotel Fort PIti I<<;n Dallcv Ore folinny Mitchell lUrry Walton Jaanio Whenllcy Hotel Urnry (Silver Grill) Dorothy Mntth'>wB UscoriB (Gay 00*8) Dorothy Nodbllt Hotel 7(h Avenne MIko Barker 4 Hotel Roosevoll Art Baker 4 Jolo Hotel Sclienivy nilly Hinds Ore Joy LInd UotcT Wm I'eno (Cliatterbox) Sammy Wntklna Ore (Continental Ituri Frank Andrlni 4 Meny-^o-Bou nd Howdy Baum Ore New HUlcreet Benny Burton Ore Betty Lee Skip Nelson Nixon Cafo Al Alarlsco Oro Bob Carter l.oster ft lrmn Jenn Rochelle ft Bcobe Genevieve Llptnn Kretlow Dane Orchartl Inn Rudy Gale Ore OnslH Charlie Lann Ori- Fines Don Ruttor Bill LeKoy Ore Squirrel Cmip Tiny Miller Joey Reynolds Dale Harkness Ted Delmnnlco IMdIo Miller Tacht Club H Middleman "i- Jackie llpllor Dully Bull Hotel Mlnerra Bunny McVey Oro Barbara Douglass llolol BomerMt • (Biilliieee Room) Ubby Ilolman Roily Rolls - Harry .Marahard O Holcl Stnller (Terrace Room) Lelghton Noble Ore (Cafe Booge) Sali*y Cavlcchio Ore Hotel Vendoroe (Fife ft Drum Rm) Jolcne Victory a Terry Pepin International Cafe Ted Crowley Oro Norman Bolster Jan Stalling Georgo Allen Billy Hunt Ben Clnb Parrcu Uroa Oro Rubs Howard Jerry ft Lillian Latin Qourter Anihoay Bruno Orv Ithumbollers Oro Don Richards Walter Donahue l*at llooney Jr Nellie DurkiD U Bernard Dancers Colntona J Hoist ft Milady Bob Uu Pont (Loange Bar) Rum ft Strum Bacudero ft La Plata Sllaml Grove Jimmy McHale Ore Lennlo FItz Tom Cbales Ella. May Waters Phillips ft Breen Charles Homer Georglne Stevens Arthur Martel . Bio Casino George Harris Ore Benny Drohan Helen Carrol Buster Kelm Rev (tiarden l^nge) Mat ft F Dearbon Seven Seas EstrelUta LaRoche ft Rolna Buccaneers 7 Seas Hawallaos O Steaben's (Vienna Boom) Lew Conrad Oro Artlnl ft Conaueto Ada GonxalcB Trio Dorothy Decrlng Doris Abbott Jimmy Marr The Cave Don DIBona Ore jACk Fisher Tamara DorJva Sammy Burns Jimmy M.irr Artlnl ft Consuelo I'lr-etio^ (S> Tlr-To*- Olaudo Hopkins Ore Juc Novlloa Ore Murnnlf Howard Fuller tt Sl> Tremont I'Ihxa Duke Lorenxo Oro Dolores Lament Mlokeyottes Joe Banket Oro Ncblolo'e Fay ft Andre Johnny Policy Laskey Sis Clem Hawkins Leonard Seel Ore Northwood Inn Dale Rhodes Theresa Rudolph I.*on Amnto Ray Carlln Oro Olde Woyne Clnb Rafnol do Lao Oro Pulm Beacb Pat Patterson R & Mary Normnn Gardner Gls Monnio Drake Don Pablo Oro Penobscot Club Patricia Willis Diane Dale Pamela Drltton Don Royale Oro Hack's Bedford Inn Mao McGruw Ore Boyale Rverett West Conoolo ft Melba Martez A Dellia Geo Mooro Tip-Top Gls .Vylene Mason Skeeter Palmer Ore- Stotler Betel Pancho Ore Soka Buddy Lester (■eorgcs ft Annette BInlne Barrett Carol Crane Bill ft >l Burns r^onnnl Seol Ore StiD Diego Gone Kmerald . Glenn Dole The Bordcns Dotty :?loan Cliff Arvin A) Alrxond'^r Oro Stevndora 'Oood ft (;endy Great .Selgfreld Eddy Shepherd Jack Thomas uro Tlie Tropic* Merrlu T^mb Ore Verne* 1>ave Bni-imm fori ft I<«nliia Knyo Pennlngirn IKot^ 'I'hurHton JncU Nt'lson Ore Whltder Hotel (Gold Cub Boom) Herman Pine Wondrr Ittir Madelon Baker Manuel LniHtz Ore Sammy Dlbon Oro GOO Clob Dale Rhodes - Dl Giovanni Good ft Goody Dm tie Ard Jttan Moore Joy ft Juonlta Delia ft Drigo Horaes Bouck Orr Mrs. Roosevelt ^^ContiBueii rrom page Big '5' and Decree sContimicd from pace 6= equally Melvyn CIEVELAKD Ali>liio Vlltiice l-Tiibprt Cn^tto Morlany «c Ucll Uaro Corda U«l Kay Willie Mnllhlas Ore Bob Coiirrr Eldorado Club Juhnny Koalliue O FrcOdle'l Cnfe Janls Uovtfr Mantiattanetlcs Herb Rosa Ore Goiirmot Club Royal HRwallanv O JuloH & Webb Uotcl Allerton Joo Unltll Ore Il0f»l Cnrler Thlxlon Sprenirer Ambni'aaUora Oro Charlea Wlek llotal CI»v«UiBil Art Jurrct Ore Hotel Feiiwny l!ull Keiinelli Ita.sinuason Polfton Gardner Coram llotrl HoUradeD Polcr Hlcslns nillouo & R'harda VIckl Nevada Sill McCune Ore llotrj siatler CllDt Xoblo Ore La Conan Clob Freddie Carlona Ore LliHlHuy'a Skjbar Kokoino nay Raysor Sue Pnndora Hal SlinpHOD .Monaco's Cafe Jullanna nlalne, Elaine Bond I'l-Hne Reynolds Mario's Ore RsKQl Club Ducky Malvin Ore 3700 Club Jucy BIflhop nort Gilbert Don Walsh Ore men and we should be grateful to men like Mr. Douglas.' • Miss Chane; was also defended by Mrs. FDR, who declared the fact thai the dancer was a friend of hen had no bearing, but the tact she thought Miss Chaney could do the job did lave a bearing. Mrs. Roose- velt also defended danclnp as a means to physical fitness. Mayor LaGuard:a skipped the Washington phases of civilian de- fense, but c.