Variety (Sep 1943)

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Wednesday, September 29, 1943 43 HERE'S THE BIG A BIG BALLAD! A BIG COMEDY SONG!... A BIG NOVELTY NUMBER!... THE BOYS ARE Jarching to THE SERGEANT'S cJoUBLE TALHy but in bftM ^„ %„ th t,,lh the »«'* er9 ' g I'VE HAD THIS FEELING BEFORE (BUT NEVER LIKE THIS) Words and Music by Sam H. Stept Slowly Chorus. I'VE HAD THIS FEEL-1NG3E-FQKE;, r ~ Bui Av-erlik* W Mto ef-erdreomed. Hits could hap -pen To somi one sup-posed hbi smarl 1 ins 3ui so hos that /kiss!. 1 lenow ttj the way myTvuxrl Uaps Thai this lime I'm play- try for foepr. yes. SANTLY-JOY, Inc., 1619 Broadway, New York-19 TOMMY VALANDO, Prof M'g'r BENNY MILLER Chicago JACK FAY Boston MURRAY LAZAR Hollywood