^nmended the contribu- tion to morale by the theatrical in- dustry, in New York.. He disclosed that more than 700,000 free tickets to legit shows, films, football gGmnes and every other tomi of amusement had been supplied to the Soldiers and Sailors Recreation Committee and distributed since last summer. LaGuardia delivered his good words for show business on his regular weekly talk on WNYC, New York's municipal station. Mrs. Roosevelt, speaking on her NBC coffee-sponsored show, took public cognizance for the first time of the repeated attacks on her. by column ist Westbrook Pegler. She men tioned him by name (something he is said to have been waiting for for three years), calling him 'the virtu ous Westbrook Pegler' and classing him with the 'unenlightened men' on the side of the 'privOeged few. Oook-CHillllnc Holrl (Uuuk I'nsinu) .Meta Slauder Prank (inKcn C^rc (Jlolor Uarl OIck Itock Itoncry Cynda Glcno loung Sis Hlo Uros Patino & Ross Don Arden l>utie Johnny KInff Charllu Carlisle Denny Resh Ore Casanora Wilson Si Merielt Orlenta Tom Chalos Gladys Vox Jessira Garwood Lee Wallers Ore Club Coaco T.arry .Steele Marcaret Watklns lllllle Holiday Johnny lludKlus Bob Pnrrlsh Miller & Booge'- Congo Ore Barl Daneer Corktown Tuvrrii Hon Harris Hart ft Alll.ion Pnnchlla Villa IMiU Skllhiian On DETROIT Frontier Riincli Denny McCurtIn Juno lOldrlUge l-'uyo ft Andro Ginger Sutton Art Me a nnncliorofl Orr Irvtng Specter Grand Terrace Gloria Parker Ore Earl Parchman llnj'mnrkH Marvin Jenaon Pedro ft llafaol Tucker ft Tremnlne Pholjis ft Culianblnc (.'liRrmMten Oro llond'e Sun Val Serenadern l<onden Cliop llnuw Marlon Stanfleld f'onnle Barleau chet Evorhart Ituby Ore Club. Mayfalr .Marty Joyce Carol Crane MervIn Jensen Dorothy Gorron Phil OHen Oro Mlrhey's nilly Meagher rharka ft It JcnLInn Ln Tcnirlo Kay VInt'cni Senator Pepper Salutes Pix Biz at Variety Fete Detroit. Feb. 24. This country owes a debt of grati- tude to the film industry for Its pre- war pictorial warnings of the dan- gers which now are at hand, Senator Claude Pepper told 500 showmen here at the Variety Club's pioneer banquet honoring 12 of Michigan's veteran theatre operators. 'I want to apologize for the ele- ments in Congress which didn't see or refused to see the contributions made by the industry before the war came upon us,' Sen. Pepper de- clared. 'It is time that we expressed our gratitude to the movies for their warning. We can see now that there were no exaggerations of the wick- edness of the Nazis and their devll- ishness in most of the movie por- trayals.' James J. Walker, former New York mayor, was toastma.ster at the banquet which paid tribute to an approximate 400 .vears in show busi- ness with most of the 12 honored having been at it for more than 30 years each. Those singled out this year were OUie Brooks, Ed Kirch- ner, Fred DeLodder. Ed Beatty, Jim Ritter, Jacob Stocker and Harlan Starr, all of Detroit: Paul Schloss- man, of Muskegon; Bob Peltier, of ML Clemens; Ray Branch, of Hast- ings; Glenn Cross, of Battle Creek, and Tom Ealand, of Femdale. Set as an annual affair another 12 vet^ erans will be singled out next year. Jane Bart is the new vocalist with the Sophistocats, Paul Lea.'ih'orches- tra, currently doing the Yawn Club over WWJ, Detroit However, in its turn at the new Penolwcol Club, De- troit, the orchestra is using Pamela Britten and Patricia Willis on the lyric chore.i!. with them on a single deal. Where the unscreened product isn't identi- fiedi cancellation privileges would obtain. However, ihe five that were tradeshown would not be can- cellable under any condition. Since exhibs are much less in fa- vor of the decree than the distribs, with latter seeming to like it more than they thought tliey would, sales on a yearly basis with 20% cancella- tion without strings and also on a twice-yearly basis, are being dis- cussed. Members of the exhibitor group on the UMPI subcommittee who were in Washington during the past week to contact Arnold and Wright, on sales and arbitration suggestions, included Jack Kirsch, Ed L. Kuy- kendall, R. H. Poole, William F. Crockett, Sidney Sam'uelson, Bob White,.Max A. Cohen and Col. H. A. Cole. A ninth member of the com- mittee, Joe Vogel of Loew's, did not -go. There is some belief that if the decree should ultimately go by the boards and the UMPI group works out an intra-industry trade plan, that arbitration would be continued with the American Arbitration Assn. in charge of administering the machinery, Jadt* Goddard's Nix It was a week ago today on Wed- nesday (19) that Federal Jud^ Henry W. Goddard refused to allow the Government to try only certain issues of its case against United Art- ists, Columbia and Universal. Under the terms of the consent der cree signed in 1940 the U. S, was required to secure a ' judgment against the three non-theatre own- ing defendants by June 1, 1942, or an escape clause let the. producer exhibitors out of the picture selling provisions of the decree. The Government, declaring that the questions asked in interroga- tories were similar to ones submitted two years ago, asked that they be stricken. A hearing on their relC' vance was held, at whicTi time Wright, special assistant to the at tomey general in charge of the Gov. emment's suit, told. the court he only wanted to try the blockbooking and blind selling angles of the de- cree. Immediately the attorneys for the three smaller companies ob- jected, claiming such a procedure was unfair to them. It was pointed out to Judge God- dard that if the U. S. was unsuccess- ful In this action it could still bring up the other points at a later date. Wright admitted to the court that he had no basis for his request other than the discretion of the court. Judge Goddard then Immedltaely de- nied the request: The court stated, 'I'm not altogether pleased that the U S. has waited aU this time to hasten Uils case. •It is not quite fair. I don't think this court should allow the Govern- ment to pick out certain Issues over the objections of these defendants. If you try the one or two issues, the remaining ones will be hanging over their heads. I would like to see this decree succeed but not at someone's expense.' Wright then said it would be im- possible for the Government to get the entire case ready for trial against the three non-theatre own- ing companies by June 1. He de- clared the only recourse was to go to the five producer-exhibitors and se- cure an extension of time. If any one of the five, or all five, object to granting the extension, they may withdraw from the block.s-of-flve and tradeshowing provisions of the de- cree but are !itill bound to arbi- trate. Wright declared the next move was to get the attitude of the pro- ducer-exhibitors on an extension, which must of necessity tie for a year since the new selling season starts in June, and an extension of three or six months would throw a monkey wrench into the entire proceeding. The .suit against the ilttle three was removed from the ready calendar for trial and placed at the foot of the reserve calendar. The interrogatories were adjourned indefinitely. Prior to this move, an application by the Government to iorce 20th Century-Fox to give up 20 of 40 theatres acquired since the decree and Paramount 16, of 197, was ad- jpurned to March 19. Both sides have agreed to stipu- late on the facts and on the law, .so little or no oral argument will be held. Judge Goddard indicated that if no agreemonl could bp reached he would be forced to give the case to a special master, but both the film companies and the Govern- ment indicated no such move would be neces-'ary. At the end of ..the day's session Wright told the court, in response to a question, that he could not say how well the block- booking-blind selling elimination was working out It had been in operation only a short time, he said; so no complete results could as yet be reported on its operation. Patriotic Revues ^^^Contioued from pase 3 ^^^ the Met soprano. Gene Lockhart Is bringing a revue with cast of 18 from the Coast. Late Carole*Lombard was to have set the ball rolling. Producer of the five traveling re- vues and negotiator for the visit- ing headliners is Eric Greenwood, formerly of the Max Gordon and Sam Harris offices. Revues run about two hours, use line-girls, with average cast of 35 being recruited from local stage and radio circles. Revues are tagged 'PuU Together, Canada,' 'Slpg Out the News,' Thumbs Up,' 'Ritzin' the Blitz' and 'The Masquers.' Publicity for quin- tet is being handled by Bob McStay, 'Variety's' Toronto mugg. Radio as ParC af Drive Montreal, Feb. 24. Canada's fourth Victory War Loan (the first two were styled War Loans) has commenced its drive and is for a minimum amount of $600,000,000. As with the others, the present campaign is using Ca- nadian Broadcasting Corp. stations across*Canada as well as the inde- pendent English and French stations. Roughly, the set-up is the same as in the past There are frequent spot-announcements and virtually all half-hour and hour programs have the usual appeals. In addition time is being giv^n to prominent speakers, French as well as Eng- lish, to whip up enthusiasm and, as all the other have done, the current Loan will, it Is hoped, go much ahead of the official figures in an all-out attempt to get it heavily oversubscribed. Most of the radio end of the driv* is on a sustaining basis, but there will also be some payments by the government on special appeals. Once again, the amounts paid to ra- dio will not compare with that paid out to daily and weekly papers across Canada. Full-page and halt- page advertisements costs make budget for radio trifling in compari- son. " In the last bond drive it was esti- mated that press of Canada cut up close to $500,000 in paid copy. Radio perhaps got $50,000, at a station man'i guess. H'wood Bacldog ^= Continued from pace has eight films editing, a record for the company. Eight features will be on starting slate at Republic before the end of March, starting witli 'H^me in ■■'■yoming,' which went Into produc- tion over the weekend. zetb-Foz'i 36 20Lh-Fox has released or trade- shown 36 pictures for the current season. Another 10 are in the cut- ting rooms and two more are before the cameras, making a total of 48 features completed or shooting. Two English-made pictures, 'Kipps' and 'Young Mr. Pitt' will be released in regular consent decree blocks. Starting dates on four new features have been set these pictures* being likely slated for 1942-43. Universal scheduled 47 features, seven actioners and seven v/estems, and has finished 38 of the first three of the second with, a fourth to go this week, 'Escape from Hongkong,' and five of the Johnny Mack 'Brown westerns. Studio has five features in work with ^our to go. including another Abbott and Costello. comedy and one from Frank Lloyd. Also compleud are the four serials prom- ised for 1941-42. Warners, without a specific pro- gram for the season, has eight features ready for release, three more editing and five in production. Preparing are another 12 tor imme- diate production, plus a total of 27 .slated li hn m.nlc durin'.: